He’s So Sweet After Class

Chapter 52


School life is back on track, Jiang Chenming has the nourishment of love, training is more energetic, and the small mistakes that he made occasionally are gone, and his state is so good that the coach is full of praise for him.

Mo Lingqiu devoted himself to writing the thesis. He just took over a project and decided to complete it together with Yang Sheng and Liao Nan.

Before the May Day, Jiang Chenming and Mo Lingqiu had agreed to go to the beach together, but because City A and City B jointly held a large basketball game.

Jiang Chenming's coach in the basketball team was invited to be a judge, and the coach proposed to take Jiang Chenming to meet the world.

"I..." If it was before, Jiang Chenming would definitely agree without hesitation, because this time, he will not only see the world, but also do some sports market research.

But because he agreed with Mo Lingqiu to travel to the sea together to make up for the regret of not being able to travel seriously during the Qingming Festival, Jiang Chenming still wanted to think about it again.

"It's alright, think about it, just give me an answer tomorrow." The coach was also very open, patted Jiang Chenming on the shoulder and let him choose.

Jiang Chenming thanked him gratefully and went to meet Mo Lingqiu at the school gate.

After getting into Mo Lingqiu's car, Jiang Chenming explained what the coach said: "Mr. Mo, I'm still considering whether to go or not."

"You can go if you want." You can go on a tour anytime, but there are not many opportunities for the judges to be apprentices. Mo Lingqiu still feels that Jiang Chenming should follow his heart.

In fact, when this person was hesitating, it already represented that he actually wanted to go.

"After that... Then we will travel again." Jiang Chenming was naturally determined to compensate Mo Lingqiu.

"Okay." Mo Lingqiu was just a little disappointed, but he is no longer a child, so adults naturally know how to choose, "In City B?"

"Yes, go in the morning on the 1st, start the game on the 2nd, and end in the afternoon on the 4th." Jiang Chenming explained truthfully.

Although it is necessary to take a break, but this May Day, after all, there are five days off, which is a full ten small long vacation.

"Okay." Mo Lingqiu nodded, indicating that he knew.

On the morning of May 1st, Mo Lingqiu slept until after eight o'clock. When he woke up, he saw that Jiang Chenming had already made breakfast and was sitting in the living room waiting for him to get up.

After the two of them had breakfast together, Mo Lingqiu drove Jiang Chenming to the gate of University A, where Jiang Chenming's coach was waiting for him, surrounded by a few players who wanted to represent City A.

"Mr. Mo, then I'll go first, be careful on your way back." After Jiang Chenming got out of the car, he leaned over and said goodbye to Mo Lingqiu who was sitting in the car.


"Mr. Mo, come here." Jiang Chenming waved at Mo Lingqiu.

Mo Lingqiu was stunned, and stuck his head out of the open car window.

The lips were kissed unexpectedly. Although the vision of the people around him was blind, Mo Lingqiu's face was still red.

After Jiang Chenming kissed him, he said "goodbye" again, and then he actually got on the bus to City B.

Seeing the bus driving away, Mo Lingqiu was silent for a while, then turned around and went home.

In the evening, Mo Lingqiu rarely bought a skewer and read the literature while eating in the room.

Jiang Chenming only made a video call after nine o'clock. Across the screen, Mo Lingqiu saw the handsome face of the other party and felt that he was a little unreal. On the other end, Jiang Chenming felt that under the dim light, Mo Lingqiu seemed to be cold and beautiful.

"Mr. Mo, what did you buy? Fish tofu?"

"Yeah." Mo Lingqiu held up the half-eaten fish and tofu skewers to show him.

"Is it tasty?"


"It's good, I ate a bucket of instant noodles in the evening." Jiang Chenming raised the empty instant noodle bowl he had just finished with aggrieved expression, and there was still a little residual soup in it.

"Then why don't you go out to eat?" Mo Lingqiu frowned slightly.

"The coach went out to eat with a few in-game judges from City B. I don't know them, and I don't want to go." Although Jiang Chenming can get along with everyone, those people are all known to his coach and not to him. What's the matter, he went and added embarrassment.

"Oh." Mo Lingqiu said, set up the tablet, and watched the takeout with his mobile phone.

"Mr. Mo, what are you watching?" Jiang Chenming was a little jealous. He was clearly making a video with himself. Why didn't his teacher Mo look at him, but looked at his phone instead? Are mobile phones so attractive

"Takeaway." Mo Lingqiu's voice was very soft.

Jiang Chenming let out an "ah", obviously he didn't hear it clearly until Mo Lingqiu asked him, "Which hotel are you staying in?"

"...Megrila." After Jiang Chenming finished speaking, he found that Mo Lingqiu was looking at the screen of his mobile phone with a serious face, as if he was looking for something, and suddenly thought of something, "Mr. Mo, aren't you giving me takeout? "

Mo Lingqiu, who was poked in his mind, didn't say a word, pretending that nothing happened, but still carefully researched which Megrela Jiang Chenming lived in.

With his outstanding memory, Mo Lingqiu quickly recalled what Jiang Chenming said about the competition venue and the area where the hotel was located.

Jiang Chenming raised his mouth: "Mr. Mo, what did you order for me?"

"Whatever." Mo Lingqiu did buy it casually.

Hearing such a casual answer, Jiang Chenming couldn't help laughing and crying: "Is it that simple?"

"...Huh?" Mo Lingqiu finally put down the phone and raised his head.

"It's nothing." Jiang Chenming thought, no matter what Mo Lingqiu ordered for him, shouldn't he eat it all willingly

After the two chatted for a while, Mo Lingqiu was about to take a bath, but Jiang Chenming told him not to turn off the video. Mo Lingqiu couldn't resist him, so he took a clean change of clothes and left the room, leaving the tablet on the table with the video call on.

Jiang Chenming boredly cut through the internet TV with nothing to watch, while watching the empty mobile phone video call interface, waiting for Mo Lingqiu to come back.

More than ten minutes later, the intercom phone in Jiang Chenming's room rang. He picked up the receiver and it was the lady at the front desk who called.

"Mr. Jiang? This is the front desk of the Megri-La Hotel. You have a few takeaways here. Is it convenient for you now? We will let the staff deliver it to you." The other party was very polite.

"Okay, trouble." Jiang Chenming hung up the phone and stood at the door waiting.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door, and when he opened it, he saw that the staff were carrying large and small bags full of takeaway bags of various colors.

Jiang Chenming restrained his surprise and returned to his room with the takeaway bag, looking at what Mo Lingqiu bought one by one.

After reading it, I really couldn't help laughing and laughing. From the braised food to the rice bowl to the duck blood fans, as well as the large package of various snacks, Mr. Mo is really feeding him as the king of big stomachs.

Mo Lingqiu came back from the bath, wiped the water from his hair, glanced at the screen, and saw Jiang Chenming eating duck blood fans.

"Is it delicious?" Mo Lingqiu hesitated and asked.

"Delicious." Jiang Chenming heard the voice and raised his head quickly, "Mr. Mo, what if I get fat?"

"... Then fat." Mo Lingqiu's answer was as simple and rude as ever.

Jiang Chenming smiled "haha": "At that time, the abdominal muscles will be gone, Mr. Mo, you will have to rely on my fat beer belly."

"... Hmm." Mo Lingqiu didn't believe his nonsense.

After eating the last bite of duck blood fans, Jiang Chenming opened another bag of potato chips and chewed them crisply: "Mr. Mo, go and blow your hair."

"Wait a minute." Mo Lingqiu was not in a hurry. He had just taken a shower and was a little hot.

Jiang Chenming doesn't know what the weather is in City A now: "It's easy to catch cold."

"It's so hot." Mo Lingqiu felt stuffy, and he felt that it might rain soon.

"Is it hot? Can't turn on the air conditioner?"

"It's stuffy." With a sigh of relief, Mo Lingqiu took out the hairdryer from the cabinet, and slowly blew his hair in the breeze.

His hair has grown a bit longer recently, and when it blows, strands of hair fall on his forehead and tie into his eyes, which is a little uncomfortable. After raising his hand and flicking it a few times, Mo Lingqiu was half dry, and the hot tip of his nose was covered with a thin layer of sweat.

"Take a break when it's hot." Jiang Chenming could not wait to help him immediately.

"Yeah." Mo Lingqiu was really hot, so he put away the hair dryer and didn't plan to blow it any more.

"You..." Jiang Chenming was about to speak when he heard a thunderous sound, although it came from across the screen, it still shocked him.

Mo Lingqiu was also frightened. He glanced outside blankly. The dark night sky was pierced by lightning, lit up for a few moments, and the sound of thunder was deafening.

Walking over and closing the window, Mo Lingqiu hugged the tablet and got on the bed.

"Mr. Mo, won't you be able to fall asleep when I'm not here?" Jiang Chenming started talking again.

"...General." I'm used to having someone beside me all the time, but suddenly I'm sleeping alone. I'm sure I'm not used to it, and the weather is bad today, with thunder and rain, and it's very depressing.

Jiang Chenming knew that he was right and wrong, so he didn't expose him. He smiled and said, "Mr. Mo, let's start the video tonight. I want to watch you sleep, otherwise I won't be able to sleep."

Mo Lingqiu was stunned: "Are you a child?"

"Yeah, fresh 18-year-old classmate Jiang." Jiang Chenming was immediately cute.

Mo Lingqiu never thought that this big man would be cute, and was really amused: "I'm eight years old."

Seeing Mo Lingqiu joking with him, Jiang Chenming laughed even more happily: "Eight-year-old Lingqiu, invincible and cute?"

"...Shut up." Mo Lingqiu was really not as thick-skinned as he was.

"Hahahahaha!" Jiang Chenming finished laughing, and noticed across the screen that Mo Lingqiu was lying on his side, the top two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, and the beautiful scenery was unobstructed, "Mr. Mo."

"What's wrong?" Mo Lingqiu saw that he had finished calling him, but he didn't speak for a long time, and moved his eyes from the news on his mobile phone to the video.

"Can you make it yourself?" Jiang Chenming said in a low voice.

Mo Lingqiu was stunned, not understanding what he was talking about.

"Huh?" Jiang Chenming said, holding up his phone, "Can you do that?"

He thought, what would his always cold Teacher Mo look like when he did it by himself

Mo Lingqiu was slow to realize what he meant, and blushed: "...No."

"Really?" Jiang Chenming asked again.

There was thunder outside, and Mo Lingqiu smelled the faint smell of bitter almonds that enveloped him. After a long while, he said, "...for once."

The author has something to say: tomorrow ha~

In addition, there will be double updates this weekend~

good night -3-