He’s So Sweet After Class

Chapter 15


Jiang Chenming didn't go to training for several days because of his knee injury. Apart from class, he came home on time every day, and even occasionally went to the Chinese Department to find Mo Lingqiu for dinner.

Soon, almost all the students in University A knew that Jiang Chenming, a teacher from the Department of Physical Education, and Mo Lingqiu, a male teacher from the Department of Chinese, knew each other very well.

"Are you sure it's alright to eat hot pot here?" Mo Lingqiu looked at the induction cooker on Fan Nian's empty table, a little worried.

"It's fine." Fan Nian waved his hand, "I am the only one using here, and this is the rest room."

As he said, this is indeed the rest room attached to the school infirmary, where Fan Nian usually rests. Today, he was bored alone, so he called Mo Lingqiu and the others over, and wanted to cook hot pot with them.

The ingredients for the hot pot were bought temporarily by Mo Lingqiu and the others, and the hot pot ingredients were provided by Fan Nian. He hid various flavors of hot pot ingredients in the lounge.

"Do you want spicy or bone broth?"

"Bone broth."


Bone soup was said by Mo Lingqiu, and spicy was said by Jiang Chenming.

The two looked at each other and spoke in unison.

"Don't you like spicy food?"

"Your knee injury isn't healed yet."

Fan Nian held the spicy soup in his left hand and the bone soup in his right. At this moment, he pretended to be angry and fell on the table: "Don't argue, show your affection in front of me, a single dog?"

"Then you decide."

"Then Doctor Fan decides."

The third time he said in unison, Fan Nian's face turned green, and he threw the two bags in his hand into the box: "I've decided, for the mushroom eater, Mo Lingqiu, dip your own hot sauce."

This time, the two of them didn't speak any more, and sat down rather awkwardly.

After boiling the water in the pot, Fan Nian poured in the mushroom base, and the fragrance slowly wafted out. When it boiled, the three of them also put down their chopsticks.

"Hey, to be honest, I've been thinking about resigning recently." Fan Nian said with a bunch of enoki mushrooms in his hand, "I want to travel, but I can't bear you, Mo Lingqiu."

"Why did you resign?" Mo Lingqiu was a little surprised, because Fan Nian had always liked this job, and it was too unreasonable to suddenly have such an idea.

"Because it has been confined here, it would be too boring to retire in a safe and secure way."

"Then if you want to quit, quit." If a job is boring and you have the ability to do other things, you can indeed consider resigning temporarily.

"I'm just talking." Fan Nian raised his eyebrows, "What? Now that I have a partner, I don't need a close friend of mine?"

"...No." Mo Lingqiu originally wanted to say "don't talk nonsense", but thinking that he was still hiding from Fan Nian, he changed his words, "Then you continue to work here."

"Think about it." Fan Nian really had the idea of resigning, but it wasn't that strong. Maybe after a year or two, he really decided to leave.

"As you go, say hello to me before you leave." Mo Lingqiu showed great respect.

Fan Nian made an "OK" gesture and looked at Jiang Chenming: "Xiao Jiang, I heard that you went to a game some time ago? A basketball game in the province."

"Ah... I came back after only two games." Jiang Chenming scratched his head, "do you know all about it, doctor?"

"That's not true. Many people are discussing it. Your charm is not small." Fan Nian smiled. "Why did you come back halfway? I read the campus report that your grades were very good."

"The knee was injured, so I came back early." Jiang Chenming shook his leg, "It's getting better now."

Mo Lingqiu glanced at his knee, which was covered by the fat sweatpants, and said nothing.

"No wonder your teacher Mo doesn't let you eat spicy food."

Jiang Chenming coughed and took the topic away: "I was originally a substitute, and I followed to start because the coach said that he would give the opponent a blow, but he didn't let me go."

"Hahahaha that proves that you played well."

"It's not that exaggerated." Jiang Chenming waved his hand, "I don't plan to be an athlete, it's not suitable."

"Then what are you going to do?" Mo Lingqiu suddenly turned his head and asked, to be honest, after living together for so long, he never heard Jiang Chenming mention his future plans.

"Let's start a company." Jiang Chenming's initial plan was like this, "Now I'm investing."

"...Are you a sports student?" Fan Nian exclaimed.

"...Yes." Jiang Chenming smiled, "Is it strange?"

"It's not surprising, I often hear people discussing how good you are." Fan Nian said with a "tsk", "Envy."

Mo Lingqiu did not comment, so he rushed to the house where Jiang Chenming lived. He could probably guess that his family was rich and he had connections. It is not surprising to start a company in the future, or even engage in business investment completely.

"Let's talk about it, I don't have any special plans, just play and invest first." Jiang Chenming didn't say how much he invested and how much he earned, but his tone was very relaxed, and it was obvious that he made most of the money.

"Then when did you decide to mark it?" Fan Nianzhang asked this sentence with difficulty.

Mo Lingqiu and Jiang Chenming were both stunned, but Mo Lingqiu said first: "No hurry, he hasn't graduated yet, I'm not in a hurry, what's your hurry?"

Fan Nian was choked by these words and fell silent.

Jiang Chenming covered his mouth, trying to laugh or not, he looked particularly ill-fated.

After the three of them had eaten hot pot, they kept the pots and bowls open with the windows wide open for ventilation. By the time they were all cleaned up, it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon.

Mo Lingqiu still had a job, so he quickly returned to the office. Jiang Chenming had no class in the afternoon, so he wandered back to the dormitory, and Fan Nian was left alone in the infirmary again.

After Mo Lingqiu returned to the office, before he had time to sit down, Yang Sheng and Liao Nan came, with the second-stage inspection materials in their hands.

After helping them check, Mo Lingqiu arranged a new task.

After Yang Sheng took the new task, he didn't leave for a long time. Mo Lingqiu saw him strange and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Mr. Mo, are you single?" Seeing that Mo Lingqiu didn't answer, Yang Sheng quickly said, "That's right, my sister likes you very much and wanted to talk to you."

Mo Lingqiu tightened his hand on the pen. Now the students are going to introduce him to someone

"I… "

"Teacher, don't be in a hurry to refuse, I know you are single, here is my sister's contact information and a photo, if you like it, add one more." Yang Sheng quickly threw a photo on the table, "Then teacher, I'll go first."

Mo Lingqiu hurriedly stopped him: "No need, I... It's inconvenient."

Yang Sheng blinked: "Teacher, do you have a partner?"

Mo Lingqiu couldn't say yes or no. If he says yes, he might be forced to ask who the target is. If he says no, the other party will definitely give him his contact information, and Fan Nian will need to know when it spreads.

Seeing that he was silent, Yang Sheng tacitly agreed that he already had a partner: "Okay, then I'll go back and tell my sister, but who are you with, teacher?"

Mo Lingqiu still didn't speak, and Yang Sheng asked again, "Yes... Jiang Chenming? I saw the post on the school forum before."

In fact, Yang Sheng has seen the news posts about Mo Lingqiu and Jiang Chenming on the campus forum more than once. But both of them are Alpha, and everyone has never believed it.

Yang Sheng asked today, just to introduce his sister. If it doesn't work, it will be fine, but now he has learned a huge fact.

Mo Lingqiu raised his head in surprise, that expression in Yang Sheng's heart was a reaction that was guessed: "It's really true, teacher, I wish you happiness!"

The author has something to say: Teacher Mo: Inexplicably blessed? ?

I'm sorry, the update is late, I'm a little busy today _(:з"∠)_

It's nine o'clock tomorrow, good night everyone~ Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-05-01 20:04:28~2020-05-02 22:08:21~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Namu and Aguigui;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!