He’s Pregnant with the Major General’s Fish Cub

Chapter 37


Not the protagonist

Yue Zhan was a little puzzled, changing the time to conceive a cub actually hit the little prince's second soul? How is this connected

Just when he was thinking about how to comfort him, the little prince suddenly shouted behind him, "Quack doctor, don't run!"

When Yue Zhan turned around, he saw Zhong Xiwu, carrying a document bag, passing by the back corridor.

After returning to the Imperial Capital Star, Zhong Xiwu has resumed his position in the Academy of Sciences. At this time, he came to the military hospital, and it is estimated that he has official business.

Zhong Xiwu also saw them, his eyes lit up, he hurried over and said, "His Royal Highness, I was looking for you."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Ino folded his arms, thinking—

[Look at how you quack doctor explains it.]

Yue Zhan: "?" Quackery

[If you didn't say I was pregnant, would I find Yuezhan to have a baby? If I don't look for Yue Zhan, I will...]

Over the stack: Oh.

It turned out to be Zhong assists.

Zhong Xiwu didn't know that he had assisted at all, and he still swore to explain to Ino: "His Royal Highness, I thought about it carefully, you should have false pregnancy symptoms when you were in the deserted star. Do you understand false pregnancy? A person always thinks that he is pregnant, thinking about it day and night, so he has some symptoms of pregnancy, but in fact he is not pregnant... "

Ino made an indifferent "Oh" and said to Yue Zhan, "Can you beat him up for me?"

[I'm afraid I can't beat it.]

Needless to say, Yue Zhan also wanted to fight. The little prince is clearly pregnant, but this guy is still fooling around, isn't he asking for a beating

Yue Zhan nodded, grabbed Zhong Xiwu's collar, and dragged him away.

Zhong Xiwu: "Hey, Major General, what do you mean? Although I said that I wanted to pursue the little Highness, but I haven't pursued it yet? Besides, what if I pursued it? Marry…”

Oh, still thinking about this

Yue Zhan thought blankly: The little prince is pregnant, don't let him see such a violent scene, you have to drag it away.

However, for the sake of this guy's assists, he'll play lightly.

"Take it easy, I still have something to ask him." Ino shouted from behind.

Over-the-stack: "… "

He changed his mind and was going to hit hard.

Twenty minutes later, in a private room of a cafe near the military headquarters, Zhong Xiwu held a small mirror in one hand and a cotton swab in the other, and was applying medicine to his cheeks and the corners of his mouth.

Opposite him, Ino and Yue Zhan sat side by side.

He glanced lightly, and said dissatisfiedly: "Just hit, what's the purpose of hitting the face?"

Yue Zhan ignored him, ordered a glass of milk for Ino, and said softly, "Your Highness is not suitable for coffee during this time, drink milk first."

Of course, Yinuo knew that it was the reason for the pregnancy, so his face couldn't help but blushed slightly, and he coughed lightly.

Seeing that the little prince's fair face was suddenly dyed with a thin red, and his peach-like eyes were also moist, Zhong Xiwu's Yangou soul couldn't help but rippling again.

Yue Zhan squeezed his fist with a "click" sound, thinking to himself: This guy doesn't have a long memory

Zhong Xiwu still had a long memory, so he immediately became serious, coughed twice, and said seriously, "What do you want to ask, Your Highness?"

Ino thought to himself—

[Although this guy looks like a quack doctor no matter what, but the book says that he is an expert in the study of mermaids, so let's just believe it.]

After all, it was written by later generations. Although the relationships and feelings of the characters are ooc, the identities and abilities of the characters seem to be mostly true.

Yue Zhan: Books

He looked at the little prince suspiciously.

Ino didn't notice it and began to ask Zhong Xiwu: "I heard that you are studying the mermaid problem?"

"Your Highness also knows?" Zhong Xiwu's eyes lit up, and when he mentioned the field he loved, he immediately started talking.

"...Although both the historical and biological circles believe that the mermaid has perished, I don't think so. The disappearance of the sea kingdom is too bizarre. There must be some unknown reason for this. And the mermaid is so powerful, especially the last sea king Li Xuan. , it is almost a god-like existence, how can it suddenly disappear..."

This is the second time that Ino has heard the name "Li Xuan", and I heard that it is his uncle.

Of course he was curious about that mysterious and unknown sea country, but he didn't want to discuss this issue by calling Zhong Xiwulai.

"Stop." He interrupted the other party, with a small face, and said as seriously as possible: "I asked Dr. Zhong to come here, not to discuss the history of mermaids or the history of the sea, but to... Excuse me, Dr. Zhong has really studied mermaids. pregnancy and postpartum care?”

Zhong Xiwu: "?"

Over the stack: "?"

From the time they started talking about the history of Haiguo, Yuezhan couldn't help holding the little prince's hand, afraid that the other party was yearning for Haiguo and would return to Haiguo. But when he heard this question, he couldn't help being stunned.

Zhong Xiwu is studying the pregnancy and postpartum care of mermaids? Bullshit, has this guy ever seen a mermaid

If the little prince really wants to find a professional in this field, he might as well find him. Yue Zhan felt that he knew the mermaid's pregnancy better than Zhong Xiwu, for example, he liked to drink fish soup and needed to have a miscarriage... Cough.

Zhong Xiwu was also stunned, and even hissed because the expression on his face was too large and the wound was involved.

"Why does Your Highness think so?" He couldn't help laughing and crying, and said, "I would like to study it, but let alone a pregnant mermaid, I have never even seen a mermaid egg."

"Oh." Ino thought indifferently—

[It seems that I have been deceived again. This guy doesn’t understand mermaids at all, and he probably doesn’t know how to have a baby and raise a little mermaid.]

So it is definitely fake that the tire needs to be fucked! fake! pissed him off!

Ino couldn't help but turn his anger from "Zhong Xiwu" in the book to the real Zhong Xiwu, and wanted Yue Zhan to help him and beat him again.

Yue Zhan only heard the phrase "to have a baby and raise a little mermaid", but he didn't know what he was angry about.

However, the doctor instructed that the pregnant woman should not be angry all the time.

Thinking of this, Yue Zhan quickly waved Zhong Xiwu to leave, and then wrapped the little prince in his arms to coax: "Don't be angry, it's not good for the baby."

Oh yes, baby.

Ino quickly touched his belly, thinking carefully—

[I'm not angry, I'm not angry, I'm not angry at all.]

Yue Zhan is a little funny, but he is worried that the little prince is an anxiety disorder during pregnancy, and he is worried about having a miscarriage and raising a baby.

He couldn't help caressing the other's hair and comforting: "Don't worry, I will accompany you to raise the baby. Although we are inexperienced, we can explore and learn. Queen Derain doesn't know how to raise little mermaids, but not yet. Have you raised your little fish?"

Ino glanced at him and said faintly, "You don't understand at all."

Over the stack: "?"

Ino: "Forget it, there is a generation gap."

Yue Zhan: "??"

The three-year generation gap, the nine-year three-generation gap, plus interracial, seems… quite deep.

Ino: "If only Zhang Yu didn't run away, you can ask him."

Over-the-stack: "… "

"By the way, do you know about Zhang Yu's escape? He won't reveal my identity, will he?" Ino suddenly asked worriedly.

Yue Zhan rubbed his head and said, "Don't worry, I didn't run."

Ino: "Hey, but I heard from the eldest brother..."

"After solving the issue of the third galaxy, I went back to Canglan Xing, and I just ran into him and wanted to escape, so I took it back." Yue Zhan said.

Ino: "..." I suddenly felt that this octopus was a little miserable, but it was good that it didn't run away.

In the Blue Star Base, Zhang Yu was locked in an empty single room with metal walls on all sides, up and down, and monitored at all times.

This time, not even the toilet.

He thought desperately: If I can go out, I must be at odds with Yue Zhan, there is no me!

But fortunately, the little octopus ran out, he will definitely inform the national teacher...

Who knows, after a while, the small octopus was also thrown in.

Chapter Domain: "… "

The little octopus waved his tentacles weakly and said, "Sir, I have contacted the national teacher."

Zhang Yu's eyes lit up and asked, "So? Does the old turtle know the identity of the little prince?"

The little octopus tentacles, suddenly guilty...

He got in touch, but his nose and tears burst into tears, and he only had time to say how much he and his master were caught by Yue Zhan, how much suffering and grievance he suffered, and so on, ask the national teacher to help save the master, and then...

He was caught again.

Zhang Yu: "..." I might as well bring you a waste!

"However, the national teacher said that he is going to have a big fight in the Imperial Capital Star, and he will rescue the adults by the way." The little octopus hurriedly remedied.

Zhang Yu: "..." You can pull it down, I'm afraid I'll mess it up then and I'll have to wipe my ass.

However, the old turtle wants to have a big game in the Imperial City? What does he want to do? Stealing eggs is obviously a low-key thing, and it is impossible to attract a lot of people.

"Is there any major event going to happen in Imperial Star recently?" Zhang Yu asked suddenly.

The little octopus was caught not long after going out, how do you know

However, after thinking about it carefully, he really thought of one thing, and said quickly: "I heard that the little prince has returned from the barren star, and he solved an evil case of 'turning a human into an adult fish'. Now his popularity is very high, it is said I'm about to get engaged to Yue Zhan."

Zhang Yu couldn't help sneering when he heard it: "Hmph, that kid who is cheap Yuezhan."

He couldn't help but think viciously, it would be great if the little highness could have more estrus periods and let that guy die.


got engaged

Oops, isn't the old turtle trying to mess with the little prince's engagement

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu suddenly became restless.

No, he still has to think of a way to get out quickly.

Knowing that Zhang Yu didn't succeed, Yinuo wondered if he should ask the other party about the settings in the book about the mermaid's pregnancy, which are true and which are false.

However, considering that Zhang Yu was being monitored all the time and talking under the monitoring, he really couldn't say these settings, so let's just think about it.

When you have time, go back to Canglan Xing and ask again.

He thought to himself, but at the same time he couldn't help complaining that Yue Zhan and the emperor had arranged their engagement schedule too tightly, otherwise he could go to Canglan Star now.

However, when they learned that he was getting engaged, many people called to congratulate him, including Hu Yichen and Xie Qingran.

Hu Yichen was wronged and asked if he was persecuted. After learning that it was not, he was inexplicably lost, and stumblingly said a few blessings.

As for Xie Qingran…

After Yinuo returned to the Imperial Capital Star, he took advantage of the case of the Zong family to clear the grievances for Xie Qingran.

In addition, Xie Qingran was squeezed out of the place by the clan family at that time, Ino simply mentioned to the emperor and asked Xie Qingran to return to the imperial capital star judicial system.

Because Yinuo had just made a contribution to the deserted star, and recently was engaged to the Yue family to help the royal family get closer to the Yue family, the emperor didn't mind promising him a little thing.

Anyway, without the Zong family, Xie Qingran should have been in that position. Even after so many years, with this person's ability, the position should be higher.

Taking this into account, without waiting for Inoti, the emperor personally ordered to mention Xie Qingran's position.

First, he felt that he could use this incident to win the heart of the cheap son; secondly, the matter of Xie Qingran, the public knew that promoting a person who was framed and suppressed by the clan would also gain support for him to a certain extent.

But for Xie Qingran, this is no small matter.

When calling Yinuo, he first congratulated the other party on his engagement, and then said: "I read the report about the wild star, His Highness is very powerful, thanks to you, I can rescue those people."

Ino was a little embarrassed, shook his head and said, "It's not all about me, it's mainly due to Yue Zhan and Zhong Xiwu. By the way, there is also Hossett, he is a former general of the Federation. He has recently returned to China, and he has caused a stir in the Federation. Little movement, you know?"

Xie Qingran nodded and said, "The case is about to be tried in the Interstellar Court. I heard that he will also appear to testify. However, does Your Highness think this case is over now?"

"Of course not." Ino's expression was immediately serious, and he said: "This case is very deep, and there are still many forces behind it that have not been dug up. What we have destroyed is just the tip of the iceberg, a research institution that has surfaced. But like There is no place for such an institution.”

Xie Qingran was silent for a while, and then suddenly asked again: "Then if it is finally found out that there is a lot of power behind it, and even the high-level officials and nobles of the empire are involved, will His Highness kill them all?"

"Of course." Ino affirmed.

Such a dangerous organization, why not destroy it and keep it? Waiting for one day to arrest him for research? But Xie Qingran asked...

"Do you know something?" Ino asked.

Xie Qingran shook his head and pointedly said: "No, I'm just curious about His Highness's attitude towards nobles and lords."

"It also depends on the situation." Ino said, "It's fine for those who abide by the law and know how to retreat bravely, but some are discontented worms that harm the country and the people and should be destroyed. As for the lords, they will definitely not be able to move for the time being. Can't let them go all the time, alas, this is not easy to handle..."

Speaking of this, his expression showed a little distress.

The corners of Xie Qingran's lips twitched, and he said with a light smile, "I see, thank you, Your Highness."

Ino: "?"

Why should I thank him again

After Xie Qingran hung up the phone, he looked thoughtful.

He is not a person without ambition. Several years of prison life have indeed made him numb and desperate, but before the ideal in his heart was completely extinguished, he met the little prince.

He also observed the eldest prince and Princess Lily, but came to the conclusion that if these two goods were to inherit the throne, the empire would be a pill.

The phone call just now was just his last test. After confirming that the little prince's philosophy was similar to his own, Xie Qingran breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, he has found a master who is worthy of assistance and can make him realize his ideals.

Ino didn't know what Xie Qingran was thinking. He was sitting in the garden at the moment, drinking afternoon tea leisurely, and looking at the gift list sent by the internal affairs officer Lucien.

After reading it, he sighed: "The Yue family is really rich."

Yue Zhan directly gave him two sightseeing stars, one mining star, two Yuejia manor houses in the Imperial Capital Star, and the equity of two military factories. As for jewelry, treasures, etc., there are too many to count, in short, he is dazzled.

"Your Majesty's gift list is not light." Lucien hurriedly spoke for the emperor.

Yinuo didn't seem to hear it, and thought to himself: Just how precious is the father's stinginess? Maybe it's not as good as what my grandfather gave.

Picking up Yuejia's gift list, he read it twice and couldn't help but say, "Yuezhan is a poor warfighter, where did he get so many assets? Does his salary have such a high salary?"

[Don't be greedy, right?]

As soon as Yue Zhan walked into the garden, he heard this, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Lucian saw him coming, and hurriedly left with the gift list.

Yue Zhan walked across to Ino, put the food box on the table, then sat down next to Ino with a chair, and said, "A lot of them were prepared by my mother."

Ino: "Oh."

He remembered that Yue's mother was a famous entrepreneur, and she was born in a wealthy family.

Yue Zhan set his eyes on his lower abdomen, his eyes could not help softening, and asked softly, "Is Xiaoyubao good today?"

Ino blushed and glared at him: "It's only, it's only been a month, how do I know?"

"Have you vomited recently?" Yue Zhan asked again with concern.

Ino: "..."

"Can you stop being so sloppy?" he whispered, afraid of being heard by the servants standing in the distance.

Yue Zhan chuckled, got up and said, "My mother has stewed some tonic soup, and I must bring it to me, but it may be a little cold, so I will take it to warm it up."

"Okay, let's go." Ino waved at him.

Since he decided to get engaged, he found that Yue Zhan seemed to be more and more leisurely, and he had time to run to the palace every day.

Yue Zhan rubbed his head, got up and went to the kitchen with the food box.

This is not the first time he has come to Ino's palace. He has long been familiar with this place and does not need guidance from servants.

After he left, the eldest prince and Princess Lily also came.

The eldest prince was too embarrassed at Canglan Star some time ago. Recently, he was sent to the army for training by the emperor, and he tanned a lot.

Seeing that Ino is so leisurely, his little chin has grown into baby fat from the pointy point, he couldn't help but feel jealous and said, "You are leisurely."

Ino glanced at him and said, "Where did you get the briquettes?"

The eldest prince choked, gritted his teeth angrily, and hummed, "I heard that you really want to be with Yue Zhan, and even have children? Huh, since that's the case, then I won't argue with you."

"Pff-cough!" Ino almost spit out, surprised: "You?"

After speaking, he looked up and down the eldest prince and thought to himself: Yue Zhan probably doesn't like briquettes, right

"What are you thinking?" The eldest prince tapped him directly on the head, relying on his height, and said, "I mean wooing, do you understand? Don't I have a younger sister and a cousin?"

"Oh?" Ino turned to look at Princess Lily.

Lily was absent-mindedly curling her hair with her fingers. Seeing him look over, she said slowly, "Don't worry, I don't like Yuezhan, I like pretty boys."

Ino turned his eyes back and thought to himself: Hmph, it seems like I will like you if I go to the stack.

No, what was he being vigilant about just now? Didn't he and Yue Zhan live together? Didn't Yue Zhan marry him because of the child

Ino was sluggish for a moment, and suddenly became tangled.

Seeing him like this, the eldest prince couldn't help sighing again, and said, "Oh, I really don't know what you think, in order to win over Yue Zhan and compete with me for that position, even an artificial uterus is implanted, which is very hurtful. If I knew you wanted to win him over, I wouldn't argue with you..."

Eno & Lily: "???"

Brother, are you alright? It's okay to look at your brain, what does this have to do with you

Lily also felt that her own brother was too stupid, so she waved her hand directly and said, "Oh, you go to the side to play, I'll talk to Ino for a while."

First Prince: "Why do you let me go every time? I won't."

Lily rolled her eyes, ignored him, and said directly to Ino, "Are you really planning to marry Yue Zhan?"

"Engagement, engagement." Ino emphasized.

"Oh, it's all the same." Lily waved her hand and said disapprovingly, "How long have you known each other? Are you going to get married? Seriously, did you only spend time with him, so you're so easy to deceive?"

Ino: "?"

Lily: "Let me tell you, you just have too little experience, so what does it mean to be pregnant? My mother was tricked back then, and she accidentally became pregnant with my brother and me. Later, she left us to the emperor, so you can still find seven or eight. A little white face?"

Ino: "..."

This is true. Back then, the daughter of the nobleman that Scott wanted to marry wanted to make her and Scott have a good time, but she didn't expect that she didn't make it by herself, but instead let an innocent passerby - Miss Maysally Get involved and spend the night with Scott.

When Scott woke up, he was furious, and so was Maysally. It is said that the two pulled each other's hair on the spot and scolded each other for being shameless.

Later, Scott became the emperor, and Maysally was captured by Scott's political enemies when she first learned that she was pregnant unexpectedly. During the house arrest, she had to give birth to the eldest prince and Princess Lily.

After Meisali was rescued, she put the account on Scott's head, and threw the eldest prince and Princess Lily to Scott, while she took care of seven or eight little white faces, and since then she has become a famous Mei in the social circle of Imperial Capital Star. Mrs Sally.

"You're too hard-hearted." Lily was still trying to persuade her, "My mother always taught me how to find a few men. You don't know how bad the first one is."

Ino's mouth twitched slightly, he probably understood why the emperor didn't like Princess Lily always going to see Mrs. Maysally.

"Seriously," Lily continued to persuade, "if you don't find a few, how can you compare the pros and cons? Don't hang yourself on a tree, you have to choose from the whole forest. It's not that our family doesn't have that condition. …”

"You can't say that." The eldest prince disagreed and said, "Maybe the first one is the best?"

"It's not a loss to try a few more." Lily retorted with akimbo.

Ino: "..." These two are having a good time.

"Really, brother, how about I introduce you to a few?" Lily suddenly turned her head and asked him in a very sincere tone.

Eno: "Uh..."

"I don't need to see it anymore, Her Royal Highness should keep it for yourself to try." Yue Zhan stood behind them with chicken soup at some point, and said in a gloomy tone.

Ino & First Prince & Princess Lily: "!!!"

The three of them turned their heads in unison, with the same expressions, as if they were scared of quails.

Two seconds later, the eldest prince and Princess Lily were the first to counsel, and they left Ino with no sibling rivals. They got up with a dry smile and said, "Well, we still have something to do, so let's go first."

After finishing speaking, the two of them smeared oil on the soles of their feet, but they ran back within two steps, and each of them stuffed a gift box for Ino, saying, "I gave the engagement gift in advance, I wish the two of you a good marriage for a hundred years, and an early birth of your son, haha... "

Yinuo looked at the gift box, then turned to look at Yue Zhan, who had a bad face, and hurriedly raised his hand to swear: "I didn't say anything, I just listened."

Yue Zhan walked over with the chicken soup, handed him the bowl and spoon, and said with an unpleasant expression: "Don't listen to this kind of thing in the future."

Ino: "..." You are so lenient.

However, in terms of the chicken soup stewed by Yue's mother, he doesn't care.

Smelling the aroma of chicken soup, he hurriedly took it carefully and drank it happily.

It's just that, while drinking, he looked at Yue Zhan with his small eyes, thinking—

[Actually, what Lily said is not completely unreasonable.]

Over-the-stack: "… "

His face darkened for a second, but he was afraid of scaring the little prince, so he quickly turned gentle again.

When the little prince finished drinking the chicken soup, he gently helped the other party to wipe the corners of his lips, and then pretended to be casual and said, "Your Highness, haven't we had a miscarriage for a long time? This is not good for the baby, why not... "

It seems that he must show proof of strength to let the little prince know that there is no need to compare this kind of thing, he is the best.

When Ino heard the words, his expression froze, and then he shook his head and said, "No need."

"No need?" Yue Zhan wondered.

"No need in the future!" Ino got angry when he mentioned this, and said angrily: "We have been deceived, and we don't need security at all."

[Junk fake books are harmful to fish!]

Over the stack: "???"