He traveled through time three years ago and killed the queen's ex-girlfriend

Chapter 54: Bullfighting, Xiong Ran's creative talent storm (3.4K)


Xiongying site during the day and new villa at night.

Xiong Ran's life is well-organized and he goes back and forth between the two points, and the distance between the two points is not far, so the 'Slippers Prince' naturally commutes back and forth every day. Both Cai Xiaotong and Wang Teng welcome this very much, and have a dog to play with.

Alaska is cute and silly. As long as you don't hate dogs, you will love it and have no resistance to it.

I like it even more if it doesn’t pull or bite me.

If there is anything wrong, just speak up if you have something to say, don't stay in the corner, if you are unhappy, just refute, what are you so arrogant about, do you know basketball, if you have the guts, don't leave, three on three bullfighting; if there is anything wrong, just speak up if you have something to say...

The three-pointer stayed in the air, and everyone watched me make a parabolic shot. I dribbled past the opponent with one hand and made a wonderful pass under the basket. The beautiful fake moves stunned me. I defended the basket in the restricted area, and I was responsible for the rebounds and scores in the fast break. You took the ball but didn't shoot, and you didn't cover me. I was blindly choosing a teammate like you~

You said how the score stayed, it has been staying, who made it stay, why did you embarrass me when my girlfriend cheered for me off the court; you said how did you steal my ball, you said how did you hit my hand, you said do you want to live~

How do you face me? Throw away my anger. I want to beat you up for a long time. Don't even think about leaving. Look at me. Don't tremble. Raise your head. If you have something to say, go and tell the medical box. Don't blame me...



The rhythm is cool and the melody style is amazing!

That day, Yu Shuying looked at the lyrics and music composed by Xiong Ran, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. She thought that the previous song "Love Before BC" was not in tune enough, but she didn't expect that this song "Bullfighting" would break the limit.

The lyrics are full of a wild and unruly boy who makes a fool of himself in front of his girlfriend while playing basketball and is complaining and frivolous towards his teammates. What the hell is going on.

And the tune seems to have a rhythm, but it's also very weird and awkward, another 'Nunchucks'

Can't you create something normal human

"Master, can't we be normal..."

Facing Yu Shuying's rolling eyes, Xiong Ran smacked his lips and smiled, "It's pretty good. Music should be youthful and unrestrained! Although it may be a bit niche, most basketball fans should like it. Rhythm lovers will probably also like it..."

"Don't worry, Wang Teng is a hot-blooded and trendy guy who is a bit immature. He is completely OK with this kind of rhythm song. Just think of it as a way to enrich the musical form..."

“Diversification, not singleness, there is something to be done!”

Yu Shuying felt powerless and helpless with this explanation.

However, she does not know how to create, so even if she refutes, she has no power. After all, Xiong Ran is also the boss, a boss who works alongside her. Operations and creation are separate.

Forget it, let’s first see how Wang Teng’s debut album performs. As long as it’s not too bad, it’ll be fine.

If "Nunchucks" is acceptable, then this "Bullfighting" is also quite interesting, right

“Youth means vitality…”

The next day, Saturday, December 16, the sun was high in the sky. In the master bedroom on the third floor of the villa, Yu Shuying woke up naturally and stretched gently. She had been exhausted from the night before, and her body was about to fall apart...

However, the process was really enjoyable, and I could sleep soundly until dawn afterwards. Recently, I also found that I seemed to be much younger, with tight and tender skin...

Sure enough, men can best nourish women's body and mind.

"Bad guy, you can't get enough of it..."

After giving a light kiss on the forehead of Xiong Ran who was still soundly sleeping, Yu Shuying got up quietly. It was almost time for lunch. What takeout should she order

I have been looking for a nanny since I moved into the villa on the 9th, and two or three have come to apply for the position.

However, regardless of her appearance, the craftsmanship alone was not up to par. In short, Xiong was not satisfied. And as the old saying goes, appearance reflects the heart. The nanny's face must be honest and simple, and cannot be sharp-tongued and mean.

Although there are no elderly or children to take care of at home, and the nanny's abuse will not happen, you still have to be careful when hiring a nanny. What if there is a theft

Or is he a big mouth and leaks the privacy of the homeowner

No matter how one appears on the surface, one's heart is always hidden. If you don't get to know someone, you will never know their true nature.

So, after thinking it over, Xiong Ran decided to install high-definition surveillance in not very private places such as the yard, living room, and corridor of the villa.

Xiong Ran is very familiar with this job. He can just buy a set of high-end equipment online and install it. It's a piece of cake.

“Woof woof, woof woof…”

In the doghouse in the outer courtyard, seeing Yu Shuying walk out of the living room door, the prince immediately barked and whimpered, "Mom and Dad finally got up, is it time to let the dog out?"

Although his skin was thick and he wasn't cold in the winter, he could only move in a small area because his neck was tied.

This dog is so pitiful. Dogs really have no human rights!

"Stop whimpering, you are not a human being..."

Yu Shuying stretched her muscles and came to the doghouse under the grape trellis. She smiled and touched the prince's head, then untied the collar and let him have some fun...

So, Alaska Prince walked around Yu Shuying two or three times, rubbed his head against his legs and feet, and then stuck out his tongue to play by himself. First, he went to the end of the doghouse, lifted his legs and spit water, then found a suitable position to poop some fat...

Next spring, this place will surely be vying for beauty with green grass and red flowers, and this is all thanks to this dog!

"Silly dog, just a stupid dog..."

Yu Shuying shook her head and laughed, what a happy big silly dog.

It's almost time. Before the takeaway arrives, I have to wake up the bear upstairs and prepare for dinner. I have nothing to do this afternoon, so what should two people and a dog do

"Huh? The door's not open?"

In the late afternoon, Qin Siyu came to the Xiongying site and scratched her head as she looked at the tightly closed roller shutter door.

No problem, take out your phone and make a call.

A moment later, Xiong Ran and Yu Shuying came with a dog. Uh, Qin Siyu's eyes lit up when she saw Alaska for the first time. Isn't it so cute

"So cute, what's your name?"



Qin Siyu was confused, Xiong Ran curled his lips, "I call them slippers, but she calls them prince!"

"Well, you two really know how to have fun..."

"Okay, you guys chat, I'm going to take the prince for a walk..."

After a while, Yu Shuying sat for a while in the reception area on the first floor of Xiongying venue, and then left. She was not looking for an excuse to avoid it, but to take Taizi to the pet hospital for a bath. It had been more than half a month since the last bath at the beginning of the month, and he had been living in the villa recently, so his fur was dirty.

No matter how good a dog's hair is at cleaning, it cannot stop it from roaming freely in the yard and will get dirty easily!

Moreover, I have to apply for the official dog license tomorrow, Monday. I gave it a bath and cleaned it today, perfect.

"Don't even think about a book signing..."

After Yu Shuying left, Xiong Ran spoke coldly to Qin Siyu. He knew what she was doing there. She came here for no reason. So, was she here to talk

"Look at you, I haven't said anything yet..."

Qin Siyu rolled her eyes cutely, "Why do you have to go against money? Going to a book signing event can stimulate a lot of sales. For the part that exceeds 200,000 copies, you can get 4.8 yuan for each book. Isn't that great?"

"You don't have to worry about anything. We will reimburse you for all the food, drinks and accommodation. You just need to sign and take photos. Just treat it as a trip to various cities, okay..."

The temptation of interests and the cuteness of acting coquettishly, but it's a pity.

"No! Too lazy to move..."

Xiong Ran smiled slightly, his cold heart as hard as stone and iron, "You can't make enough money! Not to mention going to major cities for book signings, I'm too lazy to even go to Shanghai. It's up to fate whether I can sell more or less, so please go back, don't waste your energy..."

"Why, wasn't I clear enough?"

On the other side, Qin Siyu gritted her teeth a little, "You are too careless as an author. Haven't you seen that fans online are calling for you to hold a book signing event?"

"Even if it's not for myself, but just for the fans, what's wrong with going to a few book signings? Yeah?"

"I'm just an amateur novelist..."

Xiong Ran chuckled, and brought out the complaints about him on the Internet, "Amateur, you know what I mean? I can't even bother to set up a fan club for my books, and you want me to go to a book signing? Is that possible? Okay, bye..."

After saying this, Xiong Ran stood up and said, "Miss, please go back!"

If you don't leave, I will leave and call the police to find a thief...

"Going around and signing books is actually not bad..."

In the villa, in the large living room on the first floor, Alaska, who had just returned from a bath, was playing happily by himself, while Xiong Ran and Yu Shuying were sitting on the sofa and listening to the TV.

“Expand your horizons and accumulate creative inspiration…”

However, although what Yu Shuying said makes some sense, I don’t know if someone’s creative inspiration requires any accumulated experience. It’s completely half-hearted.

"No need, I have no shortage of inspiration for now!"

Xiong Ran shook his head. "I have been learning creation for three years. I have also been out for many announcements and visited many places. I don't want to move anymore! I will be quiet and stable for a while, and I will think about it when I run out of inspiration..."

So, Yu Shuying didn't say anything more.

After all, it was true. Before, due to Xiong Ran's own situation, there was no strict control over his going out for announcements. He was free to travel when he had nothing to do and had been to many places.

Moreover, the book signing event is actually very boring. Signing and taking photos are monotonous, repetitive and complicated.

With Xiong Ran's current lazy and carefree mentality, he would rather walk the dog at home than go out.

In a word, if you can win without doing anything, you don’t want to run while standing.

After all, novels are just an amateur activity, so just do it casually.

"Now, do we need to get a chip?"

The next day, Monday, Xiong Ran and Yu Shuying did not go to Xiongying, but went to the district police station to fill out some information for the dog license. The consent stamps of the neighborhood committee and neighbors had been prepared a few days ago. Today, they just had to submit the information and wait for notification to go through the final procedures.

However, I learned that in order to apply for a dog license now, the dog must be implanted with an ID chip.

Before, Alaska could not detect the chip identity, so when Xiong Ran sent the dog to the police station for the first time, the police could not identify the owner. But the middle-aged woman wearing gold and silver the next day did have the dog license.

Without an ID chip, how can she get the dog license

"Don't worry, it's safe if you don't tell me..."

Xiong Ran comforted Yu Shuying because she had looked up the dangers of chip injections on the Internet, such as bleeding, infection, and sequelae, and she was a little reluctant to get it.

But now, if you don’t have an ID chip, you won’t be issued a certificate!

If you don’t have a certificate, you are a stray dog. If you get beaten to death or caught by a dog beater one day, you still have to handle it.

"Three-year-old adult dogs are not that fragile. Most of the problems are with puppies. It's okay..."

Xiong Ran was leading the kid home with his tongue sticking out and sniffing his slippers. He was very happy to be out for a walk. He didn't know anything about whether to get a chip or not. He was ignorant and fearless!

It’s so nice to be a dog. You don’t have to go to work and someone will take care of your food and drink. The only thing is that the living conditions are a bit poor. There’s no yard!

Poor thing, Ben Ala is so handsome, but he is treated like a local dog!

"Poor prince, hold on and don't cry..."

Yu Shuying sighed with melancholy, saying that dogs have no human rights, so it is better to be a human being. There is no need to insert an identity chip into the flesh, otherwise you will be an illegal stray dog and it is not unfair to beat you to death.

So, Xiong Ran's time continued to move between the villa and Xiong Ying, slowly and quickly.

However, before waiting for the final notice for the dog-keeping license, Jin Kai and Qi Nuan's New Year's album title song "A Little Sweet" was released for promotion online.

At this point, a new round of popularity related to Xiong Ran’s creative talent has resurfaced on the Internet and continued one after another.

Because after 'A Little Sweet' came 'The First Person I Love', and then 'Nunchucks'!