He traveled through time three years ago and killed the queen's ex-girlfriend

Chapter 63: Yu Shuying returns, and the lame dog reappears


The 3 songs in Wang Teng’s debut album are just a sample, and the 5 songs in the second album are for consolidation and improvement.

The real explosion will come with the third album, "Octave Space · Ye Huimei", which will be a selection of 10 or 12 songs by Jay Chou, and will completely soar into the sky.

Of course, this is also the time when Xiong Ying spreads his wings and flies into the sky.

"Prince, Prince..."

"Do you miss your mother? Come, touch me..."

On January 31, Thursday evening, when Xiong Ran was curled up in his room on the third floor preparing to fall asleep, Yu Shuying returned by flight after finishing her promotional work. As soon as she entered the room, she called out "Prince". As for Xiong, it was not important and there was no need to rush.

"Hmm? In the house?"

After closing the door, Yu Shuying was a little puzzled. There was no trace of the prince's dog in the kennel in the yard. It was almost eleven o'clock now. It was impossible for him to still be in the house. Could it be that Xiong Ran had not slept yet and was playing with the dog at this time

With doubts, Yu Shuying continued to open the door and walked into the living room on the first floor. However, only the wall light was on. Xiong Ran was not playing with the prince. Could he be in the bedroom

That's impossible. Xiong Ran never allows the dog to go to the bedroom on the third floor. At most, it can be put in the living room on the first floor.

"Prince, Mom is back..."

With the call, Yu Shuying walked up the stairs.


There is movement!

Suddenly, Xiong Ran, who was lying on the bed in the master bedroom, opened his eyes abruptly. He was just about to fall asleep when he was vaguely awakened. But before he had time to think about it, the door of the house was pushed open...

"Where's the prince?"

The light clicked on, Yu Shuying looked at the room and saw only Xiong Ran sitting up on the bed in a daze, and asked.

"Uh, Sister Ying, you're back..."

Hearing this, Xiong Ran shuddered. Sure enough, the first thing he did when he got home was to ask about the dog. This was a bit deadly. He coughed dryly to change the subject. Um...

"Tell the truth?"

Yu Shuying frowned, having a bad feeling.

"Ahem, something unexpected happened..."

Xiong Ran shrank his neck. "Last Friday, I went to the veterinary hospital for a bath in my slippers. I wasn't paying attention and it ran away. It didn't come back at night. Later, I went to the police station to check the surveillance. It ran too far..."

"Some parts of the camera surveillance are incomplete. I don't know where they went. I couldn't find them..."

"Well, it's just lost..."

Yu Shuying's face was calm, "No wonder you kept making excuses when I wanted to see the prince these days, taking photos or making videos, and kept coming back to see him..."

"You are really capable. You can even make a dog run away right under your nose. You can sleep alone tonight..."

"Stop! When the prince is found, you will be allowed to roll around in bed..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door closed with a bang and he left.

All that was left was Xiong Ran, feeling inexplicably melancholy and annoyed.

The next day, February 1, early in the morning, when Xiong Ran was still in a deep sleep, Yu Shuying suddenly came into the room and pulled his ear to wake him up, "Still sleeping, get up, wash up, and find the dog, hurry up..."

Last night, Xiong Ran certainly didn't want to sleep alone.

However, Yu Shuying locked the door when she took a shower and entered the female master bedroom, which prevented Xiong Ran from succeeding. So he could only go back to his own room. Alas, the beautiful woman was sleeping next to him but he couldn't eat. It was so painful and uncomfortable. In the end, he was so dazed that he didn't know when he fell asleep. It was so miserable.

"I have looked everywhere, but to no avail..."

After getting up and washing, Xiong Ran followed Yu Shuying for a stroll on the street while eating a bun. He would go there once or twice every day from the villa to the pet hospital, but it was really a waste of effort.

"Where is the last picture that disappeared..."

After Yu Shuying finished speaking, Xiong Ran showed her several videos he had copied on his phone. Then the two of them took a taxi to the street where the Slipper Prince last disappeared. They searched for him while asking people they met, full of hope and expectation.

But fantasy is beautiful, but reality is cruel. After a morning and an afternoon, there was no result.

There are so many streets and so many people coming and going, how could it be possible to meet them by chance? It is no exaggeration to say that it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Xiong Ran has also come to look for it in the past few days. If he had not found anything, he would not have given up.

"Send, have you posted the missing dog notice?"

In the evening, on the way home, Yu Shuying suddenly asked.

"No, it's lost, so let it be..."

Xiong Ran remained noncommittal. "It's not ours at all. Maybe it went back to its previous owner. Anyway, let's just say it's not meant to be..."

"If you really like it, we can raise a purebred one that's cuter and cuter, and we can raise it from a young age..."

"Shut up, you are so heartless and inhuman."

Yu Shuying interrupted with a cold snort, and then immediately went to Xiong Ying's studio without hesitation, drafted a "Missing Dog Notice" and printed it out. After printing hundreds of copies, she took some glue, took Xiong Ran and went out to post them...

From the villa to the street where the prince disappeared, to the main streets in the fan-shaped area, and on the bulletin boards at the entrances of the residential areas, the notices were posted until midnight.

"Ahem, you must be tired, let me rub it for you..."

What answered Xiong Ran was the ruthless sound of the door closing and locking. Outside the bathroom door, the corner of Xiong's mouth twitched slightly. It seemed that tonight he would sleep alone on the pillow again, a sad night.

Forget it, it will be fine once the anger subsides. Just wait.

The next morning, Saturday, Xiong Ran was once again pulled out of bed by Yu Shuying, and then continued to look for the dog as he did yesterday. Xiong Ran didn't say much about this, but honestly accompanied and assisted. Yu Shuying still had hope at the moment, but she would be desperate in a few days...

Wang Teng had just finished a month of promotion and was physically and mentally exhausted, so he took a few days off. He will report to the Xiong Ying venue next Monday. Cai Xiaotong is about the same. She will just come to the venue tomorrow, Sunday, to clean up and will not be busy.

So, you can't be looking for dogs on the street next week, right? You're quitting your job? You're giving up your career

At most, after this New Year, when Xiong Ying starts working again next year and is busy again, he will forget about it.

After all, they are dogs, not humans, so the feelings are not that deep.

Ding, buzz...

Suddenly, Xiong Ran's thoughts were interrupted.

In the past few days, Jiang Muchu has asked two or three times whether the "Prince" has been found, but he is a little regretful. He always ends up comforting her, but usually he asks at night, like now in the afternoon, but there has never been...

"Xiong Ran, the prince seems to have found..."


The content of the voice message on WeChat is so heart-wrenching.

So, Yu Shuying didn't ask who sent the voice message, and rushed directly to the address suspected to be the prince's. During this time, Xiong Ran also kept in contact and inquired about the situation.

It turned out that today was Saturday, and Jiang Muchu went to a friend's house for a small gathering, but what a coincidence...

In a friend's neighborhood, traces suspected to be those of the prince were found. The location was Yunshui Yayuan, outside Xiong Ran's villa and the block where the prince ran away and disappeared.

Therefore, no matter how hard we searched according to the original plan, we couldn't find it. We could only say that God was blessing us.

But there are many dogs that look similar or even exactly the same. To confirm whether it is the right one or not, Xiong Ran needs to confirm it on the spot, or even go to the police station for identification. But at least he has a suspected target.

"What prince? This is my pancake..."

In Yunshui Yayuan, there was a lot of people walking around the lawn near the main entrance. When Xiong Ran and Yu Shuying rushed over and squeezed into the crowd, they saw Jiang Muchu arguing with a middle-aged woman while pulling the dog leash.

The Alaskan gray peach, who was suspected to be the prince, was limping while playing with a Samoyed that was led by a girl next to Jiang Muchu, and was so excited that he didn't care about anything else.

Jiang Muchu came to visit his friend and brought Samona with him. The two dogs are very familiar with each other.

And according to the clues provided above, the prince did disappear near here at the end. Based on this, it is also judged that this Alaska named Da Bing is basically the prince, but she is unsure about his lameness...

So I contacted Xiong Ran and asked him to confirm it in person.

"Damn, he's limping again?"

Xiong Ran, who squeezed into the crowd, was speechless. The moment he saw the lame dog, he was very sure that this stupid dog was the runaway slipper prince. He was playing with Nana's familiar lecherous dog, and he was pretending to be lame...

Damn, one trick can make you successful everywhere

"Prince, Mom is back..."

Yu Shuying clapped her hands and called out. The Alabama, which was still excitedly playing with the Samoyed, looked up, tilted its big head to take a look, then sniffed. The next moment, it pounced with its big tongue hanging out, whimpering...

Mom is finally back, and Dad Bear is bullying the dog.

Please, make the decision for me...