He’s so Flirty

Chapter 82


Qin Qing shook her head instinctively, hesitated, and nodded again.

The diamond light from the small crown on the side of her hair moved up and down, making Wen Yufeng dizzy.

After a moment, he lifted his thin lips and sounded a bit lazy and joking -

"What should you call me?"


Qin Qing blinked very slowly, then bowed in understanding, "Hello, senior—"

Wen Yufeng clicked his tongue and stretched out his hand.

So before Qin Qing could stand up straight, she felt a tightness on her shoulders, and the world was spinning for a few seconds. When she looked up with dizzy eyes, she found that she was already being held in someone's arms, and Fu Hanlin was looking at her with an ugly face.

There was a pleasant voice above her head that gently shook the chest she was leaning against, with a hint of a smile.

"This is my sister."

Wen Yufeng raised the corners of his eyes and glanced at Fu Hanlin casually, but his eyes became extremely cold at this moment.

"You have the heart of a bear but the courage of a leopard... dare to take her idea?"

It sounded like a joke, not serious at all, but Fu Hanlin, who was stared at by those black eyes, instinctively rolled his back.

... As if being stared at by some wild beast.

Fu Hanlin wanted to say something harshly, but facing this boy who was at least ten centimeters taller than him, he couldn't say anything harshly.

In the end, Fu Hanlin could only give Qin Qing a complicated look, then walked sideways around the two of them and left.

When Wen Yufeng took his hand away from Qin Qing's shoulder, Qin Qing finally woke up. Her black and white eyes were slightly rounded, like a frightened deer.

She turned around innocently and looked at Wen Yufeng, her eyelashes fluttering.

"…Thank you, senior."

Wen Yufeng lowered his eyes and looked down at her lazily.

"Who taught you to use the excuse 'you're still young' when refusing to confess? What if he gets angry out of shame?"

Qin Qingsheng asked, "What should I do?"


Wen Yufeng stared at Qin Qing for two seconds. In the end, he still couldn't hold back his laughter. He turned his face sideways and said "tsk" with half helplessness and half interest.

The boy's stern profile and dazzling smile made Qin Qing startled for no reason.

Wen Yufeng turned his gaze back here, his two black eyes hiding a smile met Qin Qing's gaze staring at him blankly.

The emotion in the girl's eyes is so pure and obvious, like a pool of crystal clear water, clean and clear inside, you can see the bottom of her heart at a glance.

Wen Yufeng's heart skipped a beat, and he slightly squinted his eyes in some strange way.

"How old are you?"

Qin Qing answered instinctively with a soft voice: "Fifteen."

After answering, Qin Qing asked curiously: "What's wrong?"


As if being burned by the girl's innocent eyes, Wen Yufeng reflexively looked away and regained consciousness.

"…The devil is stunned."

He lowered his eyes and glanced at Qin Qing with a half-smile.

"You're still a kid, what are you doing in a place like this?"

Qin Qing felt that just before and after these two sentences, the way the other party looked at her seemed to have changed.

It seems like... becoming alienated

Qin Qing didn't understand the key point, but because this man had helped her twice, she instinctively became less wary of boys, so she had nothing to hide from such innocuous questions.

"My classmates are holding a farewell party for me." She pursed her lips, her eyes clean and harmless, "This is my first time here."

"... Just go home after sending it off."

Wen Yufeng turned sideways and was about to leave. Before leaving, he couldn't hold back and raised his hand to touch the top of the girl's head.

The long chestnut hair was as soft as imagined, so soft that people couldn't bear to leave.

It was the first time in her life that someone other than her elders touched her head. Qin Qing was stunned for a moment and looked at Wen Yufeng with slightly rounded eyes.

Wen Yufeng had already turned around and left.

Only the lazy laughter is left behind -

"Next time you see me in school, remember to turn around and run... I'm not a good senior."

After standing still for a while, Qin Qing faced the empty corridor and softly said "oh".

… …

As soon as the weekend ended, Qin Qing started her first day of transferring to No. 1 Middle School.

Li Jinghe rarely had time in the morning, so she took the initiative to drive Qin Qing to school. Because Qin Qing had not had time to move to Fulin Garden and the drive was a little longer, the two got in the car and set off early in the morning.

"Xiaoqing, do you have any thoughts about your academic progress?"

When waiting for the first traffic light, Li Jinghe asked seemingly unintentionally.

Qin Qing, who was about to report to the new class of the new school, was still a little uneasy. After hearing Li Jinghe's question, she answered without much thinking.

"The courses in the third grade of junior high school are quite easy. I don't have any pressure this semester."

"Yes, I heard it from your old head teacher before."

Li Jinghe answered, "When other children go to class, their desks are full of books arranged with bookends. Only your desk is clean."

Qin Qing felt uneasy after hearing this, and couldn't help turning her face to the side to secretly observe Li Jinghe's expression. After seeing the gentle emotion on Li Jinghe's face, Qin Qing felt relieved.

Her eyes became more alert: "That's because I have it all in my head."


Li Jinghe turned her gaze sideways and glanced at Qin Qing meaningfully, "I also heard that you wrote a novel in math class and was ripped off by the math teacher?"

When Qin Qing heard this, her face suddenly turned pale and she turned around: "Mom, I won't-" next time.

"I don't mean to blame you." Li Jinghe interrupted Qin Qing, "And I can understand that after you entered the third grade of junior high school, you got full marks in every math test, and the same is basically the case in physics and chemistry. Now you are entering review At this stage, the teacher really can’t teach you anything new.”

Li Jinghe's calm tone made Qin Qing feel anxious. She moved her lips slightly, but in the end she didn't say anything.

"So, I have carefully considered your situation and discussed it with Director Sun Xing. We all believe that you are actually capable of completing your studies for the first year of high school during the summer vacation. After that, as long as you pass the examination, you can directly enter the second year of high school. grade."


Qin Qing slowly clenched her hands and lowered her face, "Mom, I want to go with my classmates during the summer vacation..."

Before she finished speaking, Li Jinghe frowned in displeasure.

"As I told you before, every stage of life has tasks at every stage. The student stage is the time for learning. If you miss this golden period, it will be too late for you to regret it later."

Li Jinghe turned her eyes sideways and saw Qin Qing lowering her head, unable to see her expression clearly, so her tone softened.

"When you are no longer a student, you can arrange your own time. Where do you want to go?... I have discussed this matter with Director Sun Xing. He agrees and wants to train you well, but you can't You have failed to live up to the expectations of me, your father, and the teachers."

The car was quiet for a long time.

After a long time, the hands tightly clenched on the plaid skirt slowly loosened up, and the girl looked up out of the car window.

Two students not wearing school uniforms chased and laughed happily as they passed by the car window.

"...Well, I understand."

Qin Qing looked at the quiet and well-behaved girl on the car window and said softly.

… …

In the last month or so before the entrance examination, new students were transferred to the third class of the third grade of No. 1 Middle School.

The new classmate has a beautiful appearance, a quiet personality, and a cute manner. In the eyes of the whole class, there is almost no fault that can be found.

Many students, especially boys, would like to create an opportunity to make friends with their new classmates. Unfortunately, the new classmates are a bit too quiet and do not take the initiative to talk to them most of the time, which has caused many people to rub their noses. Ash.

A few days after the new classmates arrived, the last monthly exam for the third grade of junior high school ended.

On the day when the results were announced, the classmates finally discovered the new classmate’s biggest flaw—

It’s great to learn.

… It’s so good that it makes you want to curse.

Facing the word "Qin Qing" on the far left of the first row of the grade list, all the students except Class 3 were questioning -

What is the origin of this airborne student who has never appeared in the top 20 of his grade and has perfect scores in mathematics, physics and chemistry

It didn't take a day for Qin Qing's name and origin to spread throughout the third grade of junior high school.

Before the self-study class started that afternoon, students from foreign classes who had free time came in droves, but they all came to nothing outside the door of Class 3.

"Where is that new student in your class?" Someone asked while picking up the door frame of Class 3.

"The head teacher has just been called away."


At that time, Qin Qing was walking in the high school teaching building with her new class teacher.

"This is the first-grade mathematics classroom office."

At the end of the corridor, Qin Qing's class teacher pointed to the nearest door and introduced, "Director Sun has already said hello to Teacher Fu who teaches the first year of high school. Is there anything you don't understand during the self-study of high school mathematics?" , you can come to Teacher Fu to answer questions during self-study class time."


Qin Qing nodded.

The head teacher glanced at Qin Qing with satisfaction, reached out and knocked on the door, then opened the door and said to Qin Qing:

"Come in, I'll take you to say hello to Teacher Fu."

Qin Qing followed the head teacher and walked in.

"Teacher Fu," the head teacher said to the male teacher behind the desk by the window as soon as he entered the door, "I have brought you the little classmate from our class."

Qin Qing raised her eyes and looked over.

Teacher Fu seemed a little unhappy at the moment, his eyebrows were tightly knitted. After hearing what Teacher Qin Qing said, he raised his head and looked over, his expression slightly relaxed.

"Teacher Xiaolin."

Fu Zhengnan glanced at Qin Qing's class teacher from behind his spectacles, "I heard from Director Sun that this year, the first division has found a good seedling..."

As he spoke, Fu Zhengnan's eyes fell on Qin Qing's body, and he seemed to choke, "...is this this little girl?"

"Yes, that's her, Qin Qing."

Teacher Xiao Lin smiled and nodded, reaching out to pull Qin Qing forward by the shoulders.

Many teachers in the office looked over. Qin Qing's face felt slightly hot. She clenched her fingertips and bowed to Fu Zhengnan.

"Hello, Teacher Fu."

The girl's soft voice, coupled with her well-behaved and quiet appearance, make people relax unconsciously.

Fu Zhengnan was stunned for a while before coming back to his senses and nodded.

"I heard from Director Sun that she should take a simple test first to see her basic skills?"

"Just take some tests for the first year of high school. The junior high school part is no problem."

Teacher Xiao Lin answered the question and looked at Qin Qing, "The results of the monthly exam just came out this month. I got full marks in the three subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry, and I ranked first in the grade overall."

"Oh, this is amazing."

In other corners of the office, a female teacher sighed.

Fu Zhengnan was not in a hurry to express his position and asked again: "How are you studying?"

Teacher Xiao Lin naturally knew that Fu Zhengnan was worried that his children would be forced to study by their parents, and if something went wrong if they stretched too tightly, he smiled reassuringly.

"No matter how much homework you have, you can go to bed after seven o'clock in the evening. What do you think, Teacher Fu?"


After hearing this, Fu Zhengnan finally smiled a little. He pointed to the empty seat diagonally opposite his desk: "Qin Qing, go sit there and wait."

After saying that, he turned to Teacher Xiao Lin, "Then she doesn't need to go to the self-study class in the afternoon. She will stay here for a class first. I will find a set of papers later to see how she is doing."

Teacher Xiao Lin responded, "Then I will also take a look."

When he mentioned this, Fu Zhengnan's face darkened: "It's okay for Teacher Xiao Lin to go back first. I have something else I need to finish first."

After seeing Fu Zhengnan's reaction, Teacher Xiao Lin was startled. As soon as his thoughts changed, it became clearer.

"Teacher Fu, are those in your class... making a scene again?"

“…I don’t do my job properly all day long!”

Fu Zhengnan took out a stack of papers from his hand with a sullen face and slapped them on the table, "Look, look at how the monthly exam papers were distributed and handed in. I didn't show up for another day of class yesterday. I don't know why I ran away. The place is wandering around!”

Teacher Xiao Lin smiled bitterly: "Those students, as long as they don't disturb the class and don't fight and cause trouble, you can leave them alone."

"Can we ignore this? They are all students entrusted to me."

Fu Zhengnan sighed.

Teacher Xiao Lin sighed: "Teacher Fu, you are unlucky to lead this group of students. The most difficult things to manage in this school are all in your hands... But Director Sun has nothing to do with Wen Yufeng, so you should use less fuel and spend less money." Just snacks.”

Diagonally opposite, Qin Qing, who had just sat on the chair, froze for a moment, slightly opened her almond-shaped eyes, and looked at Fu Zhengnan.

As soon as Fu Zhengnan raised his head, he was struck by the innocent look in the little girl's eyes, which made him less angry. He couldn't help but asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"


Qin Qing came to her senses, shook her head, and sat down slowly.

Before she "rescued" the senior that day, she seemed to hear those people calling his name... It seemed like that was the name

So, the tyrant of No. 1 Middle School who Manxue said was not even able to control Director Sun Xing, who skipped classes and got into fights and got no papers, couldn't he be the same one, right

… "Next time you see me in school, remember to turn around and run. I'm not a good senior."

Qin Qing touched the top of her hair in frustration, as there seemed to still be a little soothing warmth there.

Fu Zhengnan then discovered that after he finished asking, the expression of the little girl sitting opposite him became even more complicated.

Like a little kitten that saw a trap and a dried fish at the same time.

Just as Fu Zhengnan was about to ask again, there was a knock on the office door.

Just one sound.

Crisp and neat.


Fu Zhengnan immediately raised his eyebrows.


The door was pushed open, and a boy wearing school uniform trousers, a white shirt, and a loose tie walked in.

Qin Qing looked up.

The sun shone all over the person's face, and the black hair seemed to be coated with gold powder.

The thin lips were lifted up in a frivolous way.

The eyes are dark.

Their eyes suddenly met in the air, and Wen Yufeng's figure and smile stopped at the same time.

The next second, he narrowed his eyes slightly and stood motionless looking at the girl.