He’s so Flirty

Chapter 13


In the morning, as soon as Wen Yufeng stepped into the Class 6 classroom from the back door, he was spotted by Li Xiang who was sitting behind him.

"Brother Yu, congratulations." Li Xiang bared his white teeth, "You have been nominated for the black list again!"


Wen Yufeng raised his thin lips slightly, glanced at Li Xiang lazily, and then returned to his seat.

"Heibang" is a term used by No. 1 Middle School to refer to one of the two public noticeboards located in the most conspicuous position on the main road of the school.

One of them is used to commend outstanding students, such as what honorary titles they have won at the municipal level or above, or what awards they have won at the provincial level or above. It is jokingly called the "Red List" by the students; in contrast, the other one is used to Those who announce punitive measures against students who violate rules and disciplines are called "black lists."

For Wen Yufeng, being nominated on the black list is indeed not a rare thing.

Li Xiang naturally knew this, and he had never cared about it before, but this time it was a little different.

"Brother Yu," he approached Wen Yufeng mysteriously, "I heard someone said that this time you had a fight with two instructors in charge of military training because of a little girl in the first year of high school?"

Before Wen Yufeng could answer, Li Xiang lowered his voice again: "Isn't the little girl they were talking about the same 'Qin Qing' you asked me to inquire about before?"

Wen Yufeng, who was about to lie down directly on the light gray cushion, paused. After two seconds, he narrowed his eyes slightly and turned his head to fix his eyes on Li Xiang's face.

"What did you say outside?"

"No, no, absolutely not!"

Stung by Wen Yufeng's cold gaze, Li Xiang shook his head like a rattle -

"I swear, only I know... Oh no, only Zhao Zirui and I know. I haven't revealed anything about the others."


Wen Yufeng looked at Li Xiang's face for two seconds, and after making sure that the other person's expression didn't seem fake, he nodded.

"...How did it spread in the school? Did anyone mention her class name?"

Li Xiang scratched his head: "Not yet. However, I estimate that if this momentum continues, someone will soon go to the first graders to inquire."

Wen Yufeng frowned slightly.

After a few seconds, he spoke: "Pick the most noisy one among them and scare them briefly to scare the monkeys."

Li Xiang snapped his fingers and his eyes lit up: "No problem, I'll take care of it."

He was about to turn around and go back, but stopped halfway.

"But, Brother Yu, what if it's just a 'simple scare' and you still don't want to give up?"


Wen Yufeng chuckled lazily, raised his head, his dark eyes were cold—

"Then 'see you after school'."

After hearing the last three fluttering words, Li Xiang's expression froze.

It took him two seconds to come to his senses and return to his seat in response.

When he sat down, Li Xiang's expression seemed to be crying and smiling.

When Zhao Zirui, who was sitting next to him, accidentally looked over, he was startled by Li Xiang's expression. After he realized what he was doing, he asked angrily: "What kind of weird look do you have?"

"... You don't understand how I feel at the moment. I'm a little excited, but also a little panicked." Li Xiang turned his gaze quietly and fell on Zhao Zirui's face, "Brother Yu just said that if anyone chews his tongue outside and refuses to listen to the reminder, he will It’s time to ‘see you after school’.”

Zhao Zirui raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

"If I remember correctly, you were the last person Brother Yu asked to meet after school, right? Why, the shadow hasn't dissipated yet?"


Li Xiang's expression twisted for a moment, and finally he glared at Zhao Zirui resentfully, "I was still young and frivolous at that time, and I spoke nonsense... Forget about the past, we can still be brothers."

"Being brothers? Farewell. I'd better sever ties with you as soon as possible to save my iq."

Zhao Zirui glanced at Li Xiang with a sneer.

Li Xiang gritted his teeth angrily, but it was true that he was in the wrong when the incident was brought up. Although he was "educated" a bit miserably later, he had nothing to sympathize with.

So he took a few deep breaths and pretended not to hear Zhao Zirui's sarcasm.

"However, haven't you noticed that Brother Yu's time at school these past two days has been a bit weird?"

Li Xiang glanced at the wall clock in front of the classroom, "If we leave it as usual and there are no other arrangements, Brother Yu will not be able to show up in the classroom until half an afternoon, right?"


When Zhao Zirui heard this, he frowned and glanced at the back door of the classroom, "It is true that the frequency of occurrences has become more and more frequent in the past two days - even Qi Lulu has noticed this."

Li Xiang followed Zhao Zirui's gaze and saw a tall girl with a slim waist and long legs, wearing a plaid skirt that seemed to be three centimeters shorter than other students, standing at the back door and looking inside.

"Qi Lulu? Why hasn't she given up yet??"

Zhao Zirui glanced at Li Xiang and sneered: "Then has your Colonel Ling Yuling given up?"


Li Xiang was choked by him and had nothing to say. In the end, he could only glare at Zhao Zirui fiercely.

While the two were talking, Qi Lulu had already entered through the back door of the classroom.

It was recess at this time. The break was very long and the classroom was noisy. Qi Lulu walked to Wen Yufeng's table without any movement.

The No. 1 Normal Middle School used old-fashioned double tables, but Wen Yufeng occupied an entire table here.

But except for his soft cushion and the pile of magazines that Li Xiang lent him, there was nothing else on the table.

When Qi Lulu stood in front of him, Wen Yufeng was lazily flipping through the magazine in his hand with his eyes lowered.

The curve of Qingjun's profile is perfect, but there is no emotion at all.

The magazine was filled with scantily clad female models. Wen Yufeng flipped through a few pages and put it back. At the end, he glanced at Li Xiang, who was across the aisle, expressionlessly.

The magazine was thrown there, and the naked female model on the cover was posing for the camera.

Li Xiang, who loved collecting magazines like Playboy, lowered his head in shame.

... He was wrong, he shouldn't let Brother Yu take the blame.

Next time, at least he'll learn to wear a cover that looks like a textbook.

Qi Lulu, who was standing in the aisle, looked uncomfortable for a moment when she saw the magazine thrown on the table by Wen Yufeng.

But she soon recovered, chuckled, leaned over slightly, and placed her beautiful hands on the edge of Wen Yufeng's desk.

"I heard that you like military and fighting stuff. There is a movie about this theme being released this weekend. I have already bought the tickets - the location is also very good. Do you want to watch it together?"

Wen Yufeng didn't even raise his eyes, and his voice was lazy.

"Do not have time."

"..." The smile on Qi Lulu's face stagnated. It took a few seconds for her to adjust, and her voice was soft: "Then when you have time, I will just buy a new ticket."

“I didn’t even have time before the movie was taken off the shelves.”

Qi Lulu's expression became a little resentful, "Then what are you busy with? Is it possible that it was said outside that you are dating a freshman in high school?"


Wen Yufeng was silent for a few seconds, and then he lifted his eyes, revealing his dark eyes with a cold color.

Even in this hot summer, those eyes gave people an inexplicable chill.

Qi Lulu was startled by the boy's gaze and almost couldn't help but want to take a step back.

But before that, Wen Yufeng still suppressed the violent emotions in his heart.

He lowered his eyes and raised his thin lips.

"Reading magazines, no time."

The slender joints touched the naked cover girl's body, and the boy's lips curved lazily.

There was no hint of smile in the eyes covered by eyelashes.

After hearing this obviously perfunctory answer, Qi Lulu's expression softened a lot.

She bent down and laughed—

"I'm just telling you, how could it be that little girl named 'Qin Qing'? I heard she looks like a small bean sprout that hasn't grown yet - can she have me?"


As soon as he said this, Li Xiang, who was eavesdropping next to him, changed his expression and felt bad.

And just as he expected, Wen Yufeng, who was sitting in the innermost row, had his fingertips clasped on the cover of the magazine gradually turning white.

All the reason in my heart that the other person was a woman finally collapsed at this moment.

He raised his eyes, his expression was cold and stern, and his thin lips moved slightly.

The voice was cold and violent:

"Compared with her... are you worthy?"