He’s So Sweet After Class

Chapter 32


When Mo Lingqiu was released, his lips were red and swollen, and his glasses were taken off.

He took a breath for a while, then reached out and asked Jiang Chenming for glasses: "Give me the glasses."

Jiang Chenming smiled lightly and helped him put it on, and then kissed his cheek before giving up.

Mo Lingqiu pushed him away and got into the driver's seat. Jiang Chenming hurriedly sat in the passenger seat, and then looked at him sideways with a smile.

Mo Lingqiu quickly calmed down. The loss of control just now made him feel embarrassed, so he chose to start the car silently.

Jiang Chenming was in a good mood, and his uninjured left hand tapped rhythmically on his leg until he saw that the direction the car was driving was not going to Yuanqiao Apartment.

"Mr. Mo, where are we going?" Jiang Chenming asked.

"Hospital." Mo Lingqiu didn't forget that the team coach told Jiang Chenming to go to the hospital to make a movie.

Jiang Chenming didn't dare to say "it's okay" now, he followed Mo Lingqiu wherever he wanted to take him.

There is a good municipal hospital near A University. After Mo Lingqiu parked the car, he got out of the car with Jiang Chenming. The two walked into the hospital side by side, and Mo Lingqiu was doing the registration and signing.

Because there were so many people in the hospital, after queuing up at the orthopaedic department on the third floor, it took more than half an hour to finally be able to see a doctor.

Mo Lingqiu told the doctor about Jiang Chenming's general situation. The doctor looked at the palm of his hand wrapped in gauze, and then looked at the wounds on his arm that had been rubbed with medicine, and said, "Let's take a film first."

"Okay." Mo Lingqiu took the medical record book, and Jiang Chenming went to find the filming place again.

The hospital's orthopaedic department took half an hour to wait for the film. Because of the slow filming, the two of them sat on the chairs in the hospital corridor and looked at their mobile phones. Jiang Chenming's right hand was injured, and his left hand was unhappy playing with his mobile phone. He simply moved to Mo Lingqiu's side to watch the documentary with him.

Half an hour later, the window where the film was released kept calling Jiang Chenming's name, and Mo Lingqiu reflexively walked over to get the film, only to be asked by the person at the window.

"Are you yourself?"

"Ah?" Mo Lingqiu was stunned.

"The person on this medical insurance card doesn't look like you. You can't take someone else's film."

Mo Lingqiu was speechless, Jiang Chenming hurried over and hugged him to rescue: "He is my boyfriend."

The window staff gave them a deep look before handing out the film.

The two returned to the consultation room with the film. After watching the film carefully, the doctor said, "There is nothing wrong with just looking at the film's bones. It's just that there are flesh wounds on the periphery of your arm. Just pay attention to rest."

"Okay, thank you doctor."

"Well, I'll prescribe some medicine for you. You can go to the medicine store to get it later."

"it is good."

The doctor wrote hard, wrote the general condition in the medical record book, and prescribed medicine to reduce swelling and pain in the medical system. It was almost five o'clock when the two got the medicine and came out of the hospital.

"Mr. Mo, shall we go back?"

"Well." Mo Lingqiu responded and drove back with him.

When passing by the Xiaolongbao store, Mo Lingqiu slowed down, found a parking space, and went into the store to buy two boxes of Xiaolongbao.

Back home, Mo Lingqiu opened the box of Xiao Long Bao and poured two glasses of water: "Come here for dinner?"

Jiang Chenming hurried over and looked at Mo Lingqiu excitedly.

Mo Lingqiu didn't understand what he meant, and handed him the chopsticks straight. Jiang Chenming quickly pointed to his injured right hand: "The hand is injured and can't be clamped."

Mo Lingqiu held the chopsticks in his hand for a meal. He stood up and moved to sit next to Jiang Chenming. He picked up the vinegar bowl, dipped it in some vinegar and handed the xiaolongbao to the man's mouth: "Eat."

"Mr. Mo, you are so gentle." Jiang Chenming began to blow the rainbow fart.

Mo Lingqiu glared at him, didn't speak, just waited for him to open his mouth to eat.

Jiang Chenming teased him back, he still had to eat the rice, he took a careful bite, and the soup in the xiaolongbao still overflowed. It was a little hot, and two drops splashed on Mo Lingqiu's white and tender hands.

Jiang Chenming took his hand worriedly, quickly swallowed the food in his mouth, and then carefully checked whether Mo Lingqiu's hand was injured.

The place splashed by the soup was a little red, Jiang Chenming stretched out his tongue and licked the soup, and wiped it for him with a napkin: "Does it hurt?"

Because of his series of actions, Mo Lingqiu blushed and scolded him hesitantly: "Do you still know it hurts? Don't you even cry?"

Jiang Chenming laughed "haha": "That's different, it hurts in you, it hurts in my heart."

Hearing this, Mo Lingqiu had goosebumps all over his body, he threw away his hand and put the chopsticks at him: "Eat it yourself."

"Okay, okay." Jiang Chenming resigned himself to eating, but after all, he is not left-handed, so it is still very inconvenient to use chopsticks.

Mo Lingqiu looked up at him several times, but still couldn't bear it, and went back to the kitchen to get him a small spoon.

After the two of them finished eating, Mo Lingqiu went downstairs and threw the garbage away. Jiang Chenming wanted to follow him, and wherever he went. Mo Lingqiu didn't even bother to talk about him, so he just dragged his tail behind his back.

It was getting dark, Jiang Chenming was rummaging in the room to find a change of clothes, planning to take a shower in a while, still thinking about his ideas.

When Mo Lingqiu came to call him, he didn't respond for a while because he thought too much.

"Jiang Chenming." Mo Lingqiu called again, still holding a bath towel in his hand.

"Yes." Jiang Chenming quickly returned to his senses, just like a primary school student shouting "arrive".

"Take a shower." Mo Lingqiu pointed to the direction of the bathroom.

"Ah?" Jiang Chenming didn't react for a while, and followed him out with a change of clothes.

"You go in." Mo Lingqiu didn't say much, and pushed Jiang Chenming into the bathroom, "Take off your clothes."

Jiang Chenming is really stupid now. He was really thinking about how to act coquettishly and ask Mo Lingqiu to help him take a bath, but he never expected that Mo Lingqiu would take the initiative to help him take a bath.

Jiang Chenming unbuttoned his pants in a trance, and undressed awkwardly with one hand.

Mo Lingqiu originally wanted to keep his eyes from squinting, and help him to rush a little after he had taken off his clothes, but when he saw that this person became so clumsy with one hand, he couldn't help but immediately started to help.

Jiang Chenming was flattered, and lowered his head to see Mo Lingqiu squatting there and instructing him to lift his legs.

After all his clothes were taken off, Mo Lingqiu forced himself to stare at the white wall while pushing Jiang Chenming under the shower head.

After turning on the shower head and adjusting the water temperature, Mo Lingqiu helped Jiang Chenming to rush for a while, and found that no matter how careful he was, the place where the other party's right hand was bandaged still splashed a little water.

After thinking about it, Mo Lingqiu put down the shower head, went out and brought in a roll of plastic wrap and scissors.

"Want to wrap it up?" Jiang Chenming was stunned.

"Yeah." Mo Lingqiu didn't say a word, he really cut a few pieces of plastic wrap and wrapped it around Jiang Chenming's arm.

Jiang Chenming looked at his pitiful arm, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

With the protection of plastic wrap, Mo Lingqiu no longer hesitated when flushing, and moved quickly. After foaming the shower gel, he slowly wiped it on Jiang Chenming.

When his hand slid across Jiang Chenming's chest muscles, Mo Lingqiu paused and glanced at Jiang Chenming.

Jiang Chenming acted as if nothing happened, and looked calm and relaxed.

Mo Lingqiu continued to help him wipe it, and when it was applied to the lower abdomen, a few abdominal muscles felt obvious under the palm of his hand. Mo Lingqiu found out that this person was showing off his muscles on purpose.

"You wash yourself." Mo Lingqiu glared at him fiercely.

Only then did Jiang Chenming restrain himself, no longer showing off his muscles, instead he deliberately touched the back of Mo Lingqiu's neck.

Mo Lingqiu was really convinced by this man's hooliganism. He usually looked serious, but now he doesn't have a straight face. And how sensitive the glands in the back of the neck are, when Jiang Chenming touched him, his legs became weak.

Mo Lingqiu blushed and panted after applying the shower gel, "...don't touch it."

The end of Mo Lingqiu's words trembled, Jiang Chenming's heart skipped a beat, and regardless of the bubbles all over his body, he pulled him into his arms and kissed him.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chenming sat apologetically on the sofa in the living room, Mo Lingqiu's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Jiang Chenming's tossing energy deserved that his wound was blistered open.

Mo Lingqiu removed the plastic wrap that had rotted into a ball, and removed the gauze that was sticking to the skin because it was wet. Mo Lingqiu helped him dry while helping him disinfect and wipe the medicine.

Jiang Chenming thought in his heart: This is the second time Mo Lingqiu has helped him bandage his wound.

"Mr. Mo."

Mo Lingqiu ignored him. He knew now that as long as he answered, this person would have to make some more troubles.

"Mr. Mo, I like you." Jiang Chenming put his left hand on Mo Lingqiu's side face, his palm was hot, and Mo Lingqiu's face was flushed.

"I know, you said it." Mo Lingqiu pretended to be calm.

Jiang Chenming smiled, lightly brushed his soft black hair, and continued to watch him bandage his wound.

The wounds this time were not serious, but they were numerous, small and large, one by one. It took Mo Lingqiu a while to get them all done.

"Okay." Mo Lingqiu stood up and shook his legs because he had been sitting cross-legged, "Be careful from tomorrow."

When Jiang Chenming heard it, he asked, "Aren't you going to help me take a bath?"

"No help." Mo Lingqiu glared at him, put the medicine and the like into the medicine box, turned around and walked towards the locker.

Jiang Chenming followed, and waited for someone to put something to stop him: "No."

"...No help." Mo Lingqiu complied with everything when he thought that he had just touched the back of his neck in the bathroom. It was a big head.

Although the two of them didn't really have anything, but when he was awake, he was sober and completely attached to Jiang Chenming's arms, which he never expected.

"Mr. Mo." Jiang Chenming pushed the man to the corner, "My hand is injured, you can't push me away."

Mo Lingqiu thought he was going to ask himself whether to help him take a bath or not, and was about to refuse for the third time. Jiang Chenming didn't ask, but changed the question: "Mr. Mo, I like you, so do you like me?"

"No..." Mo Lingqiu reflexively wanted to say "no help", but his words stopped.

"Don't like me?" Jiang Chenming looked at the person in front of him very seriously.

Mo Lingqiu gently pushed him: "I'm going to bed."

"Mo Lingqiu, you can't escape." This is the first time Jiang Chenming called Mo Lingqiu with his first and last name, "Mo Lingqiu, I like you. What about you? You are jealous for me today, and sad for me, I'm angry for me, so do you like me? If you don't like me, I won't chase after you..."

Jiang Chenming's hands were very strong, Mo Lingqiu gradually lost his calm and panicked. He didn't know how to answer the previous question, and he was afraid that the last sentence would happen.

Finally, he hesitated and said, "... Probably, like it."

"Then... From today, I'm your boyfriend, do you agree?" Jiang Chenming smiled, and it was a great improvement for Mo Lingqiu to say "I like it".

"… Um."

The author has something to say: good night -3-