Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 6: Poetry riddle


When Old Man Li finished speaking, He Jianfei was stunned and speechless for a long time. Things were far more serious than he thought. The suicide of a girl led to the suicide of twenty-three students in a class, which was simply unheard of. There must be a major and secret inside story.

According to what Mr. Li said, Aqiang was holding three small stones when he died. Although he did not see the direction in which they were arranged, since Mr. Li said that Aqiang was a man who understood magic, it is certain that he used the Three Flowers Protection. The art of body. Three-flower body protection is a very high-level self-defense technique in the magic world. It uses the essence of nature to integrate one's soul with all things in the world, thereby achieving temporary immortality and escaping attacks from the outside world. To perform the three-flower body protection technique, one must not only achieve a high degree of cultivation in internal and external forces, but also must have a certain understanding and attainment of the unity of all things in nature. Even He Jianfei didn't know how to use this kind of skillful self-protection technique, and he still got poisoned when he used it. It seemed that the opponent's strength was... not good, not good. It seemed like he might have to go back to the mountain to ask his senior brother for help.

He Jianfei asked Old Man Li: "That so-called strange record, does it record some discontinuous dates and weird events surrounding 'it'?"

Old Man Li nodded and said, "Yes. Although Aqiang told me to put it in the archives, I think if I put it all up, if the school discovers it later, not only will the data be lost, but also such information will be strictly prohibited, so I destroyed the will, put only the strange poems in the archives, and hid the records in the commonly used information cabinet in the student union office. I also asked the presidents of the next student unions to sign on them, prohibiting subsequent student unions from discarding them, so I was able to preserve them. Come down."

He Jianfei said: "The security system in the student union archives is so strict, and you are still taking so much trouble to disperse and retrieve the information. I guessed that it was an extraordinary event, but I didn't expect that it would be this big. I I seemed to hear you calling that female ghost’s name just now, what’s her name called Dong?”

Old man Li said: "Dong Hao, a very special name. I heard that she is also a very special girl, but... alas." He turned around and saw that He Jianfei still had a confused look on his face, so he took his hand and put it in his I wrote it one stroke at a time on the palm of my hand.

"Winter lotus, winter lotus, winter lotus..." He Jianfei ignored Old Man Li beside him and just lowered his head and murmured in thought. Old Man Li looked at him strangely and was about to ask what was wrong. He Jianfei suddenly stretched his neck, frowned, and his eyes suddenly shone. Before Old Man Li could ask the question, he heard him calmly say: "I think I have guessed the mystery of that strange poem."

"What? Really!" When Old Man Li heard this, he actually forgot that he was already nearly eighty years old. He slapped his thigh hard and stood up suddenly. "What did you guess? Tell me quickly!!"

He Jianfei said: "I'm just making a random guess. Tell me whether it makes sense or not. Just now you said that the female ghost's name was Dong Ou. Since the strange poem was written because of her death, it must be related to her name. Counter reasoning In the past, the first two sentences of the poem were easily solved. Cherry blossoms are dancing everywhere, but they are most prosperous in Japan. The Japanese cherry blossoms often bloom first in winter, so we might as well assume that the answer to the first sentence is the word "winter" .The connection between the second sentence and the second character of the name is very obvious, road grass barrier, the road is blocked by grass, that is to say, the grass is spread on the road, this is either just right or ' Is it the glyph for '藗'?"

Mr. Li nodded and said: "At that time, some people said that the first two lines of the poem represented 'winter lotus', but because no one could guess the following poem, they thought it was wrong." He Jianfei said: " Compared with the following verses, the first two sentences are relatively simple. The latter verses are difficult to guess when viewed independently, but if you understand the clues of the first and second verses, it will be easier to decipher." Old Man Li was surprised. He said: "Hint? This is the first time I have heard that a riddle comes with a hint for the following." He Jianfei said: "Actually, it doesn't mean that, because it does not imply the answer, but the method of solving the puzzle. Just pay a little attention. It can be found that the method of solving the puzzle in the first sentence is different from that in the second sentence..." Before he finished speaking, Old Man Li suddenly realized: "This means that what Aqiang wants to express is that the whole poem is not One way to solve the puzzle can be solved." He Jianfei smiled and said: "Yes, the correct way to solve the puzzle is to blindly hit the mouse and hit whichever one you hit."

"Love Christ. The most famous representative of Christ is the cross on which Jesus was crucified. The cross plus the word "suo" is the word "suo"; pity me in this life, life is life, which is the word "life"; the last sentence is more difficult Guess, I almost recited "Luo Shen Fu" just now, but I still couldn't find any words that could be matched with other words. So I wondered if Senior Aqiang had adopted a method that went against the rules of solving puzzles. Luo Shen is obviously in Luoshui, so why did he go to West Lake? What does West Lake have to do with the deep love of King Xiang? This is wrong. If I were to use it, then there is only one meaning I want to express - the world is big. It’s a mess.”

"What?" Old Man Li hadn't figured it out yet. He was obviously talking about Donglu, so how could he have anything to do with the world again. He Jianfei said: "If there is chaos in the sky, there will be strange phenomena. Isn't this what "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" likes to exaggerate? For King Xiang Cao Zhi, competing among heroes does not have much practical significance for him. Cao Pi forced his younger brother to compose poems. The moment when the world was really in chaos, it represented the complete end of Cao Zhi's carefree literary career. From this, I thought of the famous seven-step poem. Do you still remember which word the poem ended with? " Li The old man blurted out: "It's the word 'urgent'." He Jianfei sighed: "This is the answer to Senior Aqiang's riddle: Dongluo is wronged, and his life is urgent!"

As soon as the answer to the mystery came out, it exploded in Old Man Li's mind like a rock. Scenes of long-standing but extremely familiar scenes flashed before his eyes: Dong Ou's death, everyone's panic, A Qiang's numbness, Twenty. The calmness of the three classmates, it turns out that all the strange things that cannot be explained have the reasons hidden in these six words. Old Man Li finally woke up from his memory. He looked at He Jianfei who was standing quietly and watching him without saying a word. He slightly twitched his lips and said, "The answer to the mystery is indeed difficult to solve. Our student union back then was also a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. We had a lot of brains." There are many smart people..." He Jianfei thought for a while and already knew what Old Man Li wanted to say, so he interrupted: "When I was still learning from the master, I liked to guess riddles with the senior brother and the others. Later, in order to win, , the mystery is getting more and more tricky." Seeing that He Jianfei understood what he meant so quickly, and that he was as smart as A Qiang, Mr. Li figured it was natural that he could guess the mystery. Once the doubt was solved, he gave it up with a faint smile. Don't mention it.

He Jianfei took out a piece of white paper and wrote down the answer to the riddle, read it carefully and said, "It should be right. The whole point of the answer lies in the word 'urgent'. What Senior Aqiang left behind was not only a serious warning to everyone, but also a serious warning to everyone." is the biggest key to uncovering the inside story of the whole matter. Just by this word, it can be determined that Dong Ou did not hang herself because of a misdiagnosis of cancer. Her death is definitely closely related to all the classmates in her class. So, Dong Ou The fact that there is a hidden secret behind his death has finally been confirmed." At this point, He Jianfei let out a long sigh. That breath was not only gratifying to decipher the strange poem, but also worried about A Qiang taking such a tortuous method to issue a warning. . That means there really is some ulterior secret on the Road of Wrongful Ghosts.

He Jianfei asked Old Man Li again about "Jun Zu" and "Ting Zu". Old Uncle Li was at a loss and didn't know what he was asking. He Jianfei thought that since A Qiang's death, he must have been heartbroken and stayed away from the campus. Naturally, he would not know the fate of the unjust ghost. The fact that the legend has been changed several times and gradually distorted its true appearance. I am afraid you have to find a student union cadre in 1954 to know this. The clue ends here. He Jianfei handed the blank paper in his hand to Mr. Li and said: "The unjust case is actually not difficult to solve. What is difficult is that it took more than fifty years. Although most of the people who know the inside story of the matter are gone now, I believe that Senior Aqiang will solve it." He would not be willing to let this important matter remain unclear and sink into the sea. At that time, he must have been forced to use a rather obscure and tortuous method to record the truth for some special reasons, but no one could find it at that time, so gradually It has evolved into this situation today." Old Man Li nodded and said: "I understand, 'To untie the bell, you must tie the bell.' Although the ins and outs of the whole thing cannot be known in detail, Aqiang must have left clues somewhere. I I will investigate carefully, I know all those veteran cadres."

He Jianfei smiled and said: "As expected of the 'Two Heroes on Campus'."

Old Man Li lamented: "There is no need to mention this title anymore. With A Qiang's death, the 'Campus Heroes' will disappear forever in this world." A Qiang's death seems to have nothing to do with Old Man Li, but why is Old Uncle Li like this? Sentimental? Could it be that there is something else going on here? Seeing that Old Man Li was just staring in the direction of the Wrongful Ghost Road without saying a word, He Jianfei had no choice but to remain silent no matter how many questions he had. For a long time, the sound of music indicating the prosperity of the school was faintly heard in the distance. The simple and elegant melody solemnly rippled over this long-forgotten corner, mixed with the whimpering of the surrounding woods, forming a unique scenery. Old Uncle Li looked up to the sky and murmured: "This song should only be heard in the human world, how many times can it be heard in heaven? It's time for this poem to change." But He Jianfei was thinking that the school celebration had already begun. If someone saw me and Li The old man was here, and he didn't know how to tell the lie when asked. Secondly, he also remembered Tian Yinzhen, so he said to old man Li: "The school anniversary has already started, and someone from the school will come over at any time. If you ask us what we are here for, it's hard to answer. , let’s go there.” Old Man Li nodded and left this desolate place side by side with He Jianfei.

I don’t know whether it was destiny or one of them deliberately did this, but they happened to pass by the bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen on the way to the square. The warm sunshine drew several golden lights behind the bronze statue, and a faint halo appeared under the refraction of the sun. It is filled with colorful illusions and looks extremely majestic and gorgeous. Old Man Li couldn't help but stare at it deeply. In his mind, the bronze statue was no longer just a bronze statue, but a monument to which his close friend when he was young had no tombstone. "Aqiang, you have been dying with your eyes open for more than fifty years. This time, I will definitely let you rest in peace." As soon as the voice fell, the wind and grass moved, and a slight female cry came from the direction of Chigang Top. The two looked at each other, He smiled away, trying to hide the trace of horror on his face, but the pace he couldn't lie was getting faster and faster...

"He Jianfei, what are you doing? I asked you to pick up someone, where did you go to play? Oh, who is that behind you? Do you still have the guts to kidnap an old schoolmate for me?" Chairman He saw that the ghost had disappeared a long time ago He Jianfei immediately ran over angrily to question. What performs positively? In fact, He Jianfei still refused to join the student union. He Jianfei was startled by his menacing aura and was wondering how to introduce him. Old Man Li already said, "Oh, my surname is He, and I am from the 54th class."

Chairman He immediately put on a smiling face and said: "It turns out to be Uncle He. I am the current chairman of the student union, and my surname is also He. We were the same family five hundred years ago. Haha, I'm sorry, I didn't do my job well. I selected some The pick-up and drop-off by unqualified personnel made you late for the school anniversary ceremony." At this point, I felt that my words were a bit nondescript. I quickly turned to He Jianfei and said angrily: "Tell me! How did you receive Uncle He? If you can't tell, I will deduct a five from your overall rating. Points!" He Jianfei made up an excuse in a hurry: "He...he had no one to greet him and there were not enough manpower, so he got lost."

"how about you?"

"Ahem, um... I'm lost too. How else can I run into him?" Looking at He Jianfei timidly facing Chairman He's bulging eyes that were deformed by excessive anger, and then thinking about He Jianfei's solution to the mystery of the strange poem just now In the end, Mr. Li couldn't restrain his high spirits when he asked the question. He burst into laughter with a "ha" sound, and the haze in his heart was temporarily swept away.

After Uncle Li left, He Jianfei felt a lot more relaxed. A Qiang finally found a clue to follow. "Jun Zu" and "Ting Zu" in 1951 were not far from the time when Dong Ou committed suicide. There must be a certain relationship between the two. There is a great connection. Perhaps once the mystery of Dong Ou's suicide is solved, the truth about "Jun Zu" and "Ting Zu" will be easily solved. Thinking of this, He Jianfei slowly put the matter down and concentrated on waiting for news from Old Man Li. But strangely, there was no news from Old Man Li for two months in a row. I don't know if it was because of the interference between him and Old Man Li, but there was no movement. He Jianfei made dozens of calls in annoyance, but the gentle female voice on Mr. Li's cell phone was always: "I'm sorry, the user you dialed is temporarily unavailable. Please call again later." He Jianfei intuitively felt that something was wrong. However, due to the approaching final exam and the heavy review tasks, I had to suppress the idea of going out for the time being and prepare seriously.

The final exam has finally passed, and the school has begun winter vacation. Because the last subject was the English test that He Jianfei was best at, all the review time was used by He Jianfei to make plans for the winter vacation. He wanted to find out where Mr. Li had gone. He wanted to go to Wutai Mountain to find out the root cause and ask his senior brother to come down for help. He wanted to investigate. The President of the Student Union in 1951... A whole sheet of octavo white paper was lined up so densely that even New Year's Eve and the first day of the Lunar New Year were not spared.

Today is the day before winter vacation. Tomorrow we can take the train straight to Mount Wutai. The luggage had been packed a few days ago, and most of the people in the class went out to have fun. He Jianfei reviewed the commonly used spells and felt upset. He glanced at the empty bed next to him and thought of that bloody face again. , couldn't help but sigh secretly, put away the spell, took out the divination cards secretly passed down from Mount Wutai, and prepared to calculate what time the sound would call. After He Jianfei lined up the formation, he began to chant a mantra to the main card: "The origin of all things, spiritual wisdom..." Before he finished speaking, the cards around the main card began to move faster and faster. He Jianfei looked at the spell book and was stunned for a moment, then he became energetic. It turned out that this set of divination cards secretly passed down from Mount Wutai had its own independent will and was not under the control of the owner. The divination cards did not wait for the owner to issue an order before they were moved. It discovers something that needs to be informed to the master in advance, so it will make another prediction regardless of the master's request. First of all, He Jianfei doesn't like divination, and secondly, the divination cards rarely predict any major events unless they are extremely important. Therefore, He Jianfei only heard from his master that the divination cards have this function. Now that he sees that it is just like the legend, he can't help but put down the spell. book and watched with interest.

After a period of rapid and dizzying movements, the divination cards finally stopped moving, and each card returned to its original semi-trigram circle shape. He Jianfei was a little surprised when he saw that the main card had moved to the outermost layer. The big and small were revealed one by one: "The left head is the green dragon, the right head is the white tiger, the middle axis is the Suzaku..." Suddenly, He Jianfei was so shocked that the cards in his hand fell to the ground, and his body became stiff and motionless. The hexagram in front of him seemed so familiar. Could it be... Could it be that what he had calculated was a great bad omen that he had never seen before but had only heard of its name? He Jianfei hurriedly disrupted the array of cards, but his body was still shaking due to fright. He carefully compared the order of the great omens in his memory with the current deck of cards - it was completely consistent! He Jianfei's heart suddenly felt as if he had fallen into a thousand-year ice cellar. The master's words explaining this omen of great omen seemed to be in his ears: "This column is a great omen of omen. The appearance of this omen indicates the arrival of the god of death, and the road to hell is unstoppable." "

"Death is coming... Death is coming... Are you talking about me or Yinzi?" He Jianfei was already in a state of confusion, stood up and murmured to himself. There was a sudden strange noise in the dormitory, as if some metal objects were rubbing against each other. He Jianfei's expression changed drastically, and he quickly glanced around the dormitory. There was no movement at all. Could it be that the divination cards are still calling the police? He Jianfei quickly lowered his head and happened to see a faint black shadow shaking gently on top of the chaotic pile of cards. Evocation bell! He Jianfei recognized the shadow almost at first sight. Sure enough, the soul-calling bell hanging on the corner of the bed was shaking gently, and the sound was the result of the collision between the pendant inside and the wall of the bell. In order to serve as a warning and shock, the soul-calling bell is always made of pure gold or pure copper. It makes different harsh sounds depending on the severity of the evil spirit. Why did it act so cautiously tonight? Before He Jianfei could figure out the problem, a miserable cry suddenly came from outside: "No! Ah -" He Jianfei's whole figure seemed to have turned into a sculpture and froze at the window. It came from the direction! The dormitories on both sides suddenly became chaotic, and many hurried footsteps ran out of the door.

People began to ask in surprise: "What happened?"

"I heard screams."

"Call the security department quickly." There was a panicked and chaotic situation.

There has been no movement for two months... Today is not the last day of the winter vacation, nor is it the first day... Today is the day before He Jian flies away... Today there was a murder on the wrong road. Demonstration! The innocent ghost is demonstrating against him! He Jianfei felt his blood surge, and his whole body was shaking slightly due to the complicated emotions. He rushed to the drawer, took out a relic necklace, put it on his head, and rushed out of the dormitory door as fast as he could. Seeing that he was about to rush out of the building, Huang Dakai hurriedly grabbed him: "Where are you going? There were screams just now, you didn't listen..." He Jianfei suddenly waved his hand and pushed Huang Dakai to stagger back a few steps. He said fiercely: "Don't stop me!" Then he disappeared in a flash. Huang Dakai stopped and touched the wrist that had been pinched twice by He Jianfei in shock: "Ever since Chuanxun died, he has become weird. Is he the same as that neurotic senior brother?" Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel sad. Shrink up. Last month, the senior brother committed suicide by hanging himself on a small tree next to the audio-visual education building. It is said that before he died, he muttered nonsense like "Xiaofang, I can't live alone." And He Jianfei watched After returning from the scene, I didn’t eat or drink for a whole day. The first half of this year has not yet ended, and six people have died in the school, far exceeding the records of previous years. Huang Dakai suddenly remembered that he had vaguely heard from others a few days ago that there was a very evil legend in this school - the legend of the Ghost Road...