He’s a Dragon

Chapter 77: Finish eating the old man


Thirteen years later, after Pingzhou ushered in the small summer heat, it also ushered in a day that many parents worry about - the college entrance examination.

Long Xiao and Yan Rui took the college entrance examination together. Yan Rui studied well and skipped grades earlier, but Long Xiao was very indifferent. The two have never been apart since kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, and high school. In a university, compared to Yan Rui, who is a little slender and thin, Long Xiao is as tall and tall as his father Long Shengli, giving people a unique sense of security.

In the school, no one dared to offend Yan Rui, because they knew that Yan Rui had a brother named Long Xiao. Although the two had different surnames, the one who kissed him was closer than his own brother.

Today is the day of the college entrance examination for two people. After checking what they need to bring, they get out of the air-conditioned car. The hot sun is grilling the skin all at once.

"Don't come down, it's too hot outside!"

Long Xiao said towards the inside, in fact, he was a little embarrassed, and Yan Rui who was beside him hurriedly nodded.

"Yeah, it's too hot, just wait for us in the car."

In fact, in Yan Rui's view, the college entrance examination is completely stress-free for him, but his family cares a lot. This time, the two families came together to send the two of them for the exam.

For this reason, they also rented a super large RV with everything in it, so Long Xiao and Yan Rui didn't know what to say.

"That can't be done. We are going to send you in. We must win the battle, you know?"

A woman's voice came, and Wang Guihua, who was wearing a blue cheongsam, got out of the car. She was quite slender, but after all these years of busyness, the color of the years was left behind. At this time, wearing this blue cheongsam, she looked a little dark-skinned. .

"..." Long Xiao didn't know who came up with the coquettish idea of winning, and was really speechless.

"Yes, you two must study hard, you know?"

A woman in a red cheongsam also came down. This is Yan Rui's mother Fang Meng. Yan Rui suddenly looked at his brother Xiao. , The four girls are exquisite, all wearing cheongsams, pink and bright yellow, etc., anyway, they are dazzling.

"Let's go first."

Blinking at Yan Rui, the two turned their heads tacitly and ran away, so that the last two men who got out of the car only saw the backs of their sons running away, making fun of their wives.

"Look at you guys, you're scaring the children. The college entrance examination was just normal, but you insisted on sending it away, and you still dress like this, can you not put pressure on the children?"

Yan Xiaoxian was helpless when he saw his wife and several daughters wearing cheongsam for their son, and felt that it was too absurd.

"They are also for the children's good." Long Shengli was still not very good at speaking after so many years, and his speech was stumbling, but it made several women laugh.

Looking at the backs of the two sons fleeing, Brother Long Pan, who is now Long Sitian, put his hand in front of his face and shouted in the shape of a trumpet.

"Long Xiao! Yan Rui! I believe you will have good grades!!"

This time, the two boys ran faster, and could not wait to disappear immediately.

Originally, the two mothers and four daughters here were all beautiful. They soon attracted reporters to interview. After knowing that several people were here to send their younger brother for the exam, they also gave their sincere wishes.

The relationship between the two families has been getting better and better over the years. Even as early as four years ago, Long Shengli bought a house opposite Yan Xiaoxian, and the two became neighbors, which is even more convenient. The four daughters are also very filial to Yan Xiaoxian and Fang Meng.

Thirteen years later, Long Pandi has become the owner of a clothing company. Her name has been changed to Long Sitian. After graduating, she started her own clothing company. As a model, she soon made a lot of money, bought houses for her sisters, and her parents. She was considered a successful career, but Wang Guihua was heartbroken by not wanting to get married.

The second daughter, Long Qiudi, changed her name to Long Yahui. She is also 27 years old this year. Now she is the HR manager of a large company. She has an excellent job and earns a lot of money. She is married and is very happy.

The third daughter, Long Zhaodi, changed her name to Long Mingxi. She is 25 years old this year and is still in the postgraduate entrance examination stage. This time, she came back and gave supplementary lessons to her two younger brothers for the college entrance examination.

The fourth daughter, Long Laidi, has changed her name to Long Aiya. She is 23 years old this year. She is going to college and her academic performance is very good. After graduation, I believe she will be able to find a good job.

Long Shengli and Wang Guihua, who are parents, are still contracting the cafeteria. Every day they see the children in the kindergarten enjoying their meals, and the two of them couldn't be happier. After all these years, they originally saved money, but later they were all killed by their sons. Talking about taking it out to buy a house results in a terrible cycle.

The houses they bought in the old city cost 2,000 yuan per square meter. They just bought several sets, but they were demolished in less than a year. The 3 million they spent in the end turned into 30 million.

Later, I bought land in my hometown, thinking of filial piety to my parents. As a result, I just bought a lot of land here, the house was just built, and minerals were found in the village. People who opened a mining company came to contract it, and finally made tens of millions of dollars. .

From then on, Long Shengli and Wang Guihua felt that their son was born with fortune, and he kept all the money he made. After so many years, what should he do? After so many years, almost all of them were on the way to buy a house. Now there are seven members of the Long family. People, houses alone can't be counted.

Among them, Fang Meng also invested a lot and made a lot of money. In addition, his son was protected by Long Xiao since he was a child. When he was in elementary school, his son encountered bad people and was beaten by Long Xiao. Later, his son was almost killed by her husband in junior high school. The client deliberately retaliated. If Long Xiao was not by his side when these things happened, Fang Meng didn't dare to think what would happen.

Up to now, Yan Xiaoxian's law firm is still in operation, but he personally no longer accepts orders, and he speculates in stocks, invests, buys a house, etc., but he makes a lot of money behind Long Xiao's ass, and goes out to mention Long. Xiao, that's all for showing off. For these two sons and four daughters, Yan Xiaoxian is very happy.

The two-day college entrance examination time has passed in a flash. Long Xiao and Yan Rui's grades are never to worry about. Yan Rui is a super student, and he was specially recruited before. This test is to accompany Long Xiao and Long Xiao's grades. It's not that good, it's just ordinary, and it is estimated that after the test, it will be a second ordinary book.

As a dragon, Long Xiao said that what he loves is enjoyment, not learning, so for grades or something, just sprinkle water.

Fortunately, it is the Long family. Long Shengli and Wang Guihua doubted their life when they saw their son's grades. All four daughters were so good. , It is useless even if you hire a tutor.

After a long time, everyone doesn't care. It's good for the son to be happy. Anyway, they have so many properties now. In the future, even if the son collects rent and lives, he can live there.

Everything was changed in Long Xiao's words thirteen years ago. Brother Long Pan didn't marry that domestic violence man. Later, Long Qiudi didn't drop out of school, Long Zhaodi didn't get pregnant before marriage, and Long Laidi didn't get raped. Bullying, this family has finally come down completely.

But one thing has not changed, that is Long Xiao.

After the college entrance examination, Yan Rui was indeed the best university in the country. He inherited his father's intelligence, and naturally he was excellent in studies. It made Yan Xiaoxian beautiful for a while.

The thank-you banquet was held by Long Xiao and Yan Rui together. The two families invited all the teachers together. It was lively and lively. Yan Rui, the top student in the college entrance examination, did not block Long Xiao's light. Everyone liked the two brothers very much, not to mention The two brothers and four sensible and obedient elder sisters are considered graduates.

The four years of college have gone by in a flash, and Long Xiao has made a lot of friends. After graduation, he invested in companies run by friends and traveled with his parents everywhere. Yan Rui chose to continue his studies. He was studying Still very talented.

In the Yunjing Villa in Sanya, the couple of the Long family lay on the bed after playing all day. As a result, they dreamed of something very terrifying and woke up the two now gray-haired couples in the middle of the night.

"Husband, I-I dreamed something very scary..."

Wang Guihua still relied on her husband very much. At this time, her eyes were red and she didn't dare to think about what happened in her dream.

"I also dreamed of very terrifying things." Long Shengli nodded as well, and he didn't look much better, his veins almost burst.

"Is it about the daughters?"

Wang Guihua asked cautiously, and Long Shengli nodded.

Then the two exchanged their dreams, and found that they were both dreaming the same thing.

In the dream, the turning point of everything started when Boss Wang wanted to marry Brother Pan. In the dream, they thought that Boss Wang was a good person, so they married Brother Pan to Boss Wang, and then took the money to buy a house for their son.

It's just that there is a price to pay for taking the money of the daughter's heart, and they have seen a lot of things afterwards.

The eldest daughter, Pandi, was beaten badly by Boss Wang, but she couldn't get a divorce at all, and was finally beaten to death.

The second daughter, Qiu Di, did not go to school and went to work, and finally disappeared.

The third daughter, Long Zhaodi, became pregnant out of wedlock, but they didn't want her. In the end, she went crazy.

The fourth daughter was insulted because she was beautiful. After calling the police, she couldn't find a murderer...

Their family was so scattered, and the son was affected by this, and the whole person became autistic. After graduating from college, he has been squatting at home, not making friends, and not going out to work. A nurtured.

The tragic situation in the dream made the two of them have lingering fears. It was the first time that they were so lucky. Back then, when their daughter Pandi refused, they didn't care about traveling anymore. They turned around and took Long Xiao back home. The four girls were puzzled.

But the love from their parents, after all, makes the girls grow into self-confidence.

Long Xiao has never worked in his life after that. Most of the time, he went out to travel after collecting rent. He traveled almost all over the world. With the help of his parents and four older sisters' godfather and godmother, Long Xiao lived a good life. It's so chic...