Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 38: Corpses


He Jianfei listened to A Qiang's story and couldn't help but ask: "Since Senior A Qiang can suppress it, why didn't he solve the matter smoothly? I mean temporary confinement, agreements always have some risks, you have to make a mistake If it doesn't matter, it can start causing chaos again." Ah Qiang said: "First of all, the power of the Blood Curse is very important. I haven't tried it out, and I think the whole thing is weird and confusing. There seem to be many complicated undercurrents lurking in it. I am afraid that if I press hard, I will not only suffer a lot, but also cause new grievances. Secondly, the logic of blood curse killing is a bit strange. Not everyone who enters the library is killed, and its instantaneous scene is not inevitable. It appears this year, but it may not appear next year or the year after that. It is said that the power of this curse comes from a secret it contains. Only by guessing this secret can the curse be broken. I am afraid that there is another truth, so I dare not easily Let's do it. But speaking of it, there is another thing that puzzles me. It has been fifty years since I left the campus, and the agreement has been invalidated. If the curse was to cause trouble, why did it not reappear on campus until today? Is it willing to hide in the library for fifty years?" He Jianfei frowned and said: "Let me explain this matter. The reason why the bloody curse has not come out to cause chaos for fifty years is not that it is unwilling to come out to cause chaos, but I am afraid it is unable to cause chaos. I guess. Someone figured out the secret of the bloody curse, so they manipulated this legend."

Aqiang frowned and said, "Have you guessed the secret of the bloody curse? It's impossible. I tried my best back then, but I couldn't find any clues." He Jianfei chuckled and said, "Senior Aqiang is too conceited. , it should be noted that every mountain has its own height, and there are countless smart people in the world that you can’t imagine. However, this matter still requires Senior Aqiang to go down the mountain in person. Firstly, the blood curse can be temporarily suppressed, and secondly, it can Ask clearly and see if you know the identity of that wronged soul. Since that wronged soul is mainly targeting you in the third place, I'm afraid your coming out will attract him to show up." Aqiang fully agreed: "Okay, I've wanted to go out for a long time. Let's go." He said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect to make many enemies because of the winter lotus. I'm afraid the rest of my time won't be used to enjoy the incense, but will be used to clean up the enemies."

It was already April when He Jianfei and Mr. Li returned to school. Gong Yong, Liu Canli, Chang Xiaojun and Xu Chuan had already greeted them at the school gate. They saw He Jianfei and Mr. Li walking slowly towards them. People couldn't help but feel excited and rushed to greet him, their eyes full of eager anticipation. He Jianfei smiled and said: "I didn't know that I was so loved by you. It seems that my not joining the student union is a big loss to this school." After a period of recuperation, Xu Chuan has already recovered well. Hearing He Jianfei's boastful words, he couldn't help laughing. : "Brother, I advise you to first find out who they are here to greet. I'm afraid I'm the only one who really greets you." Liu Canli said with a smile: "It's not an exaggeration to say that I came to see Senior Brother He. I was just in your dormitory. Two bags of heroin were found. Can you explain what happened?" "What?!" All the luggage bags in He Jianfei's hands fell to the ground. Gong Yong hurriedly smiled and said: "Canli likes to joke, senior brother, don't mind. Uncle Li knows us. I have admired these two heroes on campus for a long time, and I would like to invite Senior Aqiang to meet them."

A Qiang's dissatisfied voice came from behind Old Uncle Li: "How come you know everything?" Old Uncle Li hurriedly explained: "These are all people who are doomed. This incident is closely related to the Road of Wrongful Ghosts. Sooner or later, you will also have to do it." I'm meeting them, so it's better to tell him early." When those people heard A Qiang's voice, they stopped caring so much and rushed towards Old Man Li together, almost beating him to death. While everyone was in confusion, He Jianfei quietly waved to Xu Chuan and said in a low voice: "How is it?" Xu Chuan said: "I followed my senior brother's instructions and monitored the movements of those places day and night. Everything on Cherry Blossom Road was normal, but it was the library. I told my brother that the evil spirit began to increase significantly. I also went to the air-raid shelter to take a look and found that the corpses inside seemed to have obvious signs of being turned over. I took a closer look and found that one corpse was missing." "One body is missing." ?" He Jianfei simply couldn't believe his ears. Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Yes, if the thirty-six that senior brother counted before were correct, there are only thirty-five now."

He Jianfei murmured: "There is one missing body? The wronged soul is indeed active on campus. It's strange, what would he do with the corpse that has been dead for so many years?" Xu Chuanfei said: "I don't know why, senior brother, it must be the wronged soul who took it. Leaving?" He Jianfei said: "That air-raid shelter is extremely dangerous. It's not that people in the magic world can't get in. Now we are the only two people with magic powers in the school. How can the others know that there is an air-raid shelter and how can they know about the cave? There are corpses buried in a corner, and they must have been taken away by the wronged soul." Xu Chuan said: "Then what should we do now?" He Jianfei said: "Let's get rid of the bloody curse first. Since the wronged soul can create the Brother Dao, I'm afraid it has an unusual origin. , don't act rashly." In fact, what He Jianfei was really afraid of was not the innocent soul, but the girl in white who was sitting leisurely on the tree under the bright sun that day, her feet dangling gently.

"I want to go too." When he learned that He Jianfei and Aqiang were going to leave him and go explore the library, Old Man Li quit. At the age of eighty, he fell on the bed and started acting like a child: "No! I'll go on a hunger strike today." He Jianfei looked at Aqiang and said, "No, this is the glorious image of the two great campus heroes." Aqiang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to pull back and persuade him: "Xiao Li, why are you so angry? ? It makes sense not to take you there. When the bloody curse scene appears, the entire library will be closed into a large barrier. At that time, you can't escape even if you want to. The bloody curse is very trivial, I We haven't had a big fight with it. He Jianfei and I can't protect ourselves. If you go, won't it increase our burden?" After saying this, Old Man Li was speechless and said after a while: "I'm just worried about you..." A Qiang Said: "Don't worry, I have gone through so many strong winds and waves, and I am still afraid of such a small curse. And I defeated it back then. Even if it has developed in the past few years, I don't expect it to be my opponent. He Jianfei, you Just don't go. I should be enough. One less person and one less danger." He Jianfei said: "That won't work. I brought you out of Wutai Mountain. You have to watch carefully before you leave. What happened? God is responsible for it." Old Man Li said, "You can't even save your own life, so why bother looking at others?" "What did you say?" He Jianfei was about to tell the difference when he was pulled out by Aqiang. : "Hurry up, the time is coming."

The two of them sneaked into the library. Aqiang led He Jianfei in through the side door with ease, and then stood still in the lobby on the first floor, only looking at the clock hanging on the wall. He Jianfei said: "Isn't the curse on the second floor? Don't we go up?" Aqiang said: "But the instant scene started on the first floor. Originally, the scene where Xu Chuan went there had already happened, and it won't happen again until next year. , but I heard you said that evil activities are strong here, so I decided to give it a try tonight to see if it will appear." He Jianfei said: "Are we just going to stand here and wait?" A Qiang said: "Yes, wait. That's it." For a while, both of them fell silent and stopped talking. There was an unbearable silence in the lobby, like the water in a dead lake. Even if the breeze blew by, there would not be a single ripple, only the hanging From the clock on the wall, the rhythmic sound of "tick-tock" and "tick-tock" came. In this completely silent night, there was a shock and throbbing that hit the heart. The two people just stared at the entrance of the stairs, silent, waiting, motionless, waiting for that dangerous moment to come.

There was a "click", and the oscillating bells were heard in the lobby, and the time was exactly one o'clock. At this moment, He Jianfei felt that the air around him finally moved, as if there was some invisible undercurrent flowing quietly, and it would be impossible to detect it if you were not careful. "Finally here." He Jianfei said secretly in his heart. At the same time, he secretly glanced at Aqiang next to him, and saw that his expression was obviously serious. He obviously felt the changes around him, but the two of them had not moved a step and were still in the same place. Waiting quietly, waiting for the scene of the bloody staircase unfolding in front of them.

I don't know how many minutes later, a shrill cry suddenly came from the second floor of the library: "Help!" He screamed so hard that He Jianfei shivered involuntarily. A Qiang's face changed and he said to He Jianfei: "Here it comes." Before he finished speaking, he heard a thick surging sound coming from the second floor. The "gurgling, gurgling" seemed to be like the spring water bubbling out. At the same time, a dark brown stream of water could be clearly seen. The liquid slowly flowed down the stairs. "Blood Stairs?" He Jianfei was also deeply shocked by this unprecedented tragic scene. Aqiang turned to He Jianfei and said: "The time has come, let's go upstairs quickly." "What?" He Jianfei said quickly: "There is blood on the stairs, how can I get up?" But Aqiang had already rushed up and turned a deaf ear to his words. He Jianfei had no choice but to follow him up. Aqiang was a spirit, but he jumped directly to the second floor. He Jianfei was not so lucky. As soon as he stepped on it, he was immediately covered in blood. Although he knew it was an illusion, the pungent smell The smell of blood made his stomach churn involuntarily.

Just as I reached the corner of the stairs, a bloody man slowly stood up from the side. There were no eyeballs on his face, only two blood holes, and blood was pouring out. "Quick! Quick! The terrible bloody curse has been resurrected!" The bloody man pointed at the second floor and said in panic. "Have you guessed the secret of the bloody curse?" He Jianfei couldn't help but recall the words of the bleeding female ghost on Cherry Blossom Road in his mind. He Jianfei gave the bloody man a pitiful look, then kept running towards the second floor. Bloody Curse, Bloody Curse, everything is related to the Bloody Curse. It seems that if we don't figure out this huge mystery, there is no way to solve the injustice. This formation was carefully laid out.

After going up to the second floor, he saw A Qiang's shadow flickering slightly at a door. He Jianfei followed him in quickly. As soon as he entered, the relic necklace on his chest immediately emitted a golden light. He Jianfei was afraid of alerting the curse and quickly sealed it with a talisman. It also shows that the deep resentment inside cannot be described in words. As soon as he walked in, He Jianfei immediately heard a strange sound of mopping the floor. Aqiang looked inside and said, "Look." He Jianfei followed the sound and immediately gasped. What a hellish scene it was. All the people inside were lying on the ground, with blood flowing from their bodies. They were dragging and crawling desperately as if they were not afraid of the pain at all. The whole hall was full of shocking blood stains. . Aqiang said on the side: "Their stomachs were cut open, and all the internal organs inside flowed out. They just crawled desperately like this. Many of them probably died not because of too much blood loss, but because of the loss of blood. Those who died with their internal organs torn to pieces." He Jianfei felt horrified and asked, "Are they completely unconscious?" Aqiang nodded and said, "They must have been under mental control." He Jianfei said, "Why is the bloody curse done? Such a tragic scene appeared? Isn't it okay to kill someone like a ghost?" Aqiang said: "I don't know. This legend has been around for a long time, and it has always been weird." He Jianfei asked : "Where are the four bloody words of the bloody curse?" Aqiang waved his hand, and a large bookcase fell to the ground: "On that wall, look for yourself.".

At this moment, an eerie voice came from behind Aqiang and He Jianfei: "I never thought I could see an old friend here today, ah hey hey hey." This burst of laughter made He Jianfei's body get goosebumps, and he hurried back. When they looked over, a white figure was standing behind them. It was obviously a male voice, but it had long hair that was floating in the wind. It looked so weird and terrifying against the blood. Aqiang also turned around and said, "You didn't expect to see me again, right?" The white shadow said, "I didn't violate the agreement between you and me. After you leave the campus, I can naturally come out again." Aqiang He smiled silently: "But I'm back now." The white shadow said: "I can't do it even if I come back. Someone has guessed the secret of the bloody curse. He is already my master. How can I What agreement can you abide by yourself?"

s Aqiang and He Jianfei looked at each other, and He Jianfei stepped forward and asked: "Who is your master?" The white shadow said: "The master has a destiny, and his identity must not be revealed. Besides, I don't know who he is at all. ." He Jianfei pondered: "From what you just said, could it be that your master ordered you to come out again to cause trouble and cause harm to the campus?" The white shadow said: "Exactly." A Qiang and He Jianfei looked at each other again, both surprised. , this evil spirit obviously hates Aqiang, why does he openly go against the entire campus? Isn't he afraid of attracting more enemies? Aqiang said to the white shadow: "What if I ask you to stop making trouble again? What conditions do you want?" The white shadow suddenly became quiet and remained silent. It took a long time to hear him speaking word by word through his teeth. He squeezed out: "Unless my soul disappears." He Jianfei was startled, and Aqiang already said: "Okay! I will let your soul disappear." Just as He Jianfei was about to stop him, Aqiang had already hit him, and there was a blue light beside him. .

Bai Ying had fought with A Qiang fifty years ago and was obviously very afraid of A Qiang. When he saw A Qiang being bullied by the blue light, he didn't dare to touch him. He lowered his head and avoided it. Who knew that the blue light was very spiritual? , unable to hit the enemy, turned around automatically and continued running towards Bai Ying. Bai Ying was pursued by soldiers in front of him and blocked from behind. He had no choice but to fight against A Qiang. With just this move, Bai Ying staggered back a few steps, and finally stabilized his figure when he reached the wall. Aqiang also stood there with his palms still, but with a look of surprise on his face, he shouted: "What's going on? Why has your skill declined so much?" Bai Ying replied quietly: "The secrets of heaven must not be leaked, these They are all the secrets of the bloody curse." Aqiang scolded: "Tianji! Let me ask you, have you given your skills to others?" Bai Ying replied: "I have already said that these are the catastrophes of the bloody curse. If it is over, the bloody curse will no longer exist. Even me and the thirty-six innocent souls crawling on the ground are just part of the bloody curse. If you press hard, what can we answer? ?" Aqiang sneered and said: "I have only heard that curses exist to take people's lives. I have never heard of anyone going to great lengths to set up such a complicated curse to give people power. If With such a good thing, I should have set up seven or eight to enhance the magic power. Since you refused to tell me, it’s okay, I will fulfill your wish and kill your soul. Anyway, you will still suffer if you stay in this world. Back then, I didn't kill him because I was worried about something happening on campus. Now I'm safe and I'm not afraid of anything." As he said that, he reached forward and killed the white figure with a palm.