He traveled through time three years ago and killed the queen's ex-girlfriend

Chapter 60: Lin Qin came to the door one after another, inviting millions of dollars


In a word, Wang Teng became famous, and Xiong Ran became even more famous!

Recently, in addition to companies constantly contacting him to invite him to sing songs, there are also many people or media waiting for Xiong Ying, causing Xiong Ran to be even more lazy to go out and stay at home.

In three months, nine consecutive creations became popular on the Internet, even the vulgar "Xiao San" was very popular.

As a result, many agencies or entertainment companies no longer have their previous indifferent attitude.

Talk about song invitations, signing contracts, and all kinds of things.

“Nice place, very cozy...”

On this day, Lin Hongmei went to Yu Shuying's villa. The villa, which was neither too big nor too small, was decorated very warmly by Yu Shuying, with various decorations and green plants, which was very romantic to the eye.

"Mr. Lin, thank you for the compliment. It's just a place to stay..."

Xiong Ran poured Lin Hongmei a cup of hot water. The Prince in Slippers lay on the other end of the sofa. He did not come over to wag his tail and lie at her feet like he did when he saw Yu Shuying or Xu Ruoqing. Perhaps it was because of Lin Hongmei's indifferent and majestic face, or maybe he didn't like the taste. In any case, he didn't get close to her.

"Have you written Jin Kai and Qi Nuan's song yet..."

Lin Hongmei took a sip of hot water and went straight to the point with a smile, "Wang Teng's album "Nunchucks" is selling very well, proving that the market is very receptive to new and unusual music styles! So I want to change it up, change the main style of Jin Kai and Qi Nuan's personal albums after the new year..."

"No weird songs like 'Nunchucks', and no lazy and sweet songs like 'No Makeup, a Little Sweet'. Can you stick to something in the middle?"

"Of course, we won't let you down when it comes to price!"

Hearing this, Xiong Ran smiled bitterly, "Boss Lin, it's hard to grasp! If the style leans towards one extreme, it's easy to create, but if you want to achieve a balance between two or three, you will be cautious and some inspiration will be limited..."

“Only by being free can you be unrestrained.”

"I know, there's nothing I can do about it..."

Lin Hongmei smiled and said, "After the New Year, Jin Kai and Qi Nuan will separate and go solo. If they continue with their previous sweet song styles, old fans might get tired of them, and new fans may not like them! So we need a song with a dynamic style but a rhythm that appeals to the audience..."

"Anyway, it's up to you! It doesn't have to be too sweet, but it must have its own characteristics. I believe in you..."

"With your talent, no problem!"

The corner of Xiong Ran's mouth twitched. Although it was not an absolute flattery, it was also a compliment. However, Bai Xiang was supporting Xiong Ying after all, bearing the pressure and blow from Chen Xing, and letting Wang Teng, Jin Kai and Qi Nuan go together for publicity, which was righteous.

"I'll give it a try, but I guess I'll have to wait until after the New Year. I need to think it over carefully..."

"Okay, it's not too late after the New Year, it's okay!"

Lin Hongmei nodded OK and stood up to pay her respects.

After Lin Hongmei left, Xiong Ran stretched lightly. As for Jin Kai and Qi Nuan's style change, it was no big deal for him. He could have any style they wanted.

However, no matter how confident you are, you cannot let Party A get it too easily and not cherish it.

So, let’s talk about it after the New Year. Wang Teng’s second album has 5 songs, and he only needs to finish the last one. It will be ready in a few days, just in time for Yu Shuying’s return, and it will also be completely free before the end of the year. The two of them can enjoy a sweet week together first.

February 10th is the first day of the Chinese New Year, and I will return to my hometown on the 7th or 8th, so Yu Shuying must eat well in the week after her return, after all, we will be separated again.

See you next year, at least after the tenth day of the first lunar month, because once I go back home, I may not be able to come out easily again.

As the eldest son of the Xiong family, although he has opened his own studio, he is now free since he has terminated his contract with the entertainment company. Very good, let's get married! His parents, and even his grandparents, are all eager to have a grandchild...

In fact, this idea had already come to me two years ago, and when I went home for the Chinese New Year last year, I was still nagged about it all the time.

Therefore, the Chinese New Year is not a good festival for men and women who are urged to get married. They are all elders, and they can only be lectured and bow down, which is sad.

"Dog, it's better to be a dog..."

Xiong Ran turned his head and looked at the Prince in slippers who was lying obediently at the foot of the sofa, and sighed inexplicably, "What a bastard."

You don't have to work, you don't have to earn money, and someone will serve you food and drink. And when the estrus season comes, there are many female dogs on the street that you can ride at will, regardless of breed or gender...

Therefore, the source of all evil must be eradicated, so that the dog’s life will be peaceful from now on, and he will have nothing to do with worldly troubles anymore.

"How about we go tomorrow?"

Looking at the dog, Xiong Ran rubbed his chin and said secretly.


Murderous intent?!

Suddenly, the hair on the neck of the Alaskan dog who was lying quietly tensed up. He looked up and saw the bear father staring at him inexplicably, with an evil grin on his face, as if he had some bad idea! This look seemed a little familiar, ahaha…

He yawned loudly and continued to take a nap.

Dad Bear is a nice person. Although he is not as nice as the other two mothers, he provides me with enough food and drink, and I can go out for a walk every day. That’s enough. It’s worth continuing to live with me.

I haven’t seen Nana for a few days, and I miss her a little.

I hope we can meet tomorrow, God bless you.

"Rare guest, Mr. Qin, please come in..."

The next day, after lunch, when Xiong Ran was about to put on his slippers and go to the veterinary hospital, he suddenly received a call from Qin Xiaojing and asked to open the door to meet her.

So, just like what he did to Lin Hongmei yesterday, he invited Qin Xiaojing to his home and did not let her go out.

“Nice layout, nice dogs too…”

Qin Xiaojing walked in, took a quick look around, and sat down on the sofa in the living room. The next moment, the Prince of Slippers twisted his big butt and moved to her feet, grinning and sticking out his tongue.

This look of wanting to get close to Lin Hongmei was completely different from the way he treated Lin Hongmei yesterday. Xiong Ran was speechless.

The lecher really discriminates based on the person he is looking for. He ignores the ugly ones but will lick any pretty girl!

Can humans and dogs distinguish between beauty and ugliness

"Boss Qin, why don't you come to the temple for no reason?"

Qin Xiaojing took the hot water from Xiong Ran and smiled. "I guess so. You and your studio Wang Teng are very popular on the Internet. I won't talk about other places. How many companies in Shanghai can afford to stay here?"

"I believe that many entertainment companies have contacted Mr. Xiong in the past few days. I am here on behalf of Hongtu to invite a song for Sumi. After all, you know what happened last time..."

Xiong Ran nodded. Hongtu Sumi has always been a rival of Chenxing Qiu Ruixue. Last October, both of them had albums to hit the quasi-queen! Unfortunately, Qiu Ruixue collapsed due to cheating scandals, and Sumi did not seize the opportunity to completely rush to the album sales of over 3 million copies.

Although it was a little short, with a difference of 300,000 tickets, the data review of the quasi-queen was very strict and the fake ones were not counted.

Therefore, Hongtu did not give Sumi a final boost because it was meaningless, so it is certain that she will take a half-year break before making a comeback. It is also imminent for her to release a new album in April or May after the new year and make another impact.

"Hongtu only invited one song, an absolutely exquisite hit song, the price is 1 million, it's not low..."

Qin Xiaojing raised her eyes and spoke softly, full of sincerity.

Hearing this, Xiong Ran stood up straight, not lowering his back!

Although I know that if his fame for his creations continues to rise, it will be a matter of time before he receives invitations worth one million.

But he didn't expect it to happen so quickly. After all, if he could complete the Hongtu order and make his name known, other companies would be embarrassed to quote less than 500,000 or 600,000 yuan in the future. It really helped him a lot.

Yes, before this, it was Baixiang who had been helping Xiong Ying in music, and Hongtu had not expressed anything. If he did not show sincerity now, there would be no future.

After all, if Xiong Ying takes off completely, whether Hongtu helps or not will just be icing on the cake.

It is far from being like Bai Xiang's timely help, but directly making a million for a single song can be considered a gradual approach.

Moreover, by taking the order, Xiong Ying will have another ally!

"Style, type?"

Xiong Ran spoke directly and made his attitude clear.

Qin Xiaojing nodded and smiled, "You decide! There is no limit on the style or type, you can create freely, and we will review and evaluate whether it passes or not, OK..."