Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 8: Abbot


At this time, Mount Wutai had already been capped by heavy snow. The accumulated white snow is piled thickly on the stretched body of the pine tree. As soon as the wind blows, it all flies down and gets into the warm back of the neck, which makes people very annoyed. Although it has stopped snowing, there are still flying catkins everywhere, melted, not melted, deformed, not deformed. Even a small gust of wind can spin around and block people's progress. Ice is hanging everywhere, as hard as a master's iron knife, and it will prick you hard when you are not paying attention. Tian Yinzhen had just suffered a bitter blow, and her shoulders were aching from being pushed. Seeing this, He Jianfei stepped forward and hugged Tian Yinzhen into his arms. The two of them couldn't help but regret that they should not have taken this path to take a shortcut. The main road time may be even less.

After finally walking out of the trail, I finally saw the mountain gate and the winding and clean main road. The two of them couldn't help but become excited, and both sped up their pace. "Report, why..." When the young novice guarding the gate saw that it was He Jianfei and Tian Yinzhen, he dared not neglect them and hurriedly opened his throat and screamed. Unexpectedly, He Jianfei had already sealed his mouth before he even made a sound. He Jianfei smiled and said: "Wutai Mountain is my home, so why are you so polite? We can just go in quietly ourselves." The little novice monk said vaguely: "But the abbot..." Tian Yinzhen stamped his feet and turned around and said: "Abbott you, Uncle He? Of course there is a saying, don’t be afraid or not.”

Master Zenyue, the current abbot of Mount Wutai, had just finished presiding over the ritual ceremony in the main hall, when the young novice monk at the door shouted "He..." and then fell silent. Master Zenyue wondered: With what? Never heard of any faction called He? ah! He Jianfei! When I thought that those two were coming, I secretly screamed something bad, and ran away regardless of the monks in the temple who were still standing by. Unfortunately, he was discovered by He Jianfei who happened to enter the inner door, and immediately ran up and chased him fiercely. Tian Yinzhen asked the little novice monk a few words at the door before entering the inner door. He saw Master Chanyue lifting up his monk's robe and running away desperately. He Jianfei was chasing after him with his legs spinning like a hot wheel. There was a newcomer in the temple. The monk stared at this scene with his mouth open, and couldn't help being angry and amused. He shouted: "Elder brother, you are the abbot of a temple, and you are running around like this. Can you pay attention to your demeanor?" Master Zenyue turned a deaf ear and continued on. He ran forward wildly, thinking to himself: I would rather not be graceful. If I were chased, I might even lose my life. Tian Yinzhen shrugged, entered the main hall and greeted the monks: "Everyone, please leave, don't be surprised, don't be surprised." He Jianfei was panting after chasing him, and saw that he had already circled the temple, and he hadn't caught up yet, and he was confused. We haven't seen each other for just a few months, but my senior brother's running skills have improved so quickly. Could it be that he has been practicing every day since he defeated me last time? How about trying my newly developed encirclement strategy.

Facts ultimately proved that He Jianfei's strategy was quite effective. Master Chanyue was forced into the Sutra Pavilion, with bookshelves everywhere and nowhere to escape, and was caught by He Jianfei. He Jianfei was sweating profusely from running and rested against the door. Seeing that Master Chanyue was still trying to escape by climbing out of the three-meter-high window, he said angrily: "Brother, I am your junior brother, not a man-eating tiger. You Why are you running so fast after seeing me?" Master Zenyue gasped while busy looking for a ladder: "Although you are not a tiger, you are more terrifying than a tiger. Tell me, when did you come to me with good intentions?" He Jianfei He gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay for you to belittle someone, but you don't have to be so thorough. Brothers and sisters in the same sect should help each other in times of difficulty. It is only natural and reasonable that I come to you."

"Is it reasonable for me to sacrifice my life for you?"

_Tian Yinzhen, who had just arrived to see the outcome of the battle, came in and interrupted: "Okay, you still want to quarrel? Without even considering our reputation, Wutai Mountain has almost lost all its face to you." The two grown men immediately shared the same hatred and hatred. outside. Master Zenyue scolded: "Are you the host or am I the host? I am in charge of these things, what are you talking about?" He Jianfei followed up: "You might as well worry about whether you can get married. !" The two finally lost to Tian Yinzhen's stunt of "throwing broken pots and tiles together" and were defeated in Maicheng.

The night was getting darker. After entertaining He Jianfei and Tian Yinzhen, the little novice monk carefully checked the threshold with the dinner plate and went out. Two middle-aged monks with three seals on their heads came in to greet He Jianfei and Tian Yinzhen. Since He Jianfei and Tian Yinzhen were disciples of Master Zhi in his old age, there was an age difference of more than 40 years between them and his eldest disciple, Master Chanyue. However, the two middle-aged monks who came to pay their respects were actually He Jianfei and Tian Yinzhen in terms of seniority. descendants.

"Greetings, uncles." He Jianfei couldn't bear to see someone who was more than twenty years older than him still bowing to him. He stood up and said: "Forget it, forget it, I told Master a long time ago that I He Yinzi has a special status, so these seniority rules should not be so strict."

Master Zenyue sat leisurely and said: "It's a pity that Master disagrees. Wutai Mountain has always attached great importance to respecting teachers and respecting Taoism. I know you are uneasy, but they rarely go out, and the salutes in the temple are not very good, so you just have to accept it." Come on." Seeing the abbot speaking, the two middle-aged monks did not dare to neglect. They quickly completed the etiquette carefully and said, "The disciples invite the abbot and the two uncles to do evening classes." Master Zenyue was about to reply, Seeing He Jianfei winking at him repeatedly, Tian Yinzhen also had a strange expression on his face. Knowing that they had something secret to talk about, he nodded and said, "Tell them, the two uncles came back from a long way today and are too tired to go. I will accompany them." Let’s talk. Do it yourselves.”

The two middle-aged monks said quickly: "Yes." They sent Master Chanyue, He Jianfei and Tian Yinzhen into the main Zen room before retreating -

Master Chanyue was sitting on the futon on the kang. Seeing He Jianfei looking out through the gap after closing the door, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "What are you doing? Is the Third World War about to break out? It's so shameful. " Tian Yinzhen sat down and said: "We can't participate in the world war, but this matter is indeed closely related to our safety." Master Zenyue was used to Tian Yinzhen's casual look. Seeing her serious face at this moment, he hurriedly leaned forward and said "What's the big deal?" Seeing that He Jianfei was still guarding the door, Tian Yinzhen told him everything about the ghost road. Master Zenyue's face became more and more solemn. When he heard that Aqiang's three-flower body protection technique still could not prevent the coming of death, he couldn't help but let out a soft "Huh". How could this sound escape from Master Zenyue's face, which he had been paying attention to? He Jianfei, who was there, didn't say anything when he saw Tian Yinzhen talking enthusiastically. After Tian Yinzhen finished speaking, Master Chanyue pondered for a long time before asking: "What about the magic power of the wronged ghost?"

He Jianfei interjected: "I have never fought with her head-on, but it seems that she is not afraid of the relic necklace. She can even break the three-flower body protection spell, and her magic power will never be low." Master Zenyue considered the words and said: "She is just It is amazing that an wronged soul, even if he has been dead for more than fifty years, has the ability to kill people at will. As for the three-flower body protection technique, from what you have said, there is no sign that it is indeed that person. It was broken by a female ghost." Tian Yinzhen and He Jianfei looked at each other, and were extremely surprised that Master Chanyue's unprecedented speech went in a circle. Tian Yinzhen said: "The key to a female ghost possessing such great power is what happened in Aqiang's generation. It's an intriguing thing. Everyone is very shy about this issue. Back then, nearly thirty people in the class were able to say nothing about it, so..." At this point, she shrugged, indicating that this matter was indeed unusual. However, He Jianfei heard something in Master Chanyue's words and said, "Master only told me a little bit about the Three Flowers Body Protection Technique. I only know that it is a very high-level body protection technique. It is Isn't it unbreakable?" He Jianfei unexpectedly asked such a sentence. Tian Yinzhen was stunned, but Master Chanyue had already answered smoothly: "How could it be?" As soon as the words fell, Master Chanyue was startled and said hurriedly: "This, Master I just briefly talked about it, not in detail. I’m not very clear either. I think since this kind of self-protection technique has a certain history, the ancients in front of me should also have worked out ways to crack it." While speaking, Zen Yue A trace of embarrassment, panic, and a little uneasiness flashed across the master's eyes. He Jianfei saw all this, but he did not speak.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly felt a little strange. Master Zenyue cleared his throat and said, "What makes me strange is another thing. The Three Flower Body Protection Technique is a very high-level body protection technique. Those who can use it must possess it." High magical power. Judging from Aqiang's situation at the time, no matter how resentful the wronged ghost is, there is absolutely no reason why it cannot be suppressed. Judging from what you said, Aqiang's group must owe that female ghost something. It was something so important that Aqiang refused to use magic to suppress it, and decided to commit suicide in an attempt to clear up the injustice. Although Buddhism is compassionate, I privately believed that he had made a wrong step." Tian Yinzhen was thinking about it. She told Master Zenyue about the doubts discovered on the train. Suddenly, He Jianfei gave her a stopping look. Tian Yinzhen was confused. He Jianfei had already said to Master Zenyue: "Senior brother is right. But a big mistake has been made. I want to make it right in time." The most important method is the most important thing. People are dying on campus one after another, and people are panicking. If this continues, I'm afraid..." Master Zenyue thought for a moment and said, "It's not impossible to suppress it now, but it will be a little more troublesome. There are many collections on Mount Wutai. Magical weapons, such as the diamond halberd, can send ghosts to the eighteen levels of hell to suffer, or tie ghosts to the ghost-melting pillar and be struck by lightning and burned, but they are just too vicious." He Jianfei smiled and said: "I can do all the things you said. . If I want to do this, I can just sneak in and steal those things, and why bother to come here and tell you? Suppression only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Besides, you also know that the campus, as a scholarly place, has certain qualities. Spirituality, if we suppress it like this, it will destroy its feng shui, and I won't be responsible for causing bigger problems. By the way, there is a statue of Sun Yat-sen there." Tian Yinzhen said: "So we decided to It's better to save her. This is the cleanest solution." Master Chanyue smiled bitterly and said: "She has to be willing to save her. Are you sure you can convince her?" He Jianfei said: "Maybe we can find out the truth about that year. It can relieve her resentment." Master Zenyue shook his head and said: "The truth has been unknown for fifty years, and the truth has turned into a falsehood. It seems that this case of injustice is unusual."

Seeing Master Chanyue lowering his head in deep thought, He Jianfei hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, it is indeed unusual. That's why I came to find you." Master Chanyue took a sip of the tea and said, "Don't worry. I Let me explain two points first: first, I will not borrow the first-level treasure; second, I will not leave the mountain. Okay, you start talking." He Jianfei immediately drank the strong tea in one gulp and said, "While I'm talking Before that, let me declare two points: First, I will not borrow any non-first-level treasures, and second, I will never come down from the mountain until you leave the mountain." Tian Yinzhen sneered and said, "Then what else are you talking about? Just fight." Master Zenyue He sighed and said, "Junior brother, I am quite old. There are so many monks in the temple. Why don't you arrest anyone but me?" He Jianfei also sighed and said, "Senior brother, I am your junior brother. I can't hold it back, who else in this temple is qualified to come forward? Master asked you to take good care of me before he died. If something happens to me, and I go down to see Master, I don't know what words will come out of my mouth." Zen. Master Yue was immediately speechless, and cursed for a while: "Besides using Master to suppress me, don't you have any other new tricks?" He Jianfei knew that he had agreed to go out, and said with a smile: "There should be more, but this trick is right I didn’t bother to think about it before you expired.”

The distant bells rang outside. The monks in the temple had finished their evening classes and were preparing to go to the main hall to salute the abbot and then go to bed. The sound of footsteps gradually got closer and closer. He Jianfei listened in rapt attention for a while. Before his eyes, he recalled that when his master was alive, he and Tian Yinzhen were only seven or eight years old at the time. They also imitated the appearance of adults, wearing custom-made cassocks and looking stylish. They followed the back of the team with a pretentious look, walked in with small square steps and clasped their hands, fully expecting the master to be surprised and complimented them. Unexpectedly, when the master saw them, his gray beard twitched, and finally I couldn't help but burst out laughing, but as a result, I couldn't finish the evening class because they disturbed me. Thinking back, a smile appeared on the corner of He Jianfei's mouth. At this moment, Master Chanyue's question woke him up: "It should be almost done. You two should follow me to the main hall." Tian Yinzhen said coquettishly: " I'm so tired. Senior brother, I want to go to bed. Can you tell them that I'm asleep?" He Jianfei said, "I'm going to bed too. I'll make up for it when I get up in the morning." He Jianfei's second sentence was empty talk. After he returned to Mount Wutai, he stayed up until noon every day. Master Zenyue glared at him and then said to Tian Yinzhen: "Okay, I'll tell them, but the temple is under renovation recently, and the back part is not repaired, so the house is empty. There is only one room, and Jianfei wants to sleep with me." He Jianfei was shocked and said: "What?! I can't be so unlucky, right?" Master Chanyue has a habit of snoring while sleeping, so He Jianfei would rather stay outside to guard the door if he sleeps with him. While Master Zenyue was snickering, He Jianfei had already begged Tian Yinzhen in a flattering manner: "Can I sleep with you?" The monks had gathered in the main hall, but the abbot had not yet come out. Suddenly, a long-lasting scream came from the main meditation room...

At noon the next day, He Jianfei was awakened by the dazzling sunshine outside. When he saw that it was almost two o'clock, he got up hurriedly, asked the little novice monk to get him something to eat, and walked out of the meditation room stretching. While he was admiring the bonsai in the courtyard, Master Zenyue's voice came from behind: "Master He is finally willing to get up? How do you plan to make up for your evening classes?" He Jianfei turned around and said dissatisfiedly: "It's not all you, one day. I've been snoring all night, otherwise I wouldn't have slept even past lunch time. Has anyone called my cell phone?" Master Zenyue said: "There is an old man who claims to be Li. He is looking for you. It's just Yinzi who answers Yes, I'm not sure. You can ask her." He Jianfei immediately guessed that it was Old Man Li, thanked him hurriedly, and walked to Tian Yinzhen's room.

Tian Yinzhen was braiding her own hair in the room when she saw He Jianfei almost rushing in and said with a smile: "You're finally up. Uncle Li has been looking for you many times. Judging from his hurried tone, he must have discovered some important secret. You Why don't you call him quickly?" He Jianfei quickly picked up his cell phone and called back: "Hello, I'm He Jianfei. Ah, it's Old Man Li, how about it?" It turns out that Old Man Li went to see A Qiang's relatives during this time. After fifty years of changes, Aqiang’s parents died, and there was only Aqiang in his family. He left no incense and only some distant relatives who were scattered abroad. Therefore, Mr. Li tried his best to find Aqiang’s cousin through all his connections. Sister, and learned a very important message from her. Aqiang made an inexplicable phone call three days before her death. Because it was so weird, she still remembers it clearly.

"Dad, this summer vacation... I won't go back."

"What? Is there something to do again? Why is the student union so busy?"

"No, it's from our class. There is something that needs to be settled urgently, and the whole class is not going home."

"What's the big deal? Can it be settled in two months?"

"... Two months? Where is enough? It may never be resolved."

"What? Aqiang, what on earth are you talking about?"

"No, it's nothing. In fact, I don't know how to end it now."

"Hey, Aqiang..."

"I was talking nonsense, Dad, just pretend you didn't hear me."

"Then when will you go home?"

"It may take a long time... a long time... I'm afraid you don't have the patience to wait any longer. Dad, take care of yourself, Mom will ask you to take care of me. Goodbye."

An unintelligible phone call ended with Aqiang's words that sounded like a joke. Now that I think about it, the last sentence is clearly a farewell to my parents. Goodbye, goodbye on the road to hell, goodbye in the underworld, isn't it a long time? "Three days ago" Aqiang already knew the fact that "Donglu was wronged and her life was in danger". At that time, the whole class had no consensus on this. What unexpected incident prompted Aqiang to use the magic spell to suppress everyone and commit suicide within three days. Decide? At that time, four people in his class had died inexplicably. According to conventional logical analysis, in order not to cause more deaths, they should be suppressed as soon as possible, but the outcome was the opposite. There must have been an unknown turning point in these three days. .

He Jianfei's thoughts became even more confused. The complexity of fifty years of redress was beyond the scope of his thinking ability. "Three days...all committed suicide...phone calls...the truth..." He Jianfei muttered, feeling that the day when the truth would be revealed was too far away. He Jianfei reluctantly got rid of the doubts in his heart and asked: "Does Aqiang's cousin know anything else?" Old Man Li said: "She said that even if she did, after so many years, she has almost forgotten it. But she suggested that we can go Take a look at Aqiang's house. Although his house has been sold, I heard that people are still living there. She said that the place where Aqiang's house is is a bit strange." He Jianfei asked hurriedly: "What's weird?" Old Man Li said: "She refused to say anything. She was hesitant, as if she had some scruples. I couldn't force her, so I had to come back and call you."

"Aqiang's house?" He Jianfei said thoughtfully, "That's right. Okay, Mr. Li, please go to Aqiang's house and take a look."

"No problem, I've wanted to uncover the mystery of Aqiang's spell for a long time."