Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 33: The truth on the strap


Slowly opening his eyes, he was surrounded by peaceful white, "Is this hell?" Chang Xiaojun murmured. "Are you awake?" A person next to him responded, Zhao Liang, the director of the Organization Department, looking at him with unbearable eyes. "Ah!" Chang Xiaojun sat up suddenly: "I... what happened to me?" Zhao Liang said: "You fainted, we dragged you out and sent you to the emergency room. God bless you, you finally got your life back, but... I was scared to death." Chang Xiaojun thought of his companions: "Where are they? Have they been rescued too?" Zhao Liang dared not say anything, for fear that Chang Xiaojun would forget everything once he was stimulated, and he would not be able to do his job. He hurriedly changed the subject and said: "I don't know. The chairman and the vice chairman told me that you should go see them as soon as you wake up and if you can. I think they should know the whereabouts of the others." Chang Xiaojun had no idea. He hesitantly lifted up the quilt and got out of bed and said, "I'm going now."

With the support of Zhao Liang, Chang Xiaojun came to the student union office. Gong Yong personally greeted him and said: "Do you feel better now? I'm sorry that you are so weak and I have to rush you to come. It's mainly because some things are urgent." Chang Xiaojun said: "Thank you, Chairman, for your concern. I Just rest and recuperate. Where are my roommates, have they been rescued?" Gong Yong glanced at Zhao Liang next to him: "You go back, I will help him in." He said to Chang Xiaojun: "Go in Let me tell you more. Don’t worry, we will definitely find out about this matter."

The curtains in the office were all drawn down, making the room very dark. Liu Canli was sitting in the guest seat, playing with the pen in his hand out of boredom. There was a boy sitting where Gong Yong was sitting. He seemed to be awake and dozing with his head drooped. When he saw Chang Xiaojun coming in, he immediately perked up and looked at him up and down with his burning eyes. Chang Xiaojun looked very uncomfortable, and finally said "Eh" in surprise. "Who is this?" Chang Xiaojun pointed at the boy and asked. Liu Canli replied: "It's our senior brother, his name is He Jianfei. Forget about this and this, he is also a member of the magic world, but we finally invited him to solve the problem." Chang Xiaojun asked: "What problem is solved?" Liu Canli Said: "Of course it's what happened to you last night. Although this is a bit inhumane to you, the matter is really urgent. I hope you can retell the matter completely, okay?" If possible, Chang Xiaojun would rather never I wanted to recall that nightmarish night, but the chairman begged me, so I had to hold back my grief and tell him in detail. Although Chang Xiaojun's description of this experience was constantly reduced, it was thrilling enough to make Gong Yong and Liu Canli stunned. If they had known this, they would have never rushed to the path to die.

He Jianfei's expression did not change at all, he just lowered his head, as if thinking about something. Gong Yong and Liu Canli couldn't talk, and for a while, the room was silent. After a long while, He Jianfei asked: "What is Brother Road? Where did this weird name come from?" Liu Canli glanced at Gong Yong and said: "That is a road that is too small to be called a road, because something strange happened. Something happened, rumors started spreading on campus, and this name gradually started to get called out." He Jianfei said, "I want to know clearly what happened." Chang Xiaojun volunteered, "Let me tell you. The origin of this nickname can be traced back to three months ago. A female doctor in our school went crazy because she was abandoned by her boyfriend and could not bear the mental shock. She chewed everywhere with two rows of white teeth all day long. , and ended up biting seven people. The flesh on one of his arms was torn off in pieces, and he is still lying in the intensive ward of the hospital. Finally, the school was alerted. The school notified his family to take him back, but her family did not know that Her boyfriend was even more cruel. Seeing that she was so crazy, he simply left her here. There was no other way. The school gathered dozens of security guards and prepared to take her to a small wooden house and lock her up. But the crazy woman bit everyone she saw. , none of the security guards dared to come forward, and they were not allowed to use electric prods. Later, I don’t know who came up with a bad idea, and found many large iron tweezers with long handles, and forced the crazy female doctor to the ground. Then he dragged her desperately, and the female doctor just screamed crazily, maybe because of the pain. She screamed so miserably and sharply that several girls were frightened to cry on the spot, and some timid boys did not dare to watch anymore. The female doctor was struggling, clawing at the soil on the ground with her hands, trying to crawl forward. Her skin had been damaged in many places by the friction of the iron whiskers, but she seemed not to be afraid of the pain and just crawled forward. , and kept yelling crazily, until a security guard panicked and let go. At that time, she could no longer bear the pain, so she took this opportunity to open her two rows of green teeth and aim at He bit down hard on his own pulse..." Chang Xiaojun said so vividly, but He Jianfei was frightened and said in a trembling voice: "You... you also went to have a vagina? Why do you say it so vividly?" Chang Xiaojun said depressedly: " My senior brother told me that the day the female doctor was built, he was standing at the front." He Jianfei said: "Then what does this have to do with 'Brother Dao'?"

"Then the crazy female doctor died of course. Less than two days after her death, rumors spread that the female doctor did not actually commit suicide by biting her pulse. Before she had time to bite her pulse, she had already been killed. They were built alive. People who died miserably after such a painful process will never be reincarnated after death, but will turn into ghosts. I was used to spreading rumors like this. But on the third night, strange things happened. Appeared. When three boys who were going to study at night passed by, one boy went crazy for some reason, dancing with his hands and feet, and talking nonsense, like, "There is a long-haired girl in white sitting on the tree." , and then he fell to the ground with his whole body covered in blue and died. This accident caused a great impact on the campus. On the third day of the accident, another girl died on the 'Brother Road'. The strange thing is that she was Before he died, he used all his strength to write the word "Brother" in big blood on the ground. This time, the student union could no longer control it. The rumors of "Brother Dao" became popular and became more and more outrageous. "Brother Dao" This has become the largest forbidden area on campus.

The incident of "Ge Ge Dao" made the whole school panic and the whole city was in a state of uproar. But we also thought it was just a rumor, so we put it to rest and asked the police to treat it as a murder case. It wasn't until one morning when someone from the student union found a new poem written in blood on the wall next to the Brother's Road that we knew that the incident of the Brother's Road was really related to the female doctor. Because according to students, when the female doctor goes crazy, she will recite some inexplicable words in her mouth, and those words are exactly the poem written on the wall. He Jianfei hurriedly asked: "What's the content? Read it and listen." "

Don’t enter this school when you want to study.

Don't walk near the cherry blossom stands.

It is inevitable that there will be fate but no fate.

Love, hate, love and hatred, how can you blame him

And just on the 'Brother Road', there is a small shelf set up to facilitate the growth of vines. I don’t know when, there was a row of cherry blossoms blooming on it. He Jianfei's body trembled slightly: "Sakura?" "Chang Xiaojun nodded. Could it be... He Jianfei's hands were shaking a little, and he quickly drank a cup of hot tea and forced himself to calm down." He Jianfei thought about it again and asked, "What are the characteristics of the moss trail? Have you guys gone in to take a look?" "?" Chang Xiaojun said: "I dare not go in. There is another legend about the female doctor on campus - when she was dragged, she was not dead, and large areas of blood were sprinkled on the road. That was what she left to the world. The curse. She was dragged to death." He Jianfei also felt horrified and quickly changed the topic: "During the whole process, did Xu Chuan do anything unusual?" Chang Xiaojun said: "Yes, from the time I started to persuade Xiao Wu , he kept looking at his watch. I think he is in a hurry." He Jianfei asked curiously: "Looking at his watch? How many times has he looked at it?" Chang Xiaojun said: "More than ten or twenty times, who has Calculate it." He Jianfei asked: "Is the interval between watching long?" Chang Xiaojun glanced at He Jianfei coldly and said lightly: "Why are you paying so much attention to him? It's because you are all ruthless people who know magic. Man? I'm not interested in his affairs, and I can't remember them clearly." Liu Canli shouted hurriedly: "Xiaojun! Don't talk like that!" Gong Yong hurriedly apologized to He Jianfei, and He Jianfei smiled lightly and said: "It doesn't matter, I was scolded. I'm used to it. Excuse me, I'd like to see Xu Chuan's watch."

"Wait a minute, I want to ask Xiaowu and the others whether they have been rescued?" Chang Xiaojun hurriedly stopped Liu Canli who was about to go out. Liu Canli looked at Gong Yong with a wry smile. When Gong Yong was thinking about what to say, He Jianfei was already there. : "Xu Chuan is crazy, the others are all dead." Chang Xiaojun's whole body trembled violently: "What did you say?" Gong Yong said to He Jianfei: "The whereabouts are unknown, right? We haven't found the body yet, so we can't talk about life and death. ." He Jianfei said: "I'm not lying. On that road, I have already felt the aura of the dead souls of the two of them. It doesn't matter whether there are corpses or not. I hope they won't worry too much about dying in vain and can successfully become Buddhas. "How... could this happen?" Chang Xiaojun burst into tears: "Why... the bad guys can survive, but the good guys have to... die?" He Jianfei frowned slightly, and Liu Canli had already gone out to take Xu Chuan's watch. Come in.

It was a commonly used Dharma watch. In addition to the time engraved on it, there were also the twenty-eight heavenly stems and earthly branches. He Jianfei checked up and down and found nothing abnormal. He sighed and said, "What an injustice!" Chang Xiaojun sneered and said, "You finally think that Xiao Wu died unjustly?" He Jianfei said seriously: "Xiao Wu died unjustly." His death was not unjust at all, but Xu Chuan's madness was a very unjust one. "As soon as these words came out, all three of them were shocked. Chang Xiaojun stood up angrily, pointed at He Jianfei and said to Liu Canli: "I have said before that they are the same species, and you still invite him here?" Liu Canli was shocked and looked at He Jianfei left and right. Difficult. He Jianfei also stood up, held his hand, and said coldly: "You can scold him! Do you want to know why he was wronged? He was wronged because he tried so hard to save your life by even hooking up with him. But you are scolding him here. You have also studied Chinese. Tell me, what is this if it is not an 'unjust accusation'?" Chang Xiaojun threw his hand away and said angrily: "You think I will believe your words? ?" He Jianfei grabbed Chang Xiaojun by the collar and said, "I just want you to believe it!" Gong Yong hurriedly waved his hand and said, "You two have something to say, so don't touch me."

He Jianfei turned a deaf ear and continued to grab Chang Xiaojun and said, "You are not a disciple of Jiuhua Mountain, are you?" Chang Xiaojun couldn't break free, so he could only glare and said, "I have nothing to do with that rotten mountain!" He Jianfei sneered. A voice said: "Rotten mountain? Then how come you have something from the rotten mountain on you?" He tore off the button on Chang Xiaojun's jacket pocket and pulled out an amulet tied with silk tape, with two lines embroidered with gold thread on it. The words "The Holy Ancestor opened the sky and established it in Jiuhua". Chang Xiaojun said in surprise: "Eh? Isn't this Xu Chuan's? Why is it here with me?" He Jianfei let go of him, looked at Chang Xiaojun who staggered back two steps and said loudly: "You also know that this is his Did you? Do you think you really fainted from the pain? Do you think you are so lucky that everyone else is dead and the ghosts dare not touch you? You are wrong, you were completely involved in this matter from beginning to end It's all wrong. Let me tell you, without this thing, you would have reported to King Yama a long time ago!" When Chang Xiaojun heard what He Jianfei said, it was like a bolt from the blue. He shook his head with tears and said: "Impossible! Impossible! Why didn't he tell me?"

He Jianfei slowed down and said, "He certainly has his reasons for not telling you." Chang Xiaojun raised his head and said, "You are trying to excuse him, so you made up this lie to deceive people, right?" He Jianfei was so angry that he couldn't help but sigh. Yi Fujia turned around and grabbed the watch from Liu Canli's hand and said, "Okay! I will explain it clearly to you today. Do you know what is the difference between his watch and ordinary watches?" while giving the watch to you. He sees. Chang Xiaojun looked at the watch with some hesitation and said: "There are more than 100 engravings on the inside and outside of the watch..." He Jianfei interrupted impatiently: "That's a watch used by people in the magic world, it's no different. This is what I use too. That's not what I told you to look at." Chang Xiaojun looked at it carefully a few more times before saying: "It seems that its... strap is particularly smooth and has been polished." Chang Xiaojun's voice trembled when he said this : "Could it be that..."

_He Jianfei said: "That's right! He looked at the watch so many times. What he looked at was not the time, but the strap. To be more precise, he looked at the image behind you reflected in the strap." Liu Canli hurriedly He Jianfei asked: "What did he see on the watch strap?" He Jianfei said: "I don't know either. But I'm sure he saw something weird. This is why he looked at the watch so many times but hasn't seen it for a long time. The real reason for saying something. He didn't know what that thing was, so he looked at his watch again and again to try to determine it." Chang Xiaojun said anxiously: "He can tell us first." He Jianfei asked in return: "Tell What are you doing? Are you going to sit down and discuss it together, or are you going to tell that thing that we have discovered you, why don't you come over and kill him and silence him?" Chang Xiaojun was speechless with his words. He Jianfei continued: "That thing was the culprit that killed Xiao Wu. Xu Chuan must have finally compared the difference between that thing and his mana at the last moment. I don't want to belittle him, but judging from the available information, he It is far from being able to fight against that thing, so his attitude has become more cautious. A person in the magic world who is well-trained in practice and concentration will not be like you and rush forward regardless of any situation. Otherwise, thousands of them would have died. In order to preserve the first-hand information and pass it on to future generations, and in order that the nightmare on campus will one day end, he must live. It doesn’t matter whether you say he lives an ignoble life or not. Greedy for life and afraid of death, I would do the same thing if it were me."

Words poured out from He Jianfei's mouth, completely defeating Chang Xiaojun. He slumped down on the chair and murmured: "So, he..." He Jianfei said solemnly: "I have given you the amulets he relies on to protect his life, and he can no longer produce any powerful magic weapons. Come to protect yourself. He actually gave you the chance of survival, do you understand? But if you are the only one left here, you will just blabber and curse people everywhere, which will not help. So, he He must survive. Last night, I went to the hospital to see him. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally remembered what the mark he used to curse himself was? It was the ancient Romanian god Gudilu who was destroyed by European witches in the Middle Ages. symbol. That sect advocates using the head and blood of believers to sacrifice and use this to increase his magic power. This inhumane method finally angered the European Magic Association and sealed him away. But it is said that God Gudilu It has not been completely eliminated. He has been looking for opportunities to materialize. It is said that the curse placed by God Gudilu cannot be broken without the correct way to break the curse. In other words, it will not be invaded by any outside world. He used the power of God Gudilu to prevent that thing from harming him. He used blood to fight blood, and evil to fight evil. Although he had no choice but to do so, I think it violated the principles of Buddhism and the laws of heaven. I'm afraid..." At this point, He Jianfei looked at Chang Xiaojun and said: "He saved you because of love; he saved himself because of necessity. Please tell me, what else is he ruthless about? That's wrong. ? Don’t keep your head hanging there. Do you understand what I said? "