He traveled through time three years ago and killed the queen's ex-girlfriend

Chapter 33: Shrimp and pork heart, why can he do that?


Yu Shuying was a little out of breath. Even though Xiong Ran just used the simplest posture to perform miracles, he still didn't win the next game. He kept fighting... NO, he kept fighting after being defeated!

For her, who was a little weak in both physique and skills, Xiong Ran was too powerful and she couldn't handle it.

I’m so angry. He doesn’t know how to be accommodating or gentle with women. I have to sleep on the sofa tonight!


"Hiss~, that's a bit fierce..."

At midnight, the number of VIP paid sales of "Suyan" after 24 hours online reached 150,000!

You have to know that Jin Kai and Qi Nuan are just new stars who debuted this summer. The number of their fans, the cohesion of their supporters, including their fame and status, are still at the rookie level.

In August of the summer, the first album with 5 songs was released, but it only sold 50,000 copies on the first day, 100,000 copies in 3 days, 150,000 copies in 7 days, and 250,000 copies in 30 days...

Now, only two months later in November, although it is a single, the number of paid purchases in the first 24 hours is 150,000, which is equivalent to tripling! According to the sales curve, 300,000 purchases in 3 days, 450,000 purchases in 7 days, and over 675,000 purchases in 30 days.

Although, there are some die-hard fans who buy in hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of times.

But the 'No Makeup' single eventually slowly honed to over a million purchases, so there's hope within three months.

In other words, it is enough to show that this song "No Makeup" with cheerful rhythm and nice melody is a qualified masterpiece. Otherwise, even if Jin Kaiqi Nuan is very popular, some bad songs will still not sell well and will not be popular with the audience.

Thus, Xiong Ran's name came into public attention again.

"Um, ahem, are these statistics fake? Are Brother Kai and Sister Nuan so popular?"

“It’s definitely more popular than in August, but it’s impossible for the first-day sales to triple. If it didn’t go viral, it’s probably because of the song…”

"It should be! 'No Makeup' is a song that can be listened to over and over again, it's lighthearted, cheerful and sweet..."

"That makes sense! You can listen to it when you're sad, you can listen to it when you're happy, you can listen to it when you're bored. Basically, it's suitable for any state or mood, and you won't get bored..."

"I understand! It's because there are so many people who like it. The probability of disguised payment is very high. That's why it's so fierce!"

"Damn, I have a new respect for Xiong Ran. This guy is cuckolded, but he is so open-minded..."

"It turns out that the online novel is not fake. The male protagonist gets divorced, breaks up, and cheats on. It's the golden finger that opens the Ren and Du meridians. The author is not lying to me..."

“Haha, breaking up is the source of creativity!”

"Wow, wow, I just found out my girlfriend cheated on me and we broke up. Why didn't I become stronger?"

"Brother, that's because you haven't been stimulated enough. You have to record it and watch it often..."

"Damn, shrimp and pig heart, the upstairs is really a dog!"

Daybreak, 9:30 in the morning, Xiongying venue.

Xiong Ran met Wang Teng and several newcomers who came to report to see if they had passed the final interview. There were two men and three women, the youngest of whom was 20 years old and the oldest was no more than 22 years old.

Moreover, the men are handsome and the women are beautiful, and they all have good figures.

They all have a musical background and can play the piano or guitar, so they have no problem performing on the streets.

This is also Yu Shuying's basic requirement. If she still selects according to Wang Teng's standards and has no confidence in further development, she will definitely fail.

"Brother Ran, don't I have to try?"

In the dance studio on the first floor, Wang Teng couldn't help but feel a little guilty when he saw the other handsome men and beautiful women performing their dance steps one by one. Although he liked music with dynamic rhythms and knew a few dance steps, he seemed to be inferior to the students in front of him...

It's just very lame, there's no comparison at all.

"No, you can just watch..."

Xiong Ran waved his hand to indicate that he was very clear about Wang Teng's current strengths and weaknesses. If he really competed with the newcomers in front of him, he would definitely be beaten into a pulp.

If it weren't for his sensitivity to rhythm and his voice that matches Jay Chou's accent, no one would pay any attention to him.

But it is precisely because of this that Wang Teng, who seems ordinary to the outside world, can create works according to his own preferences, debut and become a huge hit. Who can match this ability

As for his ugly appearance, vague rabbit and jokes, Jay Chou's songs are more charming in this way.

Besides, there are good songs with slow tempo and clear pronunciation, and the best way is to mix and match the two.

"The second item is singing skills..."

In the singing room on the second floor, several newcomers once again took turns to perform singing, breath transitions, melody rhythms, high and low pitch transitions, vibrato, etc., each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

However, Xiong Ran finally shook his head. He said that all the basics and knowledge can be learned, but talent...

If you don’t have a natural vocal talent, don’t bother.

"Why, why can he just..." A handsome man in the interview pointed at Wang Teng with an indignant tone. The other people were also more or less dissatisfied. It was too irritating and too bullying.

"His name is Wang Teng. Time will give you the answer!" Xiong Ran smiled slightly and did not comment.

"Sister Ying, smile..."

At noon, in Xiong Ran’s office on the third floor, Yu Shuying ate her food in silence. She had been silent ever since those handsome men and beautiful women who came for the final interview failed.

This is so bullying. I’m so angry that I want to explode.

During this month, she had to take over Chen Xing's management job and also deal with a series of matters related to the establishment of the studio, such as finding a venue, handling formalities, and looking for suitable new talents, etc. She was so busy that her feet were almost blistered...

As a result, the newcomers he found after visiting several major art schools, although not as good as Chenxing’s annual training and selection, are also good seedlings.

It’s so infuriating. I really want to quit and stop doing this!

"You don't want them at all, you just want to use them to provoke Wang Teng and make him proud!"

"No way, it's such an injustice..."

Xiong Ran immediately smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Although these people have good basics and look OK, their voices, which are the most important, don't have any unique highlights!"

"Since we are going for the elite route, then we don't want people of Yu Jinkai and Qi Nuan's level..."

"Not to mention that he is not even at the level of Qiu Ruixue and I back then. In short, it is better to have nothing than to have something less than perfect!"

"Oh, it's better to have nothing than to have something less than perfect?"

Suddenly, Yu Shuying gritted her teeth and said, "What about Wang Teng? His appearance is not distinctive, and his voice is also not good, and his pronunciation is unclear..."

"Don't say this is your standard! If that were the case, there would be a truckload of them filling the streets!"

"Sister Ying, you will know later."

After a while, everyone gathered again in the singing room on the second floor. Wang Teng and two other men and three women were on the first floor, eating lunch while looking at the music score.

Several handsome men and beautiful women were not satisfied with being eliminated, so a third item was added: learning and singing on the spot!

"I'm Xiong Ran, and you all know who I am! I guarantee that this is also the first time Wang Teng has seen a piece of music. Now let's move on to the third item. Who will go first?"

Xiong Ran looked around, but the eyes of several handsome men and beautiful women were a little evasive, and he smiled in his heart.

"What? No one dares to stand up?"

"Teacher Xiong, we don't know how to rap..."

Finally, it was the boy who had the courage to question Wang Teng before who spoke up, "Besides, the tone of this song is too weird, half an hour is not enough!"

"It will take at least two hours, and I may not even get the tune right. I can't do it anyway."

"Very good, at least you dare to admit that you are not good enough..." Xiong Ran smiled softly, and then looked at the head of a person who was still watching the lyrics and music, "Wang Teng, you go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other handsome men and beautiful women, as well as Yu Shuying, all turned their eyes to him.

"Uh, okay, brother Ran, I'll try..."

Being stared at by so many people with eager eyes, Wang Teng's heart was beating fast, but when he thought of Brother Ran's love and support for him, his confidence was redoubled.

Brother Ran, I must not embarrass you!

"Humph, if he could sing I would dare..."

Suddenly, the courageous man's heart stopped snorting, because he saw Wang Teng take a deep breath, staring at the lyrics and music paper with his hands, while his body and legs swayed slightly in rhythm, and then he sang the first sentence of the lyrics...

PS: Please give me monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!!