He’s So Sweet After Class

Chapter 24


Originally, being able to sleep in a bed was something Jiang Chenming could not have wished for, but this was brought up by Mo Lingqiu's mother, and the taste was different.

He opened his mouth and smiled awkwardly: "It's okay, I can also go back to the dormitory to rest."

Han Ying narrowed her eyes again and looked at him uncertainly, as if she didn't expect him to say this.

"Mom, I'll send him back to the dormitory tonight." Mo Lingqiu took over the words and interrupted his mother's next thoughts.

Han Ying snorted: "No, stay and live. Uncles and aunts won't stay here for too long, don't be too cautious."

"Alright then." Jiang Chenming had nothing to say, except for these three words, there was nothing else he could say.

After the four people sat down around the dining table, the atmosphere was even more awkward.

Although Han Ying had been talking to Jiang Chenming and asked some irrelevant questions, Mo Lingqiu had an intuition that his mother was testing him.

As for Mo Songcheng, while serving Han Ying, he cared about Mo Lingqiu: "Is life going well recently?"


"Don't always keep a straight face when communicating with students. You are not too young. Students will be scared when they see it."


"I'm going out on errands tomorrow, and your mother stays here to clean up for you."

"it is good."

Unlike Han Ying and Jiang Chenming's lively, chatty and laughable chat, this father and son's chat was bland and even sounded boring.

Jiang Chenming took a peek at Mo Songcheng, didn't dare to interrupt, and quietly pushed the spicy fish that Mo Lingqiu liked to eat in front of him.

"Which college is Xiao Jiang from? Chinese Department?" Mo Songcheng, who had a good chat with Mo Lingqiu, suddenly set his eyes on Jiang Chenming.

Jiang Chenming's frightened hand shook, and the hand that pushed the plate almost couldn't control it: "...I'm from the sports department."

"I thought you were Ling Qiu's direct student."

"No." Jiang Chenming smiled, "My roommate's girlfriend is studying in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, and she went to the Department of Chinese Language and Literature once before. Because the bed in my dormitory was broken, I moved out."

"The bed board is broken?" Mo Songcheng was particularly surprised.

"Well... Our dormitory is a structure with a bed and a table. The bed board is made of wood. Maybe it's because I'm heavy, and two of the bed boards are broken in the middle." Jiang Chenming laughed at himself humorously.

"Then this school should be changed for you. It's very dangerous." Han Ying's attention was also attracted.

"I've applied, but it's not ready yet." Jiang Chenming explained with a smile, "Because it's a large item, there may not be any stock in the school, and it will take a while to change it. Besides, I was originally a local, and I wanted to go home. I live here, but my house is far away, so Mr. Mo took me in temporarily."

"En, it's convenient to live here, and it's close to the school." Han Ying nodded, satisfied with Jiang Chenming's chatty and politeness.

"Yes, I still have to thank Teacher Mo for helping out in time." Jiang Chenming said, and smiled and glanced at Mo Lingqiu, who was sitting beside him and burying his head in eating.

Mo Lingqiu listened to the conversation of these three people, but did not make a particularly big reaction, but he was thinking in his heart that Jiang Chenming's nonsense ability is still very good, so it is difficult for people to question.

When Zhengdong was thinking about it, Han Ying suddenly focused on him again: "Ling Qiu, you usually take care of Xiao Jiang at school."

"Yeah." Mo Lingqiu had no other reaction than nodding.

After a meal, Jiang Chenming won the favor of Han Ying and Mo Songcheng with his excellent ability to communicate with people, and he took the initiative to move the empty bowls to the kitchen to wash them.

Mo Songcheng, who was free, took out the laptop he brought, put on his glasses and read some papers, while Han Ying dragged Mo Lingqiu into his room.

"I'll tidy up a little bit, you and Dad will stay here for the night." After Mo Lingqiu finished speaking, he began to clean up the quilts on the bed, etc., and put away some of the materials on the table that he usually read.

His room was already neat, so it was easy to tidy up. Han Ying kept watching him busy until she saw that Mo Lingqiu was about to pack up and stopped him.

"Ling Qiu."

"What's wrong?" Mo Lingqiu put the pillow in his hand to the head of the bed, stood up and asked.

"You and Xiao Jiang..." Han Ying's expression was much more serious than when she was eating.

"He helped me, and I helped him." Mo Lingqiu probably guessed what his mother was going to ask.

"If you like it, we won't say it, but if you don't like it or don't mean it, we will take care of it." Although Han Ying knew that Mo Lingqiu didn't like hearing these words, she still cared about her son's love life. . In her impression, her son Mo Lingqiu was a person who was very insensitive to feelings, and was even completely in a state of ignorance.

She was afraid that if Mo Lingqiu didn't mean that, or didn't realize that he meant it, he would delay Jiang Chenming and waste his own time, after all, he is not young.

"Mom, I'll be thirty soon." Mo Lingqiu frowned, he didn't hide his displeasure.

"We actually arranged a blind date for you when we came back this time."

Han Ying's words made Mo Lingqiu's eyes widen: "Mom! I..."

"You listen to me first." Han Ying sighed, "Blame us. I didn't spend much time with you when I was young. It's not a good thing to be independent too early."

Mo Lingqiu didn't speak, and there was a trace of unhappiness in his heart. It's already been more than ten or twenty years. No matter how sad he is, and how envious of other people's life with his parents, the past is the past. And his parents are really busy with work, so he can be considerate.

"The child we arranged for you is not bad. It's a high-quality Alpha. The son of a researcher over there is thirty-two this year and is a little older than you." I opened the photo to Mo Lingqiu to see it, and then opened the person's profile, "Here is his photo and profile. He looks pretty good? Besides, you can see that his education and work are excellent."

Mo Lingqiu looked at it. In the past, he felt that Alpha could get what he wanted with a little effort. Now it is even more unlikely that an Alpha will be impressed by this person because he is better, so he is almost indifferent. He gave the answer without hesitation: "No, I don't plan to think about it for the time being."

"Are you not considering falling in love and getting married, or are you not considering him, and there are other candidates for consideration?" Han Ying asked very sharply.

Mo Lingqiu pursed his lips and said nothing.

"What? You look so unhappy?" Han Ying suddenly put on a smile.

"...Mom, I've always been like this." Mo Lingqiu felt helpless. After all, the person in front of him was his mother. No matter how hard he tried, no matter how he teased him, as long as it was not out of line, he chose to accept it.

Han Ying nodded: "Mom knows."

"So please refuse me this matter, I won't go." Mo Lingqiu emphasized it again, for fear that his mother couldn't think of it, so he just pressured him to go, although the possibility of such a thing happening is a little small.

Han Ying didn't plan to let him go just like that: "Then tell me about you and Xiao Jiang, don't say that the back of your neck was bitten by a dog."

Mo Lingqiu's originally tense expression relaxed a little because of this humorous remark: "No."

"Who bit?" Han Ying asked knowingly.

"Isn't it obvious?" Mo Lingqiu simply broke the jar and threw it.

"If I remember correctly, you're not the kind of person who lets others touch you at will." Han Ying sat on the chair and planned to listen to Mo Lingqiu explain it to herself.

But Mo Lingqiu has always been less talkative, and one of the reasons he didn't want to talk about what happened was that the long-term inhibitor he had been taking was given to him by Han Ying and the others. If he said something like "this happened because of this inhibitor", his parents would definitely blame themselves.

"He's chasing me."

"Then you..." Han Ying's eyes lit up.

"It's okay for now." Mo Lingqiu was telling the truth, but it didn't rise to the level that made him pay a lot for it. He would be a little embarrassed just stating the facts, so he avoided Han Ying's straightforward gaze.

Han Ying sighed in her heart that it was not easy, with a smile on her face: "That's good, get along well, and I won't ask you about the matching degree of pheromone, the integration is good."

Mo Lingqiu didn't say a word, but he murmured in his heart: He could smell it, but he wanted to talk about it.

Han Ying pondered for a while, and patted Mo Lingqiu on the shoulder: "Have a good rest at night, don't worry about us being next door."

Mo Lingqiu's originally stretched brows wrinkled again: "You are not too young, don't always listen to the corner."

"My ears are mine, and my legs are mine, so don't blame me if I wander around and hear anything. Be quiet at night." After speaking, Han Ying left with a look of joy, leaving Mo Lingqiu speechless behind her. Looking at her back.

The author has something to say: Good night -3-

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-05-10 15:36:40~2020-05-11 20:57:29~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Ll 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!