Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 70: Die Xian


Xiaolan trembled and said: "Forget it, two people in the class have already died. Big things have been reduced to trivial matters. Do we really want our whole class to die?" Xiaoqing said slowly: "No, if Wang Hongbin If what you said is correct, not only our class, but probably the whole school... "

Xiaolan was startled and said: "We can inform the whole school to escape!" Xiaoqing couldn't help but smile, took her hand and said: "Xiaolan, you are so stupid. Do you think the principal will believe what you say?" Xiaolan was silent for a long time before saying: "In this case, there is no other way. As the squad leader, it is indeed difficult for me to leave my classmates behind, but this matter still needs to be kept secret." Xiaoqing smiled and said: "That's natural."

Seven days later, in the second class, Zhang Jianfeng excused himself from injury and did not come. Xiaolan said that he would take time off to organize the class's grade book. Seeing that he had no excuse, Xiaoqing had to pretend to have a stomachache and finally successfully escaped from the classroom. The two of them dodged all the way to Zhang Jianfeng's dormitory. Zhang Jianfeng had already taken care of everything.

Xiao Qing looked around curiously and saw a large table in the center. On the table was a round box decorated with silver. The lid of the box was embroidered with "Zhongnan Mountain Secret Teaching Instrument" in gold thread. There is an incense table on the left. There were two pieces of red paper pasted on the wall, but because of the thick smoke, it was difficult to see which god it was for. Xiaolan smiled at Zhang Jianfeng and said, "What kind of injury did you suffer? I want to check the doctor's approval when I come back to get the leave application form." Zhang Jianfeng said: "There is a big bump on my forehead because of your chalk. I can ask for leave without an injury examination." Xiao Qing had already sat down and said: "Stop bickering and let's get started."

Zhang Jianfeng first wanted to wash himself with a pure water bowl, and then said to the two of them: "Because Wang Hongbin is an evil spirit and has too much yin energy, I asked you two women to come. Later, you just need to put your index finger on the plate and listen to my instructions." Just don't move around." Xiaolan said, "What should I do if something goes wrong? I've heard of dishes that broke and flew out and were disfigured." Zhang Jianfeng rolled his eyes at her impatiently and said, "If you get disfigured, I'll marry you!" Seeing Xiaolan's angry look, Qing couldn't help but burst out laughing. She pointed at the two red papers and said, "What's on that?" Zhang Jianfeng glanced at it casually and said, "Oh, that's a bag." I invite Zheng and Xiao He to suppress the evil spirits." He opened the box and took out a golden compass full of characters. "Wow! It's made of gold!" Xiaolan couldn't help but exclaimed. Zhang Jianfeng knocked her on the head and said, "I didn't wake you up, money worshiper! This is gold-plated bronze."

Zhang Jianfeng gestured to the two of them to put their index fingers on the plate in the center. Xiaoqing suddenly felt nervous. She said she was afraid that she was lying. Last night, she borrowed a lot of books on the precautions for inviting the dish fairy, and the procedures for how to invite the dish fairy. She was even more familiar with the recitation than she had been in the exam. She was afraid that if she made any mistakes, the Dixian monster would be on her head. Seeing that Xiaolan was also ready, she said in a trembling voice: "Die Xian, Die Xian, please step forward..." "Stop!" Zhang Jianfeng shouted quickly. Duan said: "It's not like this, just press the plate."

Zhang Jianfeng placed another stick of incense in front of the statues of Bao Zheng and Xiao He, raised a glass of wine and bowed to the sky, came to the table, poured the wine slowly on the ground with a solemn expression, and brought out a wad of white money. He passed a brazier and burned piles of them in a leisurely manner, treating Xiaolan and Xiaoqing as if they were dead corpses. Just as Xiaolan was about to have a seizure, Zhang Jianfeng stood up and said loudly: "Zhongnanshan disciple Zhang Jianfeng sends a letter to Yama." The ten kings of the realm, the bull-headed and horse-faced black and white faces of the various parties, and the officers and men are standing in front of the stage. The unjust sins of the mortal world have caused ripples in the world. Now, with the mercy of the Taoist ancestors, I hope to open the door of convenience and arrest the evil spirit king Hongbin in his rightful place. Eliminate the demon rash, and the jade world will be peaceful."

Less than three seconds later, the saucer suddenly vibrated violently, but it did not move. Zhang Jianfeng stared at the plate and asked, "Wang Hongbin?" The plate shook even more wildly, and Xiaolan and Xiaoqing looked at Zhang Jianfeng in panic. Zhang Jianfeng sneered and said: "Wang Hongbin, if you are still so uncooperative, I have the ability to get you stuck in this pass, making it impossible for you to get in and get out. If you don't believe me, you can try it." As soon as he finished speaking, the plate slowly moved out. center of the circle.

Zhang Jianfeng asked as usual: "Are you Wang Hongbin?" The plate reluctantly moved to the side of "Yes" and rotated the pointer on the plate to align it with that word. "Age?" "23." "How did you die?" Not long after hearing Zhang Jianfeng's words, Xiaolan Xiaoqing almost immediately turned pale, but looked at Zhang Jianfeng as if nothing happened. This time the dish moved left and right without hesitation: "Those who were killed." Zhang Jianfeng said: "Tell me the details." "No." "Why?" "Because of Shimen." It's Shimen again! Zhang Jianfeng knocked on the table impatiently and said: "Don't think that only Shimen can control you. Even if you get Shimen, I will separate your soul forever! So you'd better be obedient and explain everything to me clearly. If it's true If you die in vain, maybe I can save you. Humph, you are kidding me! Do you think you will be saved if you enter the Shimen?" Die Xian seemed to be moved by Zhang Jianfeng's smooth tongue. He hesitated and finally slowly explained everything like a fog. The truth about Fei Wu’s bizarre death: “At the beginning of last month, my girlfriend left me. I was heartbroken. In the past, I was the one who left others. This is the first time I have given my relationship so seriously, but the roles have been reversed. Then At that time, I was so dejected that I came to the seventh floor of Class 1 and sat in a daze on the balcony for several hours. The classroom was closed and the lights were turned off, but I was still sitting on the balcony, looking at the empty floor below. , I thought it would be very comfortable to jump like this, and I would forget all the pain. I stood up and stretched my body, and when I was about to jump, there was a sudden light from behind. I was very surprised at the time, and the teacher who was patrolling the ward should also I went downstairs. Could it be that someone also chose this time to jump off the building? So, I turned back to see what happened.

Then, I saw a very strange scene. Two people wearing floor-length white robes walked past. They wore pointy white hats on their heads and held a lantern that seemed to be covered with white paper. Walking slowly through a window. The blood in my body seemed to be flowing backwards rapidly. Past the lantern, two people in the same attire came over with solemn expressions. The difference was that they were holding a bamboo pole with a piece of white rag hanging on it. I looked at the piece of tattered cloth, and I always felt that it seemed familiar. I suddenly remembered that when my grandma passed away last year, the country people advocated burial. The funeral was held with great fanfare and a funeral was organized. These white cloth strips were walking in front of the funeral procession. Mom told me, That's called a soul-calling flag. With it, grandma's soul will follow us, and we can send her to the cemetery to rest in peace. The style of those soul-calling flags is exactly the same as those used during grandma's funeral, except that we are wearing ordinary linen clothes instead of these strange clothes, and no one is holding a lantern in front of us.

After I figured it out, I was so scared that my hands and feet were cold, and I put aside all the matters of jumping off the building. Qian'er vaguely heard that a student was killed by him and the body was abandoned in the toilet of the first class. The grief-stricken parents of Shancun actually proposed to hold a funeral in the school, but of course the school refused. But God knows that the parents who lost their son were unwilling to give up. They wouldn't let it be done during the day, but would come up and do it secretly at night. I huddled under the corner and waited until they were all done before sneaking out. After the paper money was scattered, a few more players came to play suonas and gongs. Because they were afraid of disturbing the school, the sounds were faint and could not be heard clearly. After the funeral band, several big men came over carrying many beautifully made paper figures, paper houses, and paper temples. I couldn't help but have doubts in my heart. Didn't it mean that the student's family was very poor? Even with the cost of these paper gadgets, my family may not be able to afford them even after I die. A coffin, with its entire body covered with intricate carvings and covered with a large yellow cloth, was slowly carried over, followed by a large group of wailing family members. This once again confirmed my suspicion that such a gorgeous coffin would be beyond the reach of a multi-millionaire. Since it wasn't the poor parents, who would have carried out the funeral in the middle of the night? How did so many people get involved? My curiosity became more and more intense, and I finally defeated my fear. I slowly stood up from the corner and saw her at first sight.

She walked at the back of the team, but her dress was so unique that I noticed her at first sight. Her hair was styled in a weird high bun with a hairpin, and she was wearing a pure white velvet cheongsam. Although I think the combination of her hairstyle and clothes is neither fish nor fowl, but her noble and dignified style really makes me unable to find fault. When she passed the window, she seemed to notice me and turned to look in my direction. Oh my gosh! At that time, I was completely stupid. To hell with all the beautiful women, all the beautiful women. There are no words to describe her appearance. I can only say that she is the girl that I will always consider to be the most beautiful no matter how many lives I reincarnate. I stood there blankly, not knowing how to hide. Even if she stabbed me with a knife, I would willingly accept it. Unexpectedly, she was not at all shocked or angry, she just frowned and looked at me for a long time without saying anything. She looked even more beautiful when she frowned. I wanted to go up and talk to her, but she suddenly sighed quietly, turned away and walked away.

"I stood there stupidly, and it took me a while to remember that I didn't ask her name. At this time, regardless of whether I was afraid or not, I hurriedly chased after her. The corridor was already empty. From then on, I was lost. With her, I still have Which building should I jump from? So I stayed on the seventh floor of Class 1 every night, hoping to see her again. But every time I failed, until the night when I had an accident.

"I was sitting at the table and reading a book absentmindedly, while thinking about the chances of seeing her tonight. Suddenly I heard a faint sound of drumming and crying outside. In ecstasy, I rushed out of the balcony, Sure enough, the group of people wearing strange white robes slowly walked past the window on the fourth floor. I didn't have time to think too much, so I hurriedly rushed down to the fourth floor and chased in the direction of the funeral procession. As I was chasing, a man walked in front of me. My friend, I greeted: "Hey, buddy, where does that on-point girl in front of me belong to?" Unexpectedly, he didn't even squint his eyes, and walked over blankly with no expression on his face. I was about to get angry, The mournful music in front of me was getting closer and closer. I took a closer look and couldn't help but gasp. Wherever there was any funeral procession, where she was, there were only two people carrying white lanterns slowly walking towards me.

"The candlelight in the lantern flickered on and off, shining on my face... Somehow, I remembered that my friend's expression just now was so natural, without any pretentious dodge. Did he really not see me? But I was right in front of him. Opposite! I suddenly thought: Why can the funeral procession be allowed to pass unimpeded here with great fanfare? There was a funeral last time, why is there another funeral this time? Why - without her? I raised my head and looked at the self-study classroom on the seventh floor, and immediately found a person by the window The familiar figure was still sitting there reading a book. At the same time, I also saw clearly the huge official script 'soul-inducing lantern' on the two lanterns!

"I yelled in terror, turned around and ran, but in front of me was no longer the familiar long corridor. Instead, there was a steep stone wall with a closed stone door on it. I was frightened to death and shouted: "Don't chase me. ah! No! "The two men still approached me silently, and an invisible and silent pressure pressed on me. My mental defense completely collapsed, and I cried: 'Who is it? Who brought me to Shimen? ?!' A misty voice sounded in my ears, vague but very clear: '... Resurrect the soul through the corpse... Come back here before the seventh night of the seventh man's head... Open the stone door... Get back the other half of your soul... Otherwise you will never die... Don't transcend... Go!' I was suddenly pushed from behind. I cried out and lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was floating lightly in the air, with my own body covered in blood below.

"In a daze, I came to Naihe Bridge. There was a man standing on the bridge who refused to let me pass. He scolded: 'We will not accept half-soul ghosts like you in the underworld! Go! Get your other half of the soul back. !' I suddenly woke up about the stone door and hurriedly asked him: 'Excuse me, what is a half-ghost?' The man glanced at me with extremely contemptuous eyes and said: 'There are two spiritual bodies after death. One is the soul and the other is the soul. When one of them is lost, he becomes a half-soul ghost and will always be at the bottom of the ghost world. He will never be taken in by Yama and will never be reincarnated!' I was so frightened that my whole body shook and I immediately Turn around and look for the stone door.

"At this moment, a woman's soft voice beside me sounded: 'Don't go - once the stone gate opens, the whole school will be in catastrophe - come back - don't open the stone gate! -' I was stunned, and all the grievances in my heart turned into anger. Crying at the top of his lungs to the surroundings: 'Get out of here! You hypocrite! Since you told me not to open the rotten stone door, why did you lead me there?! It's all your fault that I'm in this state! Come out! , tell me clearly!' The voice in my ears was still ringing, but it slowly faded away: 'Don't open it - the whole school is in catastrophe... the whole school is in catastrophe - someone will die... remember, remember!' I hesitated, There was no movement around me, and I finally burst into tears.

"I'm not even qualified to be reincarnated, so why should I care about catastrophes? I desperately got into Wang Xinjun's body, visited every corner of the school, and walked all the land in the back mountain, not to mention the stone gates, even the stone walls. Not found. Wang Xinjun’s first seven have arrived, so I transferred to Li Zhuang. Before I could take action, you saw through it. Time is running out. If I don’t open that stone door, I will always exist in a humble state in the ghost world. In the world."

The plate was spinning faster and faster. If Zhang Jianfeng hadn't been extremely familiar with the Bagua plate, he wouldn't have had time to copy this long passage. But Xiaolan and Xiaoqing were already so tired that they were sweating profusely and panting. Seeing that they could no longer support themselves, Zhang Jianfeng hurriedly said: "I know, you should return to your position first." The plate suddenly moved crazily: "I died unjustly, I died unjustly!" He just pointed back and forth a few times. After saying this, Xiaolan groaned in pain, her fingers gradually tending to detach from the plate. Zhang Jianfeng knew that as soon as his hands were off the saucer, the saucer would get on top of him, and it would be troublesome to ask him to come down at that time. Zhang Jianfeng no longer hesitated, used incense to pick up the Zhang Ding Ghost Talisman and slapped it hard towards the center of the compass, shouting: "The evil spirits have returned!"

There was a loud "bang", and the dish suddenly hit the wall. Two streams of white air rose up from the center of the compass. Xiao Qing could still hold on. Seeing Xiaolan's shortness of breath, he hurriedly helped her go to bed to rest and turned around. Seeing Zhang Jianfeng looking thoughtfully at the long narrative, he said: "I can check if there are any accidents involving student casualties these days." Zhang Jianfeng shook his head and said: "There is no need to check, can't you see it? Those funerals are not people, but earth-bound spirits." Seeing their confusion, he explained: "In short, they are ghosts, but they are not ordinary ghosts." He slowed down and said, "If Wang Hongbin hadn't If I read it wrong, the appearance of the soul-inducing lantern surprised me far more than those earth-bound spirits. According to my Taoist history of Zhongnan Mountain, the soul-inducing lantern was lost as early as the early Qing Dynasty." Xiaolan asked in a daze: " What is the soul-inducing lamp used for?" Zhang Jianfeng frowned and said, "It's a very evil magical weapon, and I don't know much about it. It seems that the matter is quite serious. I was thinking about whether I should go to Zhongnan Mountain to ask. Ask Master." With that, Zhang Jianfeng turned around twice impatiently in the room. Just as Xiao Qing was about to answer, Zhang Jianfeng had already made up his mind and said: "The funeral is for a ghost who has accumulated grudges for more than ten years. As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be defeated in a hundred battles. Xiao Qing Lan, you stay in school and try to find a way to ask your senior brothers and sisters if there are any school legends about the first class before. Xiaoqing and I went to Zhongnan Mountain to ask about the origin of the soul-inducing lantern. Xiaoqing was surprised: "Why should I go? Zhang Jianfeng said: "I will definitely arouse suspicion if I run out alone for no reason. It would be easier to find someone to tell me that I was going out for a meeting. Xiaolan is now suspected of eloping with me. Moreover, she has a wide range of people in the school and knows many people. She stayed here." It couldn't be better to come down. Any objections? "Xiao Qing said aggrievedly: "Can I not go? ""Can't! "