He’s Pregnant with the Major General’s Fish Cub

Chapter 53


When Eno returned to Haiguo again, he was with Yuezhan.

In the interstellar era, human physiques have evolved to be comparable to orcs and marine evolution species. When going deep into the sea, there is no need to worry about pressure.

But breathing is still a problem, so Yue Zhan is driving the mech down. Ino turned into a beautiful little mermaid, happily swimming around the mech, not too tired.

It wasn't until he entered the passage that he made a "huh" and said in surprise, "It's not the same position as when I came out."

Zhang Yu coughed lightly and explained, "Your Highness, the last time you came out... it should have been a fork in the road."

Ino: "Uh."

Unas quickly swam over and hurriedly interjected: "His Royal Highness should have swum to the cave. There is the place where His Majesty sleeps forever. There is also a passage, but ordinary people can't enter the cave."

Ino nodded in surprise and said, "Yes."

When Unas saw that he was still willing to take care of him, he was overjoyed, and said eagerly, "But don't worry, Your Highness, as your mother's exclusive parenting teacher, I have special qualifications to enter the cave, and I will take you in then. ."

"Huh? Is that so?" Ino was surprised again and said, "But I just swam in that day."

"Ah?" Unas was dumbfounded.

Zhang Yu rolled his eyes at him secretly, and said, "You better save it. Her Royal Highness can go in, why can't her little highness?"

Unas is autistic, why doesn't His Highness need him anywhere? Does he still have a chance to make up for it

Ino ignored them, and soon swam to the mecha again, expecting to ask Yue Zhan: "Would you like to visit my uncle with me?"

Go over the stack to control the mecha to make an "ok" gesture.

Ino couldn't help smiling, and for some reason he was happy, and immediately swam to the mecha to lead the way.

Seeing the little mermaid walking away with the mecha like a butterfly around a flower, Zhang Yu will inevitably feel melancholy. But he had already decided to give up, quickly adjusted his mood, and then—

He suddenly turned his head and asked the old dragon fish: "Does your little highness know the way?"

The old Arowana, who was twitching his beard and smiling with kindness and love, froze: "This, shouldn't you recognize it?"

Chapter Domain: "… "

Unas' eyes lit up, feeling that he had an opportunity to make up for what he had done, and hurriedly shouted, "I'll lead the way."

But as soon as he swam out a meter, he was dragged back by Zhang Yu's tentacles.

The old dragon fish also hated the iron and said: "The young couple finally have the opportunity to be alone, what are you going to mix? The previous lessons are not enough? Can you use your brain before doing things in the future?"

Unas couldn't help but wonder, where did he finally get the chance to be alone? When the two are on the warship, don't they have the opportunity to be alone every day

Ino really didn't know the way, but the two passages were not far from each other.

Looking at the cave that had passed by far before, Yue Zhan was very helpless and didn't tell Ino that they actually went around once nearby not long ago.

"Come down." Ino excitedly waved to him at the entrance of the cave.

Yue Zhan put on breathing equipment, quickly left the mecha, and swam towards him.

Ino looked at him, then hooked his fingers and smiled secretly.

Yue Zhan held his hand and asked subconsciously, "What are you laughing at?"

As he spoke, he spat out a string of bubbles.

Ino whispered, "Put these on, and you won't be able to kiss."

Across the device, Yue Zhan couldn't hear clearly, and asked again, "What did you say?"

Ino leaned over and shouted loudly, "I said, you can't kiss me across the device."

Yue Zhan was startled, then smiled at him, then took off the device on his face, raised his hand to clasp the back of his head, and kissed him fiercely.

Yinuo stole the chicken without losing the rice, was out of breath by the kiss, and finally lay down on Yue Zhan and spit fish bubbles.

Yue Zhan was amused and reluctantly lent him the breathing apparatus to breathe.

Although Ino can breathe under the sea, it is not as good as direct inhalation. He quickly took two deep breaths, then returned it to Yue Zhan and complained, "Why do you have such a large lung capacity?"

Yue Zhan thought for a moment and said, "How about your Highness practice with me more?"

"How to practice?" Ino asked subconsciously.

Yuezhan was about to take off the breathing equipment, but Yinuo understood it in seconds, and hurriedly said, "No, no, no."

Kissing once is enough, kissing twice is not enough... Ah, uncle, didn't he bring Yuezhan to see uncle? Why did you kiss at the mouth of the hole

He quickly took Yue Zhan's hand and swam into the cave.

In the cave, everything was the same as when Ino left last time, the only difference was that this time he never heard the clear voice.

"Didn't you talk last time?" Ino murmured while swimming diagonally above the transparent coffin.

Yue Zhan bowed respectfully to the legendary Sea King, thought for a moment after hearing the words, and said, "Although I don't know about mermaids, if His Majesty Sea King consumes too much power and falls into eternal sleep, will he use too much mental power with humans? Is it similar to the damage caused to the sea of mental power?"

Ino was stunned and said, "It seems to make sense."

Yue Zhan added: "Then Your Highness can try to talk more, just like when he helped the soldiers heal their mental injuries."

Ino thought about it and thought it made sense, and said, "Then I will try."

But he couldn't think of what to say for a while, and finally, at the suggestion of Yue Zhan, he began to sing.

The little mermaid's voice was very nice. When he concentrated on humming, the small dark clouds above his head gradually dispersed into clouds and mist, covering Yue Zhan and Li Xuan.

Strangely, the dark cloud should be water vapor, but it did not melt into the sea.

Yue Zhan often drives the mecha these days. After listening to Ino humming a tune, his fatigue disappeared, and the pain in the sea of spiritual power gradually subsided.

He couldn't help but take the little mermaid into his arms, put one arm around his waist, and put his chin on the other's shoulder, humming softly, "Sing one more song."

Ino: "Oh."

I don't know how many songs I hummed, Enuo's throat hurt, and the voice finally sounded again, but this time it was a little far away, but still with a sigh.

"Why do some people show their affection even when they are asleep?"

Eno: "Uh..."

Yue Zhan, who didn't hear anything: "..." Why didn't you sing

In the underground palace, the two of them didn't come back for a long time, Unas couldn't help walking around in the hall.

He had an occupational disease attack, like an old hen who couldn't wait for the chick to return to the nest. From time to time, he would stretch his head to look out, and said to himself, "Why haven't you come back yet? Could it be that you're really lost?"

The old dragon fish had a headache when he turned around, and couldn't help but say, "Can't you stop for a while?"

Father Unas had a heart attack and said worriedly, "Should you send someone to look for it?"

The old dragon fish couldn't help but wanted to roll his eyes and said, "If the young couple are in love, and now send someone to look for them, won't they disturb them?"

"That's true." Unas nodded, but he quickly became concerned about another matter, and continued to worry: "But the old commander, they have such a good relationship now, what can we do in the future?"

Old Arowana: "?" What is this called

Unas reminded carefully: "The mermaid's estrus period, when Her Royal Highness the princess..."

The old dragon fish was stunned for a moment, then slapped his forehead and said, "Oops, forget about it."

Unas nodded again and again.

The old dragon fish couldn't help but also began to worry: "His Royal Highness is already an adult. It is estimated that soon after giving birth to the little mermaid, it will enter the estrus period. When that time comes... I'm afraid that the lesser general can't handle it alone."

Unas nodded vigorously, he had raised mermaids, he knew. This kind of situation is hard to endure. The princess didn't know how many inhibitors she had to fight, so she endured it abruptly, and didn't go to anyone else. Unfortunately, that dog emperor was not worth it.

The two suddenly became serious, this kind of thing, the dog emperor does not know Zhang Luo, should they help Zhang Luo

Speaking of which, when the princess was pregnant, she even joked about Zhang Yu, saying that if Zhang Yu could be the prime minister of the country, he would be a good match for His Highness.

Although it was just a joke, Zhang Yu, who was still a teenager at that time, took it seriously, and over the years has often regarded himself as the fiancé of His Highness.

Thinking of this, the two of them looked at Zhang Yu, who had never spoken.

Zhang Yu's mouth twitched slightly and said, "Don't think about it, and I advise you not to go to the premise of the small hall."

"Why?" Lao Longyu and Unas asked in unison.

Zhang Yu sighed and said, "Your Highness, like Her Royal Highness the Princess and Your Majesty, are the seeds of infatuation. They just want 1v1 and don't want grace. So, don't worry about it."

The old dragon fish hesitated and said, "but this is not a question of whether he wants to or not."

"Yes, estrus." Unas said.

The corner of Zhang Yu's mouth twitched again, and said, "Actually, the little highness has already spent it once."

"Ah?" Old Arowana and Unas were shocked.

"Yue Zhan helped him through." Zhang Yu added.

"Hey!" The old dragon fish and Unas gasped in cold... sea water.

That's only seven days. Humans are so strong? Or is it that only Yue stack is so strong? In short, admire admire!

This time, the old dragon fish and Unas completely rested Zhang Luo's mind.

After a while, Ino and Yue Zhan came back, and the three immediately greeted them.

Zhang Yu was okay, both the old dragon fish and Unas looked at Yue Zhan with admiration.

Over the stack: "?"

"As expected of the youngest major general in the history of the empire!" Lao Longyu patted his shoulder familiarly, very pleased.

"With you accompanying His Highness, we can rest assured." Unas also looked relieved.

Yue Zhan & Ino: "?" Are you all right

"Cough cough." Zhang Yu was a little blind, interrupted them, and asked the business: "How is your majesty? Are you really awake?"

Ino hurriedly explained the situation, but in fact Li Xuan said three or two sentences, and then he was silent again.

He was a little embarrassed and asked, "Could it be that I disturbed him?"

The old dragon fish shook his head and said: "It stands to reason that this situation will not happen to Yongmian. Her Royal Highness did not hear a sound back then. Maybe... It's because your majesty's consciousness can occasionally be separated from the body, but only for a limited time?"

Zhang Yu thought for a moment and said, "If that's the case, then the method of over-the-top might be feasible."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ino and said, "I just have to trouble His Highness to go to the cave to sing more."

Ino: "..."

[I'm not in trouble, I'm just afraid that my uncle will be too noisy.]

After talking about Li Xuan's situation, Ino asked again, "By the way, can I... see my mother?"

The three looked at each other, naturally there was no reason to stop them. only-

"The situation of Her Royal Highness is different from that of Her Majesty." On the way there, the old dragon fish explained: "The princess was caused by trauma. It is a blessing to be rescued, and it is possible to wake up only after the body is completely repaired."

Therefore, they must wear sterile clothing to enter the ward.

Looking at the blue-tailed mermaid lying on the water bed, Ino was stunned. His mother is really like him... No, he is really like his mother.

His eyes slowly moved down, and when he saw several scars on the fish's tail, Ino's heart ached inexplicably. When he didn't meet, he was just a stranger to Li Ya. When he met, there was no communication, but he felt sorry for the other party.

Is this the magic of blood? But he didn't feel that way about Scott, no, maybe not, he remembered he liked Scott very much as a kid.

At that time, he always hoped that the other party would go to the Queen's Palace often, and even hug him, but... he couldn't wait.

Ino lowered his head and looked at Li Ya's pale face, closed eyes, and the scar on the fish's tail. He suddenly hated Scott.

Those injuries can be seen at a glance, they must have been deep in the bones back then.

Yue Zhan raised his hand to cover the little mermaid's eyes, as well as the small pearls condensed on the eyelashes.

"There will be me in the future." He heard the little mermaid's heart and comforted him distressedly.

Ino turned back, blinked the eyelashes that stuck to the little pearl, and said softly, "You have to hug the little fish treasure more in the future."

[Don't let him/her be the same as when I was a child.]

Yue Zhan hugged him tightly and said, "Yes."

Ino thought about it for a while, and then added: "Hugg me more too."

Yue Zhan didn't answer, just hugged him tightly.