He’s So Sweet After Class

Chapter 60: Extra 3 100% Match (Part 1)


Fan Nian has been a worry-free child since he was a child. Although his grades cannot be said to be top-notch, he can also be ranked in the middle and upper reaches of the A City, where the competition for learning is fierce.

Even from a single-parent family, Fan Nian's character did not turn in a bad direction, and he was a good boy.

Fan Nian's father died early, leaving a large inheritance to him and his mother. The life of mother and son is naturally not to worry about. Fan Nian's mother is very virtuous and frugal. Even if she has a lot of money, she is reluctant to spend it.

At that time, Fan Nian, who had not yet reached the differentiation period, always thought that he would definitely differentiate into an Alpha in the future, and obeyed his mother's wishes, and wanted to marry a delicate Omega that matched him 100% in the future.

The acquaintance of Fan Nian and Jiang Junshen can also be traced back to before the differentiation period. At the beginning, Fan Nian successfully went from middle school to middle school in city A with more than 100 achievements in the city.

Many boys started to increase their height in high school, and everyone was secretly competing with each other. Whoever is taller will be a high-quality Alpha in the future. This is actually a paradox in medicine, but it was a good flag for them who were full of energy at that time.

Fan Nian had a smile on his face. He never mentioned his height. In fact, he really cared about it. He secretly competed with himself, and every morning he got up to measure his height.

It is a pity that after a whole year of high school life, his height was raised by one centimeter.

When he couldn't help but envy his classmates for being tall, a handsome and tall Alpha was transferred to their class.

Yes, it is a high-quality Alpha that has been successfully differentiated.

"Student Jiang Junshen, introduce yourself?" The head teacher was a young Beta woman. Seeing Jiang Junshen's appearance, she felt joy in her heart, and her tone softened unconsciously.

Jiang Junshen glanced at the classmates sitting below and made a very simple self-introduction: "Hello everyone, I am Jiang Junshen."

The head teacher waited for Jiang Junshen's message, and after a long silence, she smiled awkwardly and explained to the classmates: "Jiang Junshen has been studying abroad before, but after returning to City A recently, he transferred to our class to follow him for some reason. Everyone will study together until they graduate from high school. Jiang Junshen has already been differentiated, but everyone has not yet been differentiated. If you have any questions about differentiation, you can ask him, and I hope everyone gets along well."

"Okay!" The students sitting below answered in unison, only Fan Nian, with his mouth half open, didn't say a word.

After that, the head teacher arranged for Jiang Junshen to sit in the empty seat in the last row of the classroom because he was tall.

Fan Nian's eyes followed each other. He sat in the first row of the fourth group, and Jiang Junshen sat in the last row of the first group. The whole was the diagonal of the classroom, the furthest distance.

Since then, Fan Nian will always observe Jiang Junshen inadvertently.

reason? Jiang Junshen is simply an adolescent male god of Fan Nian who is not differentiated but wants to differentiate into Alpha.

The result of constant observation is that Fan Nian knew a lot about Jiang Junshen unknowingly.

For example, Jiang Junshen was three years older than him, but he went to the second year of high school with him. It is said that he has been repeated for three years. For example, Jiang Junshen's pheromone taste is red wine, mellow and intoxicating. For example, Jiang Junshen doesn't like to laugh and speak very little, but he plays basketball very well.

The first time the two talked was when filling out the registration form for the school party. Fan Nian was the class's entertainment committee member because of his easy-going personality, coordination and organizational skills. The Middle School of City A holds a Double Evening Party at the end of December every year. The students watch the performances of the participating students in the auditorium together.

After Fan Nian sent everyone the registration form for the party, he explained the time for submitting the form, and also emphasized that even if he didn't sign up, he must write his name and student number and give him an empty form.

When the deadline for receiving the forms was approaching, Fan Nian had lost one copy.

After checking the list one by one, Fan Nian found that Jiang Junshen had not submitted it.

Fan Nian walked to Jiang Junshen's desk with a stack of forms: "Your form."

Jiang Junshen, who was drawing something on the paper, raised his head, and a shadow was cast under his long eyelashes, making it difficult to see the emotions in his eyes.

Immediately after, Fan Nian heard him ask indifferently, "What form?"

"The registration form, the registration form for the party." Fan Nian thought to himself: For the sake of your handsomeness, I will explain it to you.

Jiang Junshen was stunned for a moment, his eyes moved from Fan Nian's face to the stack of registration forms he was holding in his hand. After another while, he found this blank registration form from the table.

"Sorry, wait a moment."

Fan Nian didn't know if he forgot to write it, but seeing that he had a good attitude, he kindly didn't pursue it: "It's okay, you can write slowly."

"Yeah." Jiang Junshen responded lightly, writing quickly, as long as he wrote his name and student number.

Fan Nian hooked his neck to see that he didn't plan to write the following, and used his little persuasion skills: "Don't you think about signing up for a show or something?"

"..." Jiang Junshen was silent for a while, looked up at Fan Nian, and seemed to wonder if there was something wrong with what the other party said to him.

Fan Nian waved his hand, guessing that he probably has no talent: "Forget it, don't force it if you don't know how to perform, give it to me."

Looking at Bai Nen's slender hand stretched out in front of him, Jiang Junshen fell silent. After a while, he wrote four words in the place where he filled out the program.

Fan Nian took a look at it, "Piano Solo".

"You can play the piano?"

"...Yes." Jiang Junshen still cherishes words like gold.

Fan Nian gave face very much: "I look forward to your performance."

After finishing the collected forms, Fan Nian walked out from the back door of the classroom. He had to give the form to the head teacher before class.

From that day on, several teachers in the school who were in charge of the double-dantern party and students from the student union quickly decided on the program.

Soon, the students who signed up for the evening performance also received a notice from the school and began to use the evening self-study time for rehearsal.

Fan Nian found that the faint aroma of red wine in the classroom disappeared every evening for self-study. When he looked back at Jiang Junshen's seat, there was no one sitting, and he knew that this person was probably going to rehearsal.

The time flickered, and soon it was the night of the Double Dan Party. The monitor of Fan Nian's class arranged for the students in the class to sit where they should sit. The school was very considerate and put light sticks on their seats.

Fan Nian turned on the glow stick and looked at the empty and dark stage with an inexplicable feeling of anticipation.

The party officially started, with a melodious piano sound, the curtain on the stage was pulled open. Fan Nian saw that Jiang Junshen, who was originally handsome and extraordinary, was sitting in front of the ivory piano in a black and white suit.

Even though he was blocked from view by the piano, Fan Nian could still imagine Jiang Junshen's slender fingers flying on the keys.

At that time, Fan Nian thought, maybe he is not an Alpha, or if he differentiated into an Alpha, would Jiang Junshen still like it

Dangerous thoughts came up, and it wasn't until the end of the party that all the hustle and bustle returned to silence.

Gender differentiation generally begins on the day of adulthood at the age of eighteen. A small number of people will differentiate early because of their unique talents, and a small number of people will differentiate later due to some physical reasons.

A city middle school has always had a differentiation testing room. Under the leadership of the head teacher, each class will go to do differentiation testing after the end of the final exam in the second half of the second semester of senior high school, and finally determine their gender.

Jiang Junshen, who had already been differentiated, did not need to go, but because it was a collective action, he still followed to the differentiation testing room.

A group of people lined up outside, waiting for the doctor in the differentiation testing room to call the class number, and then go in for the test in groups.

Fan Nian worked hard to stand back when queuing up, and finally got into a group with Jiang Junshen, and there were two very beautiful girls in the same group as them.

"Jiang Junshen, what kind of person do you like?" one of the girls asked boldly.

Jiang Junshen glanced at her and did not answer.

The girl was not hit, but instead became more and more courageous. Because she knows that Jiang Junshen is this character: "I heard that you were transferred to our class at the beginning, because of repeating grades?"

Such a question seems a little mentally handicapped. Fan Nian doesn't like it when he hears it. Isn't he really mocking Jiang Junshen

"No." I thought Jiang Junshen wouldn't answer, but he didn't expect him to speak.

Fan Nian noticed that although Jiang Junshen's expression was still cold, it didn't seem right, and he seemed a little angry.

"What's that for?" The girl didn't realize the problem and was still asking Jiang Junshen.

Jiang Junshen glanced at Fan Nian, who had been staring at him, and explained, "Because I have been taking online classes at home, I can get my diploma by going here."

"Hey? Didn't you go to high school abroad?"

"No, there are tutors at home to teach."

"Wow, that sounds awesome."

This time, Jiang Junshen didn't say a word.

"Then which university are you going to go to?"

"It depends on the situation." Jiang Junshen said three more words, and then no matter what the two girls asked, he would not answer.

Fan Nian could feel that he was in a bad mood, so he pursed his lips and did not dare to say a word. But he also has a clear understanding of Jiang Junshen's identity. Jiang Junshen's family conditions should be very good. He can afford private tutoring these days, and one tutoring has been private tutoring for more than ten years, which is still very good.

Moreover, Jiang Junshen's grades are very good, and he has always been the first in his grade. He may really come here just for a graduation certificate.

"Class 2 and 3 of high school!" The differentiation testing room suddenly called the class.

Fan Nian was stunned for a moment, then began to get nervous.

Jiang Junshen noticed his tense body and couldn't help but asked in a low voice curiously, "What do you want to differentiate into?"

"Of course it's Alpha, my mother even prepared my wife to marry my daughter-in-law." Fan Nian was nervous, and casually said what he had said for many years.

Jiang Junshen fell into silence for a while. After Fan Nianhou realized what he had just said, he wanted to sew his heart into his mouth, but he couldn't explain it further, it would seem strange.

"Really?" For a long time, Fan Nian heard Jiang Junshen say these two words quietly.

The author has something to say: one more~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-12 20:59:27~2020-06-13 17:03:10~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 2 bottles of morning light;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!