Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 42: birthmark


"Our ancient village is a little different from other villages. Because of the isolation of the mountains, we have been closed in our own small circle for a long time. We all intermarry with each other and are relatives. We are all used to it. The teachings left by our ancestors, the outside world It's scary. People outside are not good people and will plot against us. Therefore, we will never communicate with outsiders and do not allow outsiders to come to our territory. How can we live in peace and harmony for several generations? Later, we found out that a village woman in our village had a difficult childbirth, and everyone went to help. It is said that the difficult labor lasted for three days, but the child was not born and no crying was heard. When the patriarch of our village found out, his face became ugly. He said that it was probably not a good thing. The child was a bad omen and it would be fine if he did not give birth to it. Therefore, he ordered the village woman to be thrown into the river to be executed. A strange thing happened. When the village woman was thrown into the river, the child never came out. The child was finally born." When the old woman said this, her body trembled slightly. Aqiang glanced at her and said, "Is there any difference after the child was born?" The old woman said, "You guessed it, the child He was born with four legs and was a deformed child. The patriarch was so shocked when he saw it that he almost cried on the spot. He desperately told everyone, kill that child, kill that child."

Aqiang said: "Deformed children are not uncommon. Why did your clan leader react so strongly?" The old woman said: "We were also surprised, but the clan leader looked terribly frightened and cried and shouted for us to kill the child. We We had no choice but to step forward and prepare to throw the child into the river, but who knew that the child actually fell down by himself. The patriarch breathed a sigh of relief and even said it was great, great. We asked him what was wrong, but he didn't say anything. We thought That'll be fine. Who knew that twenty years later, someone would find the grown-up child in the mountains..." "Wait a minute," Aqiang interrupted, "Since he has grown up, why do you still recognize him? ?" The old woman said: "There is a big red birthmark on the child's neck, so they all knew it as soon as they saw it. The patriarch was dead at that time, no one knew the inside story, and everyone ignored it. That person. Who knew that person actually came to our village, crazy, smiling and saying to us, whatever you owe, you have to pay with whatever you owe. What you owe is a blood debt, so you have to pay it back with blood debt. Everyone. They thought he was crazy, but no one took care of him. Unexpectedly, people began to die inexplicably in the village. Everyone panicked and worked together to figure out how to deal with him. At this time, news came that the madman had gone to That university committed suicide.”

Aqiang said in surprise: "It's obviously a matter in your village, why is it involved in the school?" The old woman shook her head and said: "I really don't know much about this. I only know that after he committed suicide, although there was no one in our village, There are no more people dead, but the whole village is shrouded in a strange atmosphere. Everyone is always uneasy and under great mental pressure. Many people have moved away. My family is poor, but we are still here. Do you think he would attack us? We were just following the clan leader's orders." At the end of the sentence, the old woman began to sob, and Ah Qiang asked, "What is your clan leader's name?" "Lei Tianwen." Ah Qiang said. After Qiang thought for a while, he said warmly: "Don't worry. Since I'm here, I'm here to solve this matter. I don't dare to say when it will be solved, but these dirty and filthy things will definitely go back to hell." Go. Also, I would like to advise you, your dead people, don’t be greedy for the world anymore. You want to see them happy every day, but you never thought that you would ruin the happiness and longevity of your children and grandchildren. Reincarnate as soon as possible. , your son will no longer have to suffer." After saying that, he walked away without waiting for the old woman to thank her.

Aqiang's story ended here. He Jianfei stared and said, "What does this mean? I haven't found out anything yet. I still don't know the truth about the bloody curse." Aqiang said, "This is considered complete. I am a spirit." Body, I can only ask the same kind of people, don't you want me to have sex with someone else? You have to run away from the rest. After all, there are still the majority of living people." He Jianfei said at a loss of laughter and tears: "I wish I had two bodies. Tan Xingwan's matter here is not over yet. How about you go with Old Man Li?" Aqiang said: "Listen to what I have to say. Tan Xingwan's matter is still secondary, but for now, as far as you have said To put it bluntly, the evil spirit is using the Blood Curse to continuously enhance his power. Breaking the secret of the Blood Curse as soon as possible is equivalent to pulling out its teeth as soon as possible and delaying the solution. Once he is done, it will be difficult to conquer it. "He Jianfei asked strangely: "How do you know that he is using the blood curse method to enhance his power?" Aqiang said: "I guessed it. The second night we went to the library, you visited your brother at night. He knew clearly It's a trap, but it shows that he is very nervous about the bloody curse." He Jianfei said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll go with you later, it seems like I won't be able to sleep again today." Old man Li suddenly said He stuck out his head and asked: "Where are you going?" Aqiang said with a smile: "You are old and have such sharp ears. We will go to explore the secret of the bloody curse tomorrow. Will you go?" Old Man Li said happily: "Go. , go, of course I go. It’s been a long time since I went on an adventure with Aqiang.” He Jianfei said depressedly: “Old man, you don’t have to treat me like air, right?”

Aqiang took He Jianfei and Old Man Li to the place yesterday with familiarity. Old Man Li looked around and saw piles of tumbling dirt slopes everywhere, as well as viaducts and substations. There was dust everywhere, and the surrounding Most of the plants were dead, and the remaining leaves were covered with a thick layer of gray dust. Old Man Li was surprised and asked: "Where is this village?" He Jianfei was holding a compass in his hand and looking attentively: "This was indeed a village once, but it seems that the feng shui was deliberately destroyed. Many people must have been killed or injured, right?" A Qiang said: "That's right. That's why I came to you to see where the source is." He Jianfei looked at the compass for a long time and said: "It seems that the destruction started from the east. Let's go and have a look." So everyone came to the east, and it happened that Encountering an old man, Mr. Li asked for directions and learned that there used to be a big mountain here, but it was later dug down. Aqiang smiled and said: "That's right, that strange child was also found in the mountains."

Everyone then continued to move forward, and when they reached a place, the compass in He Jianfei's hand suddenly spun wildly and couldn't stop at all. He Jianfei shouted: "This is it." When A Qiang and Old Man Li came over to take a look, they saw that it was. A very old country toilet. Old man Li frowned and said, "What... what does this place mean?" He Jianfei said, "You'll know after you go in and take a look." The three of them walked into the toilet. It turned out that the toilet had been abandoned for a long time and was full of sand and gravel. He Jianfei walked to a In the corner, he looked at the compass and said: "Here, let's dig it up and take a look." Aqiang naturally didn't need to do anything. Old man Li and He Jianfei started digging with the tools they brought. They kept digging for an hour, digging out everything under the ground. A big hole is coming. He Jianfei threw away his tools and said, "I can't do it anymore. This thing is buried so deep."

Just as he was talking, Old Man Li shouted: "We dug it, what hard thing?" He Jianfei hurriedly bent down to pull it out and looked at it. It was a small wooden box painted black. He Jianfei knocked it and it seemed to be made of poplar wood. The box Unlocked, but sealed with a strange seal. He Jianfei said: "This is a very simple seal commonly used by village witches. It seems that this box is really weird." As he said that, he easily cut the box with the edge of the compass, and a putrid smell came from inside. He Jianfei carefully opened the box and was dumbfounded. Old man Li next to him suddenly gasped: "This... this is..." Inside the box, there lay a very small but complete skeleton. The flesh had completely rotted away, and the bones were... Black. He Jianfei's face darkened and he said, "This is the baby's skeleton."

Old Man Li said: "Oh my god, who would do such a cruel thing?" Aqiang said: "I'm afraid it's not just this one. When I came in, I felt very strange. It seemed that the village chief was being torn apart by different forces in all directions. ." He Jianfei said: "It is true, my compass still has not returned to normal. But this is too shocking. This is obviously man-made. Who is so cruel and cruel to trap the baby alive in this box." As expected, He Jianfei and the others found five identical boxes in four different places, six in total. They were all complete baby skeletons, and even the boxes were exactly the same. "The matter is serious." He Jianfei's face was as dark as a rainy day: "The death of a baby is very scary. How dare someone do this deliberately?" A Qiang sneered: "That can only show one fact - it happened here. There is something more terrifying than an infant spirit!!" He Jianfei said: "Then there is only one way now, ask the soul of the clan leader to come up and ask." Old Man Li said: "He has been reincarnated a long time ago." He Jianfei said: "No, If he had done this, this sin alone would be enough to prevent him from reincarnation forever."

With Old Man Li coming forward, he rented a clean small agricultural room. He Jianfei found a case desk and burned a pot of incense. He suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, Senior Aqiang, aren't you free to travel to the underworld? Why don't you go down there?" Take a look and save me trouble here." Aqiang said: "That's not right. I have not finished my grievances, so I can stay in this world, not in the three realms. Although the messengers from the underworld can't detain me, I can't enter the underworld and hell. Within. Even if I can see the messenger from the underworld, can he listen to my instructions? Or does he want me to have a big fight with him? So your magic world sect must come forward, and he can't refuse." He Jianfei said helplessly: "You just say I'm sorry, I've compiled such a lot of nonsense. The relationship between the underworld and Wutai Mountain has always been bad. We suppressed many evil ghosts and caused chaos in the underworld. It's usually difficult for me to invite people." With that, he will invite people. After writing it, he burned it and put it away. He Jianfei said loudly: "He Jianfei, a disciple of Master Wutai's wisdom, has something to ask the messenger from the underworld. The last time he helped me, I returned to the mountain to worship and thank you. However, there are still remnants of evil in the world, and innocent people are allowed to suffer this cruelty. I want to come." The underworld cannot bear to see many wronged souls appear, so I specially ask the envoys to open the door for convenience and bring the souls of Lei Tianhong to my place for consultation. From now on, I will pay my respects as a sacrificial animal." With that, he patted the paper ashes into the incense burner. Aqiang smiled and said, "Aren't you a bunch of nonsense?"

After waiting for about ten minutes, a white eye suddenly appeared in the incense burner, and then words faintly appeared on a piece of talisman paper. When He Jianfei hurriedly stepped forward to look at it, it read: "I have searched all over hell, and no thunder has been found." Tianhong is afraid that he has been reincarnated." The three of them looked at each other, and He Jianfei said: "It seems that this thing is not a matter of generations, I am afraid someone buried it a long time ago, but I don't know what to do with it?" Qiang said: "Look at these boxes buried in different places. They are very particular about the position of each other. I'm afraid they are the same formation." Old man Li frowned and said: "What's so scary about formations? There are so many formations. "." He Jianfei said: "It is the formation that is scary. There are many capable people and strangers among the people. Some are monks halfway, some have their own sect, and there are even first-class people. They don't understand the theory of Feng Shui mutual restraint at all. They only imagine based on experience. Create a formation out of thin air. Sometimes this formation goes by mistake and accidentally opens the Beidou joint. It has huge lethality and is difficult to control. Once it is formed, all life will be destroyed." Aqiang said: "That's true, especially It was during the war, and I saw with my own eyes that many innocent people lost their lives. He Jianfei, when you said this, I remembered that in the past, when the war was in chaos, many villages would indeed create their own formations in order to prevent outsiders from invading. We set up at the village intersection to ensure the tranquility of our village. We might as well look for historical data to see when this village has imposed self-imposed martial law and what major events have occurred. Then we will have a clue." Old Man Li hurriedly said: " What about Tan Xingwan?" Aqiang said with a smile: "He is your son, so he is so nervous. Once the secret of the bloody curse is solved, the grudge between Zhang Junxing and Tan Xingwan will naturally become clear."

The three of them rushed to the historical archives without stopping. Since this village was very small and not very famous, there were very few records mentioned in the local book, and there was no mention of martial law at all. Old Man Li smiled bitterly and said: "It seems that the clues have been broken again." He Jianfei wondered: "Could there be a problem in our reasoning process?" A Qiang thought deeply: "If there is going to be a problem, then it must be There's something wrong with that part of me. After all, the martial law formation is my own inference based on experience. Maybe these boxes have other uses." Old Man Li said impatiently: "Could it be that guy in the library? Relying on these boxes to maintain mana? Then if we destroy it, shouldn't he be destroyed?" As soon as he finished speaking, Aqiang and He Jianfei said in unison: "It's impossible." He Jianfei explained: "He is obviously influenced by the village. The people inside were ostracized, and no one cared about them even when they grew up. The places where these boxes were buried were in the heart of the village. If there were large-scale construction projects in densely populated areas without being noticed, the villagers would definitely be affected. Only when people work together can we work together. Therefore, it is unknown whether this box is related to Bai Ying, but if we solve the mystery of this box, we should be able to find clues to the Blood Staircase Library."

Old man Li hurriedly said: "Since there is nothing we can do here, why don't we go find Tan Xingwan's poetry riddles." Aqiang smiled and said: "Go find it, go find it, I will give it to him It's so annoying." He Jianfei said: "Why should we look for it? I have asked Xu Chuan and the others. There will be results when I go back tonight. We'd better take care of things here first." Old Man Li said: "It's not about clues. Are they all broken? How can we care?" He Jianfei refused to give up and said, "It would be good to go to the village again and find some clues." Old Man Li couldn't resist He Jianfei, so the three of them returned to the village. It's a pity that the village has long been changed beyond recognition due to construction. There are construction sites everywhere and dust everywhere. Even the original old houses are not found. At a loss of what to do, the three of them came to a construction site, but unexpectedly found many workers gathered at the door. None of them started working, and they were talking about it.