Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 50: crack


Everyone around agreed with He Jianfei's statement. Qiaoer asked: "Then what is our team investigating?" He Jianfei smiled and said: "Ask the person next to you. After all, he is the number one disciple of Taoism. He is not here to make a living. , or Zhongnan Shanbai sent down." Gu Xinghan said: "Yes, don't believe me, I will take you to investigate." He Jianfei dragged Gu Xinghan aside and whispered: "Be careful Looking at the two of them, they are not good at academics. Also, pay attention to the girl in white. If she runs away when you see her, don't resist." Lone Xinghan asked doubtfully: "Run away when you see him?" He Jianfei said: " You and I combined are no match for her. Since this is a great disaster for Buddhism, the masters must take action. We are only responsible for clearing these peripheral obstacles. We must not offend her and lose the lives of innocent people."

After sending these people away, Aqiang came into the room and said with a smile: "What is this? Qingjun's side?" He Jianfei said: "Now the investigation has reached the most critical moment. As long as a little information leaks out, it is possible that everything will be lost. I You have to be careful." Old Uncle Li said: "Even so, can't even the first disciple of Taoism be trusted?" He Jianfei smiled and said: "I would be very suspicious, if it weren't for the two of you who came here with me all the time. , I even doubt you." Aqiang laughed hoarsely and said: "Although it is good to say this, but will it affect the internal unity too much? They are all smart people, and they may not be able to guess what you mean. Now that the enemy is facing us, if we If we split first, we will play into the hands of the traitor." He Jianfei said: "So this is a double-edged sword. Let's wait and see. From today on, we will slowly drive out the traitor's fox tail!" "Lone Star" Han walked out of the room and fell into deep thought first. What the master said to him when he came down the mountain was still in his ears: "Although this great calamity is common to both Buddhism and Taoism, it is mainly aimed at Buddhism, and among Buddhism, Wutai is in charge and is the first to bear the brunt. Although He Jianfei is extremely intelligent, he may not be able to understand the calamity involved. What's more, he is the only lay disciple in Wutai, and he is also the one who is destined to doom. Worried. Therefore, I am sending you down the mountain. Firstly, you are helping fellow Buddhists to exterminate demons and subjugate demons. Secondly, you must uphold the Taoist heart and act in secret. Some people are bound to die in this catastrophe, so there is no need to be overly sad. It will be a great blessing for us if the calamity is resolved, otherwise generations of our disciples will not be able to live in peace. "The words of Taoist Master Tianji were so confusing that Lone Xinghan pondered for several days but still couldn't figure out what it meant that He Jianfei was turned into a demon. For this first disciple of the Buddhist family who was two years older than him, Gu Xinghan has always admired him very much. Although he is of the same generation and cannot be called senior brother, He Jianfei has always been like an older brother to him, and he is also far ahead of him in terms of magical attainments. If he were to be demonized, he would probably die. There is no guarantee. Also, what the master said about secretly taking advantage of others seemed to be asking him to bypass He Jianfei and act alone. So the master and the others did not believe that any Jianfei could still stand on the side of the magic world in this calamity. How is this possible? He Jianfei He knows the most about Buddhism and his loyalty to Buddhism. Is there really some complex factors that cannot be predicted in this catastrophe? How can it be considered cheap? What is the reason for this incident of Lone Star Hanlian? I don’t know where it started. I finally figured out the Junting incident, and then a girl in white jumped out for no reason. He Jianfei looked confused. He didn’t know anything about the enemy, so how could he win the battle with a ghost?, Doom The middle-aged man, the middle-aged man, could it be that Master asked the four of them to die specifically to escape this calamity

While he was thinking wildly, Qiao'er caught up from behind and said, "Senior Brother Gu, how should our group act?" Qiao'er, who was not experienced in the world, still seemed to be in high spirits. For lay disciples like them, all sects and sects were different. He was easily sent down the mountain to take action. He finally got a chance, so why not take advantage of it? Lone Xinghan's thoughts were interrupted, and when he came back to his senses, he turned to look at Xu Chuan, who was bowing his head in silence, and thought: Why does he look so depressed? Lone Xinghan thought about it for a while, but still didn't know where to start. He originally thought about reading the information first, but he was afraid that others would see that he couldn't control the situation yet, which would distract people. He suddenly remembered that Tan Xingwan had three poems. The strange poem remained and has not been solved, so he hurriedly said: "Let's go solve the mystery of Tan Xingwan's poem. Isn't the identity of the wronged soul always unknown? It's not a problem that it is always hanging. Now that we know it, Zhang Junxing or Tan Xingwan, with a clear target, we can find his weaknesses and defeat them. Anyway, He Jianfei and the others are now focusing on solving the mystery of the bloody curse, and we are just blooming on both sides, forming a joint attack." Qiao Erzhan Yan smiled and said: "As expected of Senior Brother Gu, we were divided into groups before and said we wanted to solve the riddle of this poem, but we still couldn't solve it." Lone Xinghan smiled and said: "How many days did it take you to solve it?" Qiao'er gagged and said: "It only took half a day. In the afternoon, people died on campus, and everyone gave up." "Ah, someone died?" Lone Xinghan called out softly, then turned around and said to himself: "Why? What a coincidence..." The voice of this sentence was so soft that even Qiao'er didn't hear it. Lone Xinghan vaguely understood the meaning of He Jianfei's grouping—there was a traitor here!

Since He Jianfei's team had been investigating the main line and had a clear goal, it was much easier to discuss the direction. He Jianfei explained to the two that Zhang Junxing and Tan Xingwan had specifically investigated the bloody curse before their deaths, and roughly talked about his and Lone Xinghan's reasoning, which made the two sigh. Old Man Li still supported Tan Xingwan and said: "I don't think so, there is no motive. You said that Zhang Junxing borrowed the power of the bloody curse to avenge Xiaohu, which is barely justified, but why did Tan Xingwan do this? Is there anything worth doing? He wants to borrow this vicious power and end up risking his life?" He Jianfei said with a smile: "I said it was an idea, so I knew you would be anxious. Putting aside the issue of Zhang Junxing or Tan Xingwan, let's solve the bloody curse first. Let's talk about the secret." Old Man Li said puzzledly: "Hasn't it been unlocked? It's this box. The dead spirit in the library must be the reincarnation of the dead child to take revenge." He Jianfei said: "Okay, then Let me ask you, if he came for revenge, why did he come to the school?" Old man Li was speechless, and He Jianfei said again: "Let me ask you again, the blood formation is a folk suppression formation. Through the power of this formation, If you maximize the evil spirit, how did the infant spirit break through the blood formation? Don't even look at Senior Aqiang, the conditions are too special." Seeing that Old Man Li still didn't answer, He Jianfei continued reluctantly. Asked: "The third question, the bloody curse is obviously not only a curse, but also a method to improve one's own skills through curses. According to this, the undead can completely improve his skills through this curse until he is invincible in the world. . Then why does he set up a riddle so that the person who guesses it can absorb his own power? Isn't this contradictory? Don't you think this riddle is a bit unreasonable? "

Old Man Li rushed to say: "I know the third question. Let me answer you. It must be that the person he wants to avenge is no longer there and his wish is gone, so he feels that it is meaningless to stay in this world." He Jianfei laughed and said: "Nonsense! Why are you going to reincarnate when you don't have any fun, and why are you occupying the library and scaring people? And you are still pretending to tell us whether you have guessed the secret of the bloody curse." A Qiang said: "I'm afraid there is another purpose." He Jianfei said: "There is another purpose. For sure, there are situations where people take advantage of people not only in the human world, but also in the underworld. After all, ghosts are transformed by people." A Qiang heard that there was a reason behind his words, and asked: "Have you found out anything?" He Jianfei said: "Although I have been sleeping and wandering around these past few days, it is to stabilize the traitor's mind. In fact, I have sent people to secretly investigate the school history, and the information has been fed back to me. "Old man Li asked doubtfully: "Why are you checking the school history?" He Jianfei said: "To find out why the dead spirit ran from the village to the school for no reason, we must check the school history." A Qiang said: "You check it Are you there yet?" He Jianfei took out a thick stack of information from the bedside table and said, "I found it. The facts are quite clear. The undead spirit abandoned the village and came to the school to continue his revenge. In 1934, When our school was founded, a mysterious man named Sun Yonggui invested 30 million and became the largest and absolute shareholder of the school. Do you know who this Sun Yonggui is?"

Both A Qiang and Mr. Li asked: "Who is it?" He Jianfei smiled: "That's the old man's ancestral brother!" Mr. Li was surprised: "What? Where did he get so much money?" A Qiang nodded. : "It's not surprising. They are paying tribute to the palace. They must have a lot of savings in the past." He Jianfei said: "I also checked about Sun Yonggui. There are many anecdotes among the people. It is said that his wealth is unknown and his family often invites people to visit him. Monks and Taoist priests came to practice, creating a mess. Some said that he often had nightmares at night, and even once ran out of the door barefoot screaming. Therefore, folk legends say that his money was not clean, but was stolen from murder and arson. He also called him a 'murderer.'" Old Man Li exclaimed: "This rumor is really terrible." He Jianfei said: "Not long after he took over the school, something happened in the library. Later, Sun Yonggui became very nervous and held frequent meetings without caring about the school. The other directors objected and invited so-called magicians to do it, but it was of no use. Later, Sun Yonggui fled in a panic and died suddenly on the road. Later, I went around outside the library and dug up this thing." He took out a A curved and slightly shiny thin iron sheet came out. Old man Li recognized it for a long time and said: "Why does it look familiar? It looks like a copper deer tongue." He Jianfei said: "It is a copper deer tongue, but this is not A standard copper deer tongue. The reason why the copper deer tongue has a suppressive function is that it uses copper, a substance that can absorb breath, and then cast it into the shape of a deer tongue, with incantations engraved on it. But this copper deer tongue Not only was it bent, the surface was rough and uneven, but there was no word engraved on it. I took it to check and found that it was not copper, but iron. I don’t know what kind of magician Sun Yonggui hired to cheat money, and finally gave it to himself. life."

Mr. Li asked: "Since Sun Yonggui is dead, what are the spirits left for?" He Jianfei said: "Although Sun Yonggui is dead, he has an only son. He was sent to Qingcheng Mountain to learn Taoism when he was young. After he came back, he took charge of the school and made great achievements. This was also dug out, but judging from the traces, it was obviously buried behind." Then he took out another piece of something, and this time both Old Man Li and A Qiang recognized it, it was a standard copper deer tongue. He Jianfei said: "This is also the reason why the bloody curse could kill thirty-six people at first, but later it could only kill one by one. If it weren't for these copper deer tongues, Senior Aqiang, you and he would really have had something to do with each other." It was a good fight. Think about it, I have been controlled by others for no reason and endured for more than fifty years. Why are you being asked to give up now? I definitely won’t! So he came up with the solution of the mystery of the bloody curse, and even released tempting news, saying As long as you guess the answer to his riddle, you can gain access to his skills and lure Zhang Junxing or Tan Xingwan into this trap, becoming an important part of his revenge plan!"

Old Man Li asked: "What's the revenge plan? Why can't I understand it? He was suppressed. What does his desire for revenge have to do with the mystery of the bloody curse?" He Jianfei said: "To answer this question, we must first answer the question about that library Who is the undead spirit?" Old Uncle Li said: "Eh? Didn't I tell you? That infant spirit." He Jianfei glared and said, "The second question has already been mentioned. The blood array is so powerful, how did the infant spirit rush out? , you didn't even answer." Old Man Li said: "How do I know how he rushed out, but anyway, I have evidence to prove it." He Jianfei said: "What evidence?" Old Man Li said: "Isn't there a crack on the box? Is that evidence that he rushed out?" He Jianfei smiled and said, "I'm sorry, that's not your evidence, it's my evidence. It's these cracks that make me firmly believe that the undead in the legend of the Blood Curse is definitely not who you think it is. That infant spirit is definitely not any of these six infant spirits! He is not an infant spirit at all!!"

"What?!" Because he was too surprised, Old Man Li stood up with a "Teng" sound: "Then...who do you think you are? How to explain these cracks?" When he was excited, Old Man Li even trembled a little. He Jianfei pointed at the boxes and said: "Except how the infant spirit has so much energy to destroy the formation, if it is as you said, the crack is evidence that the infant spirit rushed out, then there should only be one crack, not It should be in every box. Not every infant spirit is so powerful and rushes out, so why can we only see one now?" Old man Li was startled, and He Jianfei had already continued: "The principle of the blood array is Set up some obstacles in the direction of the flow of evil spirits to achieve the maximum. This kind of formation that is concentrated at one point has a common feature, that is, the interior is very solid, and it is very difficult for you to destroy it. So what are the advantages of this formation? What is the weakness? The opposite of internal destruction is external destruction. If we dig out the box as easily as we do, the formation will be broken. Therefore, we must choose a location, bury it deeply, keep the secret, and cannot let outsiders I know." Old Man Li said in disbelief: "You said this... this crack is the result of external damage??" He Jianfei said calmly: "Actually, you will know if you look at the cracks carefully. The cracks from the inside out are from thin to small. It is thick, and small cracks are usually found inside, and the cracks we see are from thick to fine. If you look carefully with a magnifying glass, you will find several small cracks distributed on the outside of the box. Another obvious evidence is that Mr. Feng Shui before Didn't he say that he once found the box cracked and repaired it? If, as you said, the infant spirits should have escaped after the crack occurred, why did the crack appear again on the box later? And it also appeared in the repaired box. There are no obvious traces of revenge. So the spirit that did this must not be the infant spirit imprisoned in the box, but an outside spirit."

Mr. Li said: "What you said doesn't make sense. Why is the external spirit constantly destroying this box?" He Jianfei said: "That's why I said we need to uncover the identity of this external spirit first. Seeing how easily he can find the box and start, I'm sure He is from the village." At this point, He Jianfei smiled and winked at Old Man Li: "Did you guess it?" A Qiang next to him already knew the answer, but just smiled and didn't say anything. Old Man Li said "Ah" and realized: "It's the mother of that child, that widow!!" He Jianfei said: "Yes, it's her who has been killing villagers under the guise of a baby spirit for decades, and even sneaked into the school to seek revenge. The dead spirit is her! So what we see today is not the spirit body of a baby, but the spirit body of an adult." Old Man Li said: "But the voice was obviously male, and it didn't mean that a boy was born later. Do you want to go around killing people when you grow up?" He Jianfei said: "It is not difficult to do this. As long as you have a certain amount of magic power, you can possess someone and control your mind. Hasn't Senior Aqiang done this? And over time, he can also absorb the possessed person. The essence of the person in his body has transformed into his appearance. Isn't Senior Aqiang not his true self now?" As soon as he finished speaking, Aqiang said depressedly: "He Jianfei, can you stop using me as an example?"

Old Man Li never expected that the person who carefully arranged a heinous lie would be a woman. However, the pain of losing a father and a son is deeper than ordinary hatred, and the knot is difficult to resolve. Therefore, the resentful spirit exists in the world, He Jianfei explained this There is nothing wrong with that either. He suddenly thought of a missing link: "By the way, He Jianfei, you once said that it is basically impossible for a person who has just died to have great magic power, unless there are special circumstances, such as Aqiang, Dongyao, etc. Could it be that the woman absorbed the breath of the infant spirits buried underground when she died?" He Jianfei said: "Even if she wanted to, those infant spirits wouldn't do it. Even if she was betrayed and executed by her tribe, she was still from that village, underground. The undead could not tolerate her, and she had to find another way out. It was under such special circumstances that she thought of these boxes and her son contained in the box, so the first crack on the box appeared. At that time, the boxes had just been buried and the formation was not fully formed, so she could easily destroy these boxes. But unfortunately, Mr. Feng Shui sensed this abnormality and discovered the loophole, and repaired it in time. She had no choice but to lurk and wait. After his own skill increased, he created a second crack. He absorbed all the evil spirit of the baby spirit in the box, achieving the terrifying power of the bloody curse. He followed the culprit to the school to wait for revenge." Old Man Li said: "Wait a minute, that Feng Shui Mr. Who killed him? After all, he was someone who had learned something. The widow had just died, so how could he be so capable of killing him?" He Jianfei smiled and said, "Who told you that the widow killed Mr. Feng Shui? "?" Old Man Li asked curiously: "Who killed it?" He Jianfei said: "Didn't the old man tell us the answer? He said that he drew a tiger's eye on his clothes before he died." Old Man Li said "Yes, from the tiger's eyes I infer that the widow killed him." He Jianfei said: "You will also say that the Feng Shui master is not an ordinary person. If it was the widow who killed him, he should know who the murderer is and why. Want to leave tiger eyes to mislead everyone to think of Yingling? He should just write the word widow." When He Jianfei said this, Old Man Li suddenly felt something was wrong: "According to what you said, could it be those boxes? Could it be possible to kill the infant spirit inside?" He Jianfei smiled and said: "Cheng must have succeeded. This is the only explanation. He must have seen the murderer. If he wanted to leave a warning, he would naturally use the most conspicuous and shocking sign." Old Uncle Li Said: "No, you said that the blood array can not only expand the evil spirit to the maximum, but also suppress their own grievances and not target the villagers, so why can they kill Mr. Feng Shui?" He Jianfei said: "You forgot It’s a detail. He once dug out the box and took a closer look. The moment he dug out the box, the formation was temporarily destroyed. From that moment on, his fatal factor was buried." Old man Li suddenly realized that Mr. Feng Shui The intricate mystery of the cause of death was finally solved.