Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 44: Infant corpse place


Aqiang's guess was finally proven wrong. He Jianfei was uneasy the whole night. The soul-calling bell, the relic necklace and the purple golden bowl stayed next to the pillow, but they were all unusually quiet one night. That thing didn't come, but that doesn't mean it didn't move. Early the next morning, He Jianfei and his party came to the village again and immediately discovered the biggest difference between this run-down place and yesterday. Yesterday, although everything was dilapidated, it was still bustling with people, and bustling workers could be seen everywhere. But today, when I go there, all the construction sites have long been empty, withered and desolate, and they can be seen at a glance. How could there be such a huge difference in one night? In surprise, He Jianfei and the other three searched around, and finally found a young worker who was still sleeping on a construction site that was about to be capped.

"Didn't you read the newspaper?" The worker's expression was even more surprised than He Jianfei's. He Jianfei remembered that he had gotten up in a hurry in the morning, feeling flustered and that he had indeed forgotten to read the newspaper, and shook his head. The worker said indifferently: "People are dead. There were more than a dozen people dying here last night. Before they died, they would ask people with a smile: Have you seen the dead baby? I heard that their wives Several people went crazy, and later their hearts were broken. Everyone was so scared that they cried. They didn’t even want their wages, so they packed up and left one by one. When they first came in, there were rumors that there was something wrong here and they couldn’t excavate. I didn’t believe it, so I dug it anyway, but people died. The higher-ups don’t dare to say anything now. The police just came and wandered around for a while before running away, with a look of fear on their faces. I think the higher-ups will be dismissed sooner or later.”

He Jianfei asked: "Then if this place is so scary, why don't you run away?" The man showed his teeth and smiled: "My family is poor, and the boss said that if I would stay and look at the materials, he would give me 30,000 yuan. Anyway, I am a man. You damn life, forget about it and make my family rich." He Jianfei was silent, feeling sad for a while, and then asked after a while: "Did you hear any strange noises at night?" The man said: "How could you not hear it? The whole There was a child's weird laughter floating here at night. It seemed to be nearby, but I didn't see anyone. I think this place is so scary that even the police don't dare to come. How could a child come? What? Even if it is a homeless person, it will not come, it must be that dirty thing. I ignored it and fell asleep. Anyway, if he wants to take my life, let him take it. If I die, I can get more money. "

He Jianfei pondered for a while and said, "Except for the police, has no one ever come here?" The man thought for a long time and said, "There seems to be a suspicious old man wandering around in the distance. But he ran away soon." He Jianfei hurriedly asked: "Where did he run?" The man pointed and said: "Over there." He Jianfei said: "Okay, thank you, let me ask you the last question. Those people Did they commit suicide?" The man said: "Who knows, when I saw them, their stomachs were cut open with a big hole, and a lot of intestines flowed out. They just crawled on the ground desperately, and I washed away the blood. It took an entire night to rinse it off." "Blood curse?" He Jianfei and Old Man Li both swayed slightly.

After leaving the worker, He Jianfei said: "It seems that the box we dug up is indeed related to the bloody curse!" Aqiang said: "But the logic here is wrong. Bai Ying was spurned by the villagers during his lifetime, and this box is The people in the village buried it together. According to your reasoning, couldn't the people in the village work together to enhance the power of the white shadow? I'm afraid we still don't know the inside story." Old Man Li said: "I want to know a question, are we the box? Did you dig it by mistake? Look, nothing happened before, but something happened as soon as we dug up the box." Aqiang said: "This is a problem. If the disaster is really caused by digging out the box, we are guilty." He Jianfei resolutely said Said: "Well, let's find the suspicious old man first. If we still can't find out the truth, we will try to bury it back in the box. But I don't think it is of much use, because first, a formation It is formed with a stable mana circle. Once the mana circle is destroyed and you don’t know how to reconstruct the formation, simply burying it back in the box will have no effect; secondly, I am afraid that once the box is buried back, it may It caused a bigger disturbance. You have also heard what the workers said, saying that there is a problem with this place and that excavation cannot be done. Whether it was them digging the piles that triggered the accident or us digging the box that triggered the accident is unknown. What if the box is buried back? On the contrary, we have encouraged these filthy things, and we are really unforgivable. I cannot help but weigh this risk; thirdly, this box contains the remains of a dead baby. Judging from the posture, it looks like he was locked in the box and suffocated to death. Damn, the magic power of these infant spirits is quite terrifying, but what we are seeing and hearing now is a child, not a baby. So where did these infant spirits go, and where did this child come from? He Why would you paint a baby on the wall in the name of a baby spirit? If you bury the box back, will it free those baby spirits?"

Old Man Li said: "After talking for a long time, you just don't agree to put the box back. Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Aqiang said: "He Jianfei's worries are not unreasonable. In fact, I have always felt that there is something wrong with this. Think about it, something happened as soon as he dug out the box, and then he drew pictures of babies to scare us, but he didn't dare to fight us head-on, and then he killed more than a dozen people in one night. His methods were so desperate. Could it be that the murderer behind the scenes wanted to create a picture of us? Digging up the box will create an atmosphere of accident and trick us into burying the box again?" Old Man Li smiled bitterly and said, "My head is spinning." He Jianfei said, "Anyway, be careful and don't make judgments easily. Since the box was dug out, Maybe we can lead to a bunch of clues." As the group said, they came to the direction pointed by the worker and looked around, but they saw a vast fish pond. He Jianfei smiled bitterly: "Could it be that what he saw was not a human being? , is it a ghost?" Old Man Li had sharp eyes and shouted: "There is a small tin house over there!" Sure enough, a tin house with almost air leakage stood crookedly next to the fish pond, which was used by fish farmers to store Place for feed and debris.

The three of them came to the front of the small tin house without giving up. The door was locked. He Jianfei found a big stone and was about to smash the lock. Suddenly, someone shouted from behind: "What are you doing?" When He Jianfei and Uncle Li looked back, , I saw a bald old man wearing sloppy clothes, nervously raising the shovel, as if ready to beat He Jianfei. He Jianfei was so excited that he blurted out: "Are you the old man I saw at the Death Artificial Land yesterday?" "Get out of here!" The old man had no patience to listen to what He Jianfei said and rushed over with a shovel. The old man hurriedly held the shovel and shouted: "Brother, we don't want to steal your things, we are in a hurry. More than a dozen people died yesterday. If this matter is not resolved, more people will die." The old man put down the shovel. He asked, "What is the matter to be solved? That's a police matter. What does it have to do with me?" He Jianfei secretly asked Aqiang, "What's the name of that village?" "Aotou Village."

"Old man, are you from Aotou Village?" He Jianfei unexpectedly asked such a question. The old man's whole body shook slightly, and then he cursed: "What's the matter? If you don't leave, I'll call the police!" He Jianfei sneered and said: "Why bother? If you don't want to say it, we can just leave. But old man, there is always retribution in heaven and earth. Some of the sins you have done, don't think that you can pay them off, and don't think that you can only bear them alone." The relationship will bring blessings to future generations but harm to future generations. Don't forget these two sentences in a moment of confusion." Seeing He Jianfei's expression change drastically, Old Man Li was surprised for a moment, but later he saw A Qiang watching with a smile on his side, so he didn't say anything. . The old man panted and said, "What are you talking about? I don't know." He Jianfei said, "Forget it if you don't know, let's ask others. I just want to ask you one last thing before I leave. Have you heard the joke about people being deaf? Are you deaf to this story?" The old man was silent, and He Jianfei smiled and said: "Then what will happen if you kill other people's children? Old man Li, let's go." After saying that, he turned and left decisively. I couldn't laugh or cry at the back, but I finally found a clue. Why did He Jianfei give up in anger

At this moment, the old man did something that Old Man Li didn't expect. He covered his face and burst into tears: "I... all my children and grandchildren are dead... dead..." He Jianfei suddenly turned around. He said loudly: "This is retribution! Since you have committed sins, you must undo them. Silence can't do anything. So what if your children and grandchildren are dead? The sins have not been solved and the retribution has not been completed. They will suffer down there forever and ever. You have to see You can get through it, and I won't force you." The old man cried: "How to solve it? How else to solve it?! It's already like this, he won't give up, absolutely not! If he could solve it, we would have solved it long ago , we have no choice but to do this, we are going to die anyway, if we can delay it for a while, at least we will enjoy decades of peace." He Jianfei was confused in his heart, what does it mean to die anyway, but he didn't show it on his face: "Save people ! Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Since the evil has been sown and cannot be saved, as long as we can save people, we can eliminate the disaster year by year." The old man said tremblingly: "Save people , Saving people, isn’t it an injustice to save people? Didn’t we sow this bitter fruit ourselves in order to save people?" Old man Li hurriedly went up to help him and said: "Brother, please speak slowly, don't be in a hurry, we are here just for this. To save this disaster. You tell us the truth about the whole thing." The old man shook his head and said: "I don't want you to get involved in this turmoil. You should leave quickly. You can't fight. I am saving you." A rosewood-colored box suddenly appeared in front of the old man. The old man's face changed drastically, from white to green: "You... you..." He Jianfei said: "What is this?" The old man pointed at He Jianfei and said: "No wonder people die, no wonder people die. Dead people! It turns out you dug out this box! You are the murderers! It is you who deserve the retribution! These dozen lives were caused by you! You are the ones who should suffer down there forever!"

"Fart!" He Jianfei roared: "What kind of logic are you talking about?! What do you mean if you dig out the box, you are the murderer? I understand what you mean. You mean, if you dig out the box and come here, something will happen, right? But no Will the world be peaceful if you dig out the box? You don't know about the horrific death incident in the nearby university library, right? Who will bear their lives? And the injustice of these six babies, who will bear it? We will bear it What? What a joke! This box is just a dirty deal! Don’t rely on these boxes to keep your world peaceful. You are in peace, but we are not in peace. People on your side are not dead, but on our side To the dead, these are all injustices, and the injustices that are getting heavier and heavier will eventually be blamed on you! You are the murderers, the murderers of these dozens of bloody lives!"

He Jianfei's repeated heavy artillery fire finally completely defeated the old man's nerves. He collapsed on the ground and began to sob softly. "As you said, this is a dirty deal, an extremely dirty deal, but we have no choice but to do it. It's really not our family's fault. We are doing it for everyone's good. We are also forced to go to this point. Really It's not our family's fault." The old man began to speak incoherently, but He Jianfei knew that the truth of the matter was finally coming to light. He whispered: "Why does your family know these inside stories but the vast majority of the villagers don't?" the old man said. : "My ancestors have been the patriarchs of this village for generations. Later, after this injustice came out, my grandfather felt that he had no shame in being the patriarch anymore, so he gave it to others. Most of the villagers only vaguely know some superficial things. The real situation The inside story has been kept in the hands of only a few people to prevent it from leaking out."

The old man opened the tin house, took out a small iron box and handed it to He Jianfei. He Jianfei was surprised and asked: "What is this?" The old man said: "Don't you want to know the whole truth? Look, all the evil and kind things are locked inside." When He Jianfei opened it and looked at it, there was the most beautiful thing in the iron box. On the top layer is an old, yellowed photo. In the photo, there are several people dressed as villagers, all wearing coarse white turbans. One of them is also carrying a hoe. Everyone is stained with some yellow mud, which seems to be Just came back from the field. The background of the photo is a wilderness, with some rolling hills and a few desolate bald trees. The quality of the camera seems to be very poor, and the large open areas in the photo are blurred. He Jianfei showed the photo and asked, "What year is this antique?" The old man said, "It's from the Republic of China period, not long after the emperor stepped down." He Jianfei said, "Show me this. The photo is..." The old man said: "The photo shows my ancestors, and the background of the photo is Aotou Village at that time." "Oh," He Jianfei became interested and carefully considered the background of the photo. However, due to the roughness of photography at that time, except for a few obvious objects, nothing could be seen. Old man Li wondered: "Why are the people in this photo expressionless, as if they were attending a funeral?" He Jianfei smiled and said: "Old man Li is very strange, but the people in this old photo all have this expression." The old man said: "No, This old man is right, my ancestor did just come back from a funeral to take the photo."

He Jianfei knew there must be something strange in it, so he hurriedly asked: "Why are you going to mourn?" The old man said: "We are going to the villagers' funeral. They just buried six corpses in the ground." He Jianfei asked: "What did they die for?" The old man did not answer immediately, and was silent for a moment before saying, "This Aotou Village was not called that name before." He Jianfei's eyelids twitched, and he felt numb all over his body, "It turns out that road is not called Magangding, it's called Wrongful Ghost Road. ." This sentence still lingered in my ears, but I didn't expect that three years later, by chance, I heard another story about changing my name. Old Man Li asked, "What's that called? Is it called the Village of Wrongful Ghosts?" The old man looked at Old Man Li strangely and said, "No, that place wasn't called a village, it was called Infant Corpse Land." He Jianfei said, "Yin Wetland? Why is it such an unpleasant name?" He wanted to say that it was not as nice as "The Wrongful Ghost Road" at all. The old man said: "It's not the dampness, it means the corpses of babies. Thousands of babies' corpses were once buried on this land." He Jianfei hurriedly asked: "Why are there so many? Could there have been a massacre here? ?But there’s no reason to just kill babies, right?”

The old man said: "Speaking of this matter, it can be traced back to when the emperor was still there. My family used to be a pig merchant in the palace, and we were very familiar with the eunuchs, so we knew something about it. You know why Lafayette She is sixty years old, how can she take care of herself like a woman in her thirties?" He Jianfei was not interested in women's health care at all. When he heard that it was related to the Empress Dowager Cixi, he was wondering if this old man was He was overly sad and was about to tell them the history of his family's decline. Old Man Li was already busy saying, "I know, I heard people say that precious pearls are used to grind powder for eating and bathing." The old man sneered and said: "What do you think? There are so many rich people now, and it's easy to fish out pearls from the deep sea. Why are there not people half as good as Lafayette?"