Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 31: Brother said


The senior brother was very happy about the arrival of Xu Chuan and the others, so he grabbed them and drank a lot of wine. Xu Chuan had a good drinking capacity, and he didn't care how many glasses he drank. In the end, the senior brother collapsed, and he drank several glasses of wine happily. , while looking at the senior brother who originally wanted to get him drunk but now he was unconscious, snickering secretly. Chang Xiaojun, who had an average drinker, was depressed because Xu Chuan always refused to tell him about the investigation. He drank a few glasses and drank them all secretly. As for the other people, they were already drunk, especially Xiao Wu, who was very excited when drunk. He was already dancing around and screaming non-stop. Chang Xiaojun looked at his watch and said to Xu Chuan: "Send brother back. It's already so late and we should go back. It will be hard for us to climb the wall with these three drunkards later." Xu Chuan He stopped drinking and said with a smile: "Okay, who told them to drink so crazyly? It's hard to believe that you didn't fall down this time."

After sending his senior brother back to the dormitory, Chang Xiaojun got a few cups of strong tea to wake up the two drunk people, and ordered Xu Chuan to help them both, while he held Xiao Wu tightly to prevent him from breaking free and running around. . Along the way, Xiao Wu was so excited that he yelled and said nonsense like "I love you" to Chang Xiaojun from time to time, making Xu Chuan and his two half-drunk roommates behind him laugh non-stop. Not long after, Chang Xiaojun couldn't hold it anymore and couldn't help shouting: "No, Xu Chuan, we have to take a shortcut back. My bones are almost falling apart." Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Just one way back, you What shortcut did you take?" Chang Xiaojun said: "Didn't someone just say that there was a path next to here that you can walk on?" "Oh my God!" A roommate was so frightened that he lost half of his drunkenness: "Are you kidding me? That's the place where the dead female doctor was dragged. What's it called 'Brother Road'? How dare you go to such a terrifying place?" Chang Xiaojun said: "Do you believe this kind of nonsense gossip? Even if there is really something. Ghost, we have the great mage Xu Chuan here, do we need to be afraid? Xu Chuan, are you right?" He thought Xu Chuan would smile and answer yes, but who knew that Xu Chuan glared at him and said: "I am not Pluto. I’m also afraid of ghosts.”

Chang Xiaojun said helplessly: "Then you find some ropes to tie up Xiao Wu, and I won't take shortcuts." "Wait a minute!" Xu Chuan's expression suddenly became solemn, and he asked the two people leaning against him to The roommate stood up, walked to the entrance of the path, pulled out a piece of grass, looked at it carefully, and touched it carefully. Finally, he put it in his mouth and chewed it for a long time. Finally, He stretched his brows and said with a smile: "Okay, let's take a shortcut." Chang Xiaojun said: "Are you afraid that the evil ghost discovered that night will cause trouble on this road? Can you beat it?" Xu Chuan haha He laughed and said, "Is there? Is there a ghost? Why didn't I see it?" As he said that, he helped the other two roommates to walk into the path. Chang Xiaojun glared at Xu Chuan with a slightly annoyed look. , pulling the excited Xiao Wu into the path first. A strange white light flashed slightly in Xu Chuan's jacket pocket, as if suppressed by something. It passed in an instant, and the crisis had quietly unfolded behind them. On this path less than a hundred meters long, something happened. The separation from death can be completely performed.

The path was very narrow, barely allowing three people to pass abreast. Chang Xiaojun and Xiao Wu walked in front, and Xu Chuan and the other two walked behind. Chang Xiaojun said: "Xu Chuan, did you go and see the female doctor when she died that day?" Xu Chuan said "hmm" noncommittally. For him, who often deals with ghosts, dead people are nothing new. thing. Chang Xiaojun said: "I heard that he died tragically. That day..." He turned around to see Xu Chuan's reaction, but was involuntarily stunned. Under the bright moonlight, Xu Chuan raised his right hand, and a bright watch strap was exposed, but his face looked at the sky with a weird expression, and he didn't say a word. Chang Xiaojun said: "What's the matter, Xu Chuan? It's too late. Do you have anything to do?" Xu Chuan looked at him, his lips suddenly trembled, and there was an uncertain look in his eyes. Suddenly, Chang Xiaojun suddenly Thinking of a terrible question: "Could it be that... on this road..." Cold sweat began to break out on his back, and Xiao Wu's shouts were even more creepy on this unusually silent road.

However, to Chang Xiaojun's expectation, Xu Chuan suddenly returned to normal, waved his big hand and said: "Nonsense! There is nothing on this road. I was just a little drunk just now. Let's keep walking." Although Xu Chuan His tone was very calm, but Chang Xiaojun keenly noticed with the corner of his eye that Xu Chuan's eyes quickly moved to the dial twice while he was speaking. Strange, why does Xu Chuan always look at his watch? Is there something on the watch? Before Chang Xiaojun could think carefully, Xiao Wu suddenly yelled, broke away from Chang Xiaojun's support, and fell to the ground with a "thump". "Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you?" Chang Xiaojun hurriedly went up to help him, but Xiao Wu, who was lying on the ground, suddenly shouted and turned over on his back, with his eyes staring upward, and he pushed Chang Xiao with his right hand. Jun staggered and shouted sternly: "Brother~" This shout immediately frightened the other two roommates who were half drunk and woke up. "Xiao Wu, stop shouting. You are drunk. Go back to sleep!" Chang Xiaojun rushed forward again to help him up. Suddenly his figure froze in the air. Xiao Wu lay on the ground and slowly lifted him up. His hands stood in the air and trembled slightly as if trying to grasp something. Chang Xiaojun's heart almost stopped beating in an instant. He could clearly see that the muscles in his hands were violently twitching and spasming. Xiao Wu's expression was ferocious and abnormal. No... this was not what he looked like when he was drunk. This was more like... more like... It's... "Brother...Brother...Brother--" Xiao Wu shouted the same syllable again, but the cry was more shrill and his expression was more painful, as if something was tormenting him. Before Chang Xiaojun could react again, the two sober roommates couldn't help shouting in horror: "Brother Dao! It's Brother Dao! I saw it, I saw it with my own eyes, and it was the same when the female doctor died that day." Calling me brother like this! If we enter brother road, we will die if we enter brother road!!"

Chang Xiaojun's heart felt cold. No wonder the voice just now was so familiar. The terrifying scene of that day was still lingering in his mind for a long time. Indeed, the female doctor that day... No! Chang Xiaojun didn't have time to think, so he retorted and shouted: "No, the female doctor went crazy first, but Xiao Wu... Xiao Wu... he was always awake. He..." Suddenly, he remembered A powerful witness quickly turned to Xu Chuan and asked pleadingly: "Xu Chuan, you said Xiao Wu is fine, you said Xiao Wu is fine!" However, Chang Xiaojun was stunned again. Xu Chuan stood there quietly, looking straight at Xiao Wu's twisted body. There was an unexplainable sadness in his eyes. He pressed his right hand tightly on his stomach, and the circle of watchband reflected a strange and dazzling light. white light. "Xu Chuan, you..." Chang Xiaojun felt that the things around him suddenly developed into a situation that was beyond his imagination and beyond his control. He was a little at a loss. What's more, it was the fear that slowly surged up from the bottom of his heart. "Xu Chuan, I want you to say something!" At this time, the only key person who can stabilize the situation is Xu Chuan. "Anyway, please say something!! What is going on now?!" Chang Xiaojun almost rushed over, but Xu Chuan's silence brought everyone the greatest fear.

"Xiao Wu will be very happy up there!" When Xu Chuan burst out these words from his trembling lips, Chang Xiaojun was completely stunned. "Even you... thought it was my brother who said..." Chang Xiaojun couldn't continue. He felt that Xu Chuan should believe what he said, but the strange expression on Xu Chuan's watch while he was talking just now made him feel that he was the only one who could believe it now. It's yourself. The two roommates were already shouting randomly: "Let's leave quickly! Let's leave quickly. Leave him alone and leave quickly!!" "No! Xiao Wu will not die!" Chang Xiaojun rushed forward, but was caught by a sharp-sighted man. Xu Chuan held on tightly. "Don't get close to him!" Chang Xiaojun frantically tried to get rid of Xu Chuan's pull: "You bunch of heartless scum, you all don't care about Xiao Wu's life or death! If it's you who are lying on the ground, you deserve to die!" As he talked, Chang Xiaojun couldn't help but burst into tears. Xu Chuan hugged him tightly and said: "Give up, we have no choice but to do so. Xiao Wu was poisoned by corpse poison. Look, his whole face started to turn green." Sure enough, Xiao Wu's whole body began to slowly turn green. It turned into a shiny brown-green, and the black lips were still grinning in a ferocious expression, which looked particularly terrifying under the moonlight. "Corpse poison... what is corpse poison?" Chang Xiaojun still has the last illusion about Xiao Wu's survival. "Corpse poison is the product of the resentment of the undead. This poison is contagious, so no one can touch him now. Let's go, let Xiao Wu go quickly."

A familiar light suddenly flashed across Xiao Wu's painful eyes, and Chang Xiaojun recognized that it was the familiar expression that Xiao Wu usually used when calling him, but he could no longer do anything for Xiao Wu now. Maybe Xu Chuan was right, maybe Xiao Wu was not poisoned, but no matter what, even a layman like him could see that Xiao Wu was already exhausted. "Xiao Wu, what unfulfilled wish do you have? Tell me, and I will help you fulfill it even if I die." Xiao Wu just cried crazily: "Brother... Brother... Brother..." Xu Chuan's eyes There was a flash of light: "Brother, what do you mean? Tell me!" Chang Xiaojun cried and scolded: "Xu Chuan, shut up, you said you have magic to protect us. You know Xiao Wu will be poisoned Is that right? Really?! Why didn't you save him? Why did you want us to watch him die? Why?!" Xu Chuan was stunned on the spot, his body trembled slightly, and he only muttered: "I... Actually... I..." He lowered his head, but could no longer explain a single sentence.

But at this time, Xiao Wu suddenly calmed down and stopped crying. Chang Xiaojun said in surprise: "Xiao Wu, are you okay? Do you feel better?"

Somehow, Chang Xiaojun suddenly saw Xiao Wu's eyes filled with complete despair. Did he already know that he would die soon? Chang Xiaojun said fearfully: "Xiao Wu, do you have a brother? Do you have something to say to your brother?" Xiao Wu took a few deep breaths, and suddenly struggled desperately to stand up and stretch his waist. Pointing straight at the mossy path on one side, Chang Xiaojun used the last of his strength to let out a shrill cry: "Brother - ah!!!" "No!!" Chang Xiaojun felt as if his heart had burst. Like this, his vision slowly became blurry, and his mind slowly drifted away from him. The only scene he still remembered seeing before his mind became conscious was Xiao Wu's slumped hands, and Xu Chuan standing there in a daze, Dou Big tears were slowly sliding down his cheeks...

"Something happened! Something big happened!!" Liu Canli was suddenly awakened from his sweet dream, and then the whole dormitory was in commotion. "Who is yelling?!" Liu Canli opened the door angrily and said, "Don't yell randomly. It will cause a big problem. If you scream like this, it will really cause a big trouble!" A student cadre leaned into his ear with a sad face. After saying a few words, Liu Canli's face suddenly changed and he said, "Is it true? Don't include the rumors." The student cadre almost cried and said, "We have even found the person, can we?" Are you sure?" "What happened?" Everyone in the dormitory became uneasy. Liu Canli turned around and said, "It's okay. Someone violated discipline. Go to sleep." He turned to the student cadre and said, "Have you notified the chairman?" The student cadre said, "The chairman was the first to know the news. He should now We're in the office." Liu Canli nodded, went back to tidy up a bit, picked up a coat, and hurriedly followed the student cadre.

Gong Yong and some ministers had already gathered in the office, and some of them were still wearing pajamas. It was obvious that the matter was urgent and there was no time to change. Seeing Liu Canli barging in wearing pajamas, his first words were: "Have you found Xu Chuan?" Gong Yong frowned and said, "This is the tricky thing. I only found Chang Xiaojun lying down at the intersection and had just been sent to the hospital. First aid was given, but life is not out of danger yet." Liu Canli said: "Aren't there a few more people? They are also missing?" Gong Yong nodded and said: "This matter is a bit strange." Liu Canli asked quickly: "Go. Has anyone seen the body? Was it homicide or suicide?" When he asked, the whole office fell silent. No one dared to answer or answer. After a long while, Gong Yong thought carefully and said: "It's considered that he killed him." A "guess" made Liu Canli sit down on the chair: "Did Xu Chuan fail?" Gong Yong said: "It seems impossible, Xu Chuan has never He didn't get angry with us. If he wanted to take action, it wouldn't be tonight. What's even more strange is that he has disappeared. I searched everywhere and found no trace of him." Liu Canli said: "Which intersection was Chang Xiaojun found at? "Have you ever gone in to take a look at that road?" A minister said tremblingly: "No one dares to go in. He was found at the intersection of Brother Road. We all dragged him out in a hurry."

"Brother Road?" Gong Yong frowned and said: "Where? Why haven't I heard that there is this road on campus?" The minister said: "It is the road where the female doctor's body was dragged, because the female doctor was dying In the past, they always called me Gege, but now students privately name this road "Gege Road". There is a very strange song circulating on campus, which says, "Don't enter this door to study, and don't walk near the cherry blossom stand. It's fate." It is inevitable to have no share, so how can you blame him for love, hate, and hatred.' It's about that brother's way." Liu Canli sneered: "Aren't you all disbelievers in gods and ghosts? Why are you afraid of this brother's way now? Female It's not you who killed the doctor, so why are you afraid of her? You have lost time now and really killed a few people. You will be afraid of something in the future." The minister blushed and did not dare to say anything. Gong Yong said solemnly: "It's really confusing. I reported that everyone else was missing without going in to check. You guys are too messy! Since we haven't been inside, we have to take a look. Maybe the others are okay." Liu Canli stood up and said, "That's right. If you don't dare to go, I'll go!" Several ministers couldn't help but dissuade them in unison: "Chairman, think twice, don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst!" Gong Yong and Liu Canli looked at each other. Looking at each other and smiling, the two of them had the same mind. If the two heroes on campus were afraid of this happening and never dared to go near the library, then the legend of the Bloody Staircase should have destroyed this school long ago, right

The early morning of the school seemed a bit cold. The howling wind blew some broken leaves hovering low on the ground. The silence around was a bit unusual. It seemed that even the small insects that always hissed were afraid of the hidden danger in the dark night. They all fell silent. Liu Canli was a little embarrassed in his pajamas. Although he was wearing a coat, his feet still felt a little cold. Gong Yong next to him was neatly dressed. He glanced behind him and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect it to turn out like this." There was no one behind him. Gong Yong originally expected that there would be three or four students following him. Who knows, none of the cadres came. Liu Canli shrank his neck and said: "I have expected it a long time ago. They are all a bunch of guys who are afraid of death. It seems that it is miserable to have few good subordinates. Back then, when the two heroes on campus became hegemons, they had a bunch of ministers. It’s also a great contribution.” Gong Yong smiled and said: “Forget it, it was a rare event. If they pick anyone at random, they might be better than us now.” Liu Canli muttered: “At least there is one for me. What does this mean? The student union president fights ghosts at night?"

Gong Yong glanced at Liu Canli and said: "You seem to be in a good mood. Several people are missing now, and everyone is as anxious as ants on a hot pot." Liu Canli sighed: "What's the use of being anxious? There is no one here now, I I'm not afraid to tell you. I guess you also expected that Chang Xiaojun was found in this condition in time. I'm afraid the other people will never return. The most important thing is Xu Chuan. We have been looking for him all night. There is hope. He was the only one found." Gong Yong lowered his head for a while and did not answer. After a while, he relaxed his brows and said, "I have rarely seen you have so much confidence in a person." Liu Canli said, "Have confidence in him." It is also my confidence in myself. Xu Chuan is not a blindly confident person, which shows that he at least has a certain degree of strength. If even he is so easily..." At this point, Liu Canli's voice began to tremble a little, and he paused. After a moment, he continued: "Then I believe this matter is not something we can solve. You came with this purpose, didn't you?" Gong Yong sighed and said: "In any case, I We cannot just watch our classmates die. There is too much dirt hidden in this university that has not been purified."

The two of them were talking in low voices, and before they knew it, they had already arrived at the intersection of their brother's road. Gong Yong looked at the road sign and said: "Jianzhong South Road, this is it. This is the brother road they call it. Chang Xiaojun was found here." He pointed to a slightly messy bush. Liu Canli asked: "He ran here by himself?" Gong Yong shook his head and said: "I don't know." Liu Canli stepped forward and took a look and said: "There are no other people's footprints. He ran here by himself." At this point , his heart felt a little heavy. He had expected to see another footprint, which meant that even Xu Chuan could not escape this way. Gong Yong glanced at the depths of the dark road and asked: "Come in?" Liu Canli said: "Of course." He grabbed his coat and ran in. Gong Yong hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, Canli, don't be so reckless. ." He also ran in immediately.

The footsteps of the two people caused chaotic echoes in the silent space around them, "Xu Chuan, where are you?!" Liu Canli shouted to everyone around him as he ran, "The chairman and I are here to find you, hurry up. Click it!" Gong Yong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was about to stop Liu Canli to avoid misunderstanding, but suddenly he said "Hey" and stopped. Liu Canli suddenly turned around and said happily: "What did you find?" Gong Yong said thoughtfully: "How long have we been running?" Liu Canli thought for a while and said: "About five or six minutes, what?" He saw Gong under the moonlight. Yong's body shook slightly, and Gong Yong's face was more serious than ever before: "As far as I know, this path is only less than 200 meters long." Liu Canli was stunned and immediately realized the problem. It was less than 200 meters. , which means that it only takes less than 3 minutes to complete this path. However, they seem to be still deep in the road and are far from seeing the exit.

Liu Canli was stunned for a while and said: "I have never encountered such an evil thing. Could it be that something happened to Xu Zhenzhen? But if you want to see someone alive, you want to see a corpse." As he said that, he felt that the skin on his hands was a little Feeling uncomfortable, he quickly lowered his head and looked, only to see tiny cold hairs standing on end, and the surrounding pores were constantly bulging into small bumps. Creepy? Liu Canli never imagined that he, who had always been fearless, could taste this kind of thing. Gong Yong said worriedly on the side: "I didn't expect the situation to be so serious. We made a mistake now. Don't look for Xu Chuan now, and find a way out quickly!" As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a burst of noise from behind. The strange, sharp sound of a hard object mopping the floor suddenly appeared in the silent environment, which seemed particularly eerie. "Who?!" Gong Yong and Liu Canli both turned around, only to see boundless darkness behind them. Gong Yong had big drops of sweat on his head: "Things are not good! Let's run back quickly and wait for daybreak!"

Just as Liu Canli was about to reply, he suddenly felt a splitting headache and suddenly he hugged his head and screamed, squatting down. Gong Yong was shocked and said: "What are you doing?" Liu Canli was in so much pain that he almost lost his consciousness. He just gritted his teeth tightly to maintain his body balance. Gong Yong knew something was wrong, and he, who was always elegant, couldn't help but yelled: "Unjust soul, the ancestors of all generations are here, don't mess around!" He picked up Liu Canli and ran forward without looking back. Suddenly there was a burst of gentle laughter from behind: "Hee hee." At this moment, Gong Yong was scared out of his wits. He felt that Liu Canli on his back was getting heavier and heavier. "A ghost is pressing on me?" Gong Yong immediately thought of what the old people said. As is often said about possession, the best solution at this time is to quickly get rid of the possessed person. But Gong Yong held Liu Canli tighter: "No, no, you can take anything but this!!" The road ahead was gradually covered by thick fog, getting darker and darker, making people feel chilled in their hearts. Gong Yong tripped over something, and fell heavily to the ground with Liu Canli with an "ouch" sound. Gong Yong ignored the pain on his body and quickly stood up to protect Liu Canli, shouting sternly: "Female doctor, don't avenge your grievances on innocent people! The Founding Father is here, and you will be punished by God if you insist on your own way! The Student Union is investigating your matter. , I guarantee with all the honor of the chairman that if there is indeed an injustice in this matter, I will definitely help you avenge it! Stop it!" A slight white figure floated next to him, and Gong Yong shouted horribly: "Who? Who is it? over there?"

No one answered his words, and no sound came out again. The thick fog gradually gathered towards them, and there was a mocking laughter from the rustling leaves. Liu Canli fainted from the pain, and Gong Yong looked around in panic. He had suffered a bad fall just now, and his legs were in burning pain, and he had no strength to stand up anymore. "Hehe." This time Gong Yong reacted quickly and immediately turned his head. A pale and crooked smile accompanied by messy and drooping black hair ran through the shadows of the trees. Gong Yong's whole body collapsed on the ground: "You..." You are not a female doctor! That was the face of a man! What happened to this ordinary road? How many mysteries are hidden in this campus that have not been revealed