He traveled through time three years ago and killed the queen's ex-girlfriend

Chapter 56: The public opinion has changed. It is a bit tiring to guard against thieves for a thousand days (3.3K)


The main reason for the online criticism is that "Nunchucks" doesn't really sound like a song, from the lyrics to the melody, to Wang Teng's singing, it sounds like a sloppy street kid.

At midnight, New Year's Day arrived. Thanks to the popularity of the black and red songs, many people were still paying attention to the debut album "Nunchucks" by Wang Teng, the only artist under Xiong Ying. After all, there were two other songs in it.

You can decide whether to buy it or not later, just listen to the MV, it’s free.

Wandering in the blue sky with the wind, a cloud fell in front of me, molded into your shape, followed me with the wind, eating away my sorrows bite by bite...

"Hey, the rhythm is good to open your voice..."

“Yes, it feels so fresh…”

Carrying you is like carrying the sunshine. No matter where I go, it is sunny, butterflies fly freely, and flowers fill the sky, each of which is fragrant because of you...

"Hiss, what a relaxing scene..."

"Soothing and light, this is what a song should be..."

Hand in hand, one step, two steps, three steps, four steps, looking up at the sky, watching the stars one, two, three, four connected into a line, back to back, silently making a wish, looking at the stars in the distance, can you hear them...

"Oh my god, it sounds so good, it must be fake, right?"

"The rhythm, melody and lyrics are all good, damn!"

"Damn, I came in here looking for something to spray, but there's nothing to spray? And you actually think it sounds good?"

"Fuck, me too, a soothing little love song, lazy and warm, really nice to listen to..."

"I just don't believe it. This song 'Starry Sky' sounds okay. Let's see how the next song 'Simple Love' is. Judging from the name, it should be 'Simple Love'..."

I can’t tell why~ I became very proactive. If I fall in love with someone, everything is worth doing. I want to declare loudly~ I can’t bear to part with you. Even the neighbors next door can guess how I feel now…

The wind by the river blows my hair, and I feel inexplicably moved holding your hand; I want to take you back to my grandma's house, and watch the sunset together until we both fall asleep...

"Oh my god, the rhythm is so dynamic..."

"My body sways to the beat of the drums, so embarrassing..."

I want to hold your hand like this and never let go. Can love be pure and without sadness forever? I want to take you for a bike ride. I want to watch baseball with you. I want to sing songs without worries and keep walking...

"Ahem, it sounds pretty good..."

“It’s not like that, it’s really good!”

"So embarrassing, what should I say? It seems like there's nothing to say about this perfect thing, damn it..."

: I want to hold your hand like this and never let go. Can love be simple and without hurt? You lean on my shoulder, you fall asleep on my chest. In a life like this, I love you and you love me…


"Fuck, guys, I'm doomed..."

"Fuck, sisters, I've fallen too..."

"The title song 'Nunchucks' is shit, but the other two songs are about butter and vanilla cake? Damn Xiong Ran, are you trying to tease us?"

"Fuck, this is definitely intentional! Why go with something else for the main theme, but use shit?"

"Fuck you! Buy the album, but 'Nunchucks' is disgusting. Don't buy it, the two exquisite soothing love songs 'Starry Sky·Simple Love' are definitely worth it. Damn Xiong Ran, he's so disgusting..."

"Ahem, I suddenly think 'Nunchucks' is actually pretty good. The arrangement has a dynamic and novel rhythm, and the tune is also unique. It's really amazing..."

"Damn, I saw a ghost too! I had the keyboard ready to curse loudly, but in the end, 'Xingqing·Simple Love' just knelt down. I am so embarrassed..."

"Hey, you're not alone, I lost mine too! No choice, just buy it with your eyes closed..."

"Forget it. I bought it for the sake of 'Starry Sky·Simple Love'. I feel a little reluctant..."

"Hahaha, wait a minute, add me in!"

"Ha ha ha, don't worry, I'm charging..."

Therefore, the listeners who already liked or thought "Nunchucks" was okay happily bought it, and those who were conquered by the two soothing tunes of "Starry Sky·Simple Love" eventually turned from being against it to supporting it!

These two songs are real songs, not garbage or shit, but even if you spray them with your eyes and ears closed, it’s a bit difficult to get off the keyboard and it would go against your conscience.

Although conscience is not worth much, we are all good citizens with correct values and we should have some dignity.

Of course, it's not that there is nothing to criticize, but any comments that criticize "Xing Qing·Simple Love" will be besieged by others, doing the exact opposite of the previous "Nunchucks". The same album, two extremes, this situation is really hilarious and makes people drunk.

"Look, the wind is changing..."

At dawn in the morning, at the Xiongying venue, Xiong Ran saw that "Xingqing·Simple Love" was receiving constant praise. Although "Nunchucks" was still being criticized, the momentum had weakened a lot, and more recognition was gradually emerging.

There are fewer people cursing garbage and shit, and more neutral comments that are still novel and interesting. The trend has returned to normal.

The market and time are the most fair and just judgments to test music. Just as only the person who drinks the water knows whether it is hot or cold, even if one loves the house and the dog in it, it is the market's answer.

"It's basically stable, let's see how the sales are..."

It's twelve noon. Although today is Tuesday, it is also the first day of the three-day New Year's Day holiday. The sales of Jin Kai and Qi Nuan's joint album exceeded 100,000 copies in 12 hours. It is not a dream to break 200,000 copies by midnight. It is a big hit.

It will be no problem to break 400,000 in three days, 600,000 in seven days, and 900,000 in 31 days.

In addition, this month, we will be traveling around the city for promotion starting from this afternoon in Shanghai, so it is 100% certain that the full month sales will eventually exceed 1 million.

At the same time, Wang Teng will follow the whole process, and Yu Shuying, as the agent, will also do the same.

"Keep a good attitude and keep going..."

After lunch at the Xiongying venue, Xiong Ran cheered for Wang Teng who was about to leave for Baixiang. The boy, who had become a little autistic due to the criticism of his "Nunchucks" in the previous three days, felt a little relieved today after his reputation improved.

Otherwise, if there is no "Starry Sky·Simple Love" as a foundation, it is really hard to say whether or not to go for this city promotion. After all, do you want to be criticized

If there was only the single "Nunchucks", seeing the negative reviews online, I really wouldn't dare to promote it.

There's no need to use natural black nunchakus, the fans of Jin Kai and Qi Nuan alone can tear him to pieces, because they can't tolerate promoting with their idol goddess.

"Don't worry, brother Ran, I will!"

Wang Teng replied with a bitter but firm expression. Although he was indeed very nervous, he endured it.

Before the release of "Nunchucks", I thought I could bear or ignore all the negative comments, but I found that it was not the case. Seeing all the criticisms, my heart almost went into shock. It was too harsh. All kinds of "verbal criticism" were enough to make me go to the ICU...

If not, I would have been looking forward to the neutralization and reversal of "Starry Sky·Simple Love", it would have been really hard to bear.

Brother Ran, let’s create something normal in the future. I can’t stand weird and non-human things.

However, black and red are still red, and they are not false.

Thanks to the popularity of the album, "Nunchucks" sold nearly 20,000 copies in the 12 hours at noon today, and it looks like the sales will be close to 50,000 copies by evening, although it is also due to the fame of the boss "Xiong Ran Creation".

But the starting result is not bad, and that’s enough.

"I'll be doing some creative work during this month when I'm away..."

Yu Shuying took a step slower and said softly, "Wang Teng is still two songs short of the five songs for his post-New Year album, and Jin Kai and Qi Nuan are also two songs short of their post-New Year solo albums. There is less than a month and a half left until the end of the Spring Festival, so time is very tight..."

"Xiaotong is very innocent, don't bully her!"

When Xiong Ran heard the ending, he broke out in a cold sweat. What the hell was going on? It was as if we couldn't live without a woman by our side and we would have no inspiration.

"Don't worry, I have slippers with me..."

Xiong Ran smiled and said, "Go away quickly."

Yu Shuying rolled her eyes lightly in response, then walked forward and got into the nanny car to go to Baixiang to meet up with Jin Kai and Qi Nuan's publicity team. Their first stop this afternoon was the local Shanghai, and then they would fly to Kyoto in the evening. After that, they would visit first- and second-tier cities across the country every day, working non-stop.

In this way, the Xiongyingchang was empty, and it seemed that it didn't matter whether it was open during the day or not. Well, Cai Xiaotong returned after the New Year's Day holiday and continued her holiday.

Come to the venue every week, clean it up, OK!

"Forget it, there's no point..."

In an office on Chenxing, Zhao Shiqi shook his head as he looked at the promising sales of Bai Xiang, Jin Kai, and Qi Nuan's joint album, as well as the change in the reputation of Xiong Ying and Wang Teng's albums.

Although I do have some dirty laundry on these three people, it is basically irrelevant and meaningless.

Jin Kai and Qi Nuan were too secretive last month. They didn't get any explosive information from the secretly filmed photos. They even ignored some of the temptations and traps that were arranged. They refused to get together privately with people they knew or not. They were as cautious as a mouse.

As for Wang Teng, he was just a junior assistant at Chen Xing before. He was not handsome and had no money. He didn't have any scandals in his private life, so it was useless.

On the contrary, Xiong Ran and Yu Shuying did not hide it.

"Semi-cohabitation, with a dog..."

Zhao Shiqi looked at the feedback from a paparazzi. There weren't any intimate shots of them outside, but there were some candid shots of Xiong Ying and his wife "teaming up as a couple" at the venue and at the villa. At most, they were holding hands or hugging, nothing else.

However, even if there was a kiss or even more explosive scenes, both of them are single, so there is no problem. How darker can they be? Besides, they are not celebrities, so their personal image is not as important as it is on stage. It's better than nothing.

You can't just criticize people randomly, just like dogs and beasts.

"Since ancient times, heroes have always been unable to resist the temptation of beautiful women..."

Zhao Shiqi tapped the table with his fingers, looking at the candid photos of Xiong Ran and Yu Shuying's daily life, people and dogs.

It looks like a male dog. If it is a male dog...

"Hmm? Chen Xing, didn't you make a move..."

White Elephant Entertainment, Music Director’s Office.

In the afternoon, as time passed, Jin Kai and Qi Nuan had already started promoting the fan meeting at the Shanghai Station. Although Shanghai’s fans had met their idol goddess many times, today’s scene was still very lively.

As the meeting went on, Wang Teng took the opportunity to make his appearance, but it was only a slight embarrassment, and then it continued smoothly without any scolding.

After all, 'Nunchucks' is indeed bad, but 'Starry Sky·Simple Love' is really good without any exaggeration or criticism!

Plus, the song "A Little Sweet · The First Person I Love" in the album of his own idol and goddess was also written by Xiong Ran, so let's just take advantage of the publicity.

But Lin Hongmei didn't pay attention to these. She was more concerned about Chen Xing and Zhao Shiqi's actions.

The Shanghai fan meeting is almost over and there is still no action. How can you say you have given up

You have to know that today is the first day the album is online, and it is also the most important day. If you don’t release it today, the effect of subsequent releases will be greatly reduced, so it’s surprising.

"What a venomous snake, waiting for the fatal blow!"

Lin Hongmei breathed a sigh of relief. Zhao Shiqi didn't make a move, which didn't mean he had really given up. It was just that there was no point in not killing him with one blow. If he really had a fatal blow in the future, he would definitely not show mercy. This was the truth.

"That's good, at least I have some free time before the New Year..."

"It's just a thousand-day defense against thieves. It's a bit tiring..."