Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 92: Dust off(4)


Xingchen said: "Why no one has ever seen the ninth classroom, but the legend of the ninth classroom survives. This is a strange thing in itself." Lin Yuanyin was surprised: "Could it be said that 'there has never been anyone' means that everyone who has seen the ninth classroom is no longer a human?" ? " The consequences, especially what you meant by 'no longer a human being'. " Lin Yuanyin muttered dissatisfied: "I always have to listen to your instructions. "Xingchen, who had left the classroom, suddenly turned back. Lin Yuanyin was so frightened that she quickly put on an innocent smile to show that she didn't say anything behind. "I want to know," Xingchen always spoke in such a nonchalant manner. Slowly: "Why are you curious about this? "This time Lin Yuanyin didn't want to be a fuel-saving lamp again: "Curiosity is not curiosity if there is a reason. It is curiosity without reason. "Well, just like me." " She had the upper hand every time when it came to her mouth, and it was an obvious disadvantage.

"Yang Cong." As soon as Yang Cong turned around, Lin Yuanyin's exaggerated smile immediately appeared in a close-up in front of her eyes. Lin Yuanyin has been haunting Yang Cong for the past few days, so much so that Yang Cong is as scared of her as a mouse is of a cat. Sure enough, Yang Cong couldn't hold himself back anymore, and yelled: "Lin Yuanyin" , Why do you always follow me? Do you like being my servant so much?" Lin Yuanyin said: "I just want to be friends with you." Yang Cong said angrily: "Listen, I don't want to- I want to be friends with you!!" "But I want to." Lin Yuanyin always has that kind of pitiful look, which makes people feel without hesitation that she is the one worthy of sympathy and support. Reaching out to avoid hitting the smiling person, Yang Cong's anger was like an inflated balloon. He missed the target but didn't hit it. Maybe hiding was the only way. "Miss Suanben, please, please, please, please leave me alone to be quiet." "Okay, then I'll stay quiet with you." Lin Yuanyin immediately turned into a docile kitten and sat next to Yang Cong obediently. Yang Cong was so dumbfounded that he almost wanted to jump off the building. The whole class was watching this farce. Chen Xian really couldn't understand what Lin Yuanyin was thinking, and even tried to persuade her several times but refused to listen. Lin Yuanyin glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw Xingchen, who was still sitting motionless by the window. Although his face was expressionless, he could not hide the smile in his eyes. you laugh? you laugh? Do you laugh again? Lin Yuanyin glared at him fiercely, "I am suffering and you are snickering." I will kill you after class!

Yang Cong stood up and left the classroom like a defeated rooster. Lin Yuanyin hurriedly followed him and said, "Where are you going?" Yang Cong said feebly, "Go to the toilet. Do you want to follow?" Lin Yuanyin laughed. : "Okay, I want to be inseparable good friends with Yang Cong." Personal surveillance was explained as inseparable, and the only thing left for Yang Cong was to pray. The two of them walked together in the corridor. Seeing that there was no one around, Yang Cong turned around and said to Lin Yuanyin: "Can you tell me now? You are getting close to my purpose." Lin Yuanyin pretended to be stupid and said: "I don't understand. What are you talking about?" Yang Cong was about to get angry when his expression suddenly changed and he couldn't help but look out the window. Lin Yuanyin quickly looked outside, but couldn't see anything. When she turned around, she saw that Yang Cong's face was extremely ugly, and he was just suppressing it. It seemed that she had indeed discovered something, but why couldn't she detect anything? Could it be that she is also a higher level psychic medium than me? In just a moment, Yang Cong returned to normal: "Go to the bathroom." Sure enough, the key to the ninth classroom was probably in the hands of this girl, so Lin Yuanyin decided to keep an eye on her even if she didn't eat or drink.

However, nothing happened until school was over. After dinner, it was almost dark. Lin Yuanyin was about to go back to the dormitory in disappointment. Suddenly, a slight trembling voice of "Yuan'er~~~" startled Lin Yuanyin. It turned out to be Wu Gangying hiding in a corner and waving to her fiercely. Lin Yuanyin walked over and said angrily: "Wu Daxia, you are a disciple of a famous family after all. How can you hide here like a thief?" Wu Gangying said aggrievedly: "You told me not to let people see us together. Yes, but I couldn't help but want to see you one more time, so I had to compromise like this." Lin Yuanyin was suddenly speechless. Indeed, in order to make Wu Gangying concentrate on tracking down the whereabouts of the demon fox, Lin Yuanyin did not intend to call him at the beginning. By getting involved in this matter, he could avoid giving Xingchen a reason to catch her again when he found out. She sighed and changed the subject: "How is the demon fox going?" Wu Gangying said: "Don't mention it, I have used all 18 magic weapons. Not to mention the demon fox, I can't even see a fox. I'm wondering whether Master's information is accurate? Logically speaking, in the early stages of Demon Fox Branding, there should be a large number of spiritual foxes appearing at the place where it was crowned." After saying that, she looked at Lin Yuanyin's gloomy look again. With a look on his face, he hesitated and said: "Yuan'er, has someone done something to you? You seem to be quite strange these days. You are very angry... you are so angry that you are ten years old." Lin Yuanyin was stunned, and she often When Wu Gangying mentioned this, Lin Yuanyin seemed to vaguely feel that she had changed a lot in the past few days, and her temper had become impulsive. Could all these changes be brought about by that strange boy Xingchen

"Yuan'er?" Lin Yuanyin forced a smile and was about to explain something. Suddenly, a familiar figure passed by in the jungle next to her, Yang Cong? ! Lin Yuanyin's expression changed and she pushed Wu Gangying: "Go quickly! I still have things to do! Remember, don't follow me, otherwise I will be angry!!" Wu Gangying hadn't figured out what happened yet. Lin Yuanyin had disappeared like an arrow shot into the jungle. Wu Gangying touched the back of his head and said to himself: "Strange, really strange. It feels as if everything has changed here. Demon fox, where are you? I really want to go back to Luojia quickly. Go to the mountains."

Lin Yuanyin was right, that person was Yang Cong. She looked nervous and ran very fast along the way, looking back from time to time to see if anyone was following her. Fortunately, Lin Yuanyin had some experience in tracking. Although she ran very hard, she finally didn't lose anyone. Where does she want to go? Yang Cong never meant to stop, and the question mark in Lin Yuanyin's heart became bigger and bigger. The direction she ran to was only a corner of the back hill of the school, which was not connected to the teaching building or the dormitory. Did she really know that the ninth What's the secret of recess? Lin Yuanyin was thinking fiercely in her mind, but Yang Cong in front of her suddenly stopped. Lin Yuanyin quickly found a secret place to bury herself properly, and when she poked her head out from the dense weeds, what appeared in front of her eyes against the backdrop of the wilderness was the teaching building. Sure enough, it still has something to do with it, but why did Yang Cong choose to look down on this building from such a condescending angle

Only then did Lin Yuanyin realize that Yang Cong also brought a small personal bag. Yang Cong stared at the building for a long time without saying a word, and then Lin Yuanyin clearly heard her sigh. Then she opened the zipper of the small bag and took out a very old small rhombus mirror with yellowing all around. He raised the crystal mirror towards the building under the moonlight, confusing Lin Yuanyin who was peeping next to him. Yang Cong, what does she want to do? ? Yang Cong did nothing. For the next time, she kept holding the small mirror, motionless, like a statue of hope. Yang Cong didn't move, and Lin Yuanyin just stayed beside him. I don’t know how long it took, but Yang Cong finally put down her raised hands. The disappointment on her face was obvious. She murmured: "No, it really can't. Why can't I find out?" Yang Cong finally let out a long sigh, put the small mirror back into her small bag, and walked away slowly, leaving Lin Yuanyin still thinking about the unbelievable scene just now.

What's even more incredible is that almost every day at this time, Yang Cong would run to the hillside and hold the small mirror without moving for a long time. It looked quite funny, but there was something abnormal in the funnyness. This abnormality makes people feel scared from the bottom of their hearts. There must be something going on! That mirror may be the tool to solve the mystery of the ninth classroom. They knew too little about the ninth classroom. Lin Yuanyin felt impatient after lying in wait for several days. She decided to find a way to steal the mirror today to take a closer look. It was this time again, and it was that figure again. Lin Yuanyin could almost walk that road with her eyes closed now, but she still did not dare to neglect and followed quickly, because Yang Cong was the only one who could use that mirror. Yes.

With a "bang", Lin Yuanyin bumped into someone. She covered her sore nose and looked up. That person turned out to be Xingchen. I saw that he was also very surprised by Lin Yuanyin's appearance: "What are you doing here?" Lin Yuanyin was not in a good mood when she saw him: "I should be asking you this, right? I have always been on campus at night. You have the habit of sleepwalking. But you, a hermit who never leaves home, why are you running out now?" Xingchen said: "Didn't I tell you? There is only one reason why I came out. Those things appeared." "No. Nine classrooms?" Lin Yuanyin exclaimed, "Could it be that the result happened today?" "What result happened today?" Xingchen was a little confused. Lin Yuanyin quickly told him Yang Cong's actions. Xingchen said: "That doesn't seem good. I'm afraid it's not the result that happened today, but the bloody disaster." Lin Yuanyin asked doubtfully: "Why? In fact, I have long guessed that Yang Cong has actually mastered the key to solving the problem. The method to solve the mystery of the nine classrooms has never waited for the right opportunity." Xingchen said: "You seem to have forgotten one more thing, about the legend of the ninth classroom. Let's go to the top of the mountain." Lin Yuanyin My heart skipped a beat, "No one has ever seen that ninth classroom." "No one has ever seen that ninth classroom." "No one has ever seen that ninth classroom." A huge shadow shrouded the sky over the school. , Lin Yuanyin suddenly felt an unprecedented fear. It slowly started to feel cold from the soles of her feet to the top of her head, and small bumps appeared on her skin. She is a spiritual medium that comes once in a thousand years, and for her, her premonition is as accurate as a hexagram. The "ninth classroom" seems far from being as simple as adding an extra classroom.

When the two arrived at their destination, Yang Cong was already holding the small mirror. Xingchen looked at it for a long time and said: "Her posture is very strange. Her hands are stretched straight up, but her head is lowered to her chest, and she is still half-kneeling. She seems familiar, um, let me think about it, it seems It's a special way of praying in some unknown ceremony." Lin Yuanyin had been in a daze. It was the first time she was so close to Xingchen. The smell of musk was getting stronger and stronger, making her a little dizzy. Suddenly Thinking of that pure and unstained blue, will it be more intoxicating at night? Lin Yuanyin involuntarily turned her head slowly, her eyes were still bottomless black, so dark that they became a little transparent in the middle, as crystal clear as water drops. Suddenly, Lin Yuanyin discovered that the black color also had an intoxicating charm, which made her stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Xingchen also happened to turn around at this time, and their eyes immediately met. The softness in her eyes was mixed with surprise, which made Lin Yuanyin's reason unable to force her focus away from Xingchen. "Why are you always looking at me?" Xingchen's opening remarks finally brought Lin Yuanyin back to her senses. She was so embarrassed that her whole neck turned red. It took her a long time to squeeze out a sentence: "You... you don't look. How do I know I’m looking at you?”

Fortunately, Xingchen didn't dwell on this point: "I have something to ask you." Lin Yuanyin quickly changed the subject: "What is it?" "Although I don't know your origin, since you know those things , I must have some knowledge about this aspect." Nonsense! More than just understanding, Luojiashan's magic is profound and profound. What do these little things mean? But Lin Yuanyin didn't dare to say it. Maybe the other party was the more profound He Jianfei? She nodded, so Xingchen continued: "In your opinion, what is the purpose of that mirror?" Mirror? Lin Yuanyin's mind went blank. Among the magical instruments, there was a kind of "Qiankun Mirror" that could illuminate ghosts and prevent them from moving, but that mirror was more like a small dressing mirror. "Well..." Under Xingchen's gaze, Lin Yuanyin looked a little flustered: "Is it because she wants to use some reflection principle to illuminate things outside this building?" Xingchen shook his head and said, "What I mean is I'm not asking you to use common sense of physics to measure it. Haven't you ever heard that mirrors can disturb people's souls?" After his reminder, Lin Yuanyin finally remembered: "By the way, mirrors can disturb people's souls. So sleeping in front of a mirror will make you feel uneasy. In this way, the mirror will have a counterproductive effect on non-human things, that is, it will condense the souls or spiritual bodies of those things." Xingchen added: " In other words, under special conditions, the mirror can gather those scattered things into their true form that can be perceived by mortal eyes, and then reflect it back to the mirror, and even be able to seal it inside under the push of moonlight."

Lin Yuanyin's doubts couldn't help but increase. With the help of the pure yin energy of the moonlight and the reflection of the mirror, he fights poison with poison and seals the ghosts. This "mirror sealing technique" is only used by high-level people in the magic world. Is he really the legendary He Jianfei? Xingchen looked at her again, and Lin Yuanyin immediately responded: "That's right. But Yang Cong may not know this." Xingchen said: "Judging from your description, she would sigh that she couldn't find anything. , indicating that she should be aware of the theory of mirror reflection, but she may not know that the mirror has the effect of blocking, which is where she is most dangerous." Lin Yuanyin stopped speaking, she just had to wait and see what happened, this was an excellent If Xingchen knew how to break the mirror image ban, he would definitely be a member of the magic world.

Xingchen suddenly said in a low voice: "Here we come." Lin Yuanyin also captured the information about the earth-bound spirit. Yang Cong was still kneeling there devoutly, and the second floor of the building began to emit a black resentment that ordinary people could not see, and slowly spread. "Puch" seems to be the sound of something burning. Candle? Lin Yuanyin's heart was beating wildly, and a silver light flashed across the mirror. A trace of surprise flashed in Yang Cong's eyes. Xingchen had already shouted: "No, the mirror has started to be blocked!" In an instant, Yang Cong's whole body was shaking violently. A strong white light shot out from the mirror and shone on the window on the second floor. In the dazzling white light, Yang Cong's face was whiter than gold paper. The shaking of his body was no longer under his control, and he was completely integrated into the rhythm of the mirror. . Backlash? Lin Yuanyin stood up nervously. When the man holding the mirror did not have enough magic power to cast this spell, his spirit body would be sealed in the mirror at the same time as the ill-fated ghost. Lin Yuanyin subconsciously touched the willow leaf talisman, and suddenly remembered that Xingchen was nearby. If he saw it, wouldn't my identity as a member of the magic world be completely exposed? But if he doesn't take action, Yang Cong's life will be in danger.

When he was in a dilemma, it was too late, but it was too late. Xingchen had already thrown a stone and hit Yang Cong on the wrist. Yang Cong said "Oh", the mirror fell from his hand, and the fierce white light disappeared instantly. Huh? ? Lin Yuanyin stood there dumbfounded, forcing the mirror to let go and thereby breaking the mirror sealing technique. This was never mentioned in the knowledge collection of the magic world! Yang Cong collapsed on the ground, sweating profusely and almost exhausted. His eyes were still round due to fear and fright, and he lost his usual cold beauty. He just looked at Xingchen and Lin Yuanyin and said, "You guys ...You guys..." Xingchen never liked talking to strangers, so he also looked at Lin Yuanyin. Lin Yuanyin's thoughts started to move, and she shouted: "You, you, what? If we hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, you would have been dead a long time ago, you know?" Yang Cong stood up and said with a sneer: "That's what I want to ask. Exactly this, does it matter to you whether I live or not? Tell me! How did you learn this secret of mine?" His appearance was even more stern than Lin Yuanyin's, and Lin Yuanyin took two steps back in shock. Seeing this, Xingchen had no choice but to speak: "It's really none of my business whether you live or not, but what you did is the same as what we did. You deliberately sneaked into this school, wasn't it just to solve the problem of the second problem? The mystery of the nine classrooms? I don’t want the precious information that the predecessors sacrificed their lives to get destroyed in your hands. If your sister dies, you can inherit it. If you die, who will inherit it? Isn’t the ninth classroom? Will it always be an unsolved mystery?" When Yang Cong heard this, his face changed drastically and he said: "Who? Who told you that I have a sister? Who is it?" Lin Yuanyin's voice became so angry when she saw her that she dared to say more. , but Xingchen pointed at herself and said: "She was lucky enough to see your sister and the ninth classroom with her own eyes. You and your sister are so similar." "Have you met my sister? My sister?? "Yang Cong rushed to Lin Yuanyin, grabbed her tightly, his pupils were completely dilated, and said sternly: "How is she?! How is she?! Is she okay?!" Lin Yuanyin was stunned by her appearance. He staggered in fright and almost fell to the ground. The strange smile on the identical face appeared in his mind. The face closest to him under the faint moonlight today seemed to have the same purpose, but the difference was that there was an extra kind of gnashing of teeth. The evil smile. Lin Yuanyin yelled, broke away from her arm, and hid behind Xingchen.

Yang Cong was about to go up and catch Lin Yuanyin when he suddenly felt an aura of calmness and power coming from Xingchen's body, which made people timid and afraid to approach him. He couldn't help but froze and stopped in his tracks. Xingchen said coldly: "You are so naive. How can people still live well after they die? What's more, she died in the ninth classroom. Existing as an innocent soul in this world is a pain in itself. But you will The only chance to free her was destroyed in your hands. It wasn't just the ninth classroom that killed your sister. You also killed her once, and forever." Yang Cong trembled violently, his eyes blank, as if he remembered He suddenly pointed at Lin Yuanyin like crazy and said: "No one has seen the ninth classroom! Anyone who has seen the ninth classroom is not a human being!! She! She! She is no longer a human being!! She is not people-"

A bolt from the blue instantly destroyed all Lin Yuanyin's mental defenses. She was so smart, why couldn't she think of going to this point? Yes, she saw the non-existent classroom. According to the legend of the ninth classroom, she is no longer a human being, she is no longer a human being! ! She was no longer a human being - Lin Yuanyin felt that all the strength in her body was evaporating rapidly. Her body went limp and her whole body's gravity had been transferred to Xingchen. Xingchen quickly supported her and said: "You have ignored an important fact of this legend. She saw the ninth classroom from the reflection on the glass. She did not see it directly. The reflection represents She didn't see the entity of the ninth classroom, so she could escape the curse of the ninth classroom." Yang Cong stayed there for a long time, then fell to the ground and cried loudly: "So that's it. I finally understand, Sister, I finally understand why you asked me to use the mirror! Sister..." Lin Yuanyin's strength returned to her in an instant, and then she realized that she had fallen into Xingchen's arms, "Ah "I stood up quickly with a sound, but my face was already covered with red clouds.

However, Xingchen ignored Lin Yuanyin and said to Yang Cong who was lying on the ground: "You still haven't understood your sister's intention. In the legend of the innocent death in the ninth classroom, I personally experienced the horror of evil spirits, even though I left She has picked up clues, but she hopes that when unfortunate people encounter the same experience as her, they can escape bad luck, instead of asking her only sister who knows nothing to repeat her own mistakes. Those things are not left to you. "Yang Cong had already burst into tears: "No - sister, tell me what should be done? I just want to avenge you." Xingchen said: "Leave here." "What?" Lin Yuanyin and Yang Cong said in unison. Xingchen said categorically: "I told you to leave here. You have angered it now. It will definitely retaliate." Yang Cong shouted: "Impossible! She is my sister!!" Xingchen said: "Sister? People? You only have one life, and what is gone can never come back. That one is no longer your sister, it is just an illusion controlled by evil spirits. If you don't want to increase your sister's pain, then leave those information to her. People, and you, stay far away, and don’t come back here unless the legend is shattered." Lin Yuanyin looked on with cold eyes, Xingchen's psychological tactics were undoubtedly quite successful. Yang Cong's sister simply wanted her sister to reveal the answer to the mystery, otherwise why would she deliberately leave information to her? However, Xingchen usually kept silent, and when he spoke, he was so eloquent. If he hadn't been wary of him earlier, I'm afraid that like Yang Cong, I believed his lies. From the looks of it, he seems to have received some systematic training, and he looks a bit like the demeanor of Jiuhua Mountain. However, all the famous sects in the world can go to Jiuhua Mountain to cultivate their minds. I am afraid it is still impossible to determine which sect he belongs to.

Yang Cong raised his head, looked at Xingchen doubtfully and said, "But can you trust me? I can't give those information to others easily." Xingchen said, "No, you should spread this information to people who know it. The more there are, the more hope of cracking them, and if they are hidden in the sky, they will gradually be buried. You have to understand that what you give is not a priceless treasure, but a death check. For this reason, when When others ask you, you have no reason to refuse. Do you still need to negotiate terms with people who choose to face death?" "No... don't talk anymore, I... I will tell you, about... all the horrors in the ninth classroom The inside story and the unbreakable psychedelic truth." Yang Cong said intermittently: "The revelation of the dark history condensed with the last drop of my sister's blood. No matter how the school blocks the news, the ninth classroom will always be the most terrifying one. Dream. I hate this school!”

"My sister is eight years older than me, which means she came to this school eight years ago. When she was a sophomore, our family was told that she disappeared during an extracurricular activity and her life and death are unknown. In De On the fourth day after learning the news, our family received the last letter from her before her disappearance. The letter also included a diary. In the diary, which was more than 100 pages long, details about the ninth The whole story of the inter-classroom and the facts she found out. Seeing how miserable my parents were crying, I determined to inherit my sister's legacy and avenge her. This is her diary. Take it. I hope you are deciphering the legend. On that day, she handed it back to me with her own hands and asked me to fulfill her wish in front of my sister's grave." Xingchen took the yellowed little book, glanced at Lin Yuanyin, and said to Yang Cong: "We will do it. Let's go. , the further you go, the better.”

Looking at Yang Cong staggering away, Lin Yuanyin stepped forward and said with a smile: "I didn't expect to get the information to be checked so easily. Your psychological tactics are quite successful, and you are really familiar with her family background. Xingchen said expressionlessly: "I'm all guessing. If I didn't make a bold guess just now, I wouldn't be able to impress her at all. Having information doesn't mean anything. What I'm taking over is still an unfinished case." Regarding the ninth classroom The legend's enthusiasm for this cannot be explained by pure curiosity. Maybe he came here specifically for this goal, and he was just a tool for him to use. Okay, I will play with you to the end. Lin Yuanyin made up her mind and smiled at Xingchen: "Stop chatting now, I can't hold myself back and want to read the diary."

The writing in the diary was quite sloppy, obviously written in a hurry. The starting date of the diary was April 23, eight years ago, and lasted for more than a month. The excerpt is as follows: On March 21, I successfully became a reporter for the school radio station. The first task I received was to write the performance information of previous student unions. I came to the archives room of the Student Union. To my surprise, the staff there were all school employees. I looked at the student union charter in my hand. Article 28 clearly stated: "Members of all working departments of the student union shall be students." However, what surprised me even more was that the rewards and punishments of the student union that I asked to see were The record sheet was actually listed as a private file and was prohibited from being viewed. As a last resort, I showed my press card and argued with the teacher at the registration office, explaining that reporters from the radio station have the right to view any school-related information without any restrictions, which was expressly granted at the Student Union Congress. The teacher obviously couldn't produce any strong evidence to refute. He hesitated for a long time and finally agreed to let me check it out. When he led me into the reference room, he suddenly turned around and said meaningfully: "Just read and don't ask anything, otherwise you will regret it." Later, I finally understood the horror of this sentence.

It is said to be a watch, but it is actually as thick as three volumes. I quickly flipped through the reward table, and then it was the punishment table's turn. I picked up the first one and scanned the job title column one by one. I accidentally scanned the word "Chairman". I was shocked and quickly searched carefully. The result proved that I was right. It was really shocking. In 1954 and 1983, the student union presidents, vice presidents, and all department heads were forcibly terminated from their student status and expelled from the school. According to Article 3 of the Student Union Charter, no one may cause the President or Vice President of the Student Union to resign without a vote by the Student Union representatives. Expulsion was accompanied by resignation. I hurriedly looked through the attachments at the back, but did not find the resolutions of the Student Congress on the punishment of new cadres in 1954 and 1983. Regarding the reasons for the collective collapse of these two large-scale "cabinets", the punishment column contained only the same short sentence: "Violation of Article 138 of School Rules."

School Rule 138? What a joke! There are only 120 school rules in total. Where did the 138th school rule come from! However, something as big as the expulsion of everyone happened twice, without leaving any convincing reasons. It was as if the world had disappeared, leaving only a faint mark on the reward and punishment table. I'm afraid - there's far more to this than just collective expulsion.

I am reminded of the unique member responsibility mechanism of the archives record room and the extremely unreasonable confidentiality measures. The teacher looked like he was facing a formidable enemy when he saw me, and the incomprehensible words he said made me alarmed. Could it be said that this is the consequence of the school’s dictatorship? Although the student union is powerful, if the school is determined to be destroyed, it would rather be seriously injured than to defeat the student union. But what is the major event that makes the school willing to risk the disapproval of the world and insist on its own way

"This classmate, your time has come." The teacher stood at the door and urged. I came to my senses, quickly covered the file, put it back in place, and followed him out. He glanced at me and said intentionally or unintentionally: "What did you find?" "You found nothing." I seemed quite unconcerned. If this is really controlled by the school, then there will be no good results if I force a confrontation.

The whole thing has aroused my strong curiosity, but it is impossible to determine anything based on the only information available so far. The editor came to urge the article again, but I was not in the mood to write the report now, so I mumbled a few sentences and sent it off. Who knew God would not let me give up, but this report would actually lead to a key person. His name is Hong Jing.

Hong Jing met me on the third day after the broadcast. The first thing he said to me was: "Have you really checked those materials?" With the sudden and careless words in his eyes, and the burning anxiety in his eyes, I stood there. He stood up, looked around, nodded and said, "Please come with me." I took him to a secluded place, and I told him everything about the situation without asking any questions. My gut tells me that he is a trustworthy person.

After listening to what I said, Hong Jing couldn't help frowning and murmured: "1954? There was another one before 1983. Could it be said that that incident happened in 1954 or before?" Please tell me," I waited for him to finish thinking about it before interjecting and asking: "About the 138th school rule. There are only 120 school rules, how can there be 138?"

He seemed to have come prepared. He took out an old-colored small leather book from his school bag and said to me: "The so-called 138th school rule refers to the old school rules, which were abolished in 1983." 1983? The year it happened? My heart couldn't help but tighten. He opened the last page and showed it to me. It clearly stated: "Article 138: Anyone who ignores the school's teachings and spreads false and heresies wantonly will be terminated from school and expelled from the school."

False lies? I raised my head blankly, and Hong Jing seemed to see through the confusion in my heart and said: "Every school has its own legends, whether they are glorious, shameful, terrifying, or confusing, most of them are banned by the school. "I shouted: "Ah! Could it be that the false and heresies refer to the school legends? But that's not necessarily the case. Now the three major legends of the hair in the reservoir, the right hand in the lake, and the iron wire rope on the rooftop are widely circulated in the school, and they are not the same. I don’t see anyone being punished by the school for this.”

Hong Jing sneered and said: "What kind of legends are those three? It's just that the three dead ghosts happened to happen to be in that place, and those gossipy girls were eloquent, so they made up these three out of nothing. The real legends can kill people. , it’s not just as simple as making people feel scary. To put it bluntly, this school rule of the school was aimed at the fourth legend - the only true legend on campus that can kill people!"

Looking at his face with gnashed teeth and listening to the incredible legend, my body felt like a cold wind had been injected into it, and I was covered in goosebumps, but I still decided to ask: "Okay, tell me then. , all the truth about the fourth true legend." "The fourth legend?" He turned back to look at me, and said after a while: "It's better that you don't know, the consequences of knowing will never be a good ending." I was anxious, He shouted hurriedly: "I don't mind. So many people have failed to deal with it together. Can you achieve great things with your own strength?" His body shook violently and said to himself: "Yes, how can I I didn't expect this. However, I will do all the work. Your task is only to preserve the truth and pass it on, and don't let it disappear until the day it is defeated. If you agree to this condition, I will I’ll tell you.” I pondered for a long time and finally nodded.

He took a long breath and said slowly: "The name of the fourth legend is called the Ninth Classroom, and it happened in the tallest and most prestigious teaching building in the school. It is said that the school was founded in 1938, and the teaching building was started in 1940. Building, but I don’t know whether it was an error in the design drawings or the carelessness of the construction workers. When the layout of the eight classrooms on each floor was arranged, they found that there was a small open space at the outermost corner of the second floor. The school occupied it there without embarrassment. In line with the policy of not wasting any open space, the school built a small classroom that could only accommodate thirty people on that open space for small activities and meetings. However, strangely Here’s where it all started. The ninth classroom should have been completed between 1945 and before 1948, but there is no record of the ninth classroom in the school’s teaching activity list. Everything before 1948 Alumni all claim that they have never seen the ninth classroom. After the outer wall of the second floor, there is no extra space and the so-called ninth classroom outside the building. On the other hand, the opening ceremony of the teaching building The report on an additional vacant land in the attachment of Zhiqinglu