Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 82: The blood of black Naihe


The girl just looked at Xiaolan coldly, and after a long while, she said in a deep voice: "Give up the Ling-tang classroom, or else you will fall into the black river of blood forever! "Xiaolan originally thought she was going to die. When she heard this, she was shocked and asked: "What?!" The girl didn't answer anymore, turned around and left slowly. Xiaolan didn't know where she got the courage to shout: " Fang Ying!" The girl trembled and stood still. Xiaolan said softly: "Forget it, Fang Ying, it's just your brother who wants to harm you. This school is innocent... Give up. , Fang Ying, I don’t want you to go on like this forever..." The girl lowered her head feebly and said in a low voice: "From the day I died, I have been unable to survive. I am destined to be like this forever. It is you who should give up. Can't fight." The voice was extremely sad. Xiaolan was completely stunned after changing her original coldness and arrogance. When she came to her senses, Fang Ying was gone. There was only some residual smoke on the ground, dispersing in all directions, reminding Xiaolan that she was not dreaming.

The sky finally turned white, and Zhang Jianfeng jumped out impatiently to prepare for the search. Due to years of neglect, the island was already overgrown with weeds. In some places, they were even more than half waist high. Xiao Qing avoided the sharp leaves and said: "Grass They are all so lush, will those reminders remain?" Zhang Jianfeng said: "Definitely, don't forget, the time when the ballad was composed may be hundreds of years away from the Lianghua era, even Lianghua could be broken, Why can't we break through? Ouch!! What hit my foot?" Zhang Jianfeng squatted down and screamed in pain. Xiao Qing hurriedly stepped forward and pushed away the grass to take a look. It turned out that Zhang Jianfeng's foot tripped on a small stone pier. Qing Qing asked curiously: "Why are there small stone piers here?" Zhang Jianfeng rubbed his feet vigorously and said: "Maybe they are stools, chairs, rockeries or other decorations from back then." Xiao Qing looked at them for a long time. He shook his head and said, "No." Zhang Jianfeng had rarely seen her look so serious. He didn't care about the pain in his feet and quickly came up to take a closer look. Sure enough, this small stone pier looks very strange. The stool is obviously too small. The left and right sides and the upper part are very worn and convex and concave, but it can be vaguely seen as a rectangular shape. There is a very obvious dividing line in the middle of the small stone pier. , there seem to be several dense wavy patterns carved around the lines. There is also a small piece of stone extending from the east side of the bottom, but it has been broken in many places due to severe wear and tear.

Xiao Qing gently touched the pitted surface with his hand, and thought deeply: "The Lianghua era is only twenty years away from us. It takes twenty years for a stone to become so unrecognizable, unless sulfuric acid is poured on it. I think, This stone is probably not a product of the Lianghua era." Zhang Jianfeng was leaning forward to measure the pattern next to the dividing line with his hands, and then said: "It's not that it may not be, but it's not at all. These are not simple lines, but silk. The auspicious pattern "Wan" that is often seen on the phone is connected into a continuous pattern in an extremely clever way. The two sides are worn away and cannot be seen clearly. I looked at the dividing line for a long time, but there is no one anywhere. Broken pen, such a superb craft cannot be made without decades of experience. How can the school have the leisure to spend so much time on a small decoration? This stone pier must be famous." Xiao Qing Unexpectedly, Zhang Jianfeng was so good at stone carvings and said with a smile: "Then look, what is the use of this dividing line?" Zhang Jianfeng shook his head and said: "I can't tell, I just know that this is not a complete straight line, it has a little bit in the middle Crooked, it seems to be slightly bent according to a special arc. It's really weird." Xiao Qing said: "Since we can't find any clues, let's put a mark here and let's look for it in other places. "Zhang Jianfeng nodded, stood up and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Xiao Qing suddenly snorted, and then shouted in great surprise: "Zhang Jianfeng, there is also a small stone pier here!"

Zhang Jianfeng was shocked and ran forward to take a look. Sure enough, it was the same small stone pier as before. The volume, style and even the degree of wear, dividing line and swastika pattern were almost the same. Zhang Jianfeng slowly squatted down with a serious look on his face: "After so many years, even the corrosion areas are the same. The difference between these two stone piers had to be made by millimeters. Who spent so much money?" Scheming, why did he put these stone piers here?" Xiao Qing asked: "Could it be related to the 'Gudao Hongyi'?" Zhang Jianfeng looked at it for a long time and said, "Probably not, these stone piers have nothing to do with it at all. The shape of a horse." Xiao Qing seemed to have thought of something and suddenly ran forward. Zhang Jianfeng was stunned and already understood her intention. Soon, Xiao Qing shouted from a place not far ahead: "The third stone Dun!"

U kept searching like this, and found seven stone piers. Every two stone piers were two meters apart, arranged in an absolutely straight line, and each stone pier had that strange dividing line. Many stone benches and chairs were also found around the stone piers, all of which were still intact, thus ruling out the decorative role of the seven stone piers. Looking back on the isolated island in its prosperous days, there was no trace of weeds. Except for a few low stones, there were only seven stone piers standing abruptly in the center of the island, which was very eye-catching. At this point, all the clues almost surprisingly point to one point - those seven stone piers are the scenery where Liang Hua solved the mystery of Happy Valley. Zhang Jianfeng squatted down again in frustration and asked: "Why is it completely different from my speculation? These stone piers have no connection with horses from any angle?" Just as he was talking, his cell phone rang, and Zhang Jianfeng took out a can. , couldn't help being shocked: "What? What did you say? What happened next?" It turned out to be Xiaolan's call, and she reported to Zhang Jianfeng that Fang Ying came to see her. Zhang Jianfeng put down his cell phone and hurriedly told Xiao Qing. The suspicion in their minds became even stronger. As the investigation deepens, all the doubts are increasingly concentrated on Fang Ying.

Just when Xiao Qing was about to make a comment, Zhang Jianfeng frowned and said: "We don't care about the mourning hall classroom now. Gudao Hongyi has encountered a bottleneck again. I always feel that we missed something and didn't notice it. Should we recall the poem riddle again?" ?" Xiao Qing said softly: "We missed something. We haven't used the last two sentences of the riddle of the poem yet." Zhang Jianfeng was stunned for a moment and said: "But I think that should be used after arriving in Happy Valley. I got the hint." Xiao Qing shook his head and said: "I don't think so. The last two lines of the poem are equally confusing. Liang Hua must have spent a certain amount of time trying to figure it out. Why did something happen in one day? And Liang Hua There is no mention of the last two sentences in the annotation. I think we cannot absolutely exclude the possibility that the last two sentences are also hints of Happy Valley." Zhang Jianfeng was silent for a while and said: "If it is really like what you said, then the last two sentences can be interpreted independently. Or should we contact Tanhua Golden Turtle to solve it?" Xiao Qing said: "If I am not wrong, I should be independent. In addition, I have a bold guess that Liang Hua's annotation also hides another possibility." Zhang Jianfeng stood up in horror after hearing this. "What is it?" Xiao Qing said slowly: "Liang Hua's annotation is nothing more than emphasizing the order, reminding us to look for the golden turtle first, and then Tanhua. Ma Tanhua has the picture as annotation, but the golden turtle does not give any hint. , isn't this strange? So I thought, could the last two sentences be the key to unlocking the mystery of the golden turtle? The mystery of this poem must be solved backwards!" Zhang Jianfeng felt his heart shake, why had he never thought of this possibility? Yes, in fact, this possibility is the greatest possibility.

Xiao Qing was already muttering to himself: "There are no predecessors carrying incense, only the Eight Immortals are returning across the sea. Is this a reminder of the location of the golden turtle or the shape of the golden turtle?" Zhang Jianfeng said: "It is the way the golden turtle was discovered. This poem skillfully uses the ancient Chinese religious belief tradition to reveal the angle of discovery." Xiao Qing asked confused: "The angle of discovery?" Zhang Jianfeng said: "Actually, these two lines of poem are very simple for people who are used to reading religious legends. The ancestors held incense, and our ancestors worshiped gods to an almost crazy level, even sacrificing their own lives, so they always bowed before gods. As for the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, it is a widely circulated folk story. The story is about the story of the Eight Immortals who showed their magical powers and abandoned the God who flew in the clouds and traveled through the East China Sea, which angered the Dragon King. Of course, this is a later story." Xiao Qing listened blankly, and suddenly realized: "So that's it. The predecessors brought incense, and they must have He always lowers his head to show respect for the gods, and because the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and defeated the Dragon King, they naturally arrogantly crossed the sea. The meaning of these two sentences is to tell us not to look down but to look up when searching. That is to say, the golden turtle is somewhere high up." Zhang Jianfeng said listlessly: "That's nonsense! If these seven stone piers are really related to Happy Valley, they are already so much shorter than us. You can still see them without looking down. What? What can you see when you look up??"

Xiao Qing raised her head and said: "Looking up, you can see the blue sky and the lovely white clouds." Zhang Jianfeng couldn't laugh or cry. Just as he was about to interrupt, Xiao Qing said leisurely: "Of course, there is an ancient clock." Zhang Jianfeng looked up in surprise: " Clock? What clock?" Sure enough, a large bronze clock was revealed on the east side of the island. The huge hands were still moving tremblingly. Xiao Qing said next to him: "That is the church built by the Eight-Power Allied Forces after they invaded China. Witness the humiliation of the Chinese nation." Zhang Jianfeng suddenly said: "Wait a minute! Why does that big clock have four hands?" Xiaoqing looked at it intently and smiled: "The black one is not a hand, it is a wrench, for repairing the clock. And it is specially set up. If you pull down the wrench, you can move the clock plate and see the parts inside. How about it? It's amazing, right?" Zhang Jianfeng concentrated for a while and said: "So, does the wrench never move? Forever? Do they all stay in that position?" Xiao Qing gave him a strange look and replied, "Yes." Zhang Jianfeng suddenly took out a disposable camera and aimed the focus at the clock, but did not press the shutter for a long time. He asked inexplicably: "Are you sick?" As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jianfeng pressed the shutter with an extremely fast technique.

Zhang Jianfeng showed the photo to Xiao Qing and said, "Look, what's different about the big clock in this photo?" Xiao Qing hurriedly took it and looked at it, and saw that the four big hands of the clock in the photo happened to be arranged in a special way, with the second hand The fingers of the hand and the wrench are on the 10th and 2nd scales, while the minute hand and the hour hand are on the 4th and 8th scales, plus the huge disc in the center used to fix the pointer and the wrench, Xiaoqing exclaimed: "Ah?! This is..." Zhang Jianfeng said slowly: "Yes, the mystery of the golden turtle has been solved. The golden turtle in the poem is hidden in this big clock. Sure enough, 'Everyone in the world must first tell the golden turtle to Tanhua' , Who knows that doing the opposite is the right thing to do?' We have been misled by the riddle of poetry until now." Xiao Qing looked at the photo blankly: "Then, could it be that Happy Valley..." Zhang Jianfeng said seriously: "Well, As soon as the golden turtle appears, the mystery of Tanhua is finally revealed. Happy Valley is completely revealed!"

On the way back, Xiao Qing walked in front, and the familiar laughter floated over again, "Hehe, sister, you are so bad, lock me up." That weird smile flashed next to Xiao Qing, and Zhang Jianfeng stopped. , quietly watching the thin figure staring at him with twinkling eyes. Zhang Jianfeng took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, walked forward, squatted down, and said in the secret language of the magic world: "I am Zhang Jianfeng, a disciple of Zhongnan Mountain. I know you can't speak. It doesn't matter. You Just listen. I already know all about your difficulties and grievances. Don't worry, I will give you justice." "Hehe..." The young spirit said nothing more, but his figure gradually dimmed.

"What? Have you found Happy Valley?" Xiaolan was so surprised that she didn't expect that the problem of going to the island for the first time would be solved. Xiaoqing showed the photo to her: "Look, we have been ignoring this big clock. When the time stopped at 8:20:50, the three hands, the wrench and the middle disk happened to form a In the shape of a turtle, the disc is the back of the turtle, and the four needles are the four legs of the turtle. The big bell was there before the school was founded, so it can be determined that it is the legendary golden turtle. From this, we can also infer: This ballad It was founded around the end of the Qing Dynasty." Xiaolan said with envy: "You are so awesome. If it were me, I would never have thought of this." Zhang Jianfeng was listening and wanted to call her a big fool, but looking at the smiling face Xiao Qing, held back again.

Xiaolan looked at the photo for a long time and suddenly said: "Although the golden turtle came out, are there really any horses on the island?" Xiaoqing handed another photo and said: "Ma Tanhua is here." Xiaolan He looked at it and said with a smile: "Don't kid me, this is just a small stone pier. What kind of horse is there?" Xiao Qing said seriously: "I'm not lying to you. The poem says that the golden turtle must be passed on to Tanhua first, which means that the golden turtle and Tanhua They must be connected. The beetle is hidden in the clock. The clock can only mean one thing, which is time. The meaning revealed by the beetle is time! Time is the key to Happy Valley. After understanding the meaning of time, the meaning of the horse immediately came to light. I Let me show you the third photo." Xiao Qing handed over another photo, and Xiao Lan couldn't help but cheered. On that photo, the scale of the clock was clearly reflected, 8:43:43, the second hand and the minute hand. It coincided with the pointer, leaving only a black wrench clearly on the original scale. The sun's rays slanted down from the side, creating a strange scene. The three pointers and the wrench were mapped to the seven stone piers at the same time, and they landed exactly below the stone piers. Under each stone pier, there were two black shadows of different lengths formed due to different angles of sunlight. From a distance, it looked like seven neighing horses running wildly, which almost exactly matched the poor drawing. "Tianhua!! Tanhua!!" Xiaolan pointed at the third horse and shouted excitedly. It turned out that Happy Valley was actually like this. Everyone's reasoning was finally proved correctly. Recalling all the detours they had taken before, The three of them couldn't help but smile at each other.

Xiaolan suddenly thought of an important question and asked quickly: "Hey, why did you come back now that you found Happy Valley? Why don't you go in and have a look?" Zhang Jianfeng said: "We only reserved one day, and we have all the tools. If we don’t bring it, don’t say we don’t know how to open the stone pier, and what will happen after we get down is unknown. If we don’t come back for ten and a half days, the school will think that we are missing. Besides..." Zhang Jianfeng said this, his voice changed. After a pause, he said: "I'm just going to go down and check it out alone." Xiaolan and Xiaoqing asked in unison: "Why? We're going too." Zhang Jianfeng said sternly: "No reason, that's Gudao Hongyi's lair, it must be It's very dangerous. Going there for you two mortals is like risking death. Moreover, the strength of the enemy is unknown. Whether I can protect myself is a mystery. How can I take care of you?" Xiao Qing asked nervously: "But what if ...I mean, what if something happens to you?" Zhang Jianfeng pondered slightly and said: "Zhongnanshan is the number one sect in Taoism. Unless it is an extraordinary injustice, it is impossible to defeat it. Even if it cannot be defeated, I can't defeat it. Unfortunately..." Zhang Jianfeng paused briefly, then continued: "My master watches the sky every night and does fortune telling. He must know that I am in trouble. As long as his old man comes out, no matter how powerful the ghost is, there is nothing to worry about. Oops, I forgot to bring my meal card. Got it." Zhang Jianfeng suddenly discovered that something related to his fate of eating was in trouble, and quickly ran away towards the dormitory. Xiao Qing looked at his figure and suddenly his eyes turned red: "This idiot doesn't understand what others mean at all. He always thinks about killing some ghosts." He also turned around and left. Xiaolan was so fascinated by what she heard that she felt an unprecedented strange feeling in her heart. For a moment, she forgot about the heaven and earth, the sun and the moon, and even herself...

Eight-pole array diagram, Dharma seals, talismans... Zhang Jianfeng checked everything he should bring one by one. He checked it three times and found that nothing was missing. Then he raised the incense and bowed in the direction of Zhongnan Mountain: "Master , Today, the disciple is finally going to set off. All the truth will be revealed. Please master, please bless the disciple to successfully complete the mission." After praying, he calmly packed up everything and went out.

"Isn't this not good?" Xiaolan said softly. Xiao Qing said: "What's wrong? If we follow him secretly, even if he finds out, will he still drive us back? Hush, he's here." Sure enough, Zhang Jianfeng came to the side of East Lake with steady steps. . Xiaoqing suddenly said "Huh" and said: "Xiaolan, have you noticed that Zhang Jianfeng seems a little different today?" Xiaolan looked at it carefully and said: "It seems so, what's going on? It doesn't feel like it." He is the same as usual." Xiaoqing said: "No matter how many things there are, let's follow him when he dives over." Zhang Jianfeng came to a slightly convex place and looked around without any intention. To cross the water, he suddenly took out a red line, drew it on his chest, and shouted: "Qiankun borrows the method!" Suddenly a burst of golden light glowed on his finger, Zhang Jianfeng turned his hand, and touched the red line one by one. , the red line suddenly became sparkling. Zhang Jianfeng pinched the end of the red line, pointed at the island, and shouted: "Red line, take me to the place where the grievances gather!" The end of the red line immediately flew out of his hand and flew straight to the center of the island. Zhang Jianfeng held it The other end also flew up with the red line, lightly touched the water with its feet, and had already flown across the East Lake to the isolated island. Xiaolan and Xiaoqing almost made a sound because of their shock. What shocked Xiaolan was the wonderful magic. What shocked Xiaoqing was Zhang Jianfeng's eyes. Those cold eyes were full of arrogance that despised everything. This was completely different from the Zhang Jianfeng she knew. Different, what is going on?