He’s So Sweet After Class

Chapter 36


"Quickly, your brother Jiang is here!"

In a restaurant on the snack street next to the A, a group of big boys were very lively. Among them were some beautiful Omegas, who were the boyfriends and girlfriends of some people in the team.

The arrival of Jiang Chenming and Mo Lingqiu made the already lively atmosphere in the store even more lively, especially Mo Lingqiu, who had never participated in the group activities spontaneously organized by the students, brought the atmosphere to a small climax.

"Sit here, specially reserved for you guys." A boy who had a good relationship with Jiang Chenming beckoned and pointed to the two vacant seats beside him.

"Thank you." Jiang Chenming gave the boy a high-five, pulled out the chair and sat down with Mo Lingqiu, "Mr. Mo, this is my roommate when I was staying. We are the youngest in our dormitory. We call him fourth."

"Mr. Mo, I've admired the name for a long time." The old four were not tall, they were Beta, and they looked pretty.

"Mr. Mo, hello." There was an Omega girl sitting next to the fourth child, who was the fourth child's girlfriend.

There are not many couples who match BO like this, because not everyone can meet the Alpha who is a natural pair with them. Instead of waiting, everyone will choose the person they like the most and suit them best.

"Hello." After Mo Lingqiu accompanied Jiang Chenming to the hospital, he went home and changed into a pair of gold-framed glasses, adding a touch of extravagance to the whole person.

"Our place is the Alpha dormitory, and the fourth child moved in halfway through, but I have a good relationship with him. We are both in the team and we usually have 1v1s." Jiang Chenming is still devoted to his friends and has a relationship with the fourth child. It's really good as he said, "Mr. Mo, don't look at him so small, he has a strong dribble, I can't compare to him."

"What do you mean by being so small? You can tell me clearly." The fourth child bumped Jiang Chenming with his elbow, very dissatisfied.

"It's really small." The fourth child's girlfriend covered her mouth and smiled, giving no face at all.

A group of people around heard it and laughed very happily.

Jiang Chenming was joking, holding up his cup to salute the fourth child: "Come on, let's have a toast."

"It's not bad, I forgive you." The fourth brother happily clinked glasses with him.

"Mr. Mo, eat more." Jiang Chenming said, and put two pieces of black pepper ribs for him.

"Thank you." Mo Lingqiu was indeed hungry, but because he was eating out, he was very careful about his behavior.

Jiang Chenming knew his character, so he constantly took advantage of his long hands to help him with delicious dishes on the round table.

The people who sat at the table with Mo Lingqiu were relatively well-positioned in the basketball team, and they all stayed in the basketball team for a long time, so they were very familiar with each other.

"Mr. Mo, does Jiang Chenming usually talk a lot?" the captain of the basketball team sitting directly opposite Mo Lingqiu asked.

Mo Lingqiu glanced at Jiang Chenming beside him and replied, "It's okay."

"Hahahaha, he talks a lot, he must have restrained himself in front of you, maybe he was afraid that you would kick him."

"Humble brother Jiang is acting like a spoiled child online?"


A group of people laughed at Jiang Chenming's jokes, especially exaggerated. Jiang Chenming was very helpless, shook his head with a smile, and only thought that these people were praising him.

Mo Lingqiu thought to himself, in fact, Jiang Chenming really talks a lot, but it's just not to the point of being a slapstick, so he thinks it's okay.

"Mr. Mo, how did you two meet?"

This question was thrown, and suddenly aroused the curiosity of the whole table. When the rumors about the two people on the campus forum of A University were all over the place, Jiang Chenming and Mo Lingqiu were already very familiar in everyone's eyes and had been together for a long time. Few people asked why the two people knew each other.

Now that it has been raised, everyone naturally wants to know the answer.

Jiang Chenming didn't plan to say it directly: "Fate."

"... Wonderful?" Someone answered unconsciously.

"You can say that." Jiang Chenming smiled at Mo Lingqiu, and gave him another chicken leg.

Mo Lingqiu nodded in agreement and continued to eat.

After a table of people asked a lot of questions about the relationship between the two, they didn't ask any reason. They all felt that it was too difficult to talk from the mouth of the two, and they were a little bit shocked.

After a while, a group of people changed their methods and started to toast Jiang Chenming continuously, trying to get him drunk and then talk.

It's a pity that Jiang Chenming is good at drinking, and after drinking seven or eight cups, his face does not change color, and the team members from a lively table from another table all came to toast. In an instant, the situation on the field turned into toasting each other and blowing rainbow farts.

Later, many people got drunk and began to dare to say anything.

"Mr. Mo! Let me tell you, grass, how could that kid Jiang Chenming be cheap! I'm not convinced!"

"Go away, if I knew that Teacher Mo is an Omega, would it still be your turn?"

"What are you arguing about here? Don't look at yourself if you want a face or a body or a figure. If you want to choose, choose me!"

"Mr. Mo, you kicked Jiang Chenming, think about OO love?"

Some people dared to argue with Mo Lingqiu for Jiang Chenming, and some were crying, looking very pitiful.

"Uuuuu, I can't compare to my first love being robbed like this."

"Beta is miserable, no human rights!"

"Brother Jiang clearly said that he didn't like Omega, why was he taken away by an Omega?"

A group of people boldly opened the wheat, and Jiang Chenming silently remembered all those who "had bad intentions" against Mo Lingqiu, and even went to Mo Lingqiu's ear to explain.

"Mr. Mo, I never said that I didn't like Omega."

"... Hmm." Mo Lingqiu didn't care much about gender.

Jiang Chenming smiled "hehe" and leaned in front of him: "I drank too much, I'm a little dizzy."

Mo Lingqiu glanced at him and handed him his glass of juice: "Drink?"

"Okay!" Jiang Chenming saw the half glass of juice and the suspicious liquid remaining on the edge of the glass, so it could be regarded as an indirect kiss.

He drank all the juice in the cup in one gulp and put the empty cup back on the table. Jiang Chenming asked Mo Lingqiu, "Mr. Mo, do we want to go back first?"

Mo Lingqiu turned his head and glanced at the crowd dancing wildly. He really wanted to go back a little bit. He was about to stand up when he was stunned by a word from the fourth elder sitting next to Jiang Chenming.

"Don't go anywhere!" The fourth brother's face flushed from drinking, and he waved his hands to signal Jiang Chenming that they were not allowed to leave, "Don't think that you will leave after drinking our wine!"

"That's it!" Someone who had already been lying on the table heard the word "go", and immediately sat up straight, making it clear that Jiang Chenming and Mo Lingqiu would not be easily let go today.

The fourth child's girlfriend smiled apologetically, she really couldn't stop the drunk and crazy fourth.

Jiang Chenming himself didn't care, he was afraid that Mo Lingqiu would not be used to such an atmosphere and would feel uncomfortable.

Mo Lingqiu was really not used to it. It was too lively for him, but he didn't hate it, so he cooperated and sat down again.

The person lying on the table was pushed awake by the person next to him, and a group of people drank some water and began to play Truth or Dare.

"Whoever chooses the bottle with the mouth of the bottle facing the bottle will be asked by the person who turns the bottle." Simply setting the rules, the fourth child who presided over the game appointed his girlfriend to turn the bottle, "For fairness, from My girlfriend started, is everyone ok?"


"no problem."

In fact, the purpose of everyone playing this game is to speak from Jiang Chenming's mouth, so as long as Jiang Chenming turns the bottle, they are all OK.

The fourth girl's girlfriend turned the bottle under the expectation of everyone. In the first round, the bottle fell in front of the captain of the basketball team.

The fourth girl's girlfriend is quite shy, and it's impossible to ask too open-ended questions, so after the captain of the basketball team chose the truth, he only asked the other party's final exam results last year.

The captain's results are really not good, and the numbers are really humorous, a group of people laughed when they heard it.

After that, the bottles were turned around in order, and neither Jiang Chenming nor Mo Lingqiu were drawn.

When it was Mo Lingqiu's turn, everyone held their breaths, wanting to see which lucky one would be drawn by him, but they stopped as the bottle mouth faced Jiang Chenming.

A group of people opened their mouths, well, this is simply standard "internal digestion".

"What do you choose?" Mo Lingqiu was stunned for a moment and asked Jiang Chenming.


Mo Lingqiu glanced at the expectant gazes of the people around him, then glanced at Jiang Chenming, and casually asked a question that was almost non-exciting: "How do you feel now?"

"I like you." Jiang Chenming answered without hesitation, and everyone at the table was stunned, including Mo Lingqiu who heard the answer in front of him.

After a while, deafening screams came from the table, and everyone was shocked by Jiang Chenming's ability to easily pick up these love words.

"Ow! A kiss! A kiss!"

"Kiss one kiss one!"

A group of people almost jumped on the table excitedly, as if they had seized some great opportunity.

Jiang Chenming noticed that Mo Lingqiu's face was gradually turning red, and quickly came forward to relieve the siege: "I didn't choose a big adventure, everyone, don't play around, it's my turn."

After speaking, Jiang Chenming stood up and decisively turned the empty wine bottle. To everyone's disappointment, it was not Mo Lingqiu that the bottle mouth was aimed at.

As the game continued, the anxiety in everyone's heart became more and more obvious. As the last one to turn the bottle in the first round, the fourth child carried the hope of the whole table eating melons.

He rubbed his hands together, made a prayerful wish, and turned the bottle with a serious face.

In everyone's eyes, the wine bottle slowly stopped and finally pointed directly at Mo Lingqiu.

Jiang Chenming wanted to speak to save the field, but was interrupted by the fourth cheering: "Mr. Mo! Choose one of the two truth or dare!"

Mo Lingqiu pondered over and over again, and chose the truth with a clear head. Because he knew that if he chose a big adventure, the excited students at this table would definitely not let him and Jiang Chenming go.

"Okay! Honestly! How did you and Jiang Chenming know each other? Don't talk about fate!" With the example of Jiang Chenming's answer, the fourth child should never hear the word "fate" again.

"God is destined." Mo Lingqiu's mind turned extremely fast, and the people at the table with three words were speechless.

Jiang Chenming laughed especially exaggeratedly next to him: "I said, 'Fate is wonderful', well, now 'Fate is destined', you don't believe me."

It just happened that the two of them met each other at a very coincidental time. What is it if it is not fate

The author has something to say: Xiao Jiang: happy to fuzzy.gif

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-05-20 20:55:49~2020-05-21 20:59:30~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 7 bottles of Delphine; 5 bottles of crazy strawberries; 1 bottle of maple syrup;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!