He’s Pregnant with the Major General’s Fish Cub

Chapter 10


Every time Ino reads this book, he can't help but want to scold "cross the stack", because the other party can always toss up new tricks on something.

Of course, this refers to the over-stack in the book.

In the past, Ino didn't take the book seriously, and he was just sulking after reading it, and he wouldn't really care about the paper people. But now, the mecha problem, the gamma ray burst... all prove that the things in the book are indeed happening.

After deciding that the world is a book, Ino couldn't bear the "crossing the stack" in the book.

Although he had betrayed the country one by one after "Yue Zhan", in fact, it was more about "Yue Zhan" pulling "him" down from the throne.

Because this is the plot at the beginning of the book, and then interspersed with memories of past seduction and boat scenes, and how "Yue Zhan" was forced to... imprison "him".

At the beginning of the book, it was not written how "Jiao Zhan" did this, but according to Ino's idea, if there is no collusion with external forces such as the Federation and Star Thieves to subvert the empire, then the other party's behavior should be called launching Military-change, causing civil unrest in the empire.

In short, if it didn't reach the point of treason, it could only be regarded as a downtrodden emperor.

But he never expected that after the latest chapter was updated, the author actually wrote "Yue Zhan" by cooperating with external forces to fight back to the Imperial Capital Star and drag "him" off the throne. Isn't this a proper treason

It seems that he really scolded it right before!

Not only that, but in the latest chapter, "Yue Zhan" also grabbed "him" by the tail, and when he wanted to escape, he pulled "him" back under him and bullied him desperately. Regardless of "he", he was about to cry, so he bit "his" ear and threatened: "Your Majesty, give me a litter of cubs..."

Bah, he's thinking about ass!

Still a nest, why didn't he go to heaven

The most important thing is that he is a man, how could he be born? Is Yue Zhan in the book mentally retarded

Ino became more and more angry, and couldn't help but cursed in his heart. After scolding, he felt a shadow under his head, and he couldn't help but raise his head in doubt.

Then, he saw Yue Zhan standing a step away from him, looking at him with a complicated expression.

Yaoshou, won't you be discovered

Ino closed the book with a snap, quickly stuffed it into the space bracelet, then pretended nothing had happened, got up and said, "Why is Commander Yue here?"

Over-the-stack: "… "

He thought that the little prince would look forward to seeing him, but he didn't expect that the other party would scold him in his heart. Also, calling Commander Yue something, always feels a bit raw.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that he and the little prince have not really known each other for a long time, so it is normal to call them that.

Yue Zhan frowned calmly, ignoring the little prince's heart-wrenching casual question as much as possible, and said in a normal tone: "I just saw His Highness sitting in the corner alone, so I came here to have a look."

"Oh." Ino nodded, looking hesitant.

He really wanted to ask if the other party could see what he was looking at, but if he really asked, wouldn't there be no silver taels here

Fortunately, he didn't finish the tangle, and Yuezhan asked first.

"What were you looking at just now, Your Highness?"

Inorton breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to himself, if he would ask such a question, he must not have seen it clearly.

So he edited it without hesitation: "Mecha Maintenance Manual."

His tone was very sincere, his expression was very sincere, and he couldn't tell that he was lying.

Yue Zhan couldn't help but think, why did the little prince suddenly read books related to mecha maintenance? Could it be related to Hu Yichen

Thinking of this, his mood became more complicated.

In the heart of the little prince, he is now a traitor, jealous, and forever... Cough motive, Hu Yichen is a pitiful little white flower.

Oh, it's still a little white flower that he hasn't robbed of the little prince before, but after he cleaned it up, he made the little prince feel more pity.

Although he knew that these were all imaginings of the little prince, he couldn't help but be curious and angry, what did he do? Why did the image in the little prince's heart suddenly plummet

Obviously, the little prince didn't fantasize about being with him before... cough.

In short, he now feels that the little prince is not addicted to the world of books, but... Maybe he has a delusional disorder, and it is getting more and more serious.

After all, where did he look like he would be treasonous

Because of the complete defeat of the Federal Army, that night, the base celebrated a little.

Yue Zhan only showed his face for a while and then left.

Ino was afraid of the plot in the book, so he avoided him and did not participate in the celebration.

Yue Zhan was not unaware, and when he returned to the resting place, he sat quietly in the room for a while.

He guessed that the little prince suddenly treated him coldly, probably because of those fantasies.

He couldn't help but be a little worried, thought about it, and called Yue Ge, who was far away in the imperial capital.

Yue Ge is the eldest member of the Yue family and the eldest brother of Yue Zhan. He is also a psychologist and psychiatrist who provides treatment for soldiers with psychological problems or mental damage in the military.

Yue Ge was very surprised when he received a call from his younger brother. First, he congratulated him for his victory, and then tentatively asked, "Are you having a headache again?"

After asking, he complained: "Have you been driving a mecha again? I told you a long time ago that your mental state is very dangerous, and it is absolutely not appropriate to continue to drive a mecha. Also, you must receive treatment as soon as possible, unless you want to Let your spiritual power completely collapse and become a lunatic..."

The sea of spiritual power is the source of spiritual power. Once it collapses, people will basically become like lunatics.

Yue Zhan rubbed his forehead subconsciously, but his brother didn't mention it, but he almost forgot that the number of headaches he had recently seemed to be less frequent than before.

Especially after driving the mecha last time, it should have been so painful that he couldn't sleep, but in fact, after he sent the little prince to rest, he also squinted in the underground base for a while.

Thinking of the little prince, he immediately put the matter aside again, interrupted Yue Ge's talk, and said, "It's not a headache, I'm looking for you this time to ask for some psychological questions."

"Psychological problems?" Yue Ge was very surprised, sitting in a hurry, and tentatively asked: "Do you have psychological problems? Is it post-war psychological syndrome?"

"It's not me." Yue Zhan frowned, carefully organized the language, and then said: "It's a person I met recently, who always fantasizes about me like him, and also fantasizes about me and him... In short, let's take it as love. "

"His fantasies have become more and more serious recently. He begins to think that another person likes him, fantasizes that I will eat that person's vinegar, and even begins to think that I am a bad person, thinking that I will betray the country, which has affected the reality a bit..."

"Is it the little prince?" Yue Ge asked directly.

Yue Zhan: "..." How did you guess

Seeing as if he could see what he was thinking, Yue Ge pointed it out and said, "On your base, you can't even land a bird in a year. Who have you met recently? It must be a member of the royal delegation, and among those people. , the one most likely to catch your attention is the little prince."

Yuezhan: "Oh."

"And isn't the latest news reported? You said that you were taking the little prince of the delegation and letting the mecha soldiers play an exhibition match to show him..."

Yuezhan: "Which media reported it indiscriminately?"

"That's not the point," Yue Ge emphasized, saying, "The point is, when you said that just now, your expression was... tsk, very different."

"What's the difference?" Yue Zhan asked expressionlessly.

Yue Ge turned the pen between his fingers and thought, "Just... as if he was trapped by love."

After he finished speaking, he sighed with relief: "Our family finally knows about gong cabbage!"

Yue Zhan: "… "Quack doctor!

"I think you should retake the qualification examination." After speaking, he was about to hang up.

"Wait!" Yue Ge hurriedly stopped him and said, "Don't be so embarrassed, tell me first, I guess that person is the little prince, right?"

Over-the-stack: "… "

He was silent for a while before spit out two words: "That's right."

"So there's no problem with my ability level." Yue Ge spread his hands, "Let's analyze it again, why are you so worried when you say he has a delusional disorder? Normally when someone imagines that you like him, this is your reaction? No, with Your character, you should hate each other very much."

"Besides, were you worried when you first learned about it? Or did you feel worried when you learned that he also fantasized about others, treated you as a bad person, and even alienated you in reality?"

This is a real hit.

Yue Zhan thought subconsciously, but after two seconds—

Wait, he seems to be surrounded by Yue Ge.

I didn't worry before because I didn't suspect that the little prince might be insane, but now I doubt it. Isn't it normal to worry

"You're very good at brainwashing others." Yue Zhan concluded expressionlessly.

Yue Ge knew at a glance that he became sober and stubborn again, and couldn't help sighing: "You can't see yourself clearly."

"Forget it, let's talk about the patient you mentioned." Yue Ge said before the end of the topic, "As far as I know, the little prince did have mental problems. He was kidnapped when he was a child. My mental state for a while... I heard it's a bit like persecution paranoia, but it's already healed."

"According to your description, won't it relapse again?"

Yue Zhan's mood is a bit complicated after listening to it.

Kidnapping, was it the one he rescued

He remembered that he had just graduated from the military academy at that time, and he still had the impulse and arrogance of a young man when he did things. When dealing with the kidnapping case, in order to rescue the hostages as soon as possible, he took a bit aggressive measures, and he did not worry about more comprehensively, so that when the little prince was rescued, he was already dying.

He still remembered how he felt when he put the little prince into the ambulance at that time, like holding an injured kitten, weak and pitiful.

It turned out that after that time, the little prince had a mental problem

Yue Zhan thought about it, and suddenly felt that his head started to hurt, and the sea of mental power, which had been damaged for a long time, was like being slashed by a blade, tearing him apart.

It might be the sequelae of driving the mecha, he subconsciously covered his head and thought, his face paled a bit.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Go and lie down in the treatment cabin." Seeing this, Yue Ge urged anxiously.

Yue Zhan is not unbearable, this pain is nothing to him, he just wants to cover his head and slow down temporarily.

Ten minutes later, the pain really began to ease, but he suddenly heard the voice of the little prince again—

[The matter on the front line has been resolved, as long as you stay away from Yuezhan, you should not be stuffed with his sauce...]

[But he has long coveted me and likes me morbidly. What if I stay away from me?]

[No, no, I still have to think of a way.]

[Wait, what am I afraid of? I am the protagonist, the protagonist who has awakened self-awareness and is uncontrollable. In the novel, this is called the center of the world, the son of the plane, the one who gathers the atmosphere, and Yue Zhan is just an unawakened native...]

Yuezhan silently walked ten meters away from the wall, and suddenly felt no headache or sweating.

What is persecution paranoia, he thinks it is almost the same as being loved paranoia. in addition…

"The little prince's situation is serious again." He said expressionlessly.

"What?" I was worried that his Yue Ge was a little confused.

"He now feels that he is the center of the world, the son of the plane." Yue Zhan continued.

Yue Song: "… "

"I know what the symptoms are."

Yue Zhan: "What?"

Yue Ge: "Older middle school sickness!"