Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 59: People drive away ghost hearts


It was a mess over there. Xu Chuan and Qiaoer's mouths were bloodshot, and they had obviously suffered internal injuries. Just now, a powerful wave of resentment suddenly attacked, and before everyone knew what happened, the bronze statue had fallen. Old man Li and the other three people also felt severe pain all over their bodies and fell to the ground. At this critical moment, Aqiang He used the Longquan Sword thrown by Lone Star Han to prop up the bronze statue that was about to fall to the ground. He also knew very well that as long as the bronze statue did not fall, hope would exist. Unexpectedly, things backfired. At first, Aqiang thought that Zhang Junxing no longer had the power to attack, but another wave of resentment rushed over. Aqiang felt that his soul was hit hard by something, and he sighed in his heart: "After all, it was too late. He Jianfei, Where are you?" Old Man Li shouted: "Aqiang, it's dangerous! Come back quickly!" Aqiang couldn't help but turn around and smile lightly. When Old Man Li saw this smile, it was as if he knew he had to return to that desolate house. Just like in the abandoned temple, before he could react, Aqiang had already said to him in a commanding tone: "I can hold on for a while, so quickly lead them to fight with He Jianfei." Old Man Li knew that it was preparing to resist the attack with all his strength. , said angrily: "No! Don't!! Don't talk to me in this tone every time! Why should I be manipulated by you? We will die together!" Aqiang never expected that Old Man Li would turn against him. He was stunned for a long time and said: "Why? Just because the ghost road started because of me!" "No!" The two people fell from the sky, and Old Man Li was overjoyed: "He Jianfei?! You bastard is finally here." He Jianfei quickly flashed to Aqiang said next to him: "Put down the bronze statue. I have found its weakness and its true face. The nightmare of the stick is about to end. I just want to tell you that the road of injustice started because of you. But Cherry Blossom Road has nothing to do with you. Even if there is no Wrongful Ghost Road, Sakura Road will appear sooner or later." Aqiang was stunned: "The true face of the stick?" With a "crash", the bronze statue finally slowly fell to the ground. on the ground.

Seeing that Qiao'er was injured, Gu Xinghan quickly ran up and said heartbrokenly: "Qiao'er, how are you?" Qiao'er lay softly in his arms and said in a voice like a gossamer: "I... I feel so uncomfortable..." Xu When Chuan saw this scene, he couldn't stand it anymore, held back tears and turned his head to one side. Old man Li kept asking what the truth was, and He Jianfei said loudly: "The first inside story I want to tell you is: I already know who the traitor is." One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and Xu Chuan was the first one. He jumped up excitedly and said: "Who is it? He caused us to be blocked as soon as we left the campus. If no one informed us, how could Zhang Junxing know our route out so accurately. Who is it?" Aqiang asked: "Where is the traitor now?" He Jianfei asked: "Since it is the traitor, he must know the entire process of our actions, and the people who know all this are all gathered here now. Of course, the traitor is definitely at the scene. Among our group of people Among them! More likely, there is more than one traitor, and even more likely, they are all traitors!" Old Man Li hurriedly said: "He Jianfei, don't talk nonsense. Except for the traitor, everyone lives and dies together, shares the same adversity, and crawls together. Aren't people worth trusting?" He Jianfei smiled coldly: "It is precisely because we believe this too much that we hesitate and say we are good people everywhere, which is why we paid such a heavy price. Uncle Li, why? Why are you so nervous when this question is asked?" Old Man Li gasped in anger and stopped talking. Xu Chuan said in a trembling voice: "Could it be that the traitor is Li..." Aqiang shouted first: "Shut up!" Old man Li was already furious and said: "Even if every one of you is suspected, I will not be suspected!!" He Jianfei said : "That's right. Except for me, Mr. Li and Senior Aqiang, every one of you has this suspicion and has this ability." Xu Chuan opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief: "Me too? Do you have it? Are you mistaken? Senior brother, I was the first to tell you that there was a traitor." He Jianfei said: "It is not uncommon for thieves to cry out to catch thieves throughout the ages." Xu Chuan was immediately speechless. Gu Xinghan hurriedly stepped forward and interrupted: "But Qiao'er and I are not from your school and have nothing to do with Zhang Junxing, so how can we be suspected?" He Jianfei said: "That's right, the two of you are You have been absent for the longest time and have the most abundant evidence, especially you. You suddenly intervened in the middle and said that you came specifically to assist. Who knows whether you were assisting me or Zhang Junxing?" Gong Yong smiled bitterly and said: "Needless to say, Liu Canli and I will definitely escape. It won’t fall off.”

Uncle Li was impatient and said, "Boy, do you know who he is? Stop messing around here." Aqiang smiled faintly. He knew that He Jianfei was actually using Zhang Junxing's psychological tactics to force him to stop attacking. Then defeat them one by one. Sure enough, the shock wave became weaker and weaker. He Jianfei said: "If I tell you who he is now, he will definitely not be convinced and will make excuses in every possible way. So to truly reveal his mask, we must first uncover the mystery of the stick." Old Man Li said: "By the way, this I also want to know why he walks with his head on a stick? Most ghosts walk faster than it." He Jianfei said: "That stick is not a stick at all!" He looked at the surprised faces around him and then He continued slowly: "For example, in China, in ancient times, during wars and chaos, people often died. Those without family members would expose their bodies in the wilderness or bury them indiscriminately. Those with family members, because they could not afford the funeral expenses, would try their best to use them. Other forms replace it. Therefore, many ghosts with strange shapes are produced, which often gain greater magic power than ordinary ghosts, and even exist as an independent sect in this world." Old Man Li said: "What is ' For example, we are China. Isn't this China China?" He Jianfei said: "Because what I am about to talk about is not what happened in China, but what happened in Japan, a neighbor just a strip of water away. In the Showa decade, there was a widespread famine in Japan. At that time, many rural families usually drowned their newborn children in the water in order to save money on food. People felt pity for the children who had not yet enjoyed life, so they made small puppets out of wood that looked like children and placed them in temples. Pray for their blessings. This form was retained as a substitute for sacrifice. Later, during World War II, more people died, and most of them were not children, but adults. If you make puppets, because adults The body is much larger than that of a child, which consumes a lot of wood. And according to tradition, the ashes of adults should be preserved. So people changed the past practice and made a Chinese puppet, hollowed out the inside, and then Put the ashes of the dead person in it and offer it on your own shrine instead of the grave. The Japanese magic circle calls it "human body ghost heart". Moreover, this kind of ghost shape has only appeared in Japan and has not yet appeared in Japan. History that exists in other places. Zhang Junxing's current form is that of a puppet. However, its lower body is slightly slender and filled with demonic mist, so it looks like a stick holding a head. Zhang Junxing is already dead. He cannot He put his own ashes into the puppet, so it must have accomplices. And its accomplice is the traitor who has been lurking among us! "

Having said this, He Jianfei slowly turned his head and cast his eyes on Liu Canli. Liu Canli's face turned as white as snow: "You mean the traitor is... me??" Then he yelled crazily: "How is that possible? Although I have taken hand-making classes, everyone knows that I am very poor at handicrafts, especially... Chipping wood!!" Xu Chuan took a step forward and said: "I know, you must deliberately make yourself look poor at craftsmanship, so that others will not suspect you." Liu Canli was stunned. Indeed, this rebuttal almost changed Evidence to the contrary. Old Man Li's mind was in a mess, Liu Canli and Zhang Junxing, and he couldn't draw a line between the two. Liu Canli looked at He Jianfei blankly. In an instant, He Jianfei asked in a low and hoarse voice something that surprised everyone: "Tell me, Gong Yong, why did you do this?"

Gong Yong? ! Gong Yong! It's Gong Yong! ! ? Everyone was stunned. Liu Canli struggled to twist his stiff neck, and Gong Yong came behind him at some point. Liu Canli was stunned, and then shouted: "It can't be Gong Yong, he is the president of the student union! What reason does he have to harm our classmates?!" No one paid attention to him, everyone looked at Gong Yong quietly, only He Jianfei continued in a still low and hoarse voice: "Yes, Gong Yong, tell me, what is the reason for you to do this?" Gong Yong stood there, his face surprisingly calm, he looked at He Jianfei intently, and slowly He said slowly: "Senior, it is undeniable that I did study in Japan, but this cannot be evidence that I helped Zhang Junxing. Everyone is likely to read such books." He Jianfei sighed and said, "I would have I know that with your character, you will never give in easily. Okay, you want evidence? I will give you evidence. When I first met you, when Lao He introduced you to me, I vaguely felt that I It seems like I have heard your name somewhere. But I couldn't remember it at the time, but then I remembered it again. It was in the school newspaper last year, when I was a junior in college, and you had just come in. It was in the school newspaper Your name is clearly printed on the work-study scholarship list for poor students. Most people go to study abroad after finishing college or when preparing to go to college, but you did the opposite. You were so poor that you couldn't even pay the tuition. Since then, even the living expenses have to be funded, but I can afford to study in Japan. Of course, you can argue that you can go on a half-job and half-study basis, but at that level, you can’t even afford the travel expenses. So I secretly I asked someone to go to Japan to investigate, and the result of the investigation was that you were not studying in Japan at all, but living in Japan. When you were two years old, you were brought to Japan to be raised by your aunt. Your grades in elementary school, junior high school, and high school were all bad. Exceptionally excellent. However, when it came time to take the college entrance examination, you gave up the exemption letter from the University of Tokyo, gave up the 500,000 yen scholarship, ignored your aunt and others' hard warnings, came to China alone, and specified that you would take the exam. This school prefers to live a life of subsidy, which is really not easy for you who have a strong self-esteem. What’s ridiculous is that when Liu Canli revealed that you had studied in Japan, you panicked that I would find these fatal information, and you even rushed to get there Xu Chuan tore up the student transfer information before, thinking that he could hide it from the public. Didn't the last student union president tell you that there is a backup copy in the student union office? This is still the rule set by the campus duo back then. There is another thing that makes What I suspected was the puppet you gave to Qiaoer. It was quite exquisite. Especially when I learned that you tried your best to drag Liu Canli, who was not interested at all, to take hand-making classes, I started to target you. It is undeniable that your workmanship is quite exquisite, but on the contrary, Liu Canli's work is quite poor. Is it because you have talent and he does not? No, I found the puppets you made for the first exam together. Liu Canli's level is slightly higher. Higher than you. But why did you overtake Liu Canli later? It can only mean that you often practiced, practicing desperately in the name of puppets to make the human heart ghost exorcism. You tried to lay the groundwork and drag Liu Canli into the water, making it easy for us I didn’t suspect you, but I didn’t expect that your first work completely revealed your secret. However, although I was suspicious of you at that time, I was also suspicious of Liu Canli. That’s when I began to be sure that you were the one who was playing tricks. It was after I learned that the stick was Zhang Junxing. Zhang Junxing was buried on the top of the red stone. To get his ashes, you can only go to the top of the red stone. But the road to Red Rock Top has been blocked. I'm being led by the nose because I can't figure out how to get to the Red Rock Top. "

A faint smile appeared on Gong Yong's face and he said: "So, now, have you guessed it?" "You guessed it, the road connecting the campus and Hongshiding is the path next to the 'Brother Road'! But at that time, it was not called "Brother Road". A series of murders actually occurred because of that trail, but until Xu Chuan's accident, everyone unanimously blamed "Brother Road". And they ignored the path near the place where all the deceased people lay down. It is reasonable that people did not suspect that the path was where they died. However, the fingers of the deceased in several subsequent murder cases were all missing. Pointing very coincidentally in the same direction, pointing very obviously, that direction was the trail. At that point, there was still no doubt about the trail. Isn't that unusual? That it was kept secret? No, that It's because they didn't even know that there was a trail next to 'Brother Road'!! Until that rumor came out, no one on campus knew anything about it! 'Brother Road' is the only shortcut from my dormitory to the school gate, so I left. It has been four years old, and I can clearly see every flower and grass next to it. But I didn’t know there was such a trail. When I first went in, I didn’t know how deep the weeds were. If you hadn’t told me, I would never mistake it for a road instead of a flower garden."

Old man Li also realized something: "By the way, when I entered, I thought it was a dead end at first, but I didn't know that I could go straight on." Gong Yong said slowly: "In this case, I just came back from Japan. The seniors should go find the person who spread the rumors, the person with knowledge, not me." He Jianfei looked at him and said, "Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for ordinary people to know. But If someone had changed their minds, the result would have been different. That trail was indeed lost in our generation. In Senior Aqiang’s generation, there was no road here, and the school road leading to Red Rock Summit had not yet been blocked. , there is no need for this trail at all. Then those who know about the existence of this trail are limited to those between the generation of Aqiang’s predecessors and ours. I called some old classmates and found out that since 1965 , everyone up to 1982 has been to or heard of this trail, especially the alumni from 1976, who know the direction of the trail better than the alumni from other classes. I curiously asked about it, and then I understood It turns out that the president of the student union in 1976 was from the Department of Geology and was very interested in the geography of the campus. In order to prevent foreign students from getting lost, he personally drew a distribution map of campus paths. On that map, according to those old students Alumni recalled that the location of the trail was clearly marked. In the 1980s, the campus path distribution map was so well received that it was included in the school library. After I found out, I ran to the library to look for it. Who I searched and searched but couldn't find it. Finally, I found out through online searches that it was in the school history research room. I ran up to look for it again, and finally I found the archive included in the book. When I turned the page , but found that it had been torn off. The torn marks were still very new, as if they were a few months ago. So I hurried to the administrator and asked to check the abortion records. The old woman rolled her eyes at me and said, "What on earth are you doing?" Is he the chairman? Do you know that only the chairman of the student union is allowed to enter here? Where are the records?' At that moment, I was dumbfounded. When I related the attack on Xu Chuan and the others later, I was finally convinced. It's you."

Gong Yong said: "I don't agree. Since only the chairman can go in, why did you go in too? And Liu Canli also has this right, why don't you doubt him?" He Jianfei said: "It's very simple, because I was wearing the clothes from Liu Canli I borrowed a badge, so I could get in. The old woman didn’t suspect me at all because she didn’t recognize Liu Canli, which meant that Liu Canli had never been here before. If I had been wearing your badge, I would have been bombarded by the old woman. Out. When you went to find that picture, you hadn't thought of using this trail for Zhang Junxing to conduct a blood curse experiment. You just wanted to explore the location of the red stone top, but you didn't know that you left a fatal clue. The one on the cherry blossom road When the female ghost came to warn me, I always thought the 'you' she meant was Zhang Junxing. It wasn't until today that I realized it was you, a beast inferior to a pig or a dog! All the clues have been connected, what else do you have? Are you going to quibble?"