He’s a Dragon

Chapter 72: Eat the old man


After Long Shengli saved people, he didn't take it to heart, but his clothes were soaked, so he could only walk home in wet clothes.

Wang Guihua, who was cleaning up the housework at home, was shocked when she heard the movement at the door and saw her husband walk in wet.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

She hurriedly went up to care and said that Wang Guihua was really afraid of her husband's accident, and Long Xiao also trotted towards his father. When he was about to hug Long Shengli's thigh, he was stopped by Long Shengli.

"I'm too wet, don't hold it, it will stain your clothes."

After he finished speaking, he looked at his wife.

"I'm fine, that's why I was going to go to work, but something happened to me. A child fell into the lake, and I went to rescue him. Now I'm soaking wet, and I've already asked for leave from the company. , so I came back to change clothes."

Uncomfortably telling lies, Long Shengli rarely lied, so when he lied, it was obvious that Wang Guihua saw her husband's lie, but she didn't expose it, just hurriedly said it.

"Then go wash quickly, I'll get you clothes."

The water in this lake is so cold, if her husband catches a cold, it will be bad. Wang Guihua didn't say much, and asked her husband to take a hot bath, and then quickly prepared clothes for Long Shengli.

Long Xiao heard that Long Shengli saved people, but felt that his blessing might be useful. This child is the lucky star that Long Shengli hit.

Long Shengli quickly took a hot bath, then changed his clothes, and held his son in his arms to watch TV. He was a little worried when he was in the park, but now he has calmed down, compared to work. , my son and wife are by my side, which is already a very good thing.

These days, I can't be degenerate anymore, I still have to find a job, otherwise my daughter and son will need to go to school and eat...

As he thought so, he heard his son's well-behaved voice.

"Did Dad save someone? Dad is a big hero!"

Long Xiao said happily, the difference between humans and many species is their pity and sympathy for any creature, so among such ordinary people, there will also be heroes.

This is different from those immortals. Long Xiao has seen immortals, and he has also seen real gods. They are high above the ground, they do not stain the dust, let alone save people, so when they are finally annihilated, they can't even save themselves. .

"Hey, Dad saved a little brother who doesn't look as big as you, but he's not a big hero. Only those in police uniforms and military uniforms on TV are the big heroes in Dad's heart."

Holding his son, Long Shengli will not be proud of saving people. For him, those who can defend the country and stand up when the country is in danger are the real heroes. He just happened to touch When the child fell into the water, he just saved it. He believed that at that time, even if it was not himself or someone else, he would have rescued him.

After all, there are still more beautiful things in this world. Long Shengli has been teaching children like this since childhood. They are kind, strong and sensible. This is the first teaching that many parents teach their children.

"No! Dad is also a big hero in my heart. Dad is amazing!"

Long Xiao doesn't listen to this. Whether it's a police officer or a soldier, it has nothing to do with him. His current father is an ordinary person. An ordinary person can stand up when others are in danger. hero!

The soft voice of his son made Long Shengli even happier. He didn't care whether he was a hero or not. He simply hoped that his son could become a brave person in the future and be able to stand up when others were in danger.

Wang Guihua, who was on the side, looked at the father and son with a smile on her face. In the past, every time she returned to the village, many little sisters in the village would laugh at her, saying that she married a patriarchal husband, so she only gave birth all day. The child, the whole person born is old, but Wang Guihua is willing.

Those people say this because they haven't really experienced what it means to be patriarchal. In the past, Wang Guihua's family was the real patriarch. When Wang Guihua was a child, he never ate meat and eggs. All these good things were For the younger brother and the older brother, she would never be able to eat a girl.

Later, it was estimated based on the price and sold for 200,000 yuan. It can be said that after Wang Guihua got married, the most annoying thing was to go back to her parents' home. Every time she went back, her mother and father always asked themselves for money. Wang Guihua was young I didn't see it at the time, and later I had more children and I was a little tired, so I saw what my parents meant, and I stopped paying attention to my parents.

She is very shrewd now. Every time she goes back to her family, she will cry poor. Everyone knows that she is married to a man who prefers sons to daughters. Even if she lives in the city, how can she be better with five children

But in fact, Wang Guihua is very satisfied with her current life. Although her husband has been letting him have children in the early years, he has never cheated, and when he gets his salary back, he buys delicious food for himself and flowers for his children. Is that so? Besides, Wang Guihua knew best in his heart whether the four girls who were born gave preference to boys over girls.

As for the children in the village, which of them are sent to school by their parents

However, Wang Guihua is still very proud of her four little girls. These four girls have inherited Wang Guihua's beauty, as well as her husband Long Shengli's whiteness, all of them are like Huaguduo, which makes people feel soft-hearted.

Although she didn't know what happened to her husband, Wang Guihua knew that her husband would say something sooner or later, so she didn't ask any further questions.

Such a rare father-son time makes Long Xiao more aware of the dragon victory in front of him. This man already wants to give the best everything he can get to the children, but there are too many children, so he can earn There is little money, so that's why it's so difficult.

As for Wang Guihua's absence from work, that's because the girls in the family are all beautiful. When Long Pan's brother was four years old, the second child, Long Qiudi, was just born. There was a news from them in Pingzhou, how many six years old. His child was harmed to death by someone. Ever since he found out about that incident, Long Shengli never let the child go out by himself, and he and Wang Guihua sent him wherever he went.

In a sense, he is good enough as a father.

It was only as the child grew up that he became old and feared that the child would not be able to afford the future, so he made a decision for the child in advance.

At noon, the noodles for a family of three are very ordinary, but Wang Guihua’s craftsmanship is good. After all, he has been raising children at home for all these years, and her husband does not come back very often every month. In order to make her husband happy when he comes back, Wang Guihua always It's a different way to cook, but it's a good cooking skill.

While the family was having a warm meal, in the hospital, the child who fell into the lake that morning had already been checked. The doctor said that it was fortunate that he was rescued in the fastest time. Otherwise, if such a small child had a brain After entering the water, it will have an impact on IQ, and now after the child wakes up, he will not delay in calling people, and he is still so smart.

As long as you stay in the hospital for two days and make sure there is nothing wrong, you will be fine.

In the ward, the child's mother Fang Meng teased her son with a toy. The old lady sitting beside her didn't dare to speak. At this time, she secretly looked at her daughter-in-law, her eyes were red, she had just cried.

Outside the door of the ward, an old man was explaining his son.

"Rui'er was rescued this time. They were kindhearted people, and they didn't leave their lives on the scene. I have already asked the police station to investigate and monitor. The results should be available at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and a pennant has also been customized. When the time comes, you The people from the police station will send the pennant, and this is a thank you gift for the kind person, you help me give it to him."

Old man Yan received a call in the morning, saying that when his wife accidentally dropped his grandson into the lake, he almost fainted. Later, he learned that his grandson was rescued, so he hurried to the hospital to watch his grandson's examination, and then deal with the follow-up. If something really happened to the grandson, then the whole family of them would probably be in trouble.

Yan Xiaoxian also has red eyes. He is the director of a law firm. He heard that his son was almost gone in the morning, so he rushed over the red light because he had asthenozoospermia, and he and his wife had already prepared for this life. They didn't want children, but his wife was pregnant, and later gave birth to such a son. Even though Yan Xiaoxian looked young, he was actually forty-three years old.

He married his wife at the age of twenty-six, and only had such a son at the age of forty. Can he not spoil him

When he came to the hospital this time, Yan Xiaoxian didn't talk much to his mother. He knew it was wrong for him to express his anger, but he couldn't control his emotions.

"Dad, I will thank that kind man," he said with red eyes.

"Okay, take this first, I know you have money in your hand, but this is what I thank people for being kind, Axian, don't blame your mother, she was really careless, not intentional, just now she Crying secretly behind your back is also uncomfortable. I know that you and Amen don't know how to talk to your mother, and I won't force you. When the child is healed, this matter will come slowly, or please invite two Babysitter, your mother used to be afraid that the babysitter would not be able to take care of the child, but now the babysitter is more at ease, as for your mother, I will make it clear, she can understand."

As a husband, Old Man Yan knew that the most panicked person in this matter was actually his wife.

Sons and daughters-in-law love their children, but why doesn't the wife regard her son and grandson as her heart? Now that something like this happens, she is the saddest person, so the whole person seems a little scared.

"Dad, I won't blame Mom. This incident was an accident. I just didn't know how to talk to Mom for a while. Please help me to persuade me." Yan Xiaoxian said, this is what he really thought.

Of course, he is also more grateful to the person who saved his son. He and his wife have only had one son for so many years, and there will be no other children in the future. The person who saves his son will save the lives of him and his wife. what…