He traveled through time three years ago and killed the queen's ex-girlfriend

Chapter 40: Starry Sky and Simple Love


Xiong Ran has exclusive copyright to the songs he wrote for Wang Teng. No matter how popular Wang Teng becomes in the future, he is just an intermediary singer and will not receive any copyright dividends.

Even if competitors try to poach us in the future, they can only poach the individuals, but they cannot take away even half a song or sing it.

Moreover, after two years of secret observation, Wang Teng's character is quite good. The favor of recognizing his talent is not cheap, so there is nothing to worry about. Just do your best to train him.

: Wandering in the blue sky with the wind, a cloud falls in front of me, molded into your shape, follows me with the wind, eating away my sorrow bite by bite

: Carrying you is like carrying the sunshine. No matter where I go, it is sunny, butterflies fly freely, and flowers fill the sky, each of which is fragrant because of you...

: Hand in hand, one step, two steps, three steps, four steps, looking up at the sky, watching the stars one, two, three, four connected into a line, back to back, silently making a wish, looking at the stars in the distance, can you hear them...


"Starry Sky"!

The melody is beautiful and the lyrics are fresh.

Beautiful, thrilling, and sweet, listening to the tune is like returning to the school days of youth, leisurely listening under the shade of trees on the playground lawn, looking up at the blue sky and white clouds with headphones on.

Unfettered, lazy and comfortable lyrics, lively and beautiful melody, a fine little love song.

"Brother Ran, it's so beautiful..."

Wang Teng couldn't help but tremble slightly as he held the music score in his hands. Just by running through the lyrics and melody in his mind, he could tell that it was a very nice and soothing love song.

Being carefree and lazy, wandering freely with the wind, this is the simple little beauty of youth.

And, most importantly, he can pronounce the words clearly and sing.

"Go practice, there's more..."

After Xiong Ran encouraged with a smile, Wang Teng stepped into the singing room as if he had been given an injection of chicken blood. He had already sung "Nunchucks" OK, and then he sang a beautiful and soothing little love song, which was a change of taste and delicious.

After all, no matter how delicious a dish is, if you eat it every day, you will get tired of it after a week.

Now that there is rotation, it is finally no longer monotonous.

"Ahem, did you miss me last night?"

Yu Shuying came to the singing room, and Xiong Ran immediately asked, but the response was a big eye roll, "I miss you, you big head ghost, be serious when you work..."

"I'm old enough to not be bothered by young people's flirting. There's no need to be particular when dating."

Hearing this, Xiong Ran was sweating profusely and was speechless! What was this? Getting out of bed, getting dressed, and then turning against him

"Sister Ying, my heart is hurt..."

"Hmph, just bear with it..."

Yu Shuying couldn't stand Xiong Ran's bad habits. Whether he was a little puppy or a little wolf, it was just that. Forcing him to talk about love would only waste energy and delay things. Wouldn't it be better to use this time to develop a career and make money

Distance creates beauty, and anyway, habits will become natural and sooner or later, they will evolve into living together.

Jump directly to the results, saving time, effort and hassle.

"Director Lin, are you sure you want to persist?"

In the afternoon, at Baixiang Entertainment, facing a piece of news that was reported, Lin Hongmei said calmly, "So what if Chenxing threatened me with something? Zhao Shiqi hasn't even covered the sky with one hand in Chenxing, let alone the entire Demon City..."

"Let him grab it! Don't worry about it..."

"If it's ours, we can't take it away. If it's not ours, we don't have to keep it! But as long as you've paid the deposit and signed the delivery contract, you can't miss a single song. If you want to resell Chenxing midway, the penalty for breach of contract will be three times the contract..."

"You won't pay? Then sue me!"

Nie Wei, the vice president of the agency department in charge of the music sector, had a headache after hearing this. "Do we really want to sue? It will be bad for both sides if we fall out, and some people in the creative circle will boycott it. Baixiang will have a hard time in the future. Is it worth it for Xiong Ran and Yu Shuying?"

"Wrong, there is no such thing as worth it or not!"

Lin Hongmei breathed a sigh of relief, "If you're not tough, you'll only be bullied! Besides, the creative circle also needs reputation and integrity. Not everyone is the same. If your character is rubbish, the songs you write will also be rubbish..."

"Finally, are the creators supported by the company just there to do nothing? We don't force them to be classics, but at least they have to be capable of producing some high-quality pop songs..."

"People's potential is forced out!"

"I will do the quarterly review at the end of next month. Those who are talented are valuable, those who are not talented are capable, and those who are neither talented nor capable should get out."

"Okay, that's it. I've made up my mind!"

After Lin Hongmei finished speaking, she lowered her head and looked through the documents. Seeing this, Nie Wei could only shake his head helplessly. Although a white elephant like Zhao Shiqi was not something to make a fuss about, it was unreasonable and incomprehensible to offend two people who had nothing to do with her.

Even if Yu Shuying is an old classmate and best friend, it shouldn’t be that serious, Director Lin, what do you think

Are you really going to abandon the interests of the white elephant and ignore them

"Hiss~, 50,000 tickets on the first day..."

"Is it so scary? Ran is so handsome..."

That night, Xiong Ran's album "You Once" sold nearly 50,000 copies in the first 24 hours. According to the sales curve, 100,000 copies were sold in three days, 150,000 copies were sold in a week, and although it was not a full month by the end of the month, 200,000 copies were sold...

Compared with the debut album of rising stars Jin Kai and Qi Nuan in August, it is not inferior at all.

It can be said that although there have been no works and few announcements in the past three years, his popularity is still not to be underestimated. In addition, the three songs in the album have been sung on the Internet for more than a month, so the current results are reasonable. What a pity...

He terminated his contract with Chenxing four years in advance, which was the price of regaining his freedom. He could not sign a contract with other entertainment companies to debut as an artist within five years. Otherwise, he might have become popular again. It's a pity that a golden star was tarnished.

However, it seems that being a creator is not bad at the moment. The song "No Makeup" written for Qi Nuan Jinkai has sold over 450,000 copies in 8 days. It will definitely sell over 600,000 copies by the end of the month. Very nice! In short, he is handsome and talented. No wonder he was envied by the gods three years ago.

"Ahem, I think this achievement is mostly due to 'your past self'..."

"Nonsense, our 'Overdoing' Party has contributed a lot, so who are we looking down on..."

"Hey, we, the 'mistress' party, don't accept..."

"If you don't agree, lie down. Xiaosan, stop showing off..."

Well, the three major factions of the album started a war of words again, but the winner is no surprise, 'Xiao San' is at the bottom while the support for 'You Once Was' is soaring to the sky.

As for the dispute over the title of "bear fans" and "burning fans", it is still ongoing and the results are entangled.

But after two or three days at most, the trend should become gradually clear, and the winner will be determined.

However, Xiong Ran, the person involved, didn't care about all of the above. He worked at the venue during the day and went home to exercise at night. Two days passed in a flash.

Wang Teng has performed well in "Starry Sky", and the third song follows at the right time, still soothing.

: I can’t tell why~ I became very proactive. If I fall in love with someone, everything is worth doing. I want to announce loudly~ I can’t bear to leave you. Even the neighbors next door can guess how I feel now.

: The wind by the river is blowing my hair. Holding your hand, I feel inexplicably moved. I want to take you back to my grandma's house and watch the sunset together until we both fall asleep.

: I want to hold your hand like this and never let go. Can love be pure and without sadness forever? I want to take you for a bike ride. I want to watch baseball with you. I want to sing songs without worries and keep walking.

: I want to hold your hand like this and never let go. Can love be simple and without hurt? You lean on my shoulder, you fall asleep on my chest. I love you and you love me in a life like this.


"Simple Love"!

The rhythm is slow and romantic, and the melody is warm and sweet.

The lyrics are like the naive love diary of a young boy, or like a nostalgic fragment of a youth comic. It is a simple and pure platonic love, beautiful and pure.

"Nunchucks·Starry Sky·Simple Love"

Wang Teng’s debut mini-album is finalized!