He traveled through time three years ago and killed the queen's ex-girlfriend

Chapter 51: Move to a villa and have fun in the bathroom


'Tony' Oh no, it's 'slippers'!

That’s right, looking at the Alaska that depended on him, Xiong Ran gave it a new name.

Instead of accepting the dog food donated by the police station, he took his "slippers" to a pet hospital near the community to get the pet bathed, cared for, and examined, and to temporarily foster the pet.

There is no dog kennel at home, and we are not sure whether the dog has any disease. We will have to wait until the examination is completed before we know for sure.

However, this dog seemed a little afraid of going to the pet hospital, and it hesitated for a long time before it was willing to behave itself.

"I haven't seen you for two days. There's a new dog?"

The next day, at Xiong Ying's venue, when Yu Shuying learned about Xiong Ran's deeds over the past two days, she couldn't help but laugh. She felt it was very interesting, but it was a pity that she didn't participate.

"A stupid dog, a lame dog, a stupid dog..."

In the office on the third floor, Xiong Ran was speechless and choked up. "Although I didn't expect to be rewarded with a house, I never thought that the dog would become mine in the end? After all this incident, the dog's owner didn't want it anymore..."

"I'm sure this dog definitely belongs to the middle-aged woman from yesterday. I guess she saw that the dog suddenly became lame and she became disgusted with it and didn't want it anymore. I really can't explain it."

"Okay, it's not bad to pick up a dog for free!"

Yu Shuying continued happily, "I like dogs very much, but I don't have time to raise one! It just so happens that you have free time, so if I raise a dog, I can take it for a walk occasionally. Anyway, you are alone, and I can keep you company!"

"Ahem, a single dog and a lame dog, a perfect match!"

Looking at Yu Shuying with a teasing look on her face, Xiong Ran's mouth twitched. What a wicked girl. But it's also true that being alone at home can be quite boring and annoyed sometimes. It's okay to have a cute and silly dog like Alaska to keep you company!

At least, if you hit or kick him a few times for no reason, I believe he won't hold a grudge, and will even stick out his tongue and say with a puzzled look: Dad, why are you hitting me

When I think of this scene, I have to say, I feel quite happy.

This is the kind of big dog that destroys the house and sheds hair all over

"By the way, male or female dog..."

Suddenly Yu Shuying asked, Xiong Ran was startled and thought for a moment, "It's a male, it seems! I didn't pay much attention to it or check it. Besides, I'm not sure whether I can keep it or not. What if it's a sick dog and dies in two days..."

"Pah, pah, you crow mouth..."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Yu Shuying, who scolded, "Dogs are good friends of humans! Even if you don't love them, please don't hurt them, especially big and stupid ones like Alaska, who are even more timid than mice, so cute and silly..."

"After work this afternoon, I'll go to the veterinary hospital with you. And you're so mean. There's no such thing as a pet called 'Slippers'. You need to come up with a new name..."

After saying this, Yu Shuying frowned and thought, what should he do

"Prince, Prince..."

"Mom is here to see you, where are you..."

In the evening, Xiong Ying's studio closed down, and Wang Teng, who had been training in music and dance for a day, also returned home. Xiong Ran, accompanied by Yu Shuying, came to the pet hospital.

However, hearing the title of 'Prince' and 'Mom' being called, is so damn embarrassing.

'Prince', the new name that Yu Shuying gave to 'slippers', so domineering and classy, muah!

The corner of Xiong Ran's mouth twitched. It should be "hehe".

"Oh, so cute and adorable?"

After a while, Yu Shuying saw 'Prince Slipper', because, there was only one Alaskan in foster care in the pet hospital at the moment, and it was a 'gray peach face', which was even rarer, because most of the Alaskans raised were 'cross-faced'!

At this time, after being trimmed, washed and groomed, the 'Prince' is one and a half times the size of a golden retriever, with fluffy gray-black hair, a big head that looks cute and adorable, and two big dark brown eyes that look silly...

The way he sticks out his tongue and breathes out, and occasionally licks the tip of his nose with his tongue, is so adorable that Yu Shuying instantly falls in love with him...

"Prince, do you miss your mother..."

Yu Shuying released Slippers from the dog cage, squatted down and held it in her arms, rubbing her cheeks affectionately. The big head was furry and fragrant...

Such a big toy, I can take it for a walk when I have nothing to do, or throw it to Xiong Ran when I have something to do. It’s great, I will have something to play with in the future.

“Woo, woo, woo…”

I struggled a little with my slippers. Who are you, auntie

Two puzzled big eyes looked at Xiong Ran who was silently ignoring him, "Dad, is this Mom?"

Fuck you, Xiong Ran glared back in fear.

The 'slipper' seemed to shiver slightly, and then began to lick the back of Yu Shuying's hand with her tongue. Hmm, this is the taste of my mother...

Dad is a little hostile and cold towards it. Mom is still better, so there is nothing wrong with licking Mom.

This scene left Xiong Ran speechless.

This dog is such a lecher. Yesterday, he avoided and denied recognition to the ordinary-looking female owner, but today, when he saw Yu Shuying for the first time, he started licking her. His tail was wagging happily, and he was obviously very happy. I am so speechless. What the hell

Keeping a dog is troublesome...

"I have to raise him! The 'Prince' is so cute..."

At night, Yu Shuying fulfilled her promise and stayed overnight, but before the passion began, she discussed whether to keep the 'prince', which was a bit disappointing.

"Sister Ying, raising a dog is troublesome..."

In the bathroom bathtub, Xiong Ran scrubbed Yu Shuying with a bitter face, "Not only does he pee and make the whole house stink, but he also sheds hair every day! Dogs of Alaska's size are very energetic and will destroy the house. Besides, this is a rented house, so I have to pay for anything I break..."

"I'll pay for it! I'll pay for what the prince broke!"

Yu Shuying did not comment, but smiled, "Even if this house is really demolished, I can afford the compensation!"

"Besides, you live alone at home, so having a dog to accompany you can help you relieve your boredom. Alaska dogs are cute and adorable, and they don't bite people. They are loved by everyone and flowers bloom when they see them..."

"Maybe one day when I walk it, I can meet a beautiful woman. Do you know what good luck is?"

"It's settled. I'll keep it for a few days to get a dog license! The city of Shanghai is pretty strict. If you don't have a dog license, you're a stray dog. You deserve to be beaten to death!"

Hearing this, Xiong Ran felt a little distressed and melancholy.

It’s not that I don’t want to have a dog, but I don’t want to be a poop scooper. Dogs like Alaskans shed hair and destroy the house. They are actually very noisy. Although they are not as strong as Huskies, they are not bad either!

"How about this, I'll change my house..."

Suddenly, Xiong Ran's eyes turned, and his first thought was whether to move in with Yu Shuying

But, it seems a little unlikely.

So, I decided to change to a new house. "I'll find a suitable house with a small courtyard near Xiongying. A villa with a courtyard will do. Anyway, it's time to change..."

This is true. I didn’t think too much about the apartment I rented when I terminated the contract from Chenxing.

One is that I suddenly have a girlfriend named Yu Shuying who often stays over, another is that I suddenly have to get a dog, and the other is that the house is too small to have only one treadmill for exercise, which lacks system functionality...

Although the exercise area of Xiongying venue is relatively comprehensive, we cannot always eat and live in Xiongying, so renting a detached villa can perfectly solve the above problem.

It just so happens that you can keep "Slippers" in the yard and use it as a watchdog, which is good for guarding the house.

After all, this is its job.

"Well, that's fine, it's time to change..."

Yu Shuying was stunned when she heard this, but she didn't object. This two-bedroom apartment was a bit small, and the overall privacy was a bit poor. Renting a villa would be perfect.

Well, I'll start looking tomorrow and change it quickly!

"Hoo~ Sister Ying, I love you..."

On the opposite side, Xiong Ran, who was too lazy to wash perfunctorily, saw that Yu Shuying was in a daze, so he just hugged her and kissed her on the lips, while at the same time, he started to tease her with his hands and feet.

In this situation, there is no passion, what a waste...