He’s So Sweet After Class

Chapter 17


After returning home, Mo Lingqiu hurriedly opened the campus forum website. He couldn't understand why his real name was exposed in everyone's sight, he said in the anonymous section.

He studied the anonymous forum for a long time, but didn't come up with a reason.

When Jiang Chenming came out of the room, there was no movement from Mo Lingqiu, he thought that the other party was working again. Looking at it again, Mo Lingqiu's door was not closed, and he was facing the computer with a serious face.

"Dong Dong" knocked on the door twice, Jiang Chenming asked, "Mr. Mo, what do you have for dinner?"

Mo Lingqiu concentrated on the computer and did not hear what Jiang Chenming said.

Jiang Chenming called out again, but Mo Lingqiu still didn't respond. He hesitated and walked into Mo Lingqiu's room: "Mr. Mo, what do you want to eat at night?"

Mo Lingqiu was frightened, looked at Jiang Chenming in a trance, and hesitated for a long time before saying: "All, all."

"Looking at the forum?" Jiang Chenming glanced at the computer and asked him.

"...Yes, how did you see my likes?" Mo Lingqiu asked, while miniaturizing the forum full of posts from himself and Jiang Chenming, as if Jiang Chenming didn't know what he was looking at.

"Before operating in the anonymous area, you must first set the nickname of the anonymous area. If you don't set it, the default is the job number plus your real name." Jiang Chenming didn't ask him to open the interface to show himself, "Click on the personal center on the home page, Then it can be changed in the settings, after the change, everyone will not deliberately see who you are, but if you encounter that kind of scolding, everyone will go to the personal information to see who this person is."

"...In the final analysis, this forum is still a real name?" Mo Lingqiu thought about it. Since he can see the real name homepage of the anonymous speaker, what is the meaning of anonymity

"Almost, it's a campus forum after all, and it's easy to manage if there's anything going on."

Jiang Chenming's words are true. If everyone is irresponsible and anonymous, then there will be a scolding war or a provocation, and the management of the school forum will be very troublesome.

"I'll take a look again." Mo Lingqiu lowered his head.

Jiang Chenming said "um": "Teacher, you haven't told me what you want to eat at night."

"...Instant noodles." Mo Lingqiu raised his head when he heard the food, "I'll get it myself later."

He hasn't eaten instant noodles for a long time, and he has thought about mouth addiction.

When Jiang Chenming heard it, he frowned slightly: "Mr. Mo, you really don't like eating rice?"

In his observation, Mo Lingqiu seemed to have noodles three times a day, and little rice. Sometimes, even if he ordered rice, he ate all the vegetables and left rice.

"...I don't like it." Mo Lingqiu didn't like to eat rice since he was a child, and his parents didn't care much about him. He had full freedom to eat.

"Wait, I'm going to make some noodles for you." Jiang Chenming said, turning around and walking out of Mo Lingqiu's room.

Mo Lingqiu reopened the miniaturized campus forum and modified the anonymous nickname in the personal settings. Although he may not use the campus forum in the future after the hand skating, he will change it just in case.

After finishing, Mo Lingqiu turned off the computer and walked towards the kitchen. He heard the sound of the range hood, and he was a little puzzled.

As a result, he stepped into the kitchen, and saw Jiang Chenming wearing an apron, cooking instant noodles, sliced ham and set aside, and four eggs, as if he was going to eat.

"I can't eat that many eggs." Mo Lingqiu said, and took off one egg, "One will do."

"Well, I'll eat the remaining two." Jiang Chenming originally thought of two for one person.

Mo Lingqiu didn't answer, he brought out two soup bowls for him, rinsed them with water and put them aside.

Jiang Chenming stirred up the instant noodles, then turned his head and glanced at Mo Lingqiu.

The eyes hidden behind the lenses are very beautiful, the eyes are light, and there is nothing to see, as if in a daze. The profile face is very good-looking, after all, Mo Lingqiu himself is the kind of look that makes people feel amazing at first glance, and the more he looks, the more attractive he is.

"Mr. Mo, are there many people chasing you in our school?" Jiang Chenming looked at it and asked what he was thinking.

Mo Lingqiu, who was staring at the wall in a daze, came back to his senses and didn't understand why Jiang Chenming suddenly asked, "What gave you this illusion?"

"Ah... Isn't it?" Jiang Chenming was surprised, he really didn't expect that he would guess wrong on this kind of thing.

Mo Lingqiu thought for a while, but didn't answer. In fact, there are quite a few people chasing him, from colleagues to students, and even a few have been chasing him since he was a student, and kept contacting him after he graduated and left school.

"My friends, they all told me that you are very popular." Jiang Chenming smiled and poured the instant noodles in the pot into the bowl. Then another bag.

Mo Lingqiu was not in a hurry to bring it out, but waited for him to finish another bowl.

"Aren't you also quite popular?" Mo Lingqiu guessed that Jiang Chenming must be much more popular than himself, and it is very pleasing just because of his sunny personality.

Jiang Chenming smiled "haha": "I didn't like to be in contact with Omegas very much before, and I usually run around."

"Why?" In Mo Lingqiu's impression, Alpha has always been very interested in Omega, whether it is because of the attraction of the body, pheromone, or the requirement of succession, after all, AO love is the orthodox in this world.

"When I first differentiated, I couldn't control my pheromones very well, which had a great impact on Omega. Over time, I didn't want to have contact with Omega." Jiang Chenming didn't want to be a rogue who let Omega's innocent be induced into estrus.

Mo Lingqiu blinked, thinking that he was also the one who was induced into estrus, and stopped speaking, he always felt astringent and uncomfortable.

Jiang Chenming glanced back at Mo Lingqiu and found that he turned his head away and did not speak, and immediately explained: "Mr. Mo, we met by accident, but this accident is a good thing for me, so..."

Mo Lingqiu suddenly stood up straight and picked up the bowl full of instant noodles before: "The noodles are going to be lumpy, I'll go out first, hurry up."

"Okay." Jiang Chenming was stunned for a moment, noticing Mo Lingqiu's flushed ears, he raised the corner of his mouth and responded briskly.

After eating, Jiang Chenming was going to wash the dishes, but was stopped by Mo Lingqiu: "Go sit on the sofa and remove the gauze on your knees. I'll come and take a look later."

After speaking, Mo Lingqiu carried the empty bowl into the kitchen, and quickly finished the bowl and returned to the living room.

Jiang Chenming was carefully unpacking the gauze, and Mo Lingqiu walked over a few steps and sat on the pillow that had been placed on the ground.

While helping the other party remove the gauze, he asked with a stern expression: "Didn't you not train these days?"

"It's not training." Jiang Chenming explained, "I just went to the playground to see the training situation of the juniors. Isn't it more convenient to change the jersey? It's boring for me to be alone in a dormitory with nothing."

Because Jiang Chenming moved out of the dormitory, his bed was empty. Unfortunately, all three roommates went to practice outdoors this afternoon, and there was no one in the dormitory. He stayed for less than five minutes, got bored and went to the playground.

Just looking at it is definitely not enough, but he couldn't hold back and asked the juniors for a solo ball for a while.

Mo Lingqiu knew that he was going to accompany the training, but Jiang Chenming did not dare to speak out about the solo.

After removing the bandage, when Mo Lingqiu saw that the flesh wound on Jiang Chenming's knee was almost healed, his face was not so ugly: "There are still bruises, pay attention to yourself."

"Yeah." Jiang Chenming responded flatteringly, knowing that he went to the locker room to change his jersey early this morning, so that Mo Lingqiu wouldn't be able to see that he was playing, lest the opponent worry about him.

Mo Lingqiu stood up: "Be careful when you take a bath."

After speaking, Mo Lingqiu went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of ice milk and went back to his room.

Jiang Chenming looked at his knees that were almost fine, and then looked at the door that Mo Lingqiu had closed. It's a pity, the wound healed too quickly, Mr. Mo said that he would just take it away, why didn't he care so much about him

Although it has been a hundred days since the injury, Jiang Chenming's health is really good, and the wound is recovering quickly. The large bruises at the beginning of November have all disappeared, and there is no trace of injury.

And there is good news for the team that represented the A University. After being selected in the province, they went to participate in the National College Basketball Tournament and won the runner-up.

In order to celebrate the team's good results, and to celebrate Jiang Chenming's recovery from his injury, a group of boys from the sports department who often hang out in the basketball club had a dinner together.

Jiang Chenming greeted Mo Lingqiu in advance, and it happened that Mo Lingqiu and Fan Nian had an appointment to have dinner together, and the two of them were considered to have their own appointments.

The meeting place was set at a home-style restaurant near A University. A group of Alpha and Beta men were crowded together. The air was mixed with the smell of male hormones and various pheromones. Even within the normal concentration range, there were still some Omegas passing by. Mind rippling.

Jiang Chenming's popularity is very good, and everyone has been drinking a lot of alcohol. No matter how good his alcohol intake is, he will feel a little dizzy after two bottles of white.

"Brother Jiang, why didn't you bring Mr. Mo with you today?" A junior asked boldly by taking advantage of the wine.

Jiang Chenming put down the empty glass. In the eyes of college student A, Mo Lingqiu and him are now lovers: "He went out to dinner with Dr. Fan."

"Dr. Fan? You mean that Fan Nian from our North Campus infirmary?"


The person sitting next to Jiang Chenming muttered, "Fan Nian is a single Omega, aren't you worried?"

"Don't worry." Of course Jiang Chenming wasn't worried.

"That's hard to say. What if Fan Nian is in heat? Don't forget that Teacher Mo is an Alpha."

Jiang Chenming didn't speak. He was more worried about Mo Lingqiu's estrus than Fan Nian's estrus. After all, it's been almost a month since the last time. For some reason, Jiang Chenming's heart skipped a beat when he thought of these two words, and he was a little flustered.

Because there was no Omega present, and everyone chatted with meat and vegetables, Jiang Chenming hung his head and didn't answer, and ate in silence.

The mobile phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated, and when he picked it up, he saw that it was Mo Lingqiu calling.

The author has something to say: Good night -3-

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-05-03 20:59:20~2020-05-04 19:19:27~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 6 bottles of Lili 1128; 5 bottles of Jingxing; 3 bottles of Ll; 1 bottle of Sunflower;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!