Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 75: The golden beetle tells Tanhua


Fang Tao laughed loudly and said: "Yes, what I designed is not an elephant mourning hall, but a mourning hall at all! I thought hard for five months and finally figured it out. After all, Ying'er still hates me and hates me for forcing her to leave. My mother, so it was destined to happen that she left me. I was so sorry for her! Didn’t she like it here very much? So I wanted to build a mourning classroom for her with my own hands and mix her ashes into the concrete so that she could die. Those who have been influenced by the fragrance of books for generations have become gods. Haha..." The housekeeper said in shock: "Master, you are too sad!" Fang Wei said: "But they may not be willing..." Fang Tao suppressed his smile and said coldly: "Don't worry, outside Those fools will only flatter me. If I don’t say anything, you won’t say anything, and he won’t say anything. Only God knows that this is not a classroom, but a mourning hall.”

^The mourning hall classroom was completed as scheduled a year and a half later. Fang Tao did not attend the inauguration ceremony, and his son Fang Wei cut the ribbon on his behalf. After the celebrating crowd dispersed and it was quiet at night, the weak Fang Tao struggled to get out of bed, called Fang Wei and the housekeeper and said, "At this time, let's go to the mourning hall to pay homage to Ying'er." Fang Wei and the housekeeper Knowing that he had a stubborn temper, he didn't dare to persuade him deeply, so he had to help Fang Tao, who was stumbling, to come to class.

Looking at this outstanding building that embodies his painstaking efforts, love and hate, Fang Tao couldn't help but sigh with emotion. After the three of them climbed up to the seventh floor, Fang Tao ordered the housekeeper to set up the incense table. He personally held three pillars of incense and prayed: "Ying'er, I know you hate me. If you forgive your father now and accept this mourning hall, it will be a good sign." Show me your spirit. I miss you so much, Ying'er!" As he said this, he respectfully inserted it into the incense altar. Suddenly, there was a faint sound of mourning and crying from the distance, as if coming from downstairs, and he stepped forward. Heading towards the seventh floor, the housekeeper shouted: "It's really a miracle!" Then he huddled in a corner and shivered in fear. Fang Tao was startled at first, and then ran towards the stairs like crazy. He staggered only two steps before falling. He raised his head while struggling, and said with tears on his face: "Ying'er, come and see me. Are you ready? My dear!" Fang Wei hurriedly picked up his old father and said sternly: "Who? Who is pretending to be a ghost?!" As he said this, he was also stunned.

Because at this time, a group of people in strange costumes had slowly walked out of the stairs. They all wore pointy hats and long white robes hanging to the floor. Their eyes were dull, and they were walking slowly forward in a row. The first two people were holding two white paper lanterns in their hands, and the ones behind were holding soul-calling flags, some were scattering paper money, and some were carrying many paper figures and paper houses. Then sixteen people carried a coffin covered with yellow silk satin and passed solemnly in front of Fang Tao and the others. Fang Wei looked back in panic and saw three family members wearing sackcloth and mourning, followed by the graceful Fang Ying.

Fang Ying's outfit was even more strange. She was still wearing the light blue floral skirt from the day of the accident, but her hair was combed into a high bun. She looked like she walked in when the house was on fire, looking straight at Fang Ying. Tao and the others slowly approached. Fang Tao said hoarsely: "Ying'er, are you here to see me?" Fang Ying's eyes revealed a deep coldness, she raised her right hand and pointed at Fang Wei and said word by word: "For - Jiang - Shan , you gave up on me, you can’t be forgiven!” Her voice was unsteady, with an extremely sinister meaning.

Fang Tao was wondering what she was talking about, while Fang Wei was so frightened that he crawled backwards, crying: "I didn't want to do this, please let me go, sister! I am a villain, villain People are not worth killing, I am despicable, I am shameless, I am vile..." He continued to ramble on, but Fang Tao suddenly realized it, pointed at Fang Wei and said angrily: "It turns out it's you, you beast!" Fang Ying slowly said Opening his right hand, he whispered to the hurried Fang Wei: "Today, I want you to enjoy the happiness of grief and anger with me..." Fang Wei's whole body suddenly burst into flames, and after several screams, there was not even ashes left on the ground. .

Fang Tao ignored Fang Wei's tragic death and looked at Fang Ying with pleading eyes: "Ying'er, do you recognize me? I am your father, Ying'er!" The housekeeper pulled Fang Tao timidly. Said: "Master, you can't come forward." Fang Ying looked straight ahead, as if she hadn't heard Fang Tao's plea, and followed the mourning procession away as cold as ice, and didn't see her turn around until they were quite far away. He turned around and looked at Fang Tao with tears in his eyes. His figure gradually disappeared with the thick fog, and the mourning, joy and wailing stopped abruptly.

Fang Tao stared blankly at the direction his daughter was leaving for a while, then suddenly laughed three times: "The mourning hall, the classroom, really became the mourning hall and classroom in the end!" He tilted his body to the side, and he passed away. The Fang family, which was famous at that time, soon perished.

X later found out that Fang Wei heard that Fang Ying would never marry and was worried that she would fight for the inheritance. In a frenzy, he sneaked back to China and used his research on architecture to secretly plant a small explosive in the piano practice room. The design minimized the sound of explosions, and the fire inside the practice room also destroyed the structure of the house, which would collapse within a minute of the fire. As long as Fang Ying enters the piano room, she will definitely die. As for how Fang Wei placed the explosives and how he discovered the structure of the piano room, it cannot be verified.

The above information was dictated by the old housekeeper. The criminal office recorded and compiled this large piece of information. Zhang Jianfeng and Xiaolan were speechless. Zhang Jianfeng said: "Wang Hongbin mentioned the clothing issue once, and it has been mentioned again here. It seems that the clothing aspect is really good." It's a bit strange. As far as I know, no matter how grand a funeral is, you don't wear white robes and floor-length skirts. Do these weird clothes have any special hints?" As he said this, he glanced at Xiao Landao, who was meditating. "What are you thinking about?" Xiaolan said: "I'm thinking about Fang Ying. This woman has never been normal since the fire started - not to mention his two strange costumes, just the way she treated him in class What my brother said is so unpredictable." Zhang Jianfeng asked curiously: "What you are talking about is..." Xiao Lan said: "His brother burned her to death to fight for the inheritance, but she kept saying 'for the country' You gave up on me' - not only did he talk about the inheritance as a country, but the tone of his words was also very different from the words of the brother and sister. His brother just wanted to get the entire inheritance, so what did he say about giving up and not giving up? "

Zhang Jianfeng frowned and said: "Yes, did she mean something else? Moreover, the most troublesome thing now is not this. Wang Hongbin died on the seventh floor, and Fang Tao also saw Fang Ying on the seventh floor. This shows that the entire mourning hall classroom The axis is on the seventh floor. Legend has it that the reason for the resurrection is probably because of cracks in the sealing barrier. But judging from the data, the barrier is not on the seventh floor, but at an unknown stone door. I was thinking about them How do the grievances between the two people realize the connection or even merge into one?" Xiaolan said: "How can you see it?" Zhang Jianfeng explained: "The soul-inducing lamp captured Wang Hongbin's soul and used it to threaten to open the stone door. The mourning hall classroom The grievance is huge, but it has yet to be able to cause trouble on a large scale like the collective jumping off the building. All signs indicate that the seal of the mourning classroom has not been completely broken. It cannot rely on its own strength to break through, and has to rely on other forces, so even though it hates the isolated island Hongyi, but dare not confront him. I think this may be the reason why it is difficult to suppress the mourning classroom - wronged ghosts are easy to surrender, but the foundation is difficult to find. "

Xiaolan glanced at Zhang Jianfeng and said: "I didn't see you talking so eloquently when I was lying on the hospital bed. How come you can babble a lot when you get here?" Zhang Jianfeng smiled and said: "I suddenly figured it out when I was reading the information just now. Now the mourning hall classroom can be summarized into three major puzzles." Xiao Lan smiled and said: "Actually, the one I mentioned is not a puzzle. By the way, there is a possibility that we cannot ignore. Although Fang Wei placed explosives , but if there was a coincidence in what happened that day, wouldn’t Fang Ying die at the hands of Fang Wei?”

Although Xiaolan said it lightly, Zhang Jianfeng was so surprised that his whole body went numb. Was it a coincidence? coincide? Just as she was about to ask the question, Xiaolan had already taken out the second volume of files. On the cover of the file, it was clearly written: "Gudao Red Clothes". Compared with the "Mourning Hall Classroom" file, it is quite different. This one is only three pages thin. Zhang Jianfeng took it and muttered: "There are so few, what did you remember?"

The first one is the investigation form of the case at that time:

Name of deceased: Liang Hua Gender: Female Age: 20

Place of death: Old locust tree on the island in the middle of the East Lake of XX University

Manner of death: Suicide by hanging

Cause of death: unknown

Condition of the corpse: Severe suffocation, the top of the head was pierced by some kind of round sharp instrument, and the wound was a perfect circle; the blood in the body was transported to the brain through the heart and bronchus, flowing out at a constant speed of 100 milliliters per second, and the brain plasma was intact.

Cause of blood spillage: unknown

Round weapon: unknown

Personal information: unknown

Motive for suicide: unknown

The circumstances of the case: His biological three-year-old sister was strangled to death and her head was damaged. Her boyfriend was stabbed to death. There was a dagger about three inches long on his chest. It was confirmed that Liang Huahua had bought it before. The motive for buying the dagger is unknown. The two deceased persons were dealt with separately.

Doubtful point: The deceased was taking the "College Folk Song Course" during his lifetime, and often consulted an old book without a cover in the library, which recorded a collection of mysterious folk songs from the school. One of the books had detailed annotations in the deceased's own handwriting. According to the deceased's classmates, when she returned to the dormitory on the last night of her life, she had the old book in her hand. The meaning of the ballad: unknown Zhang Jianfeng said dissatisfied: "Writing it means not writing it. There are so many 'unknown's. I have written a thousand questionnaires like this." Turning to the second page, it turned out to be a copy of the ballad. Although The level of printing at that time was low, but it is still very clear due to its good preservation. Five horses were drawn on the paper using a geometric abstract method. The circle represents the horse's head, the rectangle represents the body, and two diagonal lines of different lengths are added below to represent the horse running. The technique is very clumsy, and the drawing is crooked, obviously. Drawn casually by an amateur. The following ballad is also handwritten, but the handwriting is very elegant: The horses are happy on Happy Valley, and the beetles are passing to Tanhua.

No predecessors were seen bringing incense, only the Eight Immortals were returning across the sea.

There are two words under "golden turtle": "difficult to understand." The last sentence is circled, and there are two words next to it: "important". Below are two lines of small characters. The writing of these words is different from the above. Obviously This is what the deceased wrote: "Everyone in the world must first teach the Golden Turtle to Tanhua. Who doesn't know that doing the opposite is the right way?"

Zhang Jianfeng looked at Xiaolan: "Do you understand what this means?" Xiaolan shook her head. Zhang Jianfeng said: "'Everyone in the world must first pass the golden turtle to the golden turtle'. This is the meaning of the poem. 'Do the opposite.' How to do the opposite? Pass the golden turtle to the golden turtle?" Xiaolan couldn't help laughing anymore. came out: "Don't make random guesses. Since there are paintings, I think they are about specific things on Happy Valley. You might as well read what the last page says before posting your comments." Zhang Jianfeng followed the instructions and opened the last page. Page, but it is a large color photo. Her thin lips were pursed tightly, her eyes revealed a resolute look, her oval-shaped face was slightly bent downwards, and the image of a fresh and pretty girl stood out in the photo.

Seeing that Zhang Jianfeng was just looking at the photo in a daze, Xiaolan stabbed him mercilessly and said: "Please don't expose your true nature too much in front of other girls. Fortunately for me, others have been scared away. However, I personally In my opinion, Fang Ying is ten thousand times prettier than Liang Hua, why haven't I seen you in a daze?" Zhang Jianfeng let out an "ouch" in pain, and then he came to his senses and hurriedly explained: "No, the look in her eyes looks very familiar to me, okay. It's like I've seen her there." Xiaolan mocked: "If you like her, you will like her. How dare you, a man, to say it out loud?" While looking at the box, there was still the last dossier, which read: " Thirty-six members of the Sun family were exterminated." Xiao Lan was about to reach out for it when Zhang Jianfeng turned his wrist, held her hand and said, "That share is none of our business, why are you taking it?" Xiao Lan asked. : "It took so much effort to open the box. Why are you so nervous if you don't want to see it?" Zhang Jianfeng said solemnly: "Don't touch it. The resentful spirit in the box I mentioned is hiding in this file." Xiao Lan was horrified. He shrunk his hands and looked at the last file with fear. The cover was covered with thick fine dust and lay quietly at the bottom of the box. Only the "Case of Extermination of Thirty-Six Members of the Sun Family" I don’t know why the word is still very clear, as if to tell that this is a difficult injustice that the world can’t understand.

Xiaolan suddenly grabbed Zhang Jianfeng's hand tightly, and Zhang Jianfeng screamed: "What are you doing?" Xiaolan's eyes were fixed on the box, and she said in a trembling voice: "I-I seemed to hear the file Someone is talking inside." Zhang Jianfeng could hardly believe it: "What? Can you hear the words of the resentful spirit? What did it say?" Xiaolan shook her head blankly: "It said a lot, but I couldn't understand a lot of it. It seems to be saying that its existence is very painful and the price paid is too huge-" With a "click", Zhang Jianfeng suddenly closed the box. Xiaolan was startled, and then looked at Zhang Jianfeng in surprise. Zhang Jianfeng pushed the screw into the joint and said calmly: "All wronged ghosts stay in the world voluntarily. No one forces them. In the same way, if they want to transcend into reincarnation, they must rely on themselves. Others cannot help them. Pain. It’s the price of continuing to hate it, and it’s not worth pity. You were just deceived by the resentful spirit.”

Xiaolan was so frightened that she didn't dare to look at the box anymore. When she turned around, she saw that the two volumes "Lingtang Classroom" and "Gudao Red Clothes" were still on the table. She hurriedly grabbed Zhang Jianfeng and said, "I made a mistake. I made a mistake. These two volumes are still there." I didn't put it in." Zhang Jianfeng said: "That's right, I want to take these two volumes out. Do you remember so much information?" Xiaolan asked in surprise: "Aren't you afraid that the director will find out?" Zhang Jianfeng said with a smile: "He even I dare not enter this room, how could I find it? I will put it in your schoolbag later and take it away without anyone noticing."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Jianfeng was about to step away when Xiaolan suddenly grabbed his sleeve. Zhang Jianfeng asked in confusion: "What are you doing?" Xiaolan said: "You...really don't care about that file?" Zhang Jianfeng was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry. "These two legends are enough to give us a headache. What's more, the file is sealed. If it can't come out to harm people, why bother with it? Is your surname Sun?" Xiaolan said quietly: "That seal can seal it." For the rest of my life?" Zhang Jianfeng was shocked and speechless, and then heard Xiaolan say: "I thought that the mourning hall classroom and Gudao Hongyi were so terrible, but the case file was finally safe, but the massacre of thirty-six members of the Sun family Isn't it more shocking than the two legends to be possessed by a ghost and cry for decades without retribution? If the injustice continues, the resentful spirit will eventually become a legend even if it is not a class in the mourning hall. Why wait until the legend is formed? What about further suppression? I don’t know how many lives will be lost? The purpose of Taoism is to subjugate demons and drive away monsters for the people. Does it have to be so serious that it is so serious that it can dominate one side and dominate the world? If so, Taoism is not considered a Taoist after all. Pray for the people.”

Zhang Jianfeng said helplessly: "Stop using tricks to provoke the general. I really doubt that you must have been my nemesis in the previous life. I would ignore anything when I met you. You said you wanted to solve the massacre of the Sun family, but these two What should I do with this legend? Things have priorities. These two legends are very interested in killing each other right now. You can’t open your hands to prevent some tragedy of annihilation of the family, right?" Xiaolan asked in return: "How do you know that this tragedy of the destruction of the Sun family has not been killed? Where are you?" Zhang Jianfeng was speechless for a long time because of his contradictory words. He said after a while: "Come on, that's good. Let's go find out the news about the Sun family's murder case first. If it's urgent, we'll solve it first. If it's not urgent, we should concentrate on dealing with the two major legends on campus. How about it, Aunt Xiaolan?" Xiaolan smiled and said: "After saying it for so long, this sentence still seems like a human saying. Since In this case, let’s go and get the Sun family’s files.”

When the police chief saw the two of them coming out, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "How is it?" Xiaolan was about to answer, but Zhang Jianfeng rushed over and said, "It's okay, I only looked at it briefly, and then those unclean things ran away." It came out. Fortunately, we were quick to cover the box and put it back to its original appearance." After hearing this, the director rubbed his hands and said, "Just recover, just recover." Looking at him, he didn't want to go in there for the rest of his life. Gone to a hellish place.