He traveled through time three years ago and killed the queen's ex-girlfriend

Chapter 50: The house is transferred, and you can take the dog away


Xiong Ran didn't hate dogs, but he didn't like them much either, even the cute and adorable Alaskan dogs. Besides, they were a nuisance.

So without saying anything, I just turned around and left.

However, this silly dog seemed to be determined to get close to me, whimpering as I caught up with him.

Hmm? Right front leg, a little lame, unnatural

"Uh, no need..."

At the nearest police station, Xiong Ran was a little confused.

Be it a lame dog or any other dog, it would not be a good thing to keep following him, so Xiong Ran changed his mind and went to the nearest police station. Sure enough, the stupid dog followed him, so what else was there to say

Leave the dog at the police station and the owner can get it back within two or three days, and everyone will be happy.

However, just before he was about to leave, the police officer asked him to leave his name and contact information, which was a bit embarrassing. It was not appropriate to use a fake name and contact information in such a solemn and sacred place. It was sad...


"Don't follow me..."

"Skinny dog, I don't know you well..."

He left his name and contact information, but Xiong Ran found that just as he stepped out of the door, Lame Dog followed him again, with an attitude of "I'm determined to follow you and only you will follow me."

With its tongue sticking out and its cute big head tilted, it had a pair of deep brown eyes that looked a little confused.

"Comrade Police Officer, you are really not my dog..."

Returning to the police station lobby, Xiong Ran pointed at the mangy dog at his feet with a helpless look on his face, "I was walking towards the community just fine, and this guy suddenly appeared and followed me. I couldn't drive him away, so I came here..."

"Look at the brown eyes. At least it's a purebred. It's worth 18,000 yuan. If it's my dog, would you be willing to throw it away? Even if it's a little lame..."

"Okay, police officer, I'm leaving now..."

In the end, Xiong Ran ran away while other police officers were taking the mangy dog to drink water.

From beginning to end, there was no mention of the lady in the missing dog notice or the reward, and it is not certain whether this dog is the one, although the probability is 80% to 90%.

As for whether you feel sad about missing out on the reward of over 5 million for a house, not at all. It is meaningless.

Why bother thinking about it when you know there’s no chance of getting a reward

So there is nothing to be sad about, and it can't even be said to be "lucky if I get it, it's my fate if I lose it". Let's just let this unexpected episode pass and pretend it never happened.

However, unexpected events often occur.

The next afternoon, just as Xiong Ran was reading a good novel, a phone call came in...

Uh, the police station called, there’s a small situation.

"Comrade police, this dog is really mine..."

"This is the dog ownership certificate, and these are the photos and videos of me raising him at home. This is really my Tony..."

When Xiong Ran came to the police station for separation, he heard a woman's voice with a sobbing tone, and when he walked in, he saw a woman in her thirties or forties who was dressed in rich and fashionable clothes and wearing gold and silver... Uh, he went to contact the lame dog, but the lame dog kept avoiding him...

He looked like, I don’t know you!

In the hall, there were three policemen, a middle-aged woman wearing gold and silver, and several other people, but they did not look like a group. Could it be that they were used to eating at the expense of the masses

“Woof woof, woof woof…”

Suddenly, the mangy dog barked twice, then whimpered and limped towards Xiong Ran who had just entered the door. His cute face showed both grievance and excitement. Dad, help me...

"Comrade police, what's wrong?"

Xiong Ran ignored the mangy dog and walked forward, circling around and wagging his tail. After looking around, he sounded helpless.

"Young man, did you find this dog?"

"Young man, you've made it, and I'll give you a house as a reward..."

At that moment, before the police officer could speak, several onlookers clicked their tongues and took out a missing dog notice. It was the notice that Xiong Ran saw in the crowd yesterday. That's right, they were just here to watch the fun, since they had nothing to do anyway.

Xiong Ran was wearing a mask. After all, he was a failed star, and it would not be good for him to show up too much, so these uncles, grandpas, and aunts did not recognize him.


"The reward is a house?"

However, it does not prevent me from performing at this time.

So, Xiong Ran took the missing dog notice and approached the middle-aged woman wearing gold and silver. He was very excited and asked, "Is the reward really a house? It says on the notice: Room XXX, Building XX, XX Community nearby? Is that true..."

"It can't be fake, it definitely isn't!"

Xiong Ran continued excitedly, "We must be honest! The notice has been posted. If it is fake, what is the difference between it and an animal? It is a disgrace in the nine-year compulsory education. Sorry, I am too excited..."

"This is the police station and the Public Security Bureau, a sacred and solemn place, you can't lie to us..."

"Sister, can the transfer be made tomorrow, Monday?"

"The house is transferred, and you take the dog away!"

Xu Sunmei felt a little embarrassed and ashamed. It would have been fine if 'Tony' didn't recognize her, but the young man in front of her put her on the spot right away. And now they were in the office lobby of the police station. Could she say this was fake

But if this is true, do you believe it

"Ahem, it's true..."

Hearing this, Xiong Ran's eyes lit up with joy.

However, Xu Sunmei hadn't finished her words yet. "First, we need to confirm whether Tony is the one I lost. If not, forget it. If it is, we can talk about it later!"

"Sister, please stop talking..."

Xiong Ran was unhappy. He squatted down with the missing dog notice and compared it with the mangy dog at his feet. "Look at the size, shape, face, fur, etc., they are exactly the same! It must be your 'Tony'. Let's go transfer the ownership tomorrow..."

"Don't worry, I have paid social security for five years in Shanghai, so I am eligible to do business! People should be honest. If they are dishonest, they are nothing, even worse than animals!"

Inside and out, Xiong Ran was teasing.

Because he could clearly see from the woman's eyes that she had no intention of really paying for a house.

Moreover, this scabby dog didn't recognize her, which proved that the relationship between the two was not that strong. Otherwise, a silly dog like Alaska would follow anyone who called it, but it always avoided her before, which was a bit funny...

Hmm? I...

Suddenly, Xiong Ran felt a little itchy on his cheek.

Because he was squatting, the mangy dog saw that he was so close, so he put his big face on it and rubbed it, looking very happy. This is what my father looks like...

Get out of here! I'm not your dad!

Xiong Ran stood up quickly, but the mangy dog didn't care and continued to circle around his limping leg, with its big furry tail wagging happily... Anyone who saw it would wonder, if this dog isn't yours, then whose is it

"Hey boy, this dog is you..."

"Yes, look how affectionate it is to you..."

"You're not going to deliberately steal this apartment, are you?"

Instantly, the voices of the spectators around changed. At the same time, Xu Sunmei also changed, "This is definitely not my Tony! It's okay if he doesn't kiss me at all, but he's also a lame dog. My Tony is not lame..."

As he said that, he opened the video album on his phone, which contained some footage of 'Tony' walking, running and jumping. It was clear that he was not lame at all, so he must have met a scammer!

"Excuse me, police officer. This dog is not my 'Tony'. It's just that he looks a little too similar..."

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake, sorry..."

After Xu Sunmei apologized, she glanced at Xiong Ran, and finally looked at Tony lying on the ground. Her Tony was not lame, so even if this dog was, it was not a lame dog. At most, she could just spend money to buy another one...

So, let’s go, goodbye!

"Okay, take the dog back..."

Xu Sunmei left, and several onlookers also left. The police officer finally concluded that it was really a scam to come to the police station. How brave! Hurry up and take the dog back. No, you don’t want to take it back? Do you want to stay and stay in the police station together? Three days, five days, or ten days

“Woof woof, woof woof…”

Alaska tilted its cute head and stuck out its tongue, as if to say: Dad, come home...

Damn, Xiong Ran was speechless. What the hell was going on

The scabby dog is really scabby...