He’s Pregnant with the Major General’s Fish Cub

Chapter 2


Because the emperor was pressing hard, Ino set off that night.

After boarding the ship, although he was mentally prepared, when he saw the members of the delegation standing in two rows, he couldn't hold back, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

The personnel and equipment are so complete that it is not a temporary set up at first glance. Sure enough, in his father's heart, this matter is already a foregone conclusion, it doesn't really matter whether he agrees or not, right

Ignoring the head of the delegation who wanted to greet each other, Ino only reminded "don't bring live broadcast equipment", so he brought his own people to choose a few rooms with dormant cabins, ready to rest.

From the central area to the main star of the eighth galaxy, it takes two full days to sail, which is still the case of continuous wormhole transitions. From the main star to the front line, it takes another half day to sail.

Such a long trip, in addition to surfing the Internet and sleeping, there is no other entertainment.

Lying in the dormant cabin, Ino closed his eyes and thought. No wonder the royal father rushed to send a royal delegation to the front line to offer condolences as soon as he heard the news of the victory.

After all, the military situation is like fire, and there is no time to delay. One step later, maybe... This battle is over. How can there be an opportunity for the royal family to show off and promote its image

Especially in the front line commander is Yuezhan, who is famous for fighting fast - winning fast.

Ino didn't know what other people thought, but he felt that his father must think so.

It's not that this kind of thing has never happened before. Half a year ago, Yue Zhan led his army to fight against the star thieves on the Cissier star. In less than two days, he returned to the star base. It was only when the royal delegation ran to the Cecil Star that the person they wanted to condolences had already boarded the ship and left with the goodbye of the local residents.

That was really waving his sleeves, without taking away a cloud, he walked very casually.

As for the royal delegation, they made a vain trip and did a live broadcast when they went there. Not only did they show off the car, but they also got pigeons in front of the whole empire. That scene was embarrassing.

But the emperor can't say anything yet, because he still has to win over the newly-rising Yuejia, and use this force to suppress the planet lords who have already supported their own troops.

As a member of the royal family, he probably shouldn't spit on his own family so badly, but Ino felt that his father had done more than one or two stupid things. In terms of losing face, this matter really couldn't be ranked.

He only hoped that the delegation this time would be more reliable. Don't make a live broadcast event for him. He didn't want to be embarrassed and thrown in front of the whole empire. In particular, you can't throw it in front of the stack...

If he could, he really didn't want to go with the delegation arranged by the emperor.

With this thought in mind, he gradually fell asleep in the dormant cabin.

Different from ordinary rest cabins, the sleep cabin is specially designed for long-distance interstellar voyages, which can make people quickly enter a sleep state and sleep all the way to the destination, and will not feel tired from long sleep or long dreams.

Many people even feel that just taking a nap for a while, the four or five-day interstellar voyage is over.

But Ino didn't feel like this at this time, he had a dream as soon as he fell asleep.

In the dream, the smoke, the flames of war, and the overwhelming blood color, he was dragged from the high throne in embarrassment, the crown fell to the ground, and the scepter also fell to the bottom of the steps.

The man was pinching his chin, his fingertips were rough, and his skin hurt when rubbed. He was pressed firmly on the table, and the hem of his gorgeous gown was soiled by the opponent's military boots. He could even smell the blood on the man's body.

The other party attached to his ear, his eyes were scarlet, and his voice was cruel, and asked, "Your Majesty, do you regret it?"

Your Majesty, Your Majesty

Ino was about to be woken up, how dare he let someone call him His Majesty? This is too outrageous, his father is still alive!

Is this the plot of the book? Yuezhan treason again? He was expelled from the throne again, and is he going to be locked in a small dark room

Why did you dream again? Is it over yet? Can't let him go

Ino struggled desperately and fluttered to wake up, but he was pressed down, like a fish that fell into the mouth of a seabird, no matter how he fluttered, it was useless.

Just when he was so anxious to turn his legs into fish tails and slapped the stack hard, there was a loud noise in the distance, and then the whole world shook.

Ino finally woke up now.

Opening his eyes, he found that it was not the world in his dream that was shaking, but the warship he was riding on.

problem occurs!

This is subconscious thought.

He hurriedly opened the sleeping cabin and sat up when there was a knock on the door at the same time.

He got up quickly, straightened his clothes, and said, "Come in."

Entering was the captain of his guard, Luya.

This person is a facial paralysis, usually no matter what happens, he always has a blank face. But at this time, Ino actually saw a trace of solemnity in his expression.

"What's going on?" Ino asked, and a bad feeling arose in his heart.

"The main ship was attacked by an unknown fleet, and the frigate is fighting back." Luya replied quickly, with a hint of worry in his eyes, hesitated for a while, and said, "Your Highness, you must be mentally prepared."

Luya remembered that the little prince was kidnapped during interstellar voyage when he was young and had serious psychological trauma. In case this time...

Speaking of which, the officer who rescued the little prince back then was the lesser general who was now commanding operations on the front line.

But Ino obviously didn't remember. He was less than ten years old at the time. After being rescued, he received psychological intervention treatment soon, and completely lost the memory of the kidnapping.

He even misunderstood Luya's meaning, thinking that what the other party said was to prepare for the worst, such as... They might die here.

Ino doesn't want to die, he'd rather be like in the book than to die... Ahhh, no!

What he means is that it may not be desperate now, and he can still save himself.

"Where are we now? Who is commanding the counterattack?" Ino asked calmly as he walked out.

"Near the mz8 nebula, the fleet has been sailing for more than two days, and it was just replenished on the main star of the eighth galaxy six hours ago."

Ino was stunned, more than two days? He just had a dream.

However, according to Iluya, the location where the fleet was ambushed was right between the main star and the front line, and it was in the middle, no matter which side it was asking for help, it was too late.

6 hours, enough for the enemy fleet to blow them up into fireworks in space.

The best way is to ask for help while fighting and running. If you are lucky, as long as you persist for 3 hours, you will be able to join the reinforcements who have received the distress signal.

Therefore, the front line and the main star, they can only choose one for help.

"The one in charge of commanding is the internal affairs officer beside His Majesty, Mr. Hope." Luya followed him and continued to report.

When Yinuo heard it, he froze, and said angrily: "What is he messing with as an internal affairs officer? Did the emperor not send the army to accompany him?"

Luya obviously felt absurd, and said helplessly: "Send, but Mr. Hope is the person next to His Majesty and the actual person in charge of the delegation. He has more power, and the delegation's affairs must be under his command."

Ino: "..."

I understand, just like the eunuchs sent by the ancient emperors to supervise the army, who have never fought a battle, but they represent the emperor's face and have more power than the people in the army.

He now understands why Yue Zhan hates the emperor to send a delegation to the front line.

"In addition, Mr. Hope has decided to return home and ask for help from the main star of the eighth galaxy." Lu Ya reported again, this time in a lower voice.

Back to the main star

They were attacked just 6 hours after leaving the main star, how was the itinerary leaked? Also, where did these sudden unidentified fleets come from

Don't say it's the federal army, the federal army is now blocked by the asteroid belt on the edge of the eighth galaxy.

It is obvious that either the enemy is inside, or it is treasonous as in the book.

Ino feels that the latter is unlikely.

First of all, the things in the book have yet to be verified; secondly, there is no motivation for over-stacking. Even in the book, Yue Zhan was forced by "him" a few years later... Cough.

After thinking for a while, Ino made a decision in his heart, and told Luya directly: "Take our people to tie Hope, and then take over the fleet, and at the same time ask for help on the front line."

"Yes!" Luya replied quickly, obviously wanting to do this for a long time.

It was not difficult to bind Hope. Although the emperor sent troops to escort them, just as Ino expected, the soldiers of the escort were also annoyed by Hope's blind command.

Seeing that Hope was tied up by the little prince's people, not only did the guards have no objection, but the captain Luo Yuanjie turned to the little prince to report the situation with a wink, and suggested: "His Royal Highness, I think we should still ask for help from the frontline garrison, the main star. There may be ghosts inside."

"Yeah." Ino nodded.

It seems that the captain's thoughts are the same as him and Luya, so he assured: "You and Luya are solely responsible for the battle."

Luo Yuanjie's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he immediately gave a military salute and said, "Yes!"

Luo Yuanjie likes this kind of boss, unlike Hope, who doesn't understand and makes trouble.

Hope was tied to the side, and his face was blue with anger when he saw this, but he did not dare to speak of the little prince, and only said angrily to Luo Yuanjie: "Major Luo, you are violating the order and ignoring His Majesty's arrangement! I am this trip. The head of the delegation, the head of the delegation…”

Luo Yuanjie really wanted to give him the butt of a gun directly, no matter if he was a close minister by the emperor's side, he was about to endure it to the limit.

But before he had time to act, Luya smashed the man down with the butt of his gun first, under Ino's eyes.

Ino was very satisfied with the understanding of his guards. He walked slowly to Hope, raised his face with his military boots, and said seriously: "You are only the deputy commander, I am the righteous."

Although it is only the nominal head of the regiment, the actual mascot, but it doesn't matter, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, who can control it

Besides, if Hope was delayed any longer, they would all be finished.

But Hope was a celebrity beside the emperor, and he was respectful to Ino on the surface, but he didn't take this unfavored little prince seriously.

At this time, he was pinned to the ground, and felt even more humiliated in his heart. He didn't even maintain his respect on the surface, and threatened: "Your Highness, you are not afraid that Your Majesty will know..."

Ino didn't give him a chance to continue, and interrupted directly: "Mr. Hope, you knew that someone on the main star leaked our whereabouts, and you still insisted on withdrawing the main star. I suspect that you colluded with the enemy and wanted to assassinate the royal family members."

"I..." Hope was dumbfounded for a moment, he didn't know, how could the little prince contaminate people's innocence out of thin air

But Ino didn't give him a chance to speak again. After killing chickens and monkeys with him, he frightened the other members of the delegation, so he was gagged and taken away.

After dealing with this, he patted his clothes and turned around, asking, "Have you contacted the front line?"

The general control room was quiet, and no one dared to make a sound.

Ino looked up strangely, and saw that the central screen in the control room was displaying the picture connecting to the frontline command. In the screen, several generals and colonels stood in front of the display screen, and they didn't know how long they watched him.

Ino: "..."

It's just... embarrassing, he's actually very well-behaved and kind.

The air was silent for two seconds, and after two seconds, Ino heard one of the major generals say, "Please hold on a little longer, reinforcements will arrive soon."

His voice was calm, somewhat indifferent and alienated, but it sounded very nice, like the collision of gold and stones.

Ino recognized him, it was Yue Zhan.

It's a little different from the voice in the dream, but it's unexpectedly familiar.