He traveled through time three years ago and killed the queen's ex-girlfriend

Chapter 53: New home warming, sales and share (3.3K)


It is winter in Shanghai in December and the weather is cold, but it makes no difference to the furry Alaskan dogs, as they will not freeze to death in the yard.

Their ancestors were sled dogs. The lower the temperature, the higher their IQ, but there is a limit to how high the temperature can be.

Pretending to be lame and yet trying to be human, is he a dog

"Sniff~, woooooo..."

In the villa's living room, Xiong Ran and Yu Shuying sat on the sofa, looking around and watching the 'Slipper Prince' walking around curiously in the living room, stopping here and sniffing there, having a lot of fun.

"It's OK, no peeing or biting..."

Yu Shuying smiled softly upon seeing this. The Alaskan had been pacing around the living room for more than half an hour. Although it was sniffing everywhere and opening its mouth from time to time as if to bite something, it didn't actually bite, nor did it urinate anywhere to leave a scent mark. This was a bit surprising. If this wasn't human nature, what could it be

Of course, it is also possible that it sees its two owners are right next to it, so it doesn't dare to do it and waits until there is no one around to chew it.

"Can you watch it 24 hours a day?"

Xiong Ran's face was a little gloomy. "It's not afraid of the cold, it's fine to stay in the yard! Dogs are dogs after all, it's their nature to poop, pee and bite everywhere, you can't control it!"

"You don't have to clean up, so why are you so unlucky?"

Yu Shuying reached out and touched Xiong Ran's head in a comforting manner, "When we find a nanny, she will do the cleaning anyway, so don't be unlucky!"

"And it's so much fun to have such a big living toy. It's really cute and adorable..."

"Single dog with male dog, very OK!"

Hearing this, Xiong Ran's face became even gloomier. He moved closer to Yu Shuying, pushed her down and kissed her passionately on the lips. This elder sister was so abominable. He must teach her a lesson.

“Huff~, huff huff…”

Suddenly, Xiong Ran, who was hugging Yu Shuying on the sofa and chewing on her, turned his head when he heard the sound. His huge dog face tilted and stared at them in confusion: What are you doing

"Get lost, this is not suitable for children..."

Xiong Ran glared at him to threaten him, and Alaska smiled foolishly, then turned around with his big tongue hanging out, leaving Xiong Ran with a big butt with a furry tail sticking up. "You guys play yours, I play mine, and don't disturb each other, OK?"

"Master, I really admire you..."

On the sofa, Yu Shuying, who was lying on top of Xiong Ran, rolled her eyes. Although the prince was a dog, she still had to be more careful, lest she teach him bad things...

Well, never mind. Dogs are more casual than people. You can basically ride one if you meet one on the street, no matter what breed it is.

"Sister Ying, let's warm up the room together tonight..."

Xiong Ran murmured and smacked his lips before lowering his head to kiss her again. How could he sleep alone on the first night of moving into a new house? Moreover, in the middle of winter, passion was necessary, and the warmth of spring was shining.

As for agreements, it’s okay to break them occasionally.

"Bad luck, it's really fucking..."

For dinner, Xiong Ran and Yu Shuying ordered takeout, which was very rich. The greedy prince was drooling all the time. However, as a dog, he could only eat dog food with less salt and oil. He could not eat most human food because it would easily cause problems.

What's more, high-quality dog food is rich in all kinds of nutrients, including chicken, duck, fish, meat, eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables, etc. It is better than most people eat, without a doubt.

Look, Xiong Ran and Yu Shuying fed the prince after dinner, and then took it out for a walk.

The dog's problem is that it walks and sniffs all the time, and wants to run from time to time. The prince is only the size of a golden retriever and is very strong. Yu Shuying has a hard time pulling him by herself. Xiong Ran can pull him, but he also staggers.

There is reason to suspect that the middle-aged woman owner who was wearing gold and silver jewelry probably lost control of Alaska one day, so Alaska ran away and pretended to be lame.

The purpose of pretending to be lame is that I don’t want to go back to that home…

“Woof woof woof, woof woof…”

The villa area was very quiet at night. After walking the dog for more than half an hour, I didn’t meet many people. Even if I met them, I wouldn’t know them and wouldn’t say hello to each other. So after walking for a while, the two of us and the dog returned home.

However, just when I got home, at the flower bed lawn at the door, Alaska Prince suddenly turned around a few times, squatted down, squinted his eyes, stuck out his tongue, and started to pull out loudly!

During the process, the dog's face is full of enjoyment. This kind of comfort is something that most people cannot understand.

Of course, the smell is wafting and choking...

"If you call me again, you will stay here tonight..."

After tying the prince to the pillar next to the doghouse in the yard, ensuring that he had an area to move around when he went to sleep, Xiong Ran smiled and clapped his hands, "The duty of guarding the house at night is now handed over to you. If there is a thief, bite him, but you can't lead the way for others, understand?"

“Woof woof woof, woof woof…”

Alaska shouted and whimpered unhappily, I don’t want to live in the yard or kennel, I want to live in the house!

"Stop yelling, it's useless to yell..."

Xiong Ran waved his hands and laughed, "Okay, guard the gate well at night, go to sleep when it's time, and stop howling! Otherwise, if you disturb others, I'll sell you to a dog meat restaurant!"

"Tsk tsk, dog meat restaurant, so cruel..."

"Okay, stop scaring it, it doesn't understand..."

Yu Shuying was very speechless and amused as she pulled Xiong Ran back to the living room on the first floor. It made no sense for her to let the prince stay in the doghouse in the yard at night. It was okay if there were people in the room during the day, but at night when everyone was asleep, she couldn't indulge him.

Otherwise, when I went downstairs the next morning, I saw that my furniture, appliances and sofas were all chewed up...

So, let’s just go to the yard, at least it saves us the trouble.

"Sister Ying, I'm going to run the bath water..."

Xiong Ran gave Yu Shuying a light kiss on the cheek, then he went up to the third floor to fill the bath water. He must enjoy the huge bathtub with water circulation and massage tonight, over and over again...

There is also a big soft bed in the bedroom, one roll, two rolls, three rolls...

In tonight’s warm-up battle, we must constantly strive for self-improvement!

"Hand in hand, one step, two steps, three steps, four steps..."

"I want to hold your hand like this..."

"Hurry up and use the nunchaku, hum hum ha, ..."

The next day, December 10, although there were some problems in the middle, Wang Teng's exquisite small album was completely completed, and Xiong Ran and Yu Shuying came to Baixiang to inspect the goods.

Although the MV editing and special effects of "Nunchucks" took some time, fortunately it won't be delayed. After all, it will be released on the shelves on January 1st, and there are still 20 days, which is plenty of time.

Ye Xiaopeng and Wang Teng were both very excited.

The three songs, coupled with a fitting MV and a rhythmic and dynamic arrangement, are so cool.

It’s so cool and awesome that they produced or debuted such an excellent album.

"Master Ye, thank you for your hard work. Excellent!"

After checking it from beginning to end once, twice, and three times, Xiong Ran breathed a sigh of relief. The first debut album of Xiongying artist Wang Teng was finally finalized, and all that was left was promotion and distribution.

However, although it will be released on New Year's Day, the promotion will not be too synchronized with Jin Kai Qi Nuan.

Jin Kai and Qi Nuan will start promoting a week in advance, while Wang Teng will start promoting two or three days in advance. They can’t steal too much of Jin Kai and Qi Nuan’s popularity. After all, once “Nunchucks” comes out, it might be a bit annoying…

But time will prove that Jay Chou is invincible!

Well, if it comes from the sky, maybe we can have a fight! The strongest on the surface of the Earth in the 21st century, no exaggeration!

"Hiss~ So, is this new?"

White elephant, music director's office.

After Xiong Ran, Wang Teng and Yu Shuying left the fireworks, Ye Xiaopeng immediately sent the prepared album to Lin Hongmei, which meant that the order had been completed and reported.

Originally, Lin Hongmei didn’t care much about Wang Teng’s album, so she never paid attention to it.

Because when Xiong Ying opened her business, she shook her head when she saw Wang Teng for the first time. He was not handsome, and his singing and dancing were average. She really didn't know why they signed this guy...

But now I know that "Starry Sky·Simple Love" are two exquisite and soothing love songs, so I won't say much more.

The song "Nunchucks" really scared her a little bit. The lyrics were unrestrained and uninhibited, the arrangement was a perfect combination of heavy metal, piano and rap, and Wang Teng sang with a weird tune. The standard was quite high...

So high that it’s a bit scary, what a terrifying talent!

"Good boy, you are really good at hiding your abilities..."

Suddenly, Lin Hongmei smiled. The quality of the three songs in Wang Teng's album is even better than "No Makeup·A Little Sweet·The First Person I Love", and the style is very bold and unrestrained.

As for whether "Nunchucks" will be criticized when it goes online, that's a joke. Black and red are also red, not to mention that there are two exquisite songs "Starry Sky·Simple Love" to soothe and neutralize the problem.

There is an 80% chance that Wang Teng will take off!

"Approved, print another 50,000 copies..."

In the following days, time seemed to fall into peace and tranquility, but one day, Hongtu Publishing House reprinted 50,000 copies of the novel "Wukong Zhuan". Including the 100,000 copies of the premiere and the 50,000 copies printed after one week of sales, the official printing totaled 200,000 copies...

Although the first reprint of 50,000 copies has not been sold out, it will only be a matter of a few days. The 50,000 copies reprinted this time will be enough for the market to absorb until the end of the Spring Festival.

This is also the reason why Hongtu printed 5 more copies this time. They are not worried about not being able to sell out, but they are worried about not being popular.

"The Legend of Sun Wukong" sold over 200,000 copies by mid-February, at the end of the Spring Festival, which was a good start in terms of reaching the best-seller standard.

But that's about it.

After all, there are all kinds of passionate novels on the Internet nowadays, especially fantasy and fairy tales, which are even more popular. "The Legend of Sun Wukong" is really not bad. If it weren't for the online plot, the numerous passionate and exciting words and phrases in it would support it.

Whether it could be as popular as it is today is not certain.

"How about holding a book signing?"

In order to stimulate sales, Hongtu is discussing some plans, but "The Legend of Wukong" has been completed for a month and a half, and the purchasing enthusiasm of the hot-blooded fans, impulsive fans and passionate fans has almost disappeared. In the future, only some die-hard fans will buy the physical book for collection and slowly increase the sales.

However, Xiong Ran has not held a signing event yet. If he were to hold one in major cities, it would surely stimulate a buying craze. After all, the signed version has more collectible value, and some people who don’t buy it will buy it.

"I'm busy, it's up to you to sell as much or as little as you want..."

Beep, beep, beep. There was a busy tone on the phone.

Qin Siyu gritted her teeth a little. This was really a vicious bear. He didn't give her any room for negotiation. This was also helping her sell books, okay? Moreover, if the sales volume was over 200,000 copies, she would get 15% of the copyright fee, so she could get one book for 4.8 yuan.

"The Legend of Sun Wukong", the book price is 32 yuan!

Xiong Ran has a tiered publishing fee rate of 8% for the portion of 0-50,000 copies, 2.56 per copy, which can be divided into 128,000 yuan.

For the part of 50,000-100,000 books, 10% is at 3.2/book, which can be divided into 160,000 yuan; for the part of 100,000-200,000 books, 12% is at 3.84/book, which can be divided into 384,000 yuan!

Finally, for the part with more than 200,000 copies, 15% of each book can be divided into 4.8 yuan. The more you sell, the more you earn per month!

At present, it will be no problem for "The Legend of Wukong" to sell 200,000 copies before the end of the Spring Festival, which means 672,000 yuan!

The tax deduction method for writers is different from the normal one. After the tax deduction and exemption of more than 4,000 yuan, 11.2% of the total amount will be deducted, which means there will be 88.8% left...

672,000 yuan, you can get nearly 600,000 yuan!

It was my first time writing a book and it became a huge hit. As its sales gradually increased, the royalties would eventually exceed one million.

Of course, the higher the sales volume, the higher and more impressive your bonus and resume will be as the directly responsible editor.

"No, I have to find a way to stimulate..."

Qin Siyu began to frown and think hard about how to catch the bear...