He’s So Sweet After Class

Chapter 22


At 2:30 in the afternoon, Mo Lingqiu expanded and expanded the topic explained by the old professor, packed up his things, left the office, and drove all the way to the gymnasium on the North Campus.

This afternoon, Jiang Chenming took a few juniors from the team to practice three-step layups and two-pointers in the North Campus Gymnasium. Usually, the coach is in charge of it. The matter was handed over to Jiang Chenming, who he trusted and was almost the team's benchmark.

When Mo Lingqiu arrived, their training was not over yet. Watching the people coming in and out at the gate of the gym, he suddenly had the thought of "wanting to meet his Alpha".

Such thoughts were fleeting, at least the word "self" was erased by him.

Pushing open the door to get out of the car, Mo Lingqiu walked straight into the gym.

The concentration of pheromones in the gym is stronger than outside. First, because boys sweat when exercising, and the pheromone will be transmitted through sweat. Second, it is also because there are many Omegas who come to the gym to watch football. Alphas try to express themselves.

Mo Lingqiu came very quietly. After picking a seat in a corner where no one was there, he stared at Jiang Chenming on the court who was pointing out mistakes in his actions to his juniors.

I have to say that the juniors are very obedient. Although they couldn't hear what Jiang Chenming said to them, everyone would not have a dissatisfied expression on their faces, instead they would train more seriously.

This is also a manifestation of Jiang Chenming's popularity and strength.

On the basketball court, Jiang Chenming jumped up and was about to demonstrate a standard three-step layup when he saw Mo Lingqiu sitting in the corner of the gym, his hand slipped, and the ball fell and hit the ground.

The sound of "Boom", although not loud, was enough to attract the attention of those who trained in the same stadium as Jiang Chenming.

In their impression, Jiang Chenming would never make such a low-level mistake.

"Wow, what's wrong with you, senior?"

"Are you okay, senior?"

A group of people came over, and while watching this strange scene, they pushed the ball that jumped into the distance to Jiang Chenming again.

Everyone thought that Jiang Chenming was just a mistake, and he would definitely catch the ball after laughing, but he didn't expect that this man didn't want the ball and walked across the crowd to the auditorium.

Mo Lingqiu saw it. He sat without moving, but was a little nervous for no reason, and his folded hands clenched even tighter.

After a while, Jiang Chenming climbed up and greeted Mo Lingqiu with a smile: "Mr. Mo, you are here."

"En." Mo Lingqiu nodded, he could feel the eyes of the people around him all falling on him.

"I'll be fine in a while, you wait a while." Jiang Chenming said, and took out a packet of Wangzai toffee from his pocket, "This is for you."

Mo Lingqiu suddenly had the illusion that he was being coaxed by a child, but he still reached out and took the toffee.

Jiang Chenming was in a surprisingly good mood. After returning to the basketball court, he showed off his brilliant skills in various ways, for fear that Mo Lingqiu would not be able to see it.

When the juniors of the basketball team saw Jiang Chenming's show-off, they felt amused and envious at the same time.

That was Mo Lingqiu, who was recognized by their school as hard to catch up. Apart from the gender of the other party, this person alone was very desirable.

The single Omegas who came to watch the basketball team play looked at the sunny and handsome Jiang Chenming, and at the cold and beautiful Mo Lingqiu sitting there, their hearts were sour.

Not one of them was their turn, sadly.

Jiang Chenming finished the training on time at three o'clock, and ran to Mo Lingqiu with a bunch of things: "Mr. Mo, wait for me, I'll change clothes."

"I made an appointment with Bao Wen at five o'clock."

The implication is that Jiang Chenming can not worry, and can even take a shower.

Jiang Chenming was very smart. After understanding what Mo Lingqiu meant, he put his bag on the chair next to him, turned and ran to the lounge attached to the gym.

Mo Lingqiu lowered his head and looked at his phone until someone sat next to him, and Jiang Chenming's bag was placed on his lap by that person.

"Mr. Mo, hello, I'm..." The man was about to introduce himself when Mo Lingqiu interrupted him.

"Jiang Chenming is the manager of their team."

The visitor's face was full of surprise. He didn't know how Mo Lingqiu knew it. After thinking for a while, he suddenly smiled: "Did the senior mentioned me to you?"

Mo Lingqiu didn't answer, it was indeed Jiang Chenming who mentioned it, but only when he explained it to himself. He would recognize it, in fact, because of the pheromone smell on this person.

Mo Lingqiu was also quite surprised. He didn't expect that after so long, he could still distinguish a person he had never met based on the pheromone attached to Jiang Chenming's body, which would cause astigmatism as soon as the wind blew. stranger.

It's just that the smell on this person is very strong today. I don't know if it's natural or deliberate. If it is the latter, I am afraid it is because Jiang Chenming is protesting with himself.

But no matter what, this person is just a child in Mo Lingqiu's eyes, and even if it is a demonstration, in his opinion, it is nothing more than an act of jealousy among children.

Seeing that Mo Lingqiu didn't answer his question, the team manager thought he had guessed correctly, and was in a better mood.

"Mr. Mo, senior, he usually has a good relationship with everyone. Don't be angry because of my words."

Mo Lingqiu still didn't answer, he didn't talk much himself, and he was a very slow person. But these reactions combined with his indifferent expression made this Omega think that Mo Lingqiu was angry because of his existence. Not only did he talk more, but he also showed arrogance on his face.

Although Mo Lingqiu gave Jiang Chenming enough time, he quickly took a shower, put on clean clothes, and then returned to the gym.

Seeing Mo Lingqiu and an uninvited guest next to him at a glance, Jiang Chenming's originally excited face sank. He quickly ran down the stairs to Mo Lingqiu's side: "Mr. Mo, let's go."

When Mo Lingqiu heard the sound, he immediately stood up. He wanted to reach out and ask for Jiang Chenming's bag, but everything was put on his lap by the Omega team manager, and the other party had no intention of letting go.

Jiang Chenming was quite rude: "Bag."

The team manager froze in place. It was the first time he saw Jiang Chenming speak so rudely.

"The bag, won't you give it to me?" Jiang Chenming repeated it again, this time, the smile on his face had disappeared.

The team manager hurriedly handed the bag to him, carefully looking at his face: "Here, just sitting, sitting here and talking to Mr. Mo... I picked it up..."

"Let's go." Jiang Chenming reached out and held Mo Lingqiu.

Mo Lingqiu didn't realize what was wrong, and left the gym with Jiang Chenming.

When the two of them appeared outside holding hands, Mo Lingqiu noticed the gazes of others and realized that he and Jiang Chenming were holding hands.

"... The car is there." Mo Lingqiu pointed to the car in the parking space not far away.

"En." Jiang Chenming didn't want to let go, he led him all the way to the side of the car before letting go.

After the two got into the car, Jiang Chenming took out the important things in the bag and threw the empty bag in the back seat. Fastening his seat belt, he turned to look at Mo Lingqiu.

The man was turning the key indifferently, preparing to reverse the car, but Jiang Chenming keenly noticed that his indifferent expression was a little different, and he looked very nervous.

"Mr. Mo, what did you talk about?"

"...I don't remember." Mo Lingqiu was really not impressed, the man kept talking, but he had been watching social news.

Jiang Chenming laughed sullenly, and sure enough, this was Mo Lingqiu: "Mr. Mo, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

"... What?" Mo Lingqiu didn't understand.

"I don't know what he said to you, but looking at his expression, Mr. Mo, I feel that you have been bullied." Jiang Chenming thought for a while, and felt that the second half of his sentence was not rigorous enough, "No, it should mean that he is looking for you. Troubled plan."

"Really?" Mo Lingqiu perfectly backed the car out of the parking space and drove into the driveway, "But I think it's just a child robbing things. I'm almost thirty, do I still care about him?"

When Jiang Chenming heard this answer, the expression on his face froze, and after a while, he smiled again.

Mo Lingqiu really gave him an unexpected answer.

"What does Mr. Mo think he is robbing?" Jiang Chenming asked step by step.

Mo Lingqiu never thought that this person would ask such a question. He pursed his lips tightly and did not speak, regretting that he had just spoken impulsive and impulsive.

Jiang Chenming was reluctant and asked again: "Mr. Mo, who do you think he is robbing? Is he robbing me?"

The last three words made Mo Lingqiu's foot on the brake slammed hard, and the two people in the car moved forward by inertia. His car stopped at the intersection at the moment when the red light appeared.

The empty bag originally placed in the back seat slid to the ground. I don't know if it was the illusion of the people in the car. The smell of pheromones that didn't belong to the two of them on the bag entered the nose.

Mo Lingqiu's hand holding the steering wheel squeezed slightly. After a while, he turned his head and said angrily to Jiang Chenming, "Are you also a child?"

Jiang Chenming raised his hand, pinched Mo Lingqiu's red ears flatteringly, and said warmly, "Mr. Mo, park the car on the side of the road for a while, I lost that bag, let's go buy a new one."

The author has something to say: Classmate Jiang: Daily teasing unlock +1

good night -3-

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-05-08 21:00:00~2020-05-09 21:11:12~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: the girl who cultivates immortality and is not bald, and eats 10 bottles of strawberries like crazy;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!