Haunting Spectre Road

Chapter 94: Dust off(6)


Or will he run away in a hurry regardless of his grace? But to be honest, Lin Yuanyin felt that both methods were detrimental to Xingchen's self-esteem. She suddenly felt a sense of gloating, and it seemed good to use others to avenge Xingchen for mocking her.

But soon, Lin Yuanyin was disappointed. Xingchen turned around, neither hiding nor throwing a punch, but just looked at Liang Chengyu coldly as before. Lin Yuanyin was so nervous that she almost screamed: Could it be that Xingchen planned to receive his fist in vain? "No, Chengyu." At the critical moment, a group of male classmates rushed forward and grabbed Liang Chengyu, who was standing upright with anger, and forcefully dragged his fist away from the place half a meter away from Xingchen's chest. "Xingchen, you brat, don't think you are so handsome. I think you are as disgusting as a cockroach..." Liang Chengyu's scolding slowly dissipated in the corridor. Lin Yuanyin looked dumbfounded at the boys who were trying hard to drag Liang Chengyu out of the classroom. She turned around and saw a trace of ridicule in Xingchen's eyes. Lin Yuanyin rolled her eyes at him, turned her head and said to herself: Could it be that he even Do you know what I want to do when I want to sit on a mountain and watch tigers fight? impossible! Just as she was thinking about it, Xingchen walked past her and whispered: "After school, wait for me on the hillside where I met Yang Cong." Lin Yuanyin blinked and said with a smile: "What does this mean? Xing Handsome cockroach, is this a date?" She originally thought Xingchen would reply: "I don't have such bad taste." Unexpectedly, Xingchen was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "What is a date?" "Huh?" Lin Yuanyin was stunned for a moment.

Lin Yuanyin panted and ran to the hillside. Xingchen was already waiting for her there. He was wearing a black stiff-collared school uniform that made his figure look thin and slender. He turned around and saw Lin Yuanyin, who was still breathing steadily. Looking at him curiously, she couldn't help but frown and said: "You are late." Lin Yuanyin said indifferently: "It's not a war, so why are you on time? Besides, it is natural for boys to wait for girls." As soon as the words came out of her mouth , then realized that the last sentence was more suitable for lovers, and couldn't help but blushed with embarrassment, but Xingchen didn't notice it at all, and continued: "I have placed Yang Cong in a safe place not far from the school. Although she She can't go back to school to help us, but we still have to ask her many questions." Lin Yuanyin said with a smile: "I never thought you could hide your beauty in a golden house. You called me Baba and came here today just to talk about this matter. "?" Xingchen said: "No, I just remembered it and wanted to mention it to you by the way. I called you here to discuss the next plan. Now that there is a hint from the candle, what should we do next?"

When talking about business, Lin Yuanyin's expression became serious: "I thought about this issue last night. We have obtained all the information currently available. Just like Yang Cong's sister's lover, the next step should be taken. Yes." Xingchen's eyes flashed and he said: "What action?" Lin Yuanyin said solemnly: "I haven't thought of it yet." "A laugh came out. Xingchen said: "You actually made fun of the legend?" Lin Yuanyin combed her hair hanging by her ears complacently and said with a smile: "Don't even think about it. You can't think of anything in such a short period of time. What do you think is more important?" What hope do I have for being stupid?" Xingchen said calmly: "I originally thought that a wise man might be enlightened by a fool's words." Lin Yuanyin said angrily: "What did you say?" Xingchen said: "But you think I It's wrong that I can't think of anything." Lin Yuan said happily: "Really? What did you come up with?" " "You..." Lin Yuanyin really wanted to throw him a brick: "The candle has far exceeded its own meaning. Even dogs can say this now!" Xingchen said: "I didn't mean that, you Do you still remember the night you saw Sister Yang Cong? Don't you think her smile was weird and scary?" When Lin Yuanyin thought of that night, she still couldn't help but get goosebumps all over her body: " Nonsense, that’s the smile of the undead, of course it’s weird and scary.”

Xingchen frowned and said, "It's probably not that simple, right? Her weirdness is not an ordinary weirdness. What makes me suspicious of her weird smile is that her diary also described in detail the weirdness before Hong Jing's death. Smile. The two people who died in the ninth classroom also had this unexplainable smile at the same time. This can no longer be explained by coincidence." Lin Yuanyin suddenly remembered that the diary was indeed about this. Describe it in detail, but she was so focused on the meaning of the candle that she didn't notice this obvious coincidence. Lin Yuanyin was stunned for a moment, looked at Xingchen and said: "Do you mean that the ninth classroom can allow people to see the illusion before death, then show that weird smile, and then lure people into it? ?” If only the nine classrooms were as simple as you imagined." "You, you, you... Okay..." Lin Yuanyin finally suppressed her anger: "Then Miss Ben will stop interrupting from now on. Well, what do you want to reveal?" Xingchen's black eyes stared at her closely, which made Lin Yuanyin a little flustered. Xingchen said solemnly: "Since there is no reasonable explanation to explain that the legend can To make people smile, the obvious answer can only be that the weird smile was made by the two of them on purpose!" "What?" Lin Yuanyin cried out, "The two of them made it on purpose? Impossible, you are simply You're kidding! They are both preparing to die. It's too late to cry. How can there be any reason to laugh?" If things can still be measured by so-called common sense, then you have simply underestimated the ability of this legend!" Lin Yuanyin looked at him blankly, her mind was still blank and she couldn't find any words to answer. After all, Xingchen's inference was really astonishing. Xingchen stood up, walked to the edge of the hillside with his hands behind his back, looked at the brightly lit campus below, and said in a slower tone: "The current situation is far more critical than you think. Legend has it that we have been targeted. We can easily Don't be careless, otherwise you will become the third or fourth Hong Jing."

"But," Lin Yuanyin said timidly: "You mentioned something just now. Since there is no reason to prove that legends can cause smiles, we have come to the conclusion that they are laughing deliberately. The situation is the same now. There is no reason to say It makes sense that they would be interested in smiling at the moment of death..." Xingchen interrupted her and said: "There is a reason that makes perfect sense - it has the same meaning as the candles, they seem to want to use their smiles to reveal the ninth classroom. Some characteristics of it." Another shocking inference, Lin Yuanyin could hardly keep up with her breathing. She habitually wanted to say "impossible", glanced at Xingchen's quiet face, and added this sentence He endured it and asked: "This reason does seem to support your argument, but don't forget, if the smile is also used to reveal the answer to the mystery, then why is there no mention of it in the diary, but the candle is constantly highlighted? What role does it play?" Xingchen said: "I have also thought about this problem. In my opinion, there are no more than two possibilities: First, smiles and candles use the same method as clues to solve puzzles, but after two people's experiments , the effect of candles is more obvious, so the diary gave up the smile method; secondly, smiles and candles are used to supplement each other. In other words, Hong Jing and the others believe that a candle paired with a weird smile can give more With a strong hint, it is easier for people to find the real answer. Personally, I prefer the second possibility." Lin Yuanyin was stunned. She carefully recalled Xingchen's inference, trying to find something else. I came to refute it, but found that the entire logical process was watertight and rigorous. There were indeed many foreshadowings buried in the diary. Xingchen was able to connect them one by one and deduce the only answer. Lin Yuanyin sighed and said, "Did you think about it for a long time, Xingchen? I feel a little ashamed. I seem to have lost my soul during this period, and I can't pick myself up. I don't know. What exactly have you done?" Xingchen turned around and said, "I've noticed it a long time ago. You seem to be bothered by something and have almost forgotten all about the legend. I'm very dissatisfied with your state. That's why I asked you to come out to remind you, I don't want to have such a weak partner." It turns out that calling myself out was not to tell her the inferred truth, but to teach her a lesson. Lin Yuanyin cultivated the opponent with great difficulty. Chen's good impression was immediately wiped out: "Xingchen, you stinky monkey, don't climb up the pole! My strength is definitely not what you think. Many classmates in the class say that I am talented. Intelligent, beautiful and smart..." After talking about it for a long time, Xingchen just looked at the night view of the campus without any reaction. Lin Yuanyin was discouraged and said: "Forget it, you will see how powerful I am in the future." She gritted her teeth and said to herself: Which Now that the matter is settled, I'll ask Gangying to trap you with a magic circle, and let's see how you go back to your Wutai Mountain!

Because of the power saving, all the street lights on campus were not on. Only two or three lights were on on a road in Nuo Da. Under the dim light, tiny winged animals were circling tirelessly, and the shadows of the trees were covered. In most areas, under the weak illumination of the moonlight, the night view of the campus has a hazy and dense beauty. Xingchen watched with trance, while Lin Yuanyin had no choice but to remain silent. One figure is sitting on the hillside, and the other is standing. Along with the branches swaying slightly beside them, they look like a sculpture with great artistic taste. After a long time, Xingchen broke the silence and said: "Women are really strange animals. They always like to chatter, and their mouths never seem to get tired." His tone sounded like he was talking to himself, and Lin Yuanyin bulged her eyes in anger. glared at him. Xingchen said again: "By the way, Miss Lin, can I take the liberty to ask you a question?" Lin Yuanyin said angrily: "Ask me, but I may not answer you." Xingchen said: "Why did you choose Weird name? Yuan Yin, Yuan Yin, literally there is no meaning at all." Lin Yuanyin really couldn't stand Xing Chen finding fault with her everywhere: "Push, push, you only know how to push, sooner or later one day I'll kill you! I'm not a legend. This name was given to me by my father who went through the dictionary with great effort. My uncle, aunt, and grandma all said that this name is so ingenious..." Xingchen frowned slightly and said: " I started talking nonsense again. I don’t want to hear what those nuns and eight-year-olds said. Can you answer my question directly? Why do you use the horrible word "injustice of the wronged soul" as your name?" The injustice of the wronged soul?" Lin Yuanyin's tongue was tied: "You... your grandfather was called this, and this lady is the Yuan." Lin Yuanyin couldn't tolerate people insulting her name, and she was giggling at the moment. While arguing, he broke off a branch and excitedly drew the word left and right on the ground: "You have known me for so many days, and you still don't know what three words my name is? There is a roster in the class , you don’t know how to translate it?” Xingchen looked at the words she had drawn for a long time before saying, “It turns out to be this kite.” Lin Yuanyin breathed a sigh of relief. She was so excited just now that she felt like she was sweating. Who knew that Xingchen would burst out again: "What does this word mean?" Lin Yuanyin looked at him dumbfounded, as if she was about to collapse. She no longer had the strength to throw the branch over. Xingchen saw that she was just out of breath and didn't reply, and said: "Forget it if you don't answer. Let's get down to business. Let's go see Yang Cong tomorrow afternoon and have a good chat with her. Maybe there are some details we don't know. That's it. , I'm going back. If you don't feel cold, just sit here for a while. The night view here is still very..." At this point, as if he realized that he had said too much, Xingchen suddenly closed his mouth and stood. He stood up and left. After taking a few steps, he turned back to Lin Yuanyin and said, "I don't mean anything else. I just think you should have a more beautiful name." After saying that, he walked straight up the steps and went down the mountain. .

Lin Yuanyin's delicate figure stood alone on the hillside, reflecting the starlight, as if she was in a lake. The wind came one after another like sparkling silver waves, blowing more and more wildly, lifting the corners of my thin clothes. But Lin Yuanyin didn't feel cold at all. She was desperately trying to figure out a question. Why did Xingchen's words often make her think and struggle for a long time? "... I just think you should have a more beautiful name." When he said this, the boy's eyes, which were as cold as ice, revealed a hint of tenderness like water.

"Lin Yuanyin." "Here you go!" Lin Yuanyin jumped up from her seat reflexively. Before she could bring her thoughts back to the classroom from the window, the teacher glared at her with eyes full of anger and shouted: "Look back and smile. What's the word "birth"?" Lin Yuanyin was frightened by his loud voice and blurted out: "All the boys in the class are colorless." "Hahaha -" the whole class laughed like a pot exploding. Lin Yuanyin immediately blushed from her face to her feet, wishing she could find a hole in the ground to crawl in. Amidst her laughter, she could vaguely hear a female voice talking behind her: "Don't think she can be so arrogant because she has charmed Xingchen." The teacher was so angry that his eyebrows twitched: "Do you think this is praising you? Lin Yuanyin, you have been distracted all morning. No matter how well-educated I am, I can't bear it anymore. Please give me a review this afternoon!" Class is over!" The teacher angrily threw down a book and left. Lin Yuanyin looked at Xingchen with a little annoyance, but she saw that Xingchen, not knowing whether to hide her smile, had turned her head to look out the window, and all she could see was a head of thick black hair. After all the classmates left, Lin Yuanyin came to Xingchen, who was the last to leave as usual, slammed the book and said, "Write a review for me!" Xingchen raised his head and looked at her, and said slowly: "What's going on? Is it none of my business that you are narcissistic?" Lin Yuanyin almost yelled: "If it weren't for you, would I need to be so embarrassed today? If it weren't for you, would I be so distracted today? It's not you..." Xingchen's eyes suddenly shone with light, which made Lin Yuanyin's heart tremble and she stopped talking involuntarily. Xingchen said calmly: "I don't understand. I just asked you to come out yesterday to remind you and inform you of some progress. What was it about what I said that made you so lost?" Lin Yuanyin was stunned. I didn't know how to answer, so I muttered: "That's it... that's it..." Suddenly, like a breeze, those ripples of words passed through my mind: "... I just think you should have a more beautiful name." There was also that half-smiling expression and the slightly swaying hair, which formed a misty landscape in such a quiet night. How did Xingchen know that Lin Yuanyin had so many thoughts in that moment, and continued to ask: "Which sentence is it?" Lin Yuanyin was quick to think, and asked: "Why are you so concerned about which sentence? You call me no matter what you say. I'm unhappy, that's why I was distracted." Xingchen's eyes were unabashedly full of disappointment: "I thought you had some understanding of the truth of the legend after listening to my words. It turns out that I have been looking forward to you. That relatively accurate intuition seems to be a waste." "You..." Lin Yuanyin really wanted to grab him and jump off the building together. Xingchen packed up the book and said: "Review and write it yourself, only a fool will help you. "

Seeing Xingchen walking out of the classroom, Lin Yuanyin said angrily: "If you don't help me write, I won't be able to go to Yang Cong's place in the afternoon." Xingchen said indifferently: "If you can't go, I can go." Lin Yuan Yin pressed closer and said, "It's not convenient for you to go alone. A man and a woman are living together in the same room. Even if you are innocent, can you make it clear?" Xingchen suddenly turned around and said coldly: "You threaten me. ?" "No." Lin Yuanyin was a little afraid of the flash of blue light in his eyes, and her tone began to soften: "I mean, I am your partner after all. It is also a very heartless performance for you to leave me alone. , Besides, I am a girl, and I am suddenly in trouble. As a man, can you bear to abandon me and ignore me?" At the end of the sentence, Lin Yuanyin felt that she was almost as good as the beggar outside the school gate. Xingchen frowned and said, "Are you so pitiful?" After saying that, he looked at Lin Yuanyin's watery eyes and said reluctantly, "I'll only help you this time, and I won't do it next time." "I won't do it next time!" Lin Yuan Yin quickly placed the pen and paper respectfully in front of Xingchen.

"Because I was too obsessed with the teacher's charming style, I composed a poem to myself when I was fascinated. I hope the teacher will be so noble and the students will promise not to do the same again." After Lin Yuanyin finished reading, she asked doubtfully: "That's it?" Xingchen said: "If you are not satisfied, then I'll tear it up, and you can rewrite it yourself." Lin Yuanyin hurriedly held the paper in her arms and said, "Satisfied, I mean, why does the tone of this letter sound like you wrote it to her? Xingchen, I suddenly found you You have a good way of flattering people. If you are asked to chase a girl, I'm afraid no one can refuse to throw themselves into your arms, right?" Xingchen said, "I'm not interested in women." "Huh?" Lin Yuan Yinxiang noticed. Xin Dalu's eyes were shining brightly and he said: "You like men? I didn't know you were like this..." Xingchen interrupted her and said: "You have so many intestines to gossip here, why not think about how to decipher the legend? . I'll wait for you at the school gate at one o'clock at noon. Don't be late." After saying these tough words, Xingchen went out without even bothering to pick up the book.

I rushed to the dining hall at a sprint speed and fought in the queue for more than ten minutes. In the end, I couldn't even tell the difference between cucumber and meat. I ordered a stir-fried cucumber with chili pepper (I originally thought it was stir-fried pork with chili pepper), and gulped down the dates. With a bunch of strange looks at the table, Lin Yuanyin finally managed to get to the school gate before 1 o'clock. Xingchen looked at her mouth full of unchewed vegetables and bulging cheeks and said with satisfaction: "Okay, finally on time for once. Let's set off." Xingchen said that he would place Yang Cong in a remote place , but it was actually not far from the school. The two of them walked there in more than 20 minutes. There is a wasteland that has not yet been developed. It is full of upturned loess and some discarded old farming equipment. On the edge of the wasteland, there are some sparsely built tile-roofed houses. The dilapidated outer walls are covered with moss. The wooden door is full of gray and white stains left by peeling paint. There is only one window, which is both high and small, and some are equipped with iron rods. Lin Yuanyin said in disbelief: "You actually placed Yang Cong here?" Xingchen said calmly: "You mean I should arrange for her to stay in a hotel?" Lin Yuanyin was speechless for a moment, and He said in front of the relatively new house: "We're here."

The light in the room was very dim, and it took a long time for Lin Yuanyin's eyes to adapt to the environment in the room. The furnishings in the room are very simple, with a simple single bed, a rickety wooden chair, and a pearwood table that looks very old. Other than that, there is no other furniture. Yang Cong was half lying on the bed. She looked very weak after having just experienced the disaster of life and death, and her face had become much thinner, but her beauty could not be concealed. Seeing the two people coming in, Yang Cong just nodded and then turned his head to the side. Xingchen unceremoniously pulled up a chair and sat down, asking: "Are you feeling better?" Lin Yuanyin had to stand next to him and followed: "It seems that you are not in good spirits." Yang Cong He whispered: "It doesn't matter, I'm used to this. Ever since my sister died, I have regarded myself as a dead person." Your sister wants you to be happy, and you should at least fulfill her wish." Lin Yuanyin had never thought that Xingchen would say such considerate and understanding words, so she couldn't help but look at him strangely, and she happened to be facing Xingchen. gaze. Lin Yuanyin came to her senses and said hurriedly: "Yes, yes, Yang Cong, you have to express your condolences." Yang Cong turned around and said, "Let's not talk about this anymore. How are you investigating the legend?" Looking at her With eager eyes, Lin Yuanyin hesitated to tell her the truth, but Xingchen had already rushed to answer: "It didn't go well. We only guessed that your sister and Hong Jing deliberately made those scary and weird smiles. The purpose of the laughter is still unknown. All other clues have been cut off, and the ninth classroom has never been revealed." Yang Cong was stunned and said: "I have also thought about this problem. Could it be the two of them? Who smiles because he feels happy when he sees the ninth classroom?” You shouldn't be happy to see the ninth classroom."

Yang Cong thought for a while and said: "That's right. I think about it quietly by myself, and I actually feel that this legend is not as simple as an ordinary small classroom disappearing from the world. Then why do you come to me to ask for my help? "?" Conditions, it is absolutely impossible to decipher this legend. I hope you think carefully about it, did your sister have any other thoughts about this legend to you, or did she say some inexplicable words before and after her death? " Yang Cong turned her head away again. Her eyes were wide open and her mouth was slightly open. She looked like she was thinking hard about something. After a long time, Yang Cong hesitated and said: "I didn't know about this legend until my sister died. She was exposed to the legend for a short time, so she couldn't have said anything to me. But if you asked her if she had any strange behavior before her death, I think It turns out that she wrote a poem before she died. The poem was placed on the desk in her dormitory. The ink was not dry yet, and it seemed that she had written it just before she died. The meaning of the poem was obscure and difficult to understand. She was later buried in Then I burned the poem together." Lin Yuanyin knew that the question was at a critical moment, and her voice trembled with excitement as she asked: "Then... do you still remember?" Yang Cong raised his eyes and looked at the sky outside the window, slowly Chant: The scorching sun forces the moon to retreat, the moon sets and the stars rise.

There is always a place of essence,

The circle is broken and all things are made.

Lin Yuanyin's mind started to spin intensely, thinking about the meaning of this poem. Over there, Xingchen had already interjected: "The meaning of this poem is not weird. It talks about the reincarnation and Tao of the heaven and earth, but it involves the common principles of Buddhism and Taoism. Is your sister a religious person?" Hearing Xingchen mention it Lin Yuanyin immediately gave him a wary look at the word "Buddhism and Taoism". Yang Cong said: "I don't know. I'm sorry, I don't understand these things, so I thought this poem was weird." There should be no interest in studying these Buddhist principles. There may be deeper meanings. Let’s just go back and think about it slowly. Today is not in vain. You’d better have a good rest.”

After saying goodbye to Yang Cong, Lin Yuanyin thought that Xingchen would immediately come to her to discuss whether the poem contained any special meaning, but she didn't see him for several days, and he didn't even come to class. Not only did the teacher not punish him, but he also shyly interceded for him, which made Lin Yuanyin almost collapse with anger. She was anxious to find Xingchen, and another person was also anxious to find her. Finally, on the way to the toilet after class, Wu Gangying successfully intercepted Lin Yuanyin. Lin Yuanyin was feeling depressed. When she saw Wu Gangying sneaking up the stairs again, she couldn't help but glared at him and said, "If you run further up, be careful to expose your target. Don't talk about the demon fox, you won't even be able to catch the white rabbit." One." Wu Gangying said aggrievedly: "I came to you for business." Lin Yuanyin's eyes lit up: "Have you seen the demon fox?" Wu Gangying said: "I have to say hello to Po Meng when I see it. . I set up a Yuantong Nirvana Formation behind my dormitory last night..." Lin Yuanyin couldn't help but said: "You set up the formation again..." Wu Gangying interrupted her seriously and said: "I am observing the sky at night, and I feel like this recently There seems to be an abnormality in the balance of spiritual energy in the campus. The Yuantong Nirvana Formation is a formation technique that measures the circulation of the essence of heaven and earth, and the results are not as expected." Lin Yuanyin just heard Xingchen mention it once, this time Wu Gangying mentioned the topic again. She was smart and immediately sensed the seriousness of the situation, and her heart sank: "Is the essence imbalanced?" Wu Gangying said thoughtfully: "Things are not as simple as you think. In order to get accurate results, I ran out again. We went to the campus to set up the formation, and found that the essence of the outside world was normal." "Partial imbalance?" Lin Yuanyin was really shocked this time: "How is it possible? The campus is closely connected with the outside world, how is it possible that the outside world is not at all Affected?" Wu Gangying said: "I just feel strange. The situation is serious. I personally wrote to the master yesterday to seek countermeasures. I am worried that this is a precursor to the emergence of the demon fox. It seems that the foxes have taken action in advance." Lin Yuan Yin said: "The birth of the demon fox cannot explain the partial imbalance. Moreover, they live in the wild. If there is an imbalance, it is not an imbalance here on campus. I am afraid there are other reasons." She secretly wondered in her heart, could it be that the legend of the ninth classroom has changed? Wu Gangying frowned and said: "The cause of the imbalance can be slowly investigated. But this is not what I am most worried about. Do you know what the imbalance of essence means?" Lin Yuanyin did not think about it and asked hurriedly: "It means What?" Wu Gangying said slowly: "It means that the aura from another world is invading, and there will be a bloody disaster on the campus within a few days!" "What?" Lin Yuanyin turned pale with shock: "Will someone die?" Her heart felt like being pricked by a needle. With a sudden contraction, the ninth classroom murder legend is finally about to take action. Wu Gangying sighed and said: "And I'm afraid there are more than a few. This is a tricky situation. Yuan Yin, I'm worried about you. There is no need for you to avoid going out at night in the future." Lin Yuanyin stood blankly, Wu Gangying's next words She didn't hear it at all. She only kept replaying the words "There will be a bloody disaster on campus within a few days" in her mind. Indeed, the legend of the ninth classroom took place in the most densely populated teaching building, swallowing up one or two classes. The students are simply a piece of cake for the legend. She had been fearless and had despised him before, but when she saw the ferocious and strange smile emerging from that delicate face, her entire body would tingle whenever the name of this legend was mentioned. Maybe a few days later, the scene she would see again would be a bustling crowd standing side by side in the aisle, all with deathly smiles on their faces.

When sleeping at night, Lin Yuanyin tossed and turned, feeling creepy. She even vaguely felt that there was a dark shadow floating over the balcony. She gently opened the package of the five-color lotus platform next to her pillow, and the five-color lotus platform immediately gave off a soft light. It shows that the entire campus is covered by a strong atmosphere of another world. Lin Yuanyin was so distraught that she simply got out of bed, took the package and walked out of the dormitory, and then deftly climbed over the wall to the outside of the dormitory building. At this moment, she was really thinking too much about whether the legendary change in the ninth classroom was the source of the imbalance of essence on campus. When they arrived at the teaching building, it suddenly started to rain slightly. Lin Yuanyin smoothed her hair that was stained with raindrops, took a long breath, and walked step by step to the end of the corridor on the second floor of the building. The classrooms were all dark with the lights off, except for the dim light in the corridor. Looking at the snow-white wall, Lin Yuanyin's heart was filled with excitement, remembering that this was the place where Yang Cong's face first showed a strange color. In which corner of this building is the ninth classroom hidden? Is it behind this wall? But behind the thin wall is the outer layer of the building. Let alone a classroom, even one person can hardly be accommodated. Lin Yuanyin slowly let go of the bag and took out the five-color lotus platform. The five-color lotus platform still had a faint halo, illuminating each lotus petal softly and yet vividly. No exception? Lin Yuanyin was a little disappointed, her long and slanting figure was reflected on the wall. At this moment, a soft laughter suddenly came from behind Lin Yuanyin: "Huha..." "Who is it?!" Lin Yuanyin turned around in horror. At the same time, the five-color lotus platform suddenly burst out with five-color bright light, lighting up the corridor. The light above was brilliant, and Lin Yuanyin knew that the situation was dangerous, and something must have been quietly approaching her. Lin Yuanyin did not dare to hesitate anymore, and whispered: "The lotus platform is very clear, tell us what to do!" The five-color lotus platform is originally a magic weapon secretly refined in Mount Emei. The yin is strong and the yang is weak, so it is most suitable for women to use. In addition, Lin Yuanyin has a little bit of talent Based on the spell, the five-color light instantly turned into a five-color ribbon and rolled in all directions. Even though Lin Yuanyin reacted quickly, she still found nothing. She only felt an awe-inspiring cold air passing quickly around her, and at the same time, a strange, tiny object bounced on her face. When Lin Yuanyin hurriedly wiped the thing five meters away, the five-color silk ribbon gradually dissipated in the air, and the five-color lotus platform regained its soft light.

Just as the shock was beginning to subside, soft footsteps suddenly sounded downstairs, which seemed particularly clear and harsh in this completely silent night. Lin Yuanyin's face turned pale, and she suddenly had a bad feeling. Maybe she would be the first to die in the bloody disaster that Wu Gangying mentioned. Apart from fighting with all her strength, Lin Yuanyin had no way out. While sweating profusely, she tied the five-color lotus platform tightly with a package, preparing to give the enemy a fatal surprise attack. This time, either she would die or the enemy would be killed. The footsteps gradually approached, and the other party seemed to be very calm, and there was no disorder in his footsteps. He actually stopped when he was approaching the second floor. Sweat flowed down her ears drop by drop. Lin Yuanyin didn't even dare to breathe. The hand holding the package was trembling violently. At the moment of life and death, she really felt what extreme fear was. . Fortunately, the footsteps sounded again, and at the same time, a vague black figure appeared in the distance of the corridor. Lin Yuanyin stopped breathing, silently reciting the mantra, and used all her strength to prepare to throw the five-color lotus platform far away. At this critical moment, a familiar voice came from the opposite side: "Who's over there?" Lin Yuanyin was stunned for a moment, and suddenly woke up. Tears poured out like a cathartic gate, although her whole body was a little limp. But she still ran over desperately: "Xingchen——" Xingchen was wearing a white shirt, which looked particularly gentle in the dim environment. When she saw Lin Yuanyin running over with tears streaming down her face, She asked in surprise: "Why are you here?" Lin Yuanyin sobbed and said: "There are... there are dead spirits." Lunci said: "I'm serious... you are not the father of the undead. You know whether he is coming or not. Otherwise, why do you think I'm crying alone here - I'm so scared!!" Xingchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. : "Okay then, where is the undead?" Lin Yuanyin said: "Run away." I was so scared that I cried here." Lin Yuanyin was speechless for a moment, and she said wisely: "Wait a minute, don't deflect the conflict, didn't you also appear here inexplicably? By the way, you once said that unless the undead appeared, you would be It won't come out, so why did you deny my statement just now?" Xingchen said: "That is indeed my principle, but the situation these days is special, so I have to make an exception. You happen to be here, follow me upstairs Go to the classroom, I have an important discovery to tell you." Lin Yuanyin said nervously: "Did you discover that Legend is planning to kill someone?" Xingchen looked at her strangely: "Of course not, does it want to kill me? Where can I find it through research? It’s about deciphering the mystery of the information in the ninth classroom.”

The two of them slowly walked towards the stairs on the other side, where they could go directly to their classroom. While walking, Xingchen suddenly stopped with a "Hey" sound. Lin Yuanyin asked: "What's wrong?" Xingchen hesitated and said: "It's okay, let's go." After walking a few steps