He traveled through time three years ago and killed the queen's ex-girlfriend

Chapter 39: Love grows with time, Wang Teng's exquisite album


In this battle, Xiong Ran was ultimately defeated.

Yu Shuying is in a very strong position right now. Without the golden waist plug-in, he would not be easily defeated!

However, Xiong Ran achieved his goal. He directly prevented Yu Shuying from doing it again, which was considered as formally confirming their romantic relationship.

It will be announced when necessary, such as when there is a suitable official announcement opportunity. It will not be hidden forever.

"Sister Ying, where is Brother Ran..."

"It's nothing, he just fell down, don't worry about him..."

At noon, Yu Shuying, looking light and with a rosy face, came to Xiong Ying's place. As for Xiong Ran, he didn't want to move at all and had to order takeout at home, so he didn't accompany her.

"Sing 'Nunchucks' for me..."

In the singing room, Yu Shuying, as Wang Teng's agent, personally checked the results of the practice in the past few days. She also knew a little about music, and the melody and rhythm were also marked by Xiong Ran, so she could judge whether the singing was qualified.

The MV for "Nunchucks" will be produced by Baixiang, so before that, the first thing Wang Teng needs to do is to sing the song well and pass the test.

We can't take up Bai Xiang's singing studio and time. That would be too lame. We can't do that.

"Hoo~ Sister Ying, is it okay?"

"Well, it's OK, barely qualified..."

Afterwards, Yu Shuying played the recording clip of Wang Teng's voice and pointed out two or three places that still had some problems. After they were improved, it would be completely OK.

"Tomorrow Mr. Bear will bring you a new song. There will be two new songs in total. The three songs will form a small album and will be released on New Year's Day. There is no time to delay..."

"However, the last two songs are relatively simple and can be mastered in two or three days. Come on!"

"Okay, Sister Ying, I got it."

Wang Teng let out a long sigh. Even though he was about to vomit from practicing nunchakus these past few days, this was the first step in his rise to fame. So no matter how hard, tiring, annoying or boring it was, he had to work hard with all his heart.

For a debut album, the performance must be perfect.

"It's OK, I still have some talent..."

Outside the singing room, Yu Shuying looked at Wang Teng who was seriously thinking about singing inside, and smiled softly. It was a song with a weird and messy style, "Nunchucks", but Wang Teng could sing it so well in just a few days. This kind of talent is not possessed by most people, so he is considered to have some talent.

As for why he didn't debut directly with the single "Nunchucks", it was because he didn't want to rush things.

Today is November 7th. If it is released online on December 1st, there will be no problem. However, the Spring Festival is right after New Year's Day, and there will not be enough time to produce and promote another album. There will be a window period before the New Year.

In this case, it would be better to postpone and release the album directly.

It was released together with Jin Kai and Qi Nuan’s New Year’s Day album, all of which are Xiong Ran’s songs, to take advantage of the popularity.

Another point is that "Nunchucks" will surely be criticized when it is released, but if there can be two slower songs with clearer pronunciation to neutralize the criticism, it will also allow Wang Teng to be better recognized by the public and avoid being completely criticized.

Otherwise, I'm really afraid that this kid will become autistic because of the online criticism, doubt his life, and even finish the game in a daze.

That night, Yu Shuying did not come to Xiong Ran's house to spend the night. After all, her clothes were all at home, and she was not a horny woman, so there was no need to be too clingy.

Another point is that distance creates beauty. A short separation from time to time is better than a new marriage.

"Hey, it's inevitable to be alone..."

In the lonely bedroom, Xiong Ran looked at the starry night view outside the window and was unable to fall asleep completely for a while. After all, he had already had a good sleep in the afternoon. Although he had consumed a lot of physical strength and energy before, he has now basically recovered. So when it was late at night and everyone was asleep, he missed Yu Shuying a little.

After all, they were half-holidays, and the two people who had just broken through the fusion should be in the stage of being in love with each other. As a result, the woman was not very interested.

That's true. After all, Yu Shuying is half a lesbian, so it's normal for her to prefer women's body and mind for the time being.

"Who is trying to steal my woman?"

At this moment, a certain question in Xiong Ran's mind came to his mind again. He didn't feel it before, but when Yu Shuying completely became his woman, he felt a little jealous, even if the person in front of him was a woman, he still felt jealous.

"Don't say it, the two of them were rolling around tonight..."

When he thought of this possibility, Xiong Ran's heart twitched a little. He wasn't angry, but he felt an inexplicable sourness. He had obtained Yu Shuying's body, but not her heart. He wanted both her body and mind.

"Huh~, time brings true love..."

Finally, Xiong Ran thought about it and finally came up with a solution, which was to stick to daily exercise to strengthen his physique! In this way, every time Yu Shuying came to stay overnight, he would be in the strongest state to fight. After a long time, he would forget about her and only be envious of me.

Men and women are attracted to each other, which is a natural human attribute, while people of the same sex repel each other, which is absolute heresy.

"I just don't believe it. I can't get it back."

Letting out a long sigh, Xiong Ran's mouth curled up with satisfaction, and then he began to feel sleepy contentedly. He still had to go to Xiong Ying's venue tomorrow, so he would go to bed early and get up early to feel energetic.

Just as Xiong Ran fell asleep completely, it was midnight, which was April 8th.

The album "You Once" is now available for sale online!

I once dreamed of traveling the world with a sword...

How can I bear to blame you~ I made a mistake...

Finally you~become someone else's mistress...

After re-recording, arranging and MV shooting and production, the three songs were obviously much better than Xiong Ran's previous self-playing and singing, at least three or five levels higher, and good reviews gradually came in.

"Wow, it's so good that it makes me cry..."

"You in the past! The rhythm of the opening voice and the arrangement are so beautiful that it brings tears to my eyes..."

"Too much! Don't be too nice. If the lyrics weren't bad, it would be more touching! Now with the arrangement, it's definitely a great song..."

“Ahem, over-the-top sounds good, but the woman in the MV has a very sexy body…”

"Hehe, I saw it too, long legs, thin waist, hips, and big breasts, it's simply amazing..."

"It's a pity that her appearance is not so good, not that good looking! But she is above average, and it's a bit of a waste with her figure. She should get a full face lift..."

"NO! Natural beauty is the most beautiful! And if the surgery fails, it will be even worse..."

"Get out of the way! Where are the 'mistresses'? Are we so shameless? It sounds great with the arrangement and MV, okay? Ran Ge is so handsome..."

"Tsk, how dare you, mistress, show up like that? Don't you even look at the name of Brother Ran's album..."

"Fuck, where are the brothers who are 'overdoing it'? We are doing it together, who are we looking down on..."

"Stop! What are you arguing about? They are all Ran's songs, there is no need to decide who wins or loses! Those who have purchased the album, remember to join the group and prefix it with the fan title of your type. I am a 'Xiong fan', supporters of Xiong fans, come on..."

"Everyone, get out of the way! My brothers from the Burning Powder, protect me as I charge forward. Stand up! Hold up! Burn up!!"

"Ahhh~ Brothers and sisters, charge..."

"Swish, swish~ Sisters and brothers, fuck him!"

Thus, during the hot sales of the album "You Once", the competition for the title of "Bear Fans" and "Burning Fans" was completely kicked off.

Although not everyone who buys the album will join the group, not even one-tenth, because many people are too lazy to join, but overall the proportion is similar, so it is relatively fair and just.

Of course, Xiong Ran, who had woken up and washed up at dawn, did not pay much attention to the above-mentioned fan title dispute. He thought it was just a little farce.

Today, I can practice the second song I wrote for Wang Teng’s album, a slow-tempo tune.

A fine mini album with 3 songs, let’s take a big step forward!