He’s a Dragon

Chapter 86: Steal the dragon and turn the phoenix


Four years ago, Jiang Xueqi finally couldn't bear it anymore and told her parents that she had a child and got married. Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were shocked at the time. They didn't expect that their daughter, who had just grown up, was harmed by others. After Jiang Xueqi said that she liked Long Jinlin very much, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother also planned to accept all this.

But Jiang Xueqi later told Jiang's father and Jiang's mother that the people of the Long family looked down on her, and it was because she gave birth to the son of Long Xiao that Long Jinlin was willing to marry her, so she did not want her parents to see the Long family. She was afraid that her parents would not be able to raise their heads in front of the Long family, and they also said that the people of the Long family looked down on her.

There are truths and falsehoods like this, which makes the Jiang family feel very distressed, and there is no way to lose their temper with their daughter. They wanted to meet Long Jinlin, but the daughter would not let them, and said Long Jinlin Busy, and the Long Group does look very big, so her daughter can be considered to be married into a wealthy family.

In this way, under Jiang Xueqi's comfort, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother did not say anything, just hoped that her daughter would have a good life. In recent years, she has always been concerned about how her daughter and her son-in-law are, and how is the child. I often hear her daughter call back and complain. The son-in-law likes his grandson and spoils his grandson.

But this man, when his wife gave birth to a child, he will inevitably spoil the child for a while, after all, the child is their own flesh and blood.

Jiang's mother and Jiang's mother comforted Jiang Xueqi so much, but Jiang Xueqi didn't listen at all. A few days ago, Jiang Xueqi called back and said that Long Xiao had accidentally become allergic. They were also a little worried and asked carefully, knowing that Long Xiao was sure that he was all right. , this is relieved.

But they also didn't expect that their daughter's marriage was calculated and based on children. As a result, after marrying each other, she became even more greedy. She didn't take good care of her son, but she wanted to please men, and she did it like that. matter.

This can be regarded as a direct disaster for his son Jiang Xuerui, so that the husband and wife naturally have a bad view of their daughter.

Four years ago, they knew that their daughter didn't even have a wedding. They were distressed. They gave Jiang Xueqi a dowry of 200,000 yuan and let Jiang Xueqi hold the flowers. The rest will be bought for Jiang Xuerui in the future.

As for the dowry... I'm sorry, the daughter posted it backwards, and the Long family didn't give the dowry.

Now the Jiang family knows that their daughter can get 100,000 yuan from Mr. Long every month, but they never thought of buying something for their parents, let alone her son Long Xiao, and finally even With such a thing happening, the Jiang family completely lost their nostalgia for their daughter.

In the end, Jiang Xueqi came to Jiang Sihan crying.

Jiang Sihan is a head nurse after all. He has his own office. When he saw Jiang Xueqi crying and came to him, he was also shocked, and hurriedly brought people to the office to comfort him.

"What's wrong with you? A fight with someone?"

This miserable appearance made Jiang Sihan really startled, and hurriedly took something to rub Jiang Xueqi's medicine.

Jiang Xueqi, who was sitting there, continued to cry and said while crying.

"Aunt, my parents don't want me anymore... they don't want me anymore..."

Thinking of how she was driven away by her parents, without even seeing her younger brother, Jiang Xueqi was really sad.

"Ah? What's the matter? What's going on?"

She brought the medicine and began to help Jiang Xueqi apply it. Jiang Sihan couldn't care less. In the past five years, Jiang Sihan's aunt has cared more about Jiang Xueqi than Jiang Xueqi's mother. There is no way, who makes Jiang Xueqi stupid, not only every month One hundred thousand yuan was invested in Jiang Sihan's husband, and the dowry given by the Jiang family was also given to Jiang Sihan's aunt.

It can be said that it is like this, and there is no one else. Jiang Sihan looks at Jiang Xueqi like looking at a cash cow, can you treat her badly? Now I care about it every day, which is better than my own son.

However, the most uncomfortable thing about Jiang Sihan in the past five years is that Jiang Xueqi, Mrs. Long, is useless, and there is no way to put her son in the Long Group, but this is fine. Not bad...

The most beautiful life in the past few years is Jiang Sihan.

"Aunt, it's all because of my brother. My brother is allergic, and my parents don't want me anymore. I didn't do it on purpose. I really didn't expect Long Jinlin to treat my brother like this for Long Xiao... How could he do this... "

Jiang Xueqi started to cry again as she spoke. She was in a state of embarrassment. Jiang Sihan lifted Jiang Xueqi's chin and continued to apply the medicine.

"Okay, don't cry, the medicine on your face is gone, your parents are just angry, they won't want you, besides, there is auntie for everything, auntie will help you with your dad Mom said good things, you are so good, how can your parents not want it?"

Coaxing the crying Jiang Xueqi, Jiang Sihan's skills in coaxing people over the past few years has not been said.

"But... but my brother's allergies are so serious, my mother said that my brother almost died... "

Jiang Xueqi had a good relationship with her younger brother since she was a child, so when she thought of this possibility, her tears kept falling. Even after five years, she is only twenty-four years old this year. She is just a college student who has just graduated and has no society. With no experience, he was imprisoned in the villa like a canary. Except for the 100,000 yuan from the dragon family every month, he usually didn't worry about anything.

"Hey, I already know about this, I've seen it, it's a little thrilling, you know that your brother is allergic to mangoes, and he has never dared to smell mangoes, but according to your parents, the people of the Long family Forcing him to eat several mangoes, who knows what will happen if he doesn't eat it. When he was finally sent to the hospital, he went directly to the emergency room. It took a lot of rescue to be rescued. Your parents are angry now. Don't go over there to cause trouble, wait for your brother to feel better, and then go over and beg for forgiveness, after all, this matter is still your fault... "

Jiang Sihan was also shocked when he found out about this. He didn't expect the Long family to attach so much importance to Long Xiao, just because Long Xiao was allergic to Jiang Xueqi, and the people around Jiang Xueqi paid the price. She could almost imagine Long Jin. Lin's method, if Jiang Xueqi makes any more troubles, I am afraid that they will start with their Jiang family, and their close relationship with Jiang Xueqi will definitely affect him. Thinking of this, Jiang Sihan feels that he has to persuade Jiang Xueqi well.

"It's my fault... I shouldn't have gone to see Long Xiao, and I shouldn't have thought that I was his mother, so I should have been close to him. This child has never been close to me since he was born, and he has never been close to me. I knew he was allergic, but I really forgot, I didn't mean to..."

Once again, she explained that she didn't do it on purpose, Jiang Xueqi was really about to collapse, and she couldn't accept the consequences of this incident.

"Okay, okay, I know you didn't mean it, but it has happened, Xueqi, you should recognize the mistake. Whether it's Mr. Long or Long Jinlin, they all attach so much importance to Long Xiao, which is very important for you. Say, it's actually a good thing, you are Long Xiao's mother! What kind of grudge can there be between this mother and son? He is still young, and he has not been in contact with you for a long time, and he has not lived with you. Naturally, he is not with you. Dear, how can you say that about your son? Besides, children's allergies can affect the body, and Long Jinlin is angry. That's why you made a mistake first. Have you apologized? Have you seen Long Xiao?"

The card of Long Xiao must not be abolished, nor can Jiang Xueqi know that Long Xiao is not her own. Jiang Sihan appeases Jiang Xueqi like this, and does not understand how her niece is so stupid.

At the beginning, he was smart enough to know that Long Jinlin was put to sleep. After he was pregnant with the child, he also knew to investigate the identity of Long Jinlin, and then he would go to someone else to take care of him when his belly became big. But now that the child is born, the child is ready. Being favored by the Long family, what else is she struggling with

Do you understand that mother and child are expensive? As long as Long Xiao's status in the Long family becomes more and more important day by day, will it be good for her to be a mother

If a smarter woman would have taught her child to recognize only her own mother, wouldn't it be easy to live in the Long family's villa and develop a relationship with Long Jinlin

In fact, Jiang Xueqi also knew that when she heard her aunt's words, she felt a little aggrieved.

"I didn't see Long Xiao, Long Jinlin didn't let me go, and even threatened me, saying that he would not let me see Long Xiao in the future, aunt, why is this? Long Xiao is my son, Long Jinlin is able to treat Long Xiao. Xiao is so good, doesn't he have feelings for me? But why is he always good to Long Xiao, never seeing me, and Long Xiao, who has never been close to my mother since childhood, I'm really sad, I I've tried very hard to please them..."

She was about to cry again as she talked, but Jiang Sihan said in her heart, you are not trying to please Long Xiao, you are trying to please Long Jinlin, you have a fart!

"Okay, don't cry anymore, you won't be pretty if you cry again. Listen to my aunt. After I go back this time, I'll call and admit my mistake. Anyone from the Long family will do. I really didn't forget about Long Xiao on purpose. Then I gave Long Xiao a gift every month, and cared about him a lot. After a long time, people’s hearts are full of flesh. That child remembers you as a mother and will definitely forgive you. Still stop?"

Jiang Sihan came up with an idea, and Jiang Xueqi's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking that her aunt was indeed the smartest.

"Aunt, you are right, as long as Long Xiao wants to see me, then Long Jinlin will definitely not stop me, I want to have a good relationship with him, and my parents, I will also please my parents well, no I will make my parents not want me…”

She finally burst into tears and laughed. Jiang Sihan really felt that Jiang Xueqi was stupid. For a period of time after that, she stared at Jiang Xueqi to buy gifts for Long Xiao to please Long Xiao almost every month.

In fact, Long Xiao didn't even take a look at the various toys that were sent to the villa in the middle of the mountain, and they were not suitable for him to play at all.

Jiang Xueqi thought that she could please Long Xiao in a short time, but she never thought that seeing Long Xiao again was already at Long Xiao's 18th birthday...