He’s Pregnant with the Major General’s Fish Cub

Chapter 27


Zhang Yu circled around the base several times, sounded all the alarms, and didn't get rid of the people who were chasing him.

With things like this, he felt that he would definitely not be able to take his little highness with him. But he has come, he must at least meet once, right

Just when he was worried about how to get rid of the pursuit, he suddenly realized that the other party didn't seem to be chasing anymore

Weird, but not so much anymore.

Based on the experience he had gained from the last time he stayed at the base, he accurately found the room of Yuezhan. Then, with his talent, he turned one hand into a slender tentacle, poked in through the crack of the door, and planned to open the door.

Ino fell asleep in the fish tank, and suddenly found a blue slender object coiled on the door lock, still moving, and suddenly woke up completely.

He hurriedly shrank to the back of the rockery, and there was a fog in his heart.

What the hell is this? Wouldn't it be a snake? Snakes are not so slender, and they also have suction cups, so they can open locks? What is Yuezhan doing? Leave him alone in the room without any precautions

Ino stared at the door lock vigilantly, tense, and the small dark cloud above his head that had been quiet for a long time began to roll over and over again.

Just when that thing opened the door with a "click", Ino was extremely nervous and stared at it aggressively. At the same time, a small lightning bolt pierced out of the small dark cloud and hit the blue bar on the door lock, causing it to scorch black.

"Grass!" A muffled groan came from outside the door.

Ino blinked, feeling that the voice was a little familiar.

Zhang Yu retracted his tentacles tremblingly, and when they turned into arms, he saw that all five fingers were charred black.

He couldn't help heartache, his newly grown hand!

The last time he was bombarded by Yue Zhan, this time he was electrocuted at the door of Yue Zhan. Is he born to fight with Yue Zhan

Zhang Yu shook his hand, and before he had time to think about it, he opened the door and went in.

The room was spacious, clean, and bright. It wasn't what he imagined... after a long battle.

Strange, isn't His Highness here

He couldn't help but wonder, but his eyes were quickly drawn to a touch of blue hidden in the fish tank.

Ino hid behind the rockery and tried his best to curl up. But the rockery is not big after all, and the tip of his tail still shows a little bit.

Zhang Yu instantly guessed that it was him, his heartbeat could not help but beat a few beats, he approached slowly, suppressed his excitement, and whispered, "Your Highness?"

Ino: ? ?

This voice... Isn't that guy Zhang Yu? What is he doing here

Zhang Yu saw that he was vigilant, and couldn't help blowing a rainbow fart in his heart: My little highness is really smart and witty, cautious and careful, not bad.

It's a pity that he didn't have much time to praise the little highness, otherwise he would have praised him for at least ten minutes without repeating his words. But time was running out, so he could only go straight to the point, tell the truth frankly, and dispel the doubts of His Highness as soon as possible.

"His Royal Highness, please allow me to re-introduce myself. I am the Prime Minister of the Sea Kingdom, Zhang Yu, the chapter of the octopus, the territory of the territory. Don't be afraid, in fact, you are the royal family of our Hai Kingdom, the future Sea King His Majesty, I I came to the empire this time to pick you up and take charge of the overall situation of the sea country…”

Ino: "???" The amount of information is too large, and I was a little confused for a while.

"Wait, wait a moment." He finally said, and quietly stuck his head out.

Anyway, the other party has already discovered him, and it is useless to hide.

"Are you the Prime Minister of Haiguo?" Ino asked incredulously.

"Yes." Zhang Yu admitted it simply, and said: "Other identities are for the convenience of activities, looking for your little highness. Your highness, you may not know that we Haiguo survivors have been looking for you for 23 years."

Ino: "..." You are so good, you cheated among the three countries, and you all became the second-in-command.

But what does the future Sea King mean

Seeing that he was puzzled, Zhang Yu quickly explained: "His Royal Highness, your mother is actually not Empress Dolan, but Princess Li Ya of Haiguo, a shameless egg thief-Scott, who got her from Princess Li Ya 23 years ago. He stole you from his hands. I don't know how he did it, in short, you became Queen Teresa's child..."

"You are talking nonsense!" Ino swam out immediately and retorted: "My mother and grandfather love me very much, how could they not be my relatives?"

"But they really aren't, otherwise how could you be a mermaid? Or a royal mermaid?" Zhang Yu ruthlessly broke his fantasy, leaving him speechless for a while.

But Zhang Yu quickly and softly comforted: "Don't worry, Your Highness, although they are not your relatives, but you still have uncle and mother, His Royal Highness the king and the princess are only in eternal sleep, and will wake up again one day. With me... we, every citizen of our Haiguo will love you."

With that, he stretched out his hand and coaxed, "Your Highness, come back to Haiguo with me."

Zhang Yu changed his mind. After the little prince turned into a mermaid, he was really a wife... So cute, he must take the little prince back now and show it off.

This is all his credit, he found the little highness, they will soon have a king in Haiguo!

Ino stared blankly at the... coke hand he stretched out.

Zhang Yu coughed lightly, quickly retracted, and replaced it with a clean one.

Ino: "..."

He swam a little closer, clinging to the edge of the fish tank, but before he could do anything, the door was suddenly kicked open.

The two turned their heads at the same time, and they saw Yue Zhan facing the light and appearing at the door with a gun.

His face was terrifyingly cold, and his tone was also cold, warning: "Stay away from the fish tank."

It's not that Yue Zhan didn't want to shoot, but Zhang Yu was very close to the little prince, and the power of the particle flow was too strong, and he was afraid of affecting the little prince.

Seeing that he had some scruples, Zhang Yu hurriedly took the opportunity to grab Ino's hand on the edge of the fish tank, and wanted to take the little mermaid away.

But Ino was startled when he saw the tentacles, a small dark cloud rolled over his head, and a bolt of lightning struck directly.

This time it wasn't a little lightning, Zhang Yu was scorched from head to toe, and instantly turned into a charcoal-grilled octopus.

Chapter Domain: "… "

Ino: "..."

Over-the-stack: "… "

Yue Zhan's hand with the gun suddenly became unstable, and he couldn't help but feel fortunate that the little prince just gave him an ion iron, not "100,000 volts".

Ino was also stunned, he never knew that his little dark cloud could be... so powerful.

As for Zhang Yu, he was stunned, but he actually gave a dark thumb up and boasted: "As expected of the future king of our sea country, he is so powerful when he just woke up. Electricity... well... good."

Then he fell to the ground and fainted.

Ino: "..."

Over-the-stack: "… "

One person and one fish, looking at each other.

After a while, Eno felt something was wrong.

[This situation... Why is it so similar to the scene of "crossing the stack" catching a traitor and almost castrating Zhang Yu?]

Over-the-stack: "… "

Ino hurriedly shook his head, dispelling unrealistic thoughts in his mind, pointed to Zhang Yu on the ground, and explained, "He broke in suddenly."

"I know." Yue Zhan nodded and said softly, "Your Highness is shocked."

Ino shook his head and said, "Not really, that is... What are you going to do with him?"

Yue Zhan lowered his eyes and stared at Zhang Yu who was already unconscious. The scene of the other party grabbing the hand of the little prince just now flashed in his mind.

Ino: "..." It's scary, but it's not that bad, is it? After all, he is also the future Prime Minister of the Empire.

"Cough, I still have something to ask him about Haiguo, can I..."

Of course, Yue Zhan agreed. If he didn't say anything else, the little prince had the right to deal with it.

He took out a military thorn out of nowhere, picked out the clothes on Zhang Yu's shoulders, and found that the controller on the other party had really been taken out, he couldn't help snorting coldly, changed the gun and gave him another one, then took out the handcuffs, Knock again.

So, when Zhang Yu woke up from the coma, he found himself tied up with five flowers.

Opposite him, one is Yue Zhan, who is sitting lazily with Erlang's legs crossed, looking down at him, and the other is Eno, who is looking at him curiously through the glass fish tank.

Zhang Yu was heartbroken: "His Royal Highness, how can you conspire with him to deal with me? I am the one with you."

Ino's answer was simple: "How do I know if you're a liar?"

Zhang Yu choked, well, he was suspected of kidnapping the little mermaid before, but what he said was absolutely true.

Yue Zhan warned him: "Be honest, wait for your Highness to ask questions, you can answer them seriously, and don't have unrealistic ideas."

Zhang Yu: "..." Oh!

He glanced at Yue Zhan with contempt, and finally understood in his heart. It turns out that the little prince does not know why, the estrus period is not continuous, and there is an intermission, which is probably related to mixed blood.

Hmph, he just said, how is it possible to go over the stack... Oh, that's all.

Yue Zhan: "?" As a prisoner, where is the inexplicable sense of superiority

Ino coughed lightly and began to ask, "What did you mean when you said that my father was an egg thief?"

Zhang Yu glanced at Yue Zhan and asked silently: Is Your Highness sure to let him listen too

Yue Zhan has no plans to leave. He wants to protect the little prince's safety, although... The little prince doesn't seem to need it very much.

Yinuo glanced at Zhang Yu, and was worried that this guy would suddenly change into an octopus. He hesitated for a while, but let Yue Zhan stay. After all, what if his little dark cloud suddenly fails

Seeing that Yue Zhan would not leave, Zhang Yu deliberately described the emperor with sarcastic words, saying, "Of course, this is because Scott is indeed an egg thief. , and dissatisfied, he wanted to go back to marry to inherit the family business and become emperor.

"Of course our princess won't play with him anymore. Who would have thought that he suddenly played affectionately and sullenly. Seeing that the princess didn't look back, he stole the mermaid eggs that the princess gave birth to... Cough, it's you, my little highness, I want to borrow you to make the princess change her mind...

"Wait." Yinuo looked stunned and said, "Then this egg... No, then I am... Her Royal Highness Princess and who was born?"

"It's Scott." Zhang Yu said, "Her Royal Highness Princess doesn't like to keep fish. In fact, we all advised her not to keep only Scott's fish. After all, the merman's estrus period lasts for seven days, and only one spouse is definitely not good, but Princess she doesn't listen, alas."

Yue Zhan & Ino: "… "

"Send, send..." Ino's voice suddenly floated a little.

Zhang Yu said with love: "Your Highness, you are at this stage now."

Ino: Pupil Earthquake.jpg

Over the stack: so it is.jpg

"Yes, seven days..." Ino's voice began to falter.

"Yes." Zhang Yu continued to love and love, and said, "So it's hard for you to change back these days, but it doesn't matter, it will be fine after these seven days."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Yue Zhan, who was pursing his lips tightly, then turned around and encouraged actively: "But, Your Highness, you'd better find more spouses, such as me, as the Prime Minister of Haiguo, handsome and resourceful, just Just right. Her Royal Highness also said back then..."


Yue Zhan suddenly stood up, stepped forward to give him a gun butt, and warned, "Too much nonsense."

Zhang Yu: "..." Grass, don't be too proud!

After reviewing Zhang Yu, Ino's whole fish is not good.

Let's not talk about the issue of estrus or not, the fact that he was born alone was enough for him to digest it for a while.

Seeing that he was a little confused, Yue Zhan couldn't help but enlighten: "If Your Highness really wants to know, you might as well call and ask Duke Derain."

"Grandpa?" Ino was a little dazed.

"Yeah." Yue Zhan nodded and analyzed for him: "The Hai royal family's surname is Li, and His Highness also has 'Li' in his name. This is different from other His Royal Highnesses. I think Queen Delan knows your identity."

Ino hesitated, and finally decided to follow his advice.

In fact, he hadn't spoken to his grandfather on the phone for a long time, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous about asking such an important thing.

The old duke was also a little surprised when he received his call. After listening to his question, he fell silent again.

Ino was even more nervous.

After a while, the old duke sighed and said helplessly, "It seems that Your Highness knows everything."

Ino's eyes turned red instantly, and he choked: "I, I'm really not the child of my mother's queen?"

The old duke nodded, and there was love in his old voice, recalling: "The one thing I regret most is to let Derain marry His Majesty in order to revitalize the family."

"At that time, His Majesty had a sweetheart, and Derain also had a sweetheart. His Majesty originally wanted to marry the Koeman family, but the daughter of the Koeman family learned that His Majesty had a sweetheart and sent someone to assassinate him. His Majesty repented of the marriage, and finally reconciled with him. Therese married."

"I also learned later that they had always agreed to marry. Derain was pregnant before marrying His Majesty, and His Majesty also had an illegitimate child..."

"So, the eldest and the eldest sister are not the daughter of the father?" Ino was shocked.

He has a sister with the same father and mother, the eldest princess of the empire, who treats him very well, but died unexpectedly a few years ago. But now his grandfather told him that the eldest sister and he were actually... half-sisters and brothers

"Yes, His Majesty also knows about this." The old duke was very calm.

Ino: "..." It's so messy.

"Derain and His Majesty have been at peace with each other until one day, when Derain took you back." The old duke continued.

"Derain didn't tell me about His Highness's life experience. She only said that you are His Majesty's child. She planned to tell His Highness this matter when He became an adult, but she didn't expect..."

Eno died unexpectedly before she was an adult.

The old duke sighed, guessing that Ino must be in a bad mood at the moment, so he couldn't help comforting: "Actually, Your Highness doesn't need to be sad. From the moment Derain brought His Highness back, I will treat His Highness as a grandson. If His Highness is willing, The Derain family is still the grandfather's family of His Royal Highness."

Ino pursed her lips, and choked out in despair.

The old duke comforted him for a while, and then cared again: "By the way, did Your Majesty ask the First Prince to send a secret letter to His Highness, asking His Highness to secretly investigate the Mayne family in the third galaxy?"

Eno: "..." Oops, these days have been so absurd, I forgot about it.

He quickly dug out the secret letter, opened it, and found that it was true.

The old duke's tone was obviously dissatisfied this time, and he advised: "Your Highness must not listen to His Majesty. He asked His Highness to go to Chamaine's house. Isn't this a sheep entering the tiger's mouth? It's just a nonsense..."

Ino: "..." Actually, it has been checked.

"Don't you have already checked?" Seeing that he was silent, the old duke couldn't help but be surprised.

"Well." Ino's voice was a little light.

Hearing this, the old duke sighed again. After a while, he gave him his contact information and said, "This is the contact information of the eldest princess. If necessary, His Royal Highness can ask her for help."

"Eldest sister is still alive?" Ino was shocked and surprised again.

The old duke coughed dryly and said in a low voice, "The eldest princess actually ran off to be a star thief back then. His Majesty thought it was shameful, so he withdrew her princess title and said that the princess died unexpectedly."

After all... she wasn't even a daughter-in-law.

Ino: "..."

After hanging up the phone, he was dizzy. There was so much information today that he couldn't digest it all in a while...

Seeing him like this, Yue Zhan's eyes darkened.

Although he didn't deliberately eavesdrop, he still had a mind-reading technique, so he had a good idea of the situation.

As for the little prince's life experience, he can already roughly guess, but...

Will the little prince return to the Sea Kingdom to inherit the Sea King

Of course Yue Zhan didn't want the little prince to go, but who wouldn't want to be a king? What right does he have to stop him

Yue Zhan was suddenly a little confused, and lowered his eyes to think: In fact, if the little prince wants to be king, he may not be able to help the other party become the lord of the empire. After all, the eldest prince and the others are also unreliable. Rather than let the eldest prince bring disaster to the empire, it is better to let the little prince ascend to the throne.

Besides, His Majesty is not so wise today, and can be the emperor for so many years, why can't the little prince? The empire is bigger than the sea country, if that's the case, the little prince... will he stay

Yue Zhan was a little uncertain, and when he looked up, he saw that the little prince was also absent-minded, playing with a little crab.

Ino has been teasing this little crab a lot recently, and Yue Zhan thought he liked it, so he secretly wrote it down.

When he took a nap, Yue Zhan bought seven or eight small crabs and quietly put them in the fish tank, wanting to surprise him.

Yue Zhan thought that since the little prince likes it, he should buy more to make him happy.

In other words, he doubled his goodness to the little prince like this. As long as the little prince liked it, he would do it for the other party. Would the little prince consider... stay for him

So, when taking a nap that day, Ino was woken up by pain.

After waking up, he found that he had seven or eight little crabs on his fish's tail...

Ino: "???" is outrageous, where did this thing come from