He’s a Dragon

Chapter 111: The temptation of the teacher is over


This sudden discovery not only made Long Xiao never expect it, but also made the police unexpected. With the company of the police, everyone watched the last video that Su Yuze left in this world.

In this last video, Su Yuze's whole figure is like a string that has been taut, and it is about to be broken at any time. The fragility of the whole person can be seen even through the eyes. Self-loathing goes hand in hand, and what he said made everyone present at the police station frown and look surprised.

"How unlucky it is to meet such a sister..."

A female police officer was very unbearable, her eyes reddened when she thought that this was a confession of a teenager before his death, and another male police officer was also very unbearable, and did not expect such a thing to happen in the world.

"Have you notified the suspect's family? Although the suspect is already an adult, in this situation, the suspect's family must be notified, as well as the suicide of the suspect's younger brother, which seems to have a huge relationship with the suspect."

After watching this video, everyone has no doubts about Su Yuwei drugging Long Xiao. After all, being able to do such a thing to her younger brother at the time proves that there is something wrong with this woman, so At this moment, everyone really expects the evidence department to sort out the evidence quickly.

Father Long and Mother Long also learned some news from the police, and they looked at each other in dismay. Finally, accompanied by the police, Father Long went to the house to get Su Yuze's diary. Sure enough, although the contents in the diary were more detailed, they were even more detailed. He clearly stated what life Su Yuze had lived before.

Because after their parents divorced, their parents remarried very quickly, so Su Yuze and her sister Su Yuwei depended on each other for life, but Su Yuwei had an extreme controlling personality, and she wanted to control her younger brother Su Yuze even more. I wanted to control my younger brother even more, and I didn't want to let my younger brother leave me, and that tragic thing happened later...

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the material evidence department of the police gave the materials. The medicine Su Yuwei gave Long Xiao was indeed the kind of medicine that makes people desire. Now, the certified evidence is all there!

When the police explained the matter to Long's father and Long's mother, and explained what price Su Yuwei might pay for herself, Su Yuwei and Su Yuze's mother came.

She doesn't look old, even a little elegant. It is said that the man she married later was very rich, but she was not allowed to have two children, so this Ms. Wang Mei knew that her daughter and son were still young and could not be left alone. She took care of her, but she still insisted, leaving her daughter and son alone.

"Comrade police, have you found the video of my son before his death? Can you show it to me?"

This was the most sincere concern from a mother, who seemed to be very sad with tears in her eyes.

The police did not reject the matter and felt it was necessary for the mother to get results.

He took Wang Mei to another lounge and showed Wang Mei the last video of Su Yuze. In the video, Su Yuze seemed to know that this was the last proof that he stayed in this world. He seemed to vent and said everything. come out.

"I went to my mother, but my mother said that I lied to her, and my mother gave me a lot of money, and said that she would not let me find her again, she could not live with me, I would really go crazy... If it continues like this, I might as well be dead, yes, it's good to be dead, as long as I die, I don't have to open my eyes to see my sister..."

With the sick smile of the person in the video, Su Yuze collapsed at the last moment.

And Wang Mei was watching her son in the video kept shedding tears, she knew, she knew...

Just two days before his son committed suicide, his son suddenly ran to her and said if he could live with her in the future, and he didn't want to live with his daughter Su Yuwei, but Wang Mei was naturally unwilling to let her ex-husband's son live for her married life. I followed myself, so I gave my son some money and let him go home.

But now, all of this has become the last straw that overwhelms Su Yuze.

The teenager lived under the oppression and surveillance of his sister for a long time, and was even forced to have the closest relationship by his sister. Unable to accept this, he proposed that he wanted to live separately from his sister. The only person who could ask for help was his mother, but in the end Wang Mei, however, did not save her son because of her family.

This is the most unacceptable thing for Wang Mei. Even after her son committed suicide, she returned home and saw her daughter's dodging eyes. She already knew everything, but her son was dead, and she couldn't let her daughter pay for it...

The police have seen this video for a long time, and naturally they understand that Su Yuze finally asked his mother for help and was rejected. Watching the woman cry, some people sympathized, and some people were a little disgusted, because they clearly felt that something was wrong with their son, but the mother did not. Still no help.

The Long family didn't expect things to turn out like this, but now they can understand why Su Xuewei wanted to do something to their son. I'm afraid it's because this woman likes younger people. Otherwise, she would have been right The younger brother has attacked, and the attack on the son seems to be normal...

After finishing all the records of the police station, the Long family took their son to eat out first, and then returned home.

"Ah Xiao, don't tell Xuehui about this. If she finds out, she will definitely be worried. If you are out of school recently, my dad and I will pick you up."

Mother Dragon is still a little worried, but the fewer people know about this, the better. If it spreads, it will not be good for rumors.

"En." Long Xiao nodded, but for some reason, he remembered Su Yuwei's talk about why she changed her name to Su Xuewei.

It is almost certain that if He Xuehui's jumping off the building was not an accident, then it must have something to do with Su Yuwei...

But now, Su Xuewei has been arrested, and she always has to pay for her actions.

On the police side, this is the first time I have seen such a small case that leads to such a case. I thought that Su Xuewei would attack students because she was a teacher, but she did not expect that Su Xuewei had become possessive towards her biological brother before. Later, he even forced his younger brother to have an intimate relationship, which led to the suicide of his younger brother Su Yuze.

With such a woman whose blood relationship is beginning to be chaotic, it is difficult for everyone to have sympathy.

So the police began to force the inquiry constantly, but they asked more things and news.

It turns out that Su Yuwei's parents divorced, and her father cheated on her. She married each other and had children. Su Yuwei and Su Yuze were not needed, while Su Yuwei and Su Yuze's mother, Wang Mei, found a man to marry within a few years. a child.

After their parents remarried, the siblings Su Yuwei and Su Yuze lived alone outside, and received the living allowance from their parents every month. Su Yuwei was older than Su Yuze, so she naturally became an adult in the life of the siblings, because she saw The separation of her parents made her control of her younger brother extraordinarily strict. In such a long-term relationship, she was unwilling to let her younger brother leave her, and her possessiveness towards her younger brother reached a certain level.

This also led to her peeking at Su Yuze's mobile phone and discovering that her younger brother had been in frequent contact with a person named Xiaoxue, the woman's jealousy could not be concealed, and finally she had that kind of intimate thoughts towards her younger brother, thinking that she was with her younger brother. Being close enough will make my brother forget Xiaoxue and be with her forever.

But she didn't expect that Su Yuze couldn't accept all this, and in the end she almost drove her crazy. After asking her mother for help, she chose to commit suicide.

So far, Su Yuwei changed her name to Su Xuewei, thinking that Xiaoxue in the mobile phone was her, and even after watching Su Yuze's mobile phone for a long time, she had an empathy effect, and she had thoughts on Long Xiao, and then everything happened. everything.

After the investigation was done, the sentence for Su Yuwei was about to begin. Father Long and Mother Long knew all this and could only sigh. Long Xiao was still calm. He quickly appeased Long Xiao.

A month later, the results of the case came out. Su Xuewei was finally sentenced to three years in prison. These three years were enough for Su Yuwei to pay the price for it, but no one expected that Wang Mei, who had been acting like she didn't care much about her son. , Even when Su Xuewei was transferred from the police station to prison, in front of many police officers, she took a knife and stabbed Su Xuewei to death.

"I avenged you... Yuze, my mother avenged you..."

The police said that after seeing the video left by her son, Wang Mei finally could not accept that she was also the last hand that pushed her son to death, and finally did such an impulsive thing, and finally made news directly, although many place names and The names are mosaic, but all the stories are still shocking.

When He Xuehui saw this on the news, she suddenly realized that she hugged her boyfriend and cried for a while, she was terrified.

"If you encounter danger in the future, you must tell me, I'm so worried about you..."

Holding the little girl in his arms, Long Xiao comforted him.

"It won't be like this anymore, it's over."

The source of the tragedy has already died, and everything after that will not happen. Long Xiao thought, why didn't Su Yuze ask others for help at that time? Perhaps this reason has no way to be investigated, but those who survived have to look forward after all.

After that, when the first experimental high school hired a teacher, they would conduct a family identity investigation to ensure that the teacher's family had no problems. Long Xiao and He Xuehui also officially ushered in the college entrance examination two and a half years later. The two went to the same university. Under Long Xiao's tutoring, he performed exceptionally well and was admitted to Shangjing University.

From then on, the future is high and the sky is wide, allowing birds to soar.