Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 89: Dust off(1)


Attached to the back of the letter are two photos. One is a beautiful young woman and a clear-faced man holding a one-month-old baby, with happy smiles on their faces. The other is a group photo with cherry blossoms in the sky in the background. Piaopiao, seven people stood side by side, one boy in the middle, with outstanding aura and extraordinary temperament, and another boy next to him smiled indifferently, looking vaguely like Gu Xinghan. There is a line of small words on the back of the photo: "He Jianfei, Gu Xinghan, Li Laobo, Gong Yong, Liu Canli, Xu Chuan and Qiaoer were taken on Cherry Blossom Road in 2001." Zhang Jianfeng read these names and asked inexplicably: "What does this come from? "Master Wu Zhen's face changed drastically when he saw the second photo, and his whole body trembled violently. "Clang" Lone Xinghan's favorite magic weapon during his lifetime, the fly whisk, fell heavily from Master Wu Zhen's hand. Master Wu Zhen had already walked away.

"Master Wu Zhen, where are you going?" Zhang Jianfeng hurriedly chased him out of the mountain gate. Master Wu Zhen had long disappeared, and only the vague voice came from the sky: "The first disciple of Buddhism, the first disciple of Taoism, hey, In the end, they all turned into ashes." "The first disciple of Buddhism?" There were two tombs standing alone next to them. Zhang Jianfeng finally seemed to have some realization...

Upon hearing the news that Zhang Jianfeng was leaving, the whole class was excited, and everyone automatically came to the train station to see him off. Looking at the classmates with red eyes, Zhang Jianfeng forced a smile and said: "I'm sorry, I deceived everyone. I was not from this school originally. Master secretly transferred me here to perform the task. Now, I come back to say goodbye to everyone." I'm going back to my original school." Chen Zhongxin sighed and said, "Will we have a chance to meet again?" "Yes, as long as we are destined." Zhang Jianfeng looked around and asked, "Isn't Xiaolan here? Chen Zhongxin said: "She will be sadder than anyone else when you leave. Maybe she doesn't want to lose control of her emotions and make you feel uneasy when you leave, so why not just stop coming? You have to come back often, even to see her." "For some reason, Zhang Jianfeng felt a sense of loss in his heart. He nodded and said, "Then I'm leaving. You can just go back. There's no need to send him off."

"Train T996 is about to leave. Please go to the ticket inspection office as soon as possible for ticket inspection." Zhang Jianfeng picked up his luggage and walked to the platform, ready to find the carriage. Suddenly, a faint orchid-like fragrance came from behind, "Little Lan??!!" Zhang Jianfeng turned around reflexively. Sure enough, Xiaolan was wearing a broken white skirt and smiled slightly: "I've been waiting for you on the platform for a long time." Zhang Jianfeng smiled and said: "I thought you weren't coming." The silence quickly dispersed between the two of them. No one could find anything to say, but no one wanted to leave. After a long time, Xiaolan forced a smile and said: "Remember to come back often and sweep Xiaoqing's grave." "Yeah." There was silence again. "What are you going to do after you go to college? Come back?" Xiaolan suddenly said, "No." Zhang Jianfeng shook his head gently: "Accepted the master's order to take over Zhongnan Mountain." "Oh, "I see," Xiaolan asked slowly, "As a Taoist priest, can you really cut off all attachments in the world?" After a long silence, Zhang Jianfeng gave a low "hmm", and Xiaolan's face immediately said, He burst out with an extremely bright smile, stretched out a hand and said, "Then, I believe you will be able to bring glory to the Zhongnanshan sect. The train is about to leave, why don't you get on?" Zhang Jianfeng held her hand and said, Asked: "What did Xiaoqing whisper in your ear that day?" Xiaolan smiled and said: "I knew you would ask, well, this is a tips bag, which contains Xiaoqing and I talking to you. There will be answers in the blessing, so take it with you."

"Woo-" A long flute sound pierced the sky, and the train started moving slowly. Through the car window, Zhang Jianfeng suddenly noticed that Xiaolan was still standing there blankly, so he waved his hand and said: "Go back, the train is about to leave." Suddenly, a drop of clear tears slowly crossed Xiaolan's cheek, outlining the lines. Seeing the most perfect trace in the world, Zhang Jianfeng was stunned. The train was gradually speeding up. Zhang Jianfeng squeezed out of the window and shouted to the rear: "Xiaolan, tell me, what are you crying for? Xiaolan!" Xiaolan! Landao said: "I...I...I..." As soon as he opened his mouth, tears poured down like a floodgate. The train disappeared without a trace, but Xiaolan's face was already filled with tears.

Slumped back to his seat, he carefully opened the brocade bag. It turned out that there were two silk threads, one green and one blue, with a small note tied to the blue silk thread. He gently unfolded the slightly water-stained piece of paper. On the paper, I saw a line of tiny characters written on it: "Xiaoqing told me that even if you have her, the one you love most is actually me."

Suddenly it began to drizzle outside, falling drop by drop outside the window. Some young rain needles were blown everywhere, hitting the glass gently, drawing a cool straight line, a faint light. The fragrance was fragrant, and the sky was filled with graceful and free pink flowers outside the window. Xiaolan's bright smile suddenly appeared, accompanied by that crisp voice.

Can you really cut off all attachments in this world


Can you really cut off all attachments in this world


Can you really cut off all attachments in this world

(Full text ends)

"Mourning Classroom Extra Chapter" author: tinadannis1.

A withered claw slowly rose from the mid-air, approaching the man silently, step by step, quietly, only a burst of cold air was heard, "Ah--" a scream, and blood flowed like a stream. The eight-clawed monster slowly climbed down from the tree trunk, sucking the sweet blood with satisfaction, devouring the soft limbs, and savoring the fishy and sour taste. For a while, the monster took a satisfied breath. "Hey, eat, eat, you won't have anything to eat soon. Enjoy your dinner before death, Tianjue." "Who is it?!" A claw quickly grew longer and reached toward a tree on the left. The big tree rushed away, a black figure floated past, and the big tree fell down with a crash. Tianjue breathed a sigh of relief: "Is it you? Tina? You scared me to death." A woman in black with two forked horns on her head slowly swam down from the tree, holding a bloody kidney in her hand . Tianjue said coldly: "What are you doing here? I don't welcome you here. Go back to your man-eating forest, you damn thousand-year-old tree demon!"

""Ha ha ha ha. Tina smiled sharply, took a bite of the kidney, and said: "The abandoned son of heaven, the abandoned son of heaven, the poor little bastard abandoned by the master, senior sister, I am pitiful for you, so I came here to tell you to eat before you die." Be fuller. Do you know who you just killed? Tianjue said: "Who is it?" Tina said coldly: "He is the seven beloved disciples of Guxinghan, the leader of Zhongnan Mountain."

It's dawn in the south, and all the demons are in danger. Have you ever heard this saying? Hahaha, Guxinghan will never let you go, Tianjue, you are the abandoned son of heaven, God will finally abandon you! Hahaha - "Amitabha -" With the sound of the Buddha's name, the east became truly clear. Jesstine looked at his master Guxinghan with confusion and asked: "Master, you are not Taoist? Why did you proclaim the Buddha's name? "Guxinghan secretly screamed something bad. He must have talked too much to Qiao'er in a dream last night. Just as he was thinking about how to cover it up, Jessetine had already guessed: "Is it because..." "Shut up! "Guxinghan knew that if he didn't take a preemptive strike, his love story would be exposed:" You have only studied Taoism for a few years, what do you know? Buddhism and Taoism are one family, so it doesn’t matter if I chant the Buddha’s name, it just shows my respect for Buddhism. is it not OK? ? ah? ? "Jesstine was so scared that she couldn't speak, and thought to herself: "I just wanted to say that it was because of going to Shaolin to have that magical banquet. Why is the master so excited? "2.

Guxinghan had breakfast, and his mood improved again. He smiled brightly and said to Jesstine, "Do you know why I called you here?" Jesstine said happily while devouring his food, "I don't know." Guxinghan sighed. : "When people get old, they are especially afraid of loneliness. Your senior brother Jianfeng can't come back from the demon subduing, and he feels very lonely as a master, so he wants to recruit a disciple to have fun with him. Hehehehehe..." Jesstine heard this at first, I almost spit out a mouthful of vegetable soup. After she received the call that her master was critically ill, she escaped from the exam by bribing him with money and agreeing to marry him. She asked for leave and came to Zhongnan Mountain. What she saw was a rosy-faced Guxinghan sitting in front of a large bowl of vegetable soup, laughing wildly "Hehehehehe" , and gave such a reason for vomiting blood. She, Jesstine, is not a voluntary worker in a nursing home, so why did she be asked to come to Cheng Huan? Isn’t it enough for him to enjoy the hundreds of people in this Taoist temple

Seeing that Jessetine was just looking under the table and not replying to his words (actually, Jessetine was resisting the urge to vomit), Guxinghan twisted his beard and thought for a while, then said: "Of course, this Chenghuan, you know, Master likes it the most The best thing is that you can all achieve something and make a name for yourself." Jesstine immediately knew something was wrong. Usually when Guxinghan becomes whiny, it's when she's in trouble, and what he said seems to have another meaning. Sure enough, Guxinghan continued: "You know Marvel Forest, right?" "I don't know at all." Jesstine quickly pushed back: "I'm not familiar with the situation there at all." Unexpectedly, Guxinghan's face glowed even more after hearing this, and he laughed "Haha" : "This is the right person. Anyone who is familiar with the situation there will refuse to go, so we have to find someone who doesn't understand. Something has appeared in Marvel Forest recently. Do you know what it is?" Jesstine asked this question again There was no chance to answer, because she had completely fainted.

However, Jesstine is indeed as smart as ice and snow. She used the trick to escape the exam, cried, made trouble, and hanged herself. She also said that "in the prime of life, an early death will damage Zhongnan's reputation" and "after the death of the master, he wore sackcloth and wore filial piety. He did not eat, drink, or defecate." Words like "I won't sleep for three years in order for my master to ascend to the immortal world" finally moved Guxinghan. "But," Guxinghan said, "the eldest disciple Jianfeng is working very hard there and we can't ask him to come back. The second disciple has hemoptysis, the third disciple has to wait for his wife to deliver the baby, the fourth disciple has died long ago, and the seventh disciple has to wait for his wife to deliver the baby." The disciple was killed again, and now you are the only one who is more capable among my men. The others are so weak that they are simply going to die." Jesstine had already prepared for this question, and said with a smile: " Haha, Master, you forgot someone." 3.

Guxinghan was horrified and moved: "No! That person is definitely not good, a big deal."

His was expelled from the division. Bage Yalu! "Guxinghan was so excited that he even spoke Japanese.

Jesstine smiled and said: "I haven't even said who it is, but the master has already blurted out, which means that the master has always cared about him. It was an unintentional mistake. After all, there is a relationship between master and disciple, so let him atone for his sins. " Guxinghan was also making a little calculation in his heart: He would be destined to die anyway, so why not get rid of him with the help of others. Thinking of this, he regained the demeanor of a great master: "Haha, of course, Master also knows that he has a good character. Well, talents cannot be lost, so I will accept you." Jesstine exclaimed excitedly: "Master is wise! !” There is another person who is grateful to guxinghan. The prince (hallelujah), now 27 years old, looks more like a migrant worker than a migrant worker. He loves to eat Tianjin pancakes the most. His biggest regret in life is that he has not attracted any beautiful women (in fact, it is impossible to attract any beautiful women). He was once the sixth disciple of Guxinghan, because Guxinghan's bitter history of love failure was accidentally exposed, and Guxinghan was furious. He whipped him for thirty years and then expelled him from the school. He has been living in seclusion in the virgin forest, waiting for Guxinghan to change his mind. And today, he finally received the news from the smile of Jesstine who had never given him a smile.

"Senior sister, I'm so happy, oooooooooooooo-" "Stop!" The smile on Jesstine's face disappeared immediately: "You give me another wolf cry, and I will clean up the house for Master on the spot." The prince looked at Jesstine aggrievedly. After taking one look, he said timidly: "Senior sister, it wasn't me who barked, it was the dog I adopted. Look, it's also very happy." "Dog?" Jesstine looked back in confusion. They saw a black object half as tall as a man walking towards them excitedly, wagging something like a tail, and barking "ouch".

"Dog?!?!" Jesstine was frightened out of her mind: "Is this a dog or a horse?!!" "It's a horse!" the prince said decisively without hesitation. As soon as he finished speaking, the horse looked up to the sky and howled loudly. Only then did the prince realize that he had spilled the beans. He quickly explained with a dry smile: "It was originally a horse, but it thought dogs seemed cuter, so it decided to become a dog. It He also gave him a very handsome name, Wangcai, how about it? He is really determined to be a dog!" Jesstine stood there, really not knowing what to say. She has been practicing for more than ten years. , there are people who want to be immortals, monsters, and humans. This is the first time I have seen someone who wants to be a dog, but considering that it is a horse, it is not unusual to become a dog.


Jesstine looked at Wangcai again, searching for the right words and said: "Well, well, you don't want to take this horse... uh... no, this dog?" "Yes," the prince said happily: "It has been following me for several years, and I can't bear to let it go." Jesstine found that the next words were even more difficult to say, so she had to be more cautious: "Of course, I can't let go of it, but... it is so black, so strong, so ugly, and ..." The prince hurriedly explained: "It is of great use. You can carry it when you are tired, you can sit on it when you are sleepy, and you can hide when it rains..." Jesstine's heart lit up: By the way, why didn't I think of it? You can eat it when you are hungry!

He immediately said with a smile on his face: "Senior sister, I'm just giving you a try. You guys have such a deep love for each other, how could I be so cruel?" Wangcai was so happy when he heard that he could go with him, he said "Ouch" again, "This--" jesstine Then he said: "Besides howling, can your dog make any other sounds? For example, wow, meow, meow, etc." The prince said with a "hehe" smile: "Of course, 'woof' is The final direction of its efforts is that in addition to owling, it can also bark oh and oh." Jesstine almost fainted when she heard this.

After Jessetine sent the prince and the "dog" away, with a smile of success, he was about to decide to return to Zhongnan Mountain. A little Taoist priest suddenly appeared and said: "According to the order of Guxinghan, the head of Zhongnan Mountain, after Master Jessetine's work is completed, There is no need to go back to the mountain. The leader is worried that the prince is of low moral character and cannot eliminate the demon, so he specially orders Jesstine to guard the formation and strengthen his reputation in the south!" "Kill two birds with one stone?!" Jesstine exclaimed. He usually sees Guxinghan looking fat and honest. How could he expect that? You are so insidious, vicious and scheming, Jesstine, Jesstine, you are so smart and confused for a moment, you shouldn't go down the mountain!

The self-pitying image of Jessetine clearly appeared in the Demonic Lake in Marvel Forest. After listening to Tina's warning, Tianjue was also frightened and decided to use magic to explore the reality of Zhongnan Mountain. As a result, he happened to bump into Jessetine yelling at Guxinghan. Tianjue heard all the words like "Smelly Tianjue, it won't die if it eats a few people, and now it wants me to go out and conquer it". As a side note, since Guxinghan won the title of "The First Disciple of Taoism", Zhongnan Mountain has been producing numerous talents, and Guxinghan's eldest disciple Zhang Jianfeng is even more outstanding. Because of this, when talking about Zhongnan Mountain in the magic world, it must involve two masters and disciples. , the other disciples became unknown.


Seeing that Guxinghan did not send Zhang Jianfeng to subdue it, Tianjue breathed a sigh of relief, and then secretly wondered who Jesus and the prince were and how powerful they were. This problem troubled Tianjue day and night, and he had no appetite for the fragrant human flesh. No, as the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Instead of sitting here and waiting for death, it is better to go down the mountain to explore the reality. Thinking of this, Tianjue raised his head to the sky and screamed twice. The sharp sound waves shocked the entire Marvel forest, causing crows and vultures to fly around. Ghosts and resentful spirits were also shocked. Not long after, a scream was heard from outside the forest, and a man quickly jumped into the Marvel forest. Lin, when he came to Tianjue's tree, stopped suddenly. Then he knelt down respectfully and kowtowed and said, "Disciple Kani pays homage to the master. Why did the master call his disciples at night?" Although Tianjue was extremely cruel, he treated his disciples Extremely affectionate, he smiled and said: "Get up and talk. In fact, I called you here because I wanted to ask you to go down the mountain to do something." A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Kani's mouth: "Master, I must be tired of eating human flesh here, I will call Junior Brother Bat Westwindy will go down the mountain and catch a few for you. He is the best at doing this kind of thing." Tianjue said in a low voice: "That's not it. I killed people from Zhongnan Mountain by mistake, and now the old Taoist priest has sent two apprentices to take revenge. , I want to ask you to go down the mountain to check their origins. It would be better if you can kill them halfway." Kani was shocked and said: "Is there Zhang Jianfeng among those two people?" Tianjue shook his head and said: "If there is, there is no need to check. Those two seem to be new faces, they should have never been out of the mountains." Kani kowtowed and said: "Master, don't worry, my disciple will definitely prevent them from even setting foot in this Marvel Forest!!" Tianjue's estimate was absolutely right. The prince and Jesstine have never been out of the mountains, let alone Wangcai. The prince had no idea of the horrific death and bloodshed that awaited him. He naively thought that his master really missed him, so he was extremely happy along the way. While singing loudly, he imagined how he would perform meritorious deeds and how he would return to the Zhongnan Mountain Division. Door. Wangcai could also see that his owner was very happy, so he happily kept "oohing" next to him. So the most miserable thing is not them, but Jesstine. Because Guxinghan's handwriting said that she was required to "guard the formation." The so-called "guarding the formation" simply means to secretly follow behind and monitor. When the goblin comes, you can't run away until they run away. If the goblin hurts you, you can't hurt it, but you can't call it. If you speak out, you can't eat when they are eating, and you can't sleep when they are sleeping. To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to indirectly hanging yourself.

Fortunately, Jesstine had learned the Qing Gong of "Lingbo Weibu" in Emei, so it wasn't too strenuous to follow. It's just that the duet between the prince and the horse and dog along the way was as lethal as jumping off a building.


On this day, the prince and wangcai finally arrived at a small town. The prince was so happy when he saw the market. He rushed up and looked left and right. He picked up this thing and couldn't bear to put it down. After being excited for a long time, he finally remembered that he didn't have a penny. The worst thing is, I forgot to ask Jesstine where Marvel Lin is. Jesstine, who had been stealing kui next to him, also gloated and wanted to see how the prince could fill his stomach without money. The prince was already hungry. Wangcai could eat grass, but he couldn't eat it. This was not a virgin forest, so there was no reason to capture people for food. However, the prince was not stupid, and he immediately thought of a good idea.

"Hey, fellow countrymen and elders, there is a good show to watch. It is rare to see it in a hundred years and once in a thousand years. If you don't watch it, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Hey! Come on! The show has begun!!" The prince said in a high voice. Suddenly it sounded in the center of the market, and Jessetine was shocked. She really couldn't think of any good show that the prince could perform. Could it be that he wanted to show off Zhongnanshan's magic? If this is the case, she will clear the door for the master, and then she will not have to work so hard in the battle. I saw several dense circles of people gathered in the center of the market. The prince was sitting on the ground triumphantly, with the black horse and dog standing next to him. A farmer interrupted and said, "What kind of show is this? Why don't you start quickly? My land hasn't been plowed yet." A blacksmith said, "Boy, I'm warning you, if you try to play tricks on us, I'll let you crawl out." Just when Jessetine thought that the end of the prince had come, the prince pointed at the horse and dog in a "suave" manner and said, "Do you know what this is?" The angry crowd immediately boiled: "You think we are blind. ?! You don’t even know a horse?!” The prince waved his hand and said: “Wrong!! So you are short-sighted. Yes, this is indeed a horse, but this is not an ordinary horse. This is a horse that is not a horse. This is A horse that shouldn't be a horse, this is a horse that shouldn't be a horse, this is still a horse that doesn't want to be a horse, this is still a horse that can stop being a horse..." With a "click", the blacksmith said nothing. He hesitated and threw out a handful of iron nails: "You brat, have you finished?" The prince hugged his injured head and sobbed: "I'm telling the truth. You have seen countless horses in your life, have you ever seen such a handsome one? Such a unique and graceful horse?" 7.

After hearing the words, everyone looked at the horse and dog carefully. They saw that it was black and white, and its body was gray. Its muddy eyes were wide open, looking at people blankly, and there was a large piece of something stuck on the outside of its eyelids. There was a wet, sticky black substance, and the whole body exuded a musty smell. There was a handful of grass in the mouth full of loess. The blacksmith looked at it and had to admit: "I have never seen such a dirty horse in my life." The prince returned to his calm and calm attitude and said: "This is just one of the differences in it, and there are The more important thing you haven't discovered is that it can also eat meat!" The crowd was boiling again, but this time it was with surprise. The blacksmith questioned: "Is what you said true? Do you dare to ask it to eat a piece of meat on the spot?" Wang Zihao said proudly: "No problem. However, I have a request. You must bring out a large pot of meat. Come, if it can eat one piece, I will take away the rest." The blacksmith also said without hesitation: "No problem, there are so many people here to do the notarization, and everyone will not deny each other." When a big When a pot of greasy pork was placed in front of Wangcai, Wangcai finally judged with the wisdom of a horse and dog that the prince was using it to make money. The angry Wangcai let out a long cry and wanted to knock the meat basin over. The prince quickly held it and whispered in its ear: "Wangcai, don't be impulsive. Haven't you always wanted to be a dog? Do you know The biggest difference between dogs and horses is that dogs eat meat and horses eat grass

If you want to be a dog, you must first learn to eat meat! "The prince's words deeply touched Wangcai's heart. His desire to be a dog was so urgent. He looked at his master with grateful eyes, gritted his teeth, and suddenly put his head into the meat basin. There was a strong fishy smell. It irritated its nose, and Wangcai couldn't help but sneeze. The sneeze was not tight, and it immediately overturned the entire meat bowl. The blacksmith standing at the front even had a few pieces of the greasiest pig skin stuck on his face.


The prince was shocked and was about to run away with Wangcai. "Ouch -" a high-pitched howl made the prince tremble. This "ouch" did not come from Wangcai's mouth, but the blacksmith's scream in rage.

"I'm going to kill you!!!" Jesstine was thinking nervously on the side: What should I do? save? Still not saving

Just as the blacksmith's hammer was about to fall on the prince's head, a silver hairpin flew out and knocked the blacksmith's hammer away. The frightened prince looked at the crowd and saw a woman slowly approaching with a smile. When the blacksmith saw the woman's gorgeous clothes, he didn't dare to bully her. He just shouted and asked, "Why are you stopping me?" The woman smiled slightly and said, "Because I violated your agreement. Didn't you say that as long as this horse can eat meat?" Do you think you lose?" The blacksmith said, "Yes, but the horse just stretched its head and didn't eat the meat." The woman said, "How do you know it didn't eat? The horse put its head into the meat basin. This is what everyone knows. If you saw it, maybe it has eaten a piece of meat and just wanted to sneeze? Even if it is a small piece, it is considered eaten. Master, don't you think you are wrong?" What he said made the blacksmith speechless. After a while he said: "Okay, I accept the decision." He put away the hammer and left.

The crowd also began to disperse gradually.

The prince looked at the woman with a grateful expression and said: "What is the name of this Bodhisattva? My prince will never forget it." Kani, who was mixed in with the crowd, was about to cast a magic spell to chop the prince to death with a hammer, but unexpectedly, such a man appeared on the way. The woman came and took a closer look. She couldn't help but be shocked. Isn't this Master's former senior sister - the thousand-year-old tree demon Tina? Why is she here? Why is she dressed like this? Could it be that her purpose is the same as mine


While she was thinking intensely, Tina had already smiled and said: "When the road is rough, I draw my sword to help, the little girl Qingfeng Youhun." "Qingfeng Youhun?" The prince counted on his fingers. It was strange. Why are there four characters? Could it be that she is Japanese?

"What are you calling Qing...?" The prince forgot the second half. Tina said: "Qingfeng Ghost." "Oh, um, what kind of soul is it?" The prince forgot the first half this time. Jesstine felt it was unbearable and wanted to slap the prince. Tina also wanted to, but she endured it and replied: "Qingfeng Youhun." The prince thought for a while and said: "Why do you have such a long name? ? Xiaofeng, Xiaohun, Xiaoyou, Xiaoqing are both good names.

Then can I call you Xiaofeng? "Tina tried hard to control her legs that wanted to fly out, and said with a forced smile: "Of course... you just like it." "Kani saw that the momentum was not good, and he was afraid that Tina would take the lead and let down his master. He also decided to approach the prince as planned and gain his trust before killing him. However, Kani didn't know the actual time of his appearance this time. It couldn't be more wrong.

When the prince was still on Zhongnan Mountain, Guxinghan doted on the smart and witty Zhang Jianfeng, so he always asked Zhang Jianfeng to come forward for any large-scale rituals. As for the prince, except for one time when he asked him to sweep the floor because he didn't have enough manpower, he basically didn't do it. Know what the trees outside the mountains look like. Therefore, the prince privately complained about guxinghan, which was the real reason why he thought he could not pursue beautiful women. And today, with the help of this gentle breeze, he will recreate the legend of the Prince under the Moon in front of the beautiful lady! The prince stood up with his head held high, gently smoothed his hair, and the legendary smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Xiao Feng, have you noticed that I..." "Brother, you are so majestic and majestic, and the lady is so chivalrous and soft-hearted, I admire you very much." , I wonder if I can make friends with you two?" Kani rushed out in time, bowed casually and smiled lightly.

In an instant, the birds were ashamed and the fish were ashamed. Kani knows Tina, but Tina does not know Kani, because every time Tina goes to Marvel Forest, she comes and goes like the wind, and there is an unwritten rule in the Tianjue sect that all disciples are not allowed to show their true colors in front of the master (according to insider information People said that this move was done to highlight Tianjue's handsome appearance), so all Tina saw was Tianjue himself. As for the rats and bats underneath, she didn't even care. This is why Kani dared to grab them.


Although Tina felt that Kani's move was bold and weird, she still replied: "I don't dare, I'm sorry.

Friends everywhere. I don't know, sir..." Kani replied, "I'm Kani, I'm lucky enough to know you two. "Tina was even more surprised when she saw that he spoke well and freely. After returning a few polite words, she asked the prince: "What did brother say he noticed about you just now? "At this moment, the prince's confidence has dropped to the lowest point because of Kani's appearance. Even Kani's wrestling look is better than his smile when he was at his peak. What else can he say

What else could he say? What else did he expect Tina to find about him? The prince glanced at Kani timidly and said: "No... nothing... nothing..." Tina was too lazy to listen to his ramblings, so she turned around and asked Kani, "I wonder where your brother's family is?" Tina was trying to trick Kani about his family background. At that time, the person who was in more pain than the prince was Jessetine. When she heard that Kani was coming out, she was so ecstatic that she wanted to pounce down to take a closer look. Unexpectedly, Kani was not standing at a very good angle and was just covered by Tina. Jessetine secretly cursed Tina. Hurry up and die, while anxiously moving left and right, he accidentally kicked a flower pot next to him. Kani was rummaging around to deal with Tina. When he heard a noise, a dart flew out in an instant: "Who is it? Come out here. !" There was silence in the corner, and Jessetine was crouching there tremblingly, not even daring to breathe out, with the dart stuck at her feet. It was just a matter of not looking at such a fierce handsome guy. Tina glanced at the corner and said calmly: "Maybe it's a cat, just let it be." The prince was also frightened out of his mind. These two young ladies from a rich family who looked like they could not help but be frail, saved them with the skill of "four ounces and a thousand pounds". When he was killed, a dart he threw was farther than the arrow he shot. He clearly possessed one of the best magic skills. How much meat did his prince have to attract so many big shots to bow to him

At the same time, Tianjue also received a letter from Kani, reporting that he had successfully approached the prince, but it was difficult to do so because Tina was by his side. "Tina?" Tianjue was shocked: "What is she doing there? Could it be that Guxinghan also wants to harm her?" 11.

Tianjue knew Tina very well. He and Tina had known each other as early as 1,500 years ago. The two became friends and jointly apprenticed under the master of the demon world at that time - the Ten Thousand Year Skeleton Spirit Yuzhongmiao. However, because Tianjue was dull by nature and did not understand Cheng Huan, Yuzhongmiao didn't like him very much, but thanks to Tina's constant advice, everything was fine. However, one day, one of yuzhongmiao's favorite little skull ornaments was broken into pieces by someone. Yuzhongmiao thought that tianjue was deliberately demonstrating against him, so he became furious, deprived tianjue of all his magic weapons without asking any reason, and kicked him out of the school. Tianjue, who was deeply aggrieved and angry, worked hard to practice tact in the world after coming down from the mountain, and continued to bribe people to inquire about the events of that year. The results eventually came to light. However, Tianjue couldn't accept this result no matter what. Breaking that little skull