He’s Pregnant with the Major General’s Fish Cub

Chapter 63


After listening to Ino's words, Li Xuan was dazed for a second. After he reacted, a softness flashed in his eyes, and he said warmly, "Really? This is a good thing."

He thought that his little nephew was calling to announce the good news. Who knew, Ino then said worriedly: "But... the egg seems to be broken."

Li Xuan: "?!"

"A small piece of the eggshell was knocked off." Ino used his little finger to compare the size, and continued to ask worriedly: "Have you seen this before? Will Xiaoyubao be okay?"

Li Xuan: "..." What kind of careless father would let the baby bang

"How did you do it?" Li Xuan was serious to him for the first time, even a little angry, and asked, "Where is Yue Zhan? How does he take care of you?"

"Ah this..." Ino was very entangled, wondering: "It's not his fault, it's me."

He wasn't defending Yue Zhan, but seriously speaking, it was an accident.

Knowing that he was going to give birth soon, he and Yue Zhan were very careful. He didn't even go to the front line, and Yue Zhan also asked for leave to accompany him at the seaside manor of Diduxing.

He usually sleeps in bed, but yesterday, he suddenly wanted to soak in water, the kind that would be uncomfortable if not soaked.

However, there are small dolphins, turtles and other marine creatures in the artificial sea area. Yue Zhan was afraid of touching him and did not let him soak in it. Finally, a large fish tank was prepared for him.

After Ino was carried into the fish tank, he immediately turned into a little mermaid, blew a few fish bubbles comfortably, and then exchanged good night with Yue Zhan and went to sleep.

I don't know how long he slept, but he felt a faint stomachache and wanted to go to the toilet. He looked for it in his dream, and after a long time, he really found it...

After coming out of the bathroom, Ino was refreshed and felt that his stomach didn't hurt anymore. He turned over and entered another dream.

The next day, he was woken up by the anxious voice of Yue Zhan. Opening his sullen eyes, he actually saw panic and bewilderment in Yue Zhan's eyes.

Ino was startled, hurriedly swung his tail to the edge of the fish tank, and asked nervously, "What's wrong? What's the big deal?"

To make Yue Zhan so panic, wouldn't it be the Zerg who hit the Imperial City Star? But this is impossible, the insect army is still far from the imperial capital star.

Yue Zhan's eyes were full of anxiety, he pointed at his fish belly through the glass, and said eagerly, "Belly."

"Stomach?" Ino looked puzzled, looked down, and then—

He stepped back with a "shock", his face full of shock: "Why is my stomach deflated? Where's Xiaoyubao? Where's Xiaoyubao?"

He pressed Yumaubai, then looked around in panic, looking for eggs everywhere.

Fortunately, this retreat, the fish tail moved away from the pebbles at the bottom of the fish tank, revealing the covered mermaid eggs.

Ino & Yue Zhan: "… "

Ino swooped down quickly, picked up the little fish balls that were only the size of two adult fists, touched them carefully, then quickly lifted them to the surface, and whispered, "Okay, it seems to be born."

Looking at the shiny, clean and beautiful little mermaid egg in front of him, Yue Zhan was so nervous that he was at a loss. He raised his hand several times, but didn't dare to touch it, for fear that it would be damaged.

At this moment, Eno, who was relieved after finding the egg, began to think again—

[You can't blame me either... huh? It's because Xiaoyubao is too small, I thought it was constipation when I dreamed.]

Over-the-stack: "… "

His hands trembled, and as soon as his fingertips touched the egg, he quickly retracted.

Seeing this, Ino grabbed his hand directly, pressed it carefully on the egg, then raised his face and asked, "Do you feel real?"

Yue Zhan chuckled lightly, kissed his forehead lightly, and said, "Yes."

Then, he squeezed the tip of the little mermaid's chin again, kissed the cold and soft lips deeply, and rubbed them together.

The two new dads were so happy that they kissed until they could hardly breathe, then let go of each other, pressed their foreheads, looked at each other and chuckled.

After being excited, the two began to study the little mermaid eggs. This research was soon followed by an astonishing discovery that a small piece of the eggshell of the small fish egg was knocked off from the cobblestone in the fish tank.

"!!!" The eyes of the two silly dads were instantly filled with shock, followed by worry, anxiety, and worrying about pacing back and forth in the room.

"What should I do?" Yinuo was so worried that he bit his fingernails, and finally thought of Li Xuan and pinned his hopes on Li Xuan.

"Uncle, you have lived a long time and have a lot of knowledge. You must have seen this situation before, right? If you just knock off a small piece of skin, you should be fine, right?" Ino asked anxiously and expectantly.

Li Xuan: "..."

Therefore, it is said that children must not fall in love early, look at his little nephew, it is not the end of puppy love. I was still childish, so I raised the child.

Although the age of eighteen to nineteen is an early adulthood in human society, it is also the age of adulthood for mermaids. But the mermaid has a long lifespan. In Li Xuan's eyes, eighteen to nine years old is no different from a child.

He couldn't help sighing and said helplessly: "Bring the egg over and show it to me."

The two were on a holographic call. When Ino heard the words, he immediately ran to the living room with the call terminal and said to Yue Zhan, who was holding the data research, "Don't look at it, uncle helps us look at it."

Having said that, he asked Yue Zhan to hold out the little fish treasure that was still an egg.

Yue Zhan looked at Li Xuan apologetically, and took out the egg carefully.

Li Xuan carefully studied the holographic projection, while Ino watched eagerly, and Yue Zhan was also nervous.

After a while, Li Xuan smiled and comforted: "Only a very thin piece has fallen off, nothing is wrong."

Yinuo and Yue Zhan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and Li Xuan immediately said, "The baby is very healthy. If you hatch it carefully, you should be able to break the shell soon."

"Ah? Isn't it four or five years?" Ino asked in surprise.

He was hatched for five years before breaking the shell.

"If the eggs are healthy, it usually doesn't take so long. It's best for two fathers to exchange hatching. When neither of them has time to hold the hatching, it is best to place them in a constant temperature and humidity chamber. Please remember the specific temperature and humidity... "

Li Xuan said a lot, and finally recommended to them: "I can't go away for the time being, you can ask Unas to help, your mother is the one who hatched and broke the shell, and he has more experience in this area."

Ino and Yue Zhan took the notebooks together and wrote them down one by one.

Although they had some unpleasant misunderstandings with Unas before, they still followed Li Xuan's advice and called Unas for help in order to keep the baby healthy.

Unas was very excited and said that he would definitely make up for his faults and take good care of His Highness.

After Unas came to the Imperial City, Scott quickly learned about it.

He pondered, half a year has passed, should his son calm down? Little Sunsun spoke up, he couldn't help expressing it.

So I called Yinuo and said seriously: "Nuo Nuo, my father is from the past, and he is very experienced in hatching eggs. Let me tell you... By the way, you asked Yue Zhan to listen to this matter. must be involved."

Ino was speechless and couldn't help but say, "Let's say goodbye."

[As far as your egg hatching technique is concerned, you can't even tell the difference between true and false.]

"In case Yue Zhan is like you, hatching a fake egg for nearly 20 years..." Ino ruthlessly pierced the reality and said sincerely: "So, don't mislead your children."

Scott was choked for a while, and after hanging up the phone, he became even more depressed.

Ino doesn't care about this, he is full of little fish treasures now, and he will discuss the egg hatching experience with Yue Zhan when he has nothing to do.

Because the Zerg has not been completely wiped out, after the vacation, Yue Zhan will return to the front line. But fighting can't delay the hatching of eggs, so the front-line officers and the high-level military officials soon discovered a peculiar phenomenon:

The handsome and ruthless Commander Yue, who is sought after by countless interstellar girls, seems to have gained weight recently? On a few holographic video conferences, they clearly found that Yue Zhan seemed to have beer.

Tsk tsk, it turns out that handsome guys also have beer belly.

Several wrinkled bosses in the military have balanced their minds. They patted Yue Chuanlin on the shoulder and said, "Hey, Lao Yue, that kid in your family... Recently, he has been neglecting his exercise."

Yue Chuanlin: "???"

After the meeting, Yue Chuanlin observed it carefully. After the meeting, he couldn't help but call Yue Zhan and reminded him politely, "Are you supposed to lose weight?"

Over the stack: "???"

Yuechuan Lin said earnestly: "I know that when a daughter-in-law gives birth to a child, most of the fat people end up being her husband, but you are young and you are a soldier. You need perseverance. You should exercise or exercise..."

Over-the-stack: "… "

So, at another meeting the next day, the bosses were surprised to find that Commander Yue had lost weight again...

It's outrageous, can you lose weight so fast

Of course, hatching eggs isn't all over the top. After Enuo was done with the Imperial Capital Star, he also went to the front line to share with Yue Zhan.

His identity is different from that of Yue Zhan, and he is often interviewed by war reporters as the heir of the empire.

As the eco organization was wiped out, the insect army was also repulsed step by step. In the past six months, Ino has a high reputation among the people and is also very respected in the army.

Especially because he is a mermaid, and his voice has healing power, which can not only heal the mental damage of wounded soldiers, but also calm people's hearts.

During the period when the insect army first arrived, the people of the empire were panicked. It was Ino who represented the royal family and the military, and kept giving speeches to appease people.

Later, his speech directly became the spiritual pillar of the imperial people. As long as he appeared and sat in front of the microphone, no matter what he said, everyone felt at ease.

Because of the unique healing power of his voice, even the people from the Federation Orcs and Star Thieves began to listen to his speech.

However, in the last few interviews, some people noticed that the imperial crown prince of the empire seemed to have gained weight.

Listeners all over the world were very concerned—:

[His Royal Highness the Crown Prince seems to be fat? Is it time to lose weight?]

[His Royal Highness is also fat and looks good!]

— This is the voice of the Imperial audience.

[what! His Royal Highness the little prince must be pregnant, must be!]

[I have long heard that His Highness is pregnant, and now maybe it is born, hatching eggs!]

- This is the voice of the audience in Haiguo.

[what? The little mermaid has a cub? Should our federation also be a mermaid? Anticipate.]

[u1s1, there are mermaids in the sea, and there are also in the empire, but not in our federation. I hope the newly born babies of the Federation will come back and marry the little mermaid next door!]

- This is the voice of the federal people.

The federal people are also voting online to select which baby of the top federal family is expected to win the treasure.

[If only Marshal Hosit had a child, sorry!]

[Yeah, choose to choose, or Marshal Hossett's net worth is the best, but unfortunately he has no baby.]

[I beg Marshal Hosit to give birth to one quickly, there is still time, hurry up!]

Even a few big star thieves joined in the fun and started the selection.

After the eldest princess found out, she also called Ino, grabbed a rebellious little boy and said, "Little Ino, I heard that you want to choose a son-in-law? Look, what happened to this boy of our old commander's family?"

Ino: "..." How did the rumor spread like this

The little boy wore a small yellow hair and looked rebellious. Hearing that, he refused: "I don't want to arrange a marriage. I will snatch a daughter-in-law back by myself in the future."

The eldest princess directly grabbed his ear and said, "Yeah, you're amazing, can you fall in love with you when you're a little fish treasure?"

Yinuo looked helpless and said, "Sister, I still don't know that Heather is a woman."

The eldest princess said "haha" twice and said, "I know this, I was just joking, deliberately teasing that kid."

The eldest princess called to congratulate them on purpose, and by the way... invite them to a wedding wine.

Ino: "Huh?"

"Actually, I haven't seen his parents yet. If his parents agree, we plan to get married in half a year." The eldest princess was a little embarrassed and said, "I shouldn't have told you so early, but the younger the white face is talking about it all day, alas. , very annoying."

Ino: "..." Xiu Ai Xiu came to me

However, he was still very happy when he learned that the eldest princess and Yue Ge had finally achieved fruition, and wished from the bottom of his heart.

After hanging up the phone, Ino went to Yue Zhan who was "hatching eggs".

The Imperial Army has won a few more victories recently. There has been no war in Yuezhan for the past two days, and it is being corrected. Besides hatching eggs, I also have time to check the public opinion on the Internet.

When Enuo walked into the room, he was holding Xiaoyudan with one hand, typing in reply to the federation's post on choosing a future partner for Xiaoyubao, and gritted his teeth with a dark face: "You guys are thinking about shit and dreaming!"

Ino: "..."

[Ah, it's rare to see Commander Yue being so naive.]

Yue Zhan heard his heart and immediately returned to normal. He turned around and asked with a smile, "Have you finished calling with eldest sister?"

"Yeah." Ino nodded, approached him, squatted down, hugged him and Xiaoyudan, and said softly, "I want to get married too."

Yue Zhan: "Huh?"

Is the sun coming out of the west? Can you keep the clouds open and see the moon? The little prince took the initiative to propose marriage

Happiness came so fast, Yue Zhan didn't react for a while.

Ino raised his face and said, "eldest sister and your elder brother are going to get married, and I want to get married too."

Yue Zhan's heart became soft in an instant, he put the little fish ball in his arms, and then carefully hugged him on his lap, took him into his arms, kissed his temples, and said softly, "Okay."

Another half a year later, the Zerg was completely wiped out, and Li Xuan also ended the pain for the insect emperor when the insect star was destroyed.

The wedding of Ino and Yue Zhan was finally put on the agenda, but the night before the victory, Xiao Yubao broke her shell.

Ino thought about it and decided to announce Xiaoyubao's identity first, and then hold the wedding.

Xiaoyubao looks like Ino, a little mermaid with a blue fishtail, but with dark eyes, just like Yuezhan.

However, unlike Ino, Xiaoyubao didn't turn back into a human after eating the eggshell, and he still looked like a mermaid.

This worries Ino because the situation is not the same as when he was a child.

Unas reassured: "This should be an atavistic phenomenon. It's okay, you can change freely when you grow up."

Looking at the palm-sized little mermaid swimming happily in the bathtub, Ino sighed, "I hope."

Because it coincided with the coalition's victory over the Zerg, Xiaoyubao's full moon ceremony was held very grandly. Not only did the empire have high-level officials, but also many high-level officials from the Haiguo and the Federation came.

However, there was a little disturbance at the ceremony.

The reason is the name of Xiaoyubao. Inuo and Yuezhan have thought a lot about the name, but they never thought of the right one.

When Scott attended the ceremony, he said: "It can't always be called a nickname, it should be a big name."

Then, several people had a disagreement on the name.

Scott believed that Xiao Sunsun should have the same surname as the imperial family, but the senior officials of Haiguo thought that why the surname could not be Li, Yue Chuanlin thought about it, and said, "If you want to fight like this, then I think the surname should be Yue. "

Scott glared at him and said, "Our family has a throne to inherit."

Yue Chuanlin: "..." Their family really doesn't have it.

But Hai Guo was not convinced and said, "Our family has it too."

Yinuo and Yue Zhan looked helpless and wanted to leave after picking up Xiaoyubao.

Just as several people were arguing, Li Xuan dressed in a long robe and walked in lightly to inquire. In order to participate in this ceremony, he deliberately changed into a dress with a small fish pattern embroidered on it.

As soon as Eno saw him, he shouted in surprise, "Uncle."

Li Xuan smiled, gently took Xiaoyubao from his palm, stroked the little guy's belly with his fingertips, and then glanced at Scott with a cold look in his eyes.

But it was only for a moment. Soon, he resumed his smile and said, "Since you are arguing endlessly, let me name him."

After finishing speaking, he looked between Yinuo and Yue Zhan, and finally said, "I think it's better to be called Li Yue, which happens to be a combination of your surnames."

Ino had no opinion and turned to look at Yue Zhan. Of course, Yue Zhan has no problem, as long as the daughter-in-law is happy.

As for the others, the two fathers have no opinion, what else are they tossing about

Scott still seemed to have a little opinion, but when he met Li Xuan's gaze, he didn't dare to make a sound.

After seeing the child, Li Xuan walked up to him after giving the gift, and said with a half-smile, "Your Majesty, I have been talking to you before, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance, and now I just have time, I wonder if your Excellency can take a step to talk? "

Scott was silent for a while, then got up and said, "Okay."

Although the legendary sea king was frightening, Scott still didn't give up his fantasy, hoping to know some of Li Ya's situation from the other party's mouth.

Seeing this scene, Ino couldn't help turning to look at Yue Zhan.

Yue Zhan knew what he was worried about, and comforted: "It's okay, uncle can handle it."

Ino nodded, feeling right.

In the end, Eno didn't know what Li Xuan and Scott said, but he knew that after Li Xuan left, Scott lay in the hospital bed for more than half a month.

Eno: "Uh..."

Half a month later, Scott called Ino to the ward, looking a little dejected, and said: "Nuo Nuo, Dad has discussed with His Majesty the Sea King, you will inherit the throne on the empire side first, and wait a hundred or two hundred years before returning. Haiguo, inheriting the throne of Haiguo, so does Xiaoyubao..."

Speaking of this, he paused, then added: "Your uncle said that mermaids have a long lifespan, and a hundred years is just a flash for you."

Ino was startled.

As if afraid that he would not agree, Scott said eagerly: "This is what your uncle also agreed, first inherit the throne of the empire, or, you can also be the king of the empire and the sea country at the same time. One person is the king of the two countries, which is in It's not without precedent."

But it's a small country.

After hearing it, Ino thought: You wouldn't have been beaten by your uncle to agree.

Seeing Scott's gray face at the moment, Ino didn't say much, and only advised: "You should recuperate first, and the inheritance will wait for you to get better."

Seeing that he cared about himself, Scott's eyes instantly rekindled hope. Who knows, Ino said next sentence: "You are still young. If you have another child in the future, what if you change your mind?"

Scott: "..." Good boy is still good at piercing the heart as always.

Half a month later, Yinuo and Yue Zhan took Xiaoyubao back to Haiguo and personally invited Li Xuan to their wedding.

When they arrived, Li Xuan was not in the underground palace, but in a cave.

When Inuo and Yue Zhan swam over with Xiao Yubao, Li Xuan was looking at the cave in a trance.

Sensing that they were coming, Li Xuan turned around and smiled, holding Xiao Yubao and Inuo, walking to the reef outside the cave and sitting down, asking, "Have you decided?"

Ino turned his head and smiled at Yue Zhan, then nodded vigorously: "Yeah."

Li Xuan patted his head and said gently, "I've decided to stay together, and don't make trouble like Li Ya and Scott."

Yue Zhan shook his head, looked at Ino softly, and said no.

Eno thought to himself: Scott was too scumbag at that time, and he would not go over the stack.

After thinking about it, he asked again, "Uncle, did you talk to your father about the issue of inheritance?"

Li Xuan nodded and said, "Sorry, I didn't discuss it with you in advance."

Ino didn't have a worried tone, and asked again: "Uncle, do you plan to wait for me to take the throne, then you will..." and will not live

He heard that both Unas and Zhang Yu said that Li Xuan had been tired of living for too long.

"You still have me, and Xiaoyubao, we will accompany you, uncle." Ino held her hand and persuaded dryly.

Li Xuan smiled and said, "Xiaoyu will also care about people."

After speaking, he looked at Yue Zhan, and after a while, he turned to Ino again, and said in a distant tone: "Do you know how long I live?"

Ino shook his head, and Li Xuan said, "Two thousand years old."

Yinuo was speechless, and Yue Zhan couldn't help but be surprised, only Xiao Yubao swam around them worriedly.

Li Xuan added: "If I want to, I can live many more than two thousand years. Do you know what that means?"

Ino shook his head and nodded again. Beside him, Yue Zhan seemed to guess what Li Xuan was going to say, subconsciously frowned, and clenched Yinuo's hand tightly.

Li Xuan sighed: "It means that the people you love will leave you one by one, and in the end, you are the only one left in your world."

Speaking of which, he glanced at Yue Zhan again and pointedly said: "The average age of human beings is 250 years old, and the longest life is only 300 years old. Have you ever thought about 300 years later?"

Ino was stunned, and Yue Zhan squeezed his hand harder. Ino couldn't help but turn back and looked at him blankly.

Li Xuan's tone showed no mercy, and continued to brutally pierce the problems that Yue Zhan had been unwilling to face and ponder.

"Birth, old age, illness and death are experienced by everyone. After more than 200 years, Yue Zhan is gone. What do you want to do?"

Yinuo has been tilting his head to look at Yue Zhan, looking at the other person's frown under the oxygen mask. After a while, he suddenly took off Yue Zhan's mask, stroked the center of his eyebrows for the other side, and said softly, "It's really that time. I'll just accompany him. Anyway... I used to think that my lifespan was the same as that of a human, so I just thought I didn't know mermaids could live a long time."

Yue Zhan was stunned when he heard the words, if Li Xuan was not still there, he would definitely embrace the little mermaid in front of him.

Ino was reluctant that he couldn't breathe, and quickly took the mask back.

Li Xuan caressed the little Yubao who was sleeping on his lap after swimming, and said with a chuckle, "Silly, you said just now that you will always be with your uncle, but you are about to accompany Yuezhan to die for love when you turn around? Tsk tsk. "

Eno: "Uh..."

He was immediately a little embarrassed, glanced at Xiao Yubao lying on Li Xuan's lap, and hurriedly said, "You still have Xiaoyubao, and Xiaoyubao will have Xiaoyubao in the future."

Li Xuan shook his head and said, "Just kidding, actually, you don't have to worry about this problem."

Ino: "Huh?"

"The mermaid can choose a lover and give him/her the power of symbiosis, so that you can be together forever." Li Xuan said.

Ino: "Huh?" So amazing

Yue Zhan was also surprised for a moment, but there was no greed in his eyes, only happiness. He naturally didn't want Ino to accompany him to leave the world, but he was afraid that Ino would be lonely and sad if he stayed alone.

After all, his little mermaid still lacks love in his heart, so he needs to be cared for.

"Then how to do it?" Ino quickly asked eagerly.

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you want to die for love just now?"

Ino: "Uh."

He simply coquettishly said, "I still want to spend more time with my uncle."

Li Xuan didn't embarrass him, let him listen to him, and said a few words softly.

Ino's face turned a little red after hearing this.

Li Xuan picked up Xiaoyubao and said, "Okay, let's play slowly, I'll take Xiaoyubao back to sleep."

Over the stack: "?"

So what did the uncle and nephew say

Enola grabbed him, hid quietly in the hidden seaweed, and whispered, "Uncle said that if you want to blend in spirit, it will be fine after a long time."

Yue Stack: "??" So what

"The way is to let my little dark cloud enter your spiritual consciousness. After more times, it will gradually be able to coexist." Ino said again.

Yue Zhan: "..." It always sounds a little fanciful, but... Li Xuan lived for two thousand years, maybe it makes sense

He took off his mask and said, "How about... try?"

"Hmm." Ino nodded, eager to try.

A few hours later, Yinuo was soft-hearted, blushing, and was carried back to the underground palace by Yue Zhan.

Ino was a little dizzy thinking—

[Strange, it was obviously my spiritual body that entered the sea of spiritual power of Yuezhan, but in the end it was me who was exhausted?]

[However, spiritual integration seems to be more comfortable than coughing.]

Yue Zhan hooked his lips and smiled, thinking that this method is good. Even if he thinks about symbiosis, he can always try it.

So, when Yue Zhan was free, he went to Yinuo to try spiritual integration. After the test, Yinuo was a little suspicious of life, and every time he was panting in his arms, he wondered: "So there is no symbiosis yet? The sign of symbiosis. what exactly is it?"

Yue Zhan hugged him and said, "Can't we find out if we try more?"

Ino said: I can't try again, I will become a waste fish if I try again.

Yue Zhan kissed him, chuckled and said, "Okay, then rest for a while."

"No." Hearing the words, Ino regretted it again, shook his head with his fists and said, "It's a big deal, we have to work hard, or... we work harder? qaq"

Yue Zhan is not handsome, how can his Highness be so cute

He couldn't help hugging the little mermaid in his arms, and said softly, "Don't worry, Your Highness, we still have a lifetime, we can take it slow."

Eno looked up, looked at him and said, "But I'm afraid..."

Yue Zhan grabbed his hand, kissed his thin white fingertips, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I've always been here."

Fragmented sunlight shines through the glass window and shines on his face, sketching out different shades of light and shadow.

Ino looked up at his warm eyes, gradually felt relieved, and fell asleep in his arms.

Yue Zhan chuckled lightly, hugged him all the time, and took time to send a text message to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan was very helpless, and replied to him: Your spiritual power can be the same as that of the mermaid. When it can be condensed into an entity, it is a sign of symbiosis.

After trying on the stack, his mental power quickly condensed into a little white cat. The kitten jumped on top of Ino's head and scratched Ino's little dark cloud.

Ino seemed to feel something, his ears moved, his head rubbed in his arms, and he slept in another position.

Yue Zhan smiled, touched his ears, and flicked the little white cat with his fingertips, feeling brighter than ever before.

They will be together, forever.