Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 51: Blood


Aqiang, who had been watching the conversation between the two of them, said: "Now that everything is clear, let's discuss what exactly this woman did using Zhang Junxing or Tan Xingwan." He Jianfei said: "Actually, if you guess this question, It is also very simple to solve the crossword puzzle left by the female doctor. The female doctor left a mark of 'blood x' on the bark of the tree, which is obviously a reminder to us that it is related to the bloody curse, but why didn't she write her full name instead? Is there an x symbol behind the word "leave in blood"? The key lies in that x. I have been guessing what that x represents. At first I was misled by Gong Yong, Liu Canli and others, and I also thought that it might represent some words that are difficult to express concealment, but Later, I studied the font of the female doctor, and I finally discovered that the The x seen in the photo is indeed very neat, so what other symbols are exactly like x but more neat than x?" Old man Li shook his head happily: "I can't guess." He Jianfei glared at him, A Qiang was there The side replied: "Multiply sign."

He Jianfei clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Exactly! That x is not the x of the letter, but the multiplication sign of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The female doctor deliberately wrote it much smaller than the font size because she was afraid of being misunderstood by outsiders, but many people still misunderstood it." Mr. Li said: "Wait a minute, you know this is a multiplication sign, what does it mean? What is blood multiplied by? This is still a mystery!" He Jianfei said: "This is not difficult to reason from common sense. Why should the female doctor stay? The next symbol? Because it wants to warn us of the murderer or the impending disaster, and from a literal point of view, it is obviously not consistent to imply the murderer, so it can only imply the disaster that will happen in the future. And this multiplication sign is easy to think of Number, the female doctor is hinting at number. What number is she hinting at? It can only be the number of dead people. In this way, the central idea of the whole puzzle is clear. She is hinting that there are rules for dead people, and the rules are the blood multiplied by . So back to Old Man Li’s question, what is blood multiplied by? The female doctor did not give any further tips, and judging from what the two ministers said, the female doctor had enough time to leave a complete tip. Yes, why doesn't she stay? There is only one reason, she thinks this is enough! Therefore, the object behind 'blood multiplied' will be clear." Old man Li hurriedly asked: "What is it?" Aqiang replied: "Blood multiplied by blood is blood raised to the power."

He Jianfei said: "Yes, the reminder she left was that the number of dead people is equal to the power of blood. In this way, it also indirectly revealed the entire elaborate layout of the widow." Old Man Li hurriedly interrupted: "Wait a minute Wait, you two, blood multiplied by blood is still blood. Nothing is revealed. How can it represent the number of dead people?" He Jianfei couldn't help laughing and said: "Of course blood multiplied by blood is still blood. Where can it be multiplied like this? What they multiply is Strokes, blood is six strokes, multiplied by six, it is thirty-six strokes, so the real answer to blood multiplied by blood is four words-bloody curse!" Old Man Li exclaimed: "What? Bloody curse? This ... What the hell is going on?!" Ah Qiang said: "Wait a minute, He Jianfei, no, the bloody curse is not thirty-six strokes." He Jianfei said: "Indeed, according to the normal algorithm, it is not thirty-six strokes. But we have to calculate it according to a special algorithm. Look." He took out a photo, and there were those four letters in blood on the photo. Aqiang said: "How did you get this photo?" He Jianfei said : "I secretly took the photo when I went to the library with you. I always thought these four words were weird at the time, but I couldn't remember what was wrong, so I took the photo for future reference."

Aqiang carefully identified the words on the photo and said, "It's right. There's nothing wrong with it." He Jianfei said, "I'm not saying the words are wrong, but don't you think these four words are written on it?" Isn’t it a bit out of place?” Aqiang said in confusion: “Not out of place? What are you referring to?” He Jianfei pointed to the right corner of the photo, and it happened to catch half of a bronze plate with the words “Reading” on it. The characters should be the "Reading Instructions" hanging on the stipulated sign in the library. Aqiang suddenly realized: "Traditional Chinese characters, the library used traditional Chinese characters at that time, but these four bloody characters were written in simplified Chinese characters! "He Jianfei said with a smile: "That's it. I just looked at the traditional Chinese characters, and suddenly I saw the familiar simplified characters. I couldn't react at once, and that's what was wrong. At that time, the simplified characters had just been implemented, and most people were still I am used to using traditional Chinese characters and I can't change them at once, so why do these four characters have to be written in simplified Chinese? I have always suspected that there is some mystery in it and thought about countless possibilities, but when I went for a walk last night, I accidentally thought After going through a detail, I finally understood the meaning of these four simplified characters."

Old man Li had long forgotten to ask why blood multiplied by blood resulted in the bloody curse. He was so fascinated that he asked: "What details?" He Jianfei said: "In the late Qing Dynasty, merchants cherished their money as much as their lives, and At that time, it was still popular for women not to have talents to be virtuous. Women in their tribe generally did not know how to read and write, and they only knitted women's clothing. Therefore, the widow may not be literate. She only learned how to read after living in the library. She had the opportunity to read, which explains why she could not write traditional Chinese characters but only simplified Chinese characters. In order to respond to the call, most of the books in the library at that time were mainly in simplified Chinese and supplemented by traditional Chinese. She doesn't know the habits of the outside world, so she naturally thinks that simplified Chinese is the main font used." Mr. Li said: "It's too far-fetched. It's possible that she knows both, and just wants to use simplified Chinese characters that are still in the promotion period to attract people's attention." He Jianfei smiled and said, "I knew you would say it was far-fetched. Don't worry, I have a second layer of evidence. Look carefully at the blood writing on the photo. How is it different from what we usually write?"

Aqiang and Mr. Li both carefully identified the words on the photo. After a while, Aqiang suddenly said "ah": "I understand, the four words "bloody curse" are all broken at the hooks and folds. , it seems that the widow has never learned to read, she learned it by reading books, and did not know that hooks and strokes are connected strokes. If each hook and fold is counted as two strokes, the four characters add up to not too much and not too little. Thirty-six strokes!" He Jianfei smiled and said: "Yes, that's right! This is the answer to the bloody curse, thirty-six lives, thirty-six blood pens, the second curse!" Old Man Li said: "I Although I understand your explanation about the thirty-six strokes, I still don’t understand. What does the mystery of the Blood Curse have to do with this stroke? And you said that the widow used the Blood Curse scam to get Zhang Junxing or Tan Xing Wan was working for her, why didn’t I see that she had this conspiracy?”

He Jianfei explained: "I didn't explain it clearly. Let me explain it to you from the surface. The first is the blood formation. How many strokes is blood? Six strokes correspond to six lives. These six lives use a fixed formation to disperse the evil spirit. Concentrated to the maximum, if the widow destroys this formation and absorbs the resentment of these six infant spirits, then it is equivalent to her inheriting the power of this formation. In other words, this formation has not been affected by the six infant spirits. The spirit disappeared and disappeared, but it survived with the help of the widow's curse. What was that curse? It was the bloody curse. It developed from the word "blood" to the four words "blood curse". We can see that the formation or the The widow's power has advanced by leaps and bounds, from being able to kill villagers one by one to being able to kill thirty-six people at once. What does this mean? It means that the formation also has a set of rules for self-improvement and self-enhancement. Although I can't find After searching for information for a long time, we still couldn’t find this folk formation information, but we can completely deduce the law of this power development based on the existing facts, which is the word puzzle left for us by the female doctor—the power of blood! Blood is The first curse, six times six, is thirty-six, corresponding to thirty-six lives. The bloody curse is the second curse, because a large number of copper deer tongues are buried around the library. The second curse obviously cannot satisfy The widow needs revenge, so she must carry out the third curse. What is the third curse? It is thirty-six times thirty-six, one thousand two hundred and ninety-six! The third curse is also the widow using Zhang Junxing or The conspiracy implemented by Tan Xingwan was to kill 1,296 people, achieve the third increase in power, and break through the copper deer tongue barrier in the library!! This is also the real answer to the bloody curse. The real source of the tragedy of serial deaths!!”

He Jianfei's generous and indignant words also greatly shocked A Qiang and Mr. Li. The two men who had worked together to deal with this legendary campus duo never expected that they would lose completely. However, the opponent lurked in secret and endured humiliation and carried out more insidious plans, ultimately destroying the two talents of the 51st class and indirectly destroying the 52nd student union. One thousand two hundred and ninety-six people. This number is so large that it seems that there is no other expression other than staggering. It is more than twice the total number of people killed by innocent ghosts on the road, and all these conspiracies to destroy the campus are just from The hand of an illiterate mother who lost her son was just to avenge the robbery and kicking a hundred years ago. Aqiang looked at the photo over and over and sighed: "Can hatred really be so deep? For generations, as long as there is a lineage, they will do it at any cost, even thousands of innocent lives. Regardless. But if you really destroy that lineage, can the hatred be released? Can you really let go and reincarnate? I don't think so." He Jianfei knew that he was thinking of Dongyao, and he felt sad in his heart, and smiled: "Hate is not What's scary, what's scary is people's obsession with hatred. There is nothing in the world that cannot be let go. The reason why you can't let it go is because you are unwilling to let it go."

Mr. Li said: "Now that you understand the reason, will you try to influence her? Just like you did to the winter lotus." He Jianfei pondered for a long time and said resolutely: "No, although the Buddha is compassionate and cannot bear to kill, but Monsters and ghosts are not included in the pardon, and those who have committed serious sins cannot be purified by the water of the Lingshan Mountain. They can only be suppressed and killed. In the beginning, the widow was worthy of sympathy. She killed because of her resentment. Even if her hands were full of blood, as long as she was willing to go Hell cleanses her sins, and she can still get the chance of reincarnation. But later on, she was obsessed with long-term hatred, distorted by the emotion of revenge, and used others to carry out such a massacre plan that would destroy the whole world. Her heart has been demonized. Now that she has become a demon, Then there is no reason for reform, and there is no need for reform. What the Buddha hates most is not delusion, but poisonous intention. She has gone beyond the scope of injustice, and even heaven and earth cannot tolerate her." Old Man Li shivered involuntarily: "Are you going to..." He Jianfei nodded, put his hand under his neck, and made a cutting gesture.

On the other hand, Gu Xinghan and his party came to the literary club to solve the mystery of Tan Xingwan's strange poem. Just when they arrived at the door of the literary club, Gu Xinghan suddenly felt severe pain in his stomach and had a headache. He was in a cold sweat and huddled on the ground unable to move. Xu Chuan and Qiaoer both panicked and hurriedly sent him back to the hotel. As they were discussing whether to send him to the hospital, Lone Xinghan insisted on taking a nap first to see if he got better. I had to give up and say goodbye and go back. As soon as the two left, Lone Xinghan immediately changed from sluggish to energetic. He was rolling around on the bed in pain just now and got up. He rushed to the window and gently lifted a corner of the curtain to watch. He saw Qiaoer. The conversation with Xu Chuan went further and further. Lone Star sighed coldly and said to himself: "This He Jianfei is really not interesting. He didn't notify him in time when there was a traitor, which almost caused something bad. I just don't know who it is. It can't be Qiao'er. Could it be Xu Chuan? No. It seems that the only way to do this is to act on your own, and this time Master really made the right decision and acted cheaply."

Coming to the coffee table, Gu Xinghan placed the three strange poems he copied from Qiaoer on the table. The first thing that caught Gu Xinghan's attention was the poem "Gift to Zhang Junxing". If this was Tan Xingwan's intention, In order to attract their attention, Tan Xingwan must have predicted or was already at the stage of breaking up his friendship with Zhang Junxing when he wrote the poem. Since the two are enemies of each other, he also wrote the poem "Gift to Zhang Junxing" , there must be some hint. According to He Jianfei's speculation, Tan Xingwan was either loyal or traitorous. If he was loyal, then these three poems would be the evidence left to reveal Zhang Junxing's crimes. If he was traitorous, then these three poems would be a cover-up to confuse the world in the future. There are two possibilities for the cover of his own actions, and these three poems are so obscure that Lone Xinghan also studied them for a while on the way here, but naturally he returned without success. From this point of view, Tan Xingwan's setting is not an ordinary poetry riddle. Since he intentionally left these three poems without tails, it seems to be suggesting that these three poems should be connected to solve the puzzle, but he did not give any further hints on how to solve it. . Interpreting poetry with poetry? Lone Xinghan's heart moved. Could it be that the solution Tan Xingwan asked for was to use the strange poem he left behind to solve another strange poem? In other words, of these three strange poems, only one actually hides the answer to the mystery, while the other two are just keys that separate two locks. So which poem will be the one that hides the answer? Gu Xinghan compared the sources of the three poems and immediately understood that two of them were handed over to his companions before he disappeared. They were very fluid and had a high possibility of being annihilated. Based on Tan Xingwan's With a cautious character, it is impossible to deliver the poem that hides the final answer in this way, because even if the key to the answer is lost, it is not impossible to solve the answer. If he were Tan Xingwan, even if he had a glimmer of hope, he would try his best to keep the poem that hides the answer to the mystery, so that future generations can one day solve it.

In this case, it is certain that the poems obtained from the old woman are the two keys to solving the riddle, and the real riddle of the poem to be solved is the poem "Gift to Zhang Junxing". Tan Xingwan also specially used the eye-catching phrase "Zhang Junxing". The name reminds everyone that the existence of this poem is the product of witnessing his grudges with Zhang Junxing. Gu Xinghan first put aside the poem "Gift to Zhang Junxing" and concentrated on studying the other two poems. The first is "Six Beauties". Gu Xinghan read it for a long time. In addition to not understanding what the sentence meant, he didn't even understand the connection between the sentences. Sometimes the upper and lower sentences had no meaning. The connection was transferred very bluntly, as if it was made from scratch, not at all like Tan Xingwan's level. Why did he write such a confusing and confusing poem? Whether it is to reveal Zhang Junxing's crimes or to use it as a cover for killing others, making it so unfamiliar is contrary to the original intention. Is there any twists and turns in it

Lone Xinghan had a headache from thinking about it. He threw away the poem and looked out the window at the cherry blossoms flying all over the sky. He murmured: "Six beautiful chants... Six beautiful chants... Six beautiful chants... Six beautiful chants... Six beautiful chants? Six beautiful chants?? "Suddenly thinking of something, Gu Xinghan turned around quickly, hurriedly came to the coffee table, and lowered his waist to read the sentences of the poem: "The Song of Six Beauties should be about six beauties. How come there is no trace of it at all in the poem? What about words about six beauties? Does each sentence represent a beauty?" Gu Xinghan read Liu Mei Yinzai carefully again, and still felt that it was more like writing about one person. The title is completely inconsistent with the content of the poem. Is this a hidden hint intentionally left by Tan Xingwan or was it caused by his haste and negligence? If it's the former, what exactly does he want to draw the attention of puzzle solvers through this? A pile of raw materials... Six Beauty Songs... Nondescript twists... No beginning and no tail... These scattered fragments kept spinning in Lone Xinghan's mind, until they were spinning in front of his eyes, and countless little stars were spinning around them. Lone Xinghan finally gave up all his efforts and lay on the bed to rest and regain his brain power. Only then did he realize that his temple was not so painful.

Gu Xinghan was so angry that he cursed: "What on earth is Tan Xingwan doing? Talented people don't play tricks on people like this. What rotten poems and riddles can't be explained at all. He thinks that the people in the world are roundworms in his stomach. ! It’s great to be like Senior Aqiang, who can create a poetry riddle that is both sophisticated and popular. If you don’t know how to create a riddle, you can just use the stupidest embedding method!" Wait a minute, embedding? Gu Xinghan stood up with a "Teng" sound. The title did not match the content, and there were also those blunt turns and poems without tails. Could it be that all these incongruities were really just for one purpose - to insert words? ! !