He traveled through time three years ago and killed the queen's ex-girlfriend

Chapter 64: Honestly speaking, the battle of the New Year's Day album


As Alaska was barking and whimpering at Yu Shuying, wagging its tail and licking her hands, the middle-aged woman holding the leash became increasingly embarrassed and angry.

She has adopted this guy for a week. Not only does he provide her with good food and drink, but he has never been so affectionate to her before.

It's so fucking infuriating, it's such a fucking shit!

"What? Stop it..."

Xiong Ran stepped forward and tried to untie the noose around the neck of the slipper, but the middle-aged woman refused and scolded him.

"Sister, isn't this obvious?"

Xiong Ran turned around and stood up, took out the dog license and shrugged, "This is the dog owner's ID card. My prince has an ID chip with a formal ID code! A few days ago, he was attracted and hooked up and ran away. We have been looking for him. This is the 'Dog Lost Notice'..."

As he spoke, he took out the "Dog Lost Notice" printed by Yu Shuying and distributed it to the spectators around him. He also gave a copy to the middle-aged woman, "Prince, if you adopt the dog for a few days, we will give you a reward. Do you think it's feasible?"

"No, I want a dog!"

The middle-aged woman refused and maintained a firm attitude.

Xiong Ran's face turned serious. "Big sister, stop while you're ahead! My prince had just been bathed and combed before he got lost. I don't believe you can't tell that this is a pet dog with an owner! You can ignore it, but you haven't reported it to the police station for a week. It's obvious that he wants to keep it for himself. This is a crime of infringing on other people's property..."

"My purebred Alaskan is worth more than ten thousand dollars. Although I don't know much about the law, it should be at least three years old..."

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman's face turned pale and she pursed her trembling lips. Is it true

"I didn't steal it, it came home with me..."

The middle-aged woman explained in a panic, "I was taking a walk a few days ago, and it suddenly jumped out and followed me. It followed me home without any fear! Our previous dog died, and we had some leftover dog food. It's been eating well these days..."

At this point, there was no further dispute about the dog's ownership. Xiong Ran could see that the middle-aged woman was still kind-hearted and really liked dogs, otherwise Slippers would not have gone home with her.

This dog is a little too smart, kind of weird.

"Sister Mu Qiu, thank you..."

After transferring 2,000 yuan to the middle-aged woman as a reward for adopting the slippers over the past few days, Xiong Ran turned around and thanked Jiang Muchu beside him. Thank you so much.

"You're welcome, as long as you find it..."

Jiang Muchu smiled slightly, but then said with a bit of heartache: "The prince's leg is lame. If he had been found earlier, this wouldn't have happened. I hope you don't despise him..."

Hearing this, Xiong Ran smiled and kicked off the slippers at his feet, "Stop pretending, walk normally!"

Then, the next scene overturned Jiang Muchu's cognition, because after the prince was kicked and stunned for a while, his pace of playing with Nana suddenly became normal...

What the hell, are you pretending to be lame and pitiful

"Tell me, what's going on..."

In the villa, in the living room, Yu Shuying questioned Xiong Ran, and the prince just lay obediently at her feet. From the time he returned from Yunshui Yayuan until now, he had been ignoring Xiong Ran in slippers. There was obviously a problem, a big problem.

Originally, they wanted to thank Jiang Muchu for helping them find the dog, but she didn't want any reward, and she was going to stay overnight at her girlfriend's house, so even if they wanted to treat her to a meal as a thank you, they had to make another appointment. In this way, the two of them and the dog returned home.

Go home now, undergo interrogation, and tell the truth.

"Ahem, nothing much..."

Xiong Ran shrank his neck and glared at Slippers, who was sticking out his tongue and seemed to be shaking. Seeing that he had Yu Shuying's support, this guy actually looked at him provocatively.

"Nothing? Will the prince suddenly hate you?"

"Nothing? It would suddenly run away?"

"Nothing? Tell the truth..."

Faced with three questions in a row, Xiong Ran considered his words for a while, "You also saw the Samoyed today. I was afraid that Nana might ride on it when they were playing around, so I thought of giving it a small operation. From now on, the dog will have a peaceful life without worldly entanglements. Do you agree..."

"I don't recognize you, you are really good!"

Yu Shuying was a little amused when she heard this, "How can you be worse than a dog! What would you think if your thing was cut off? Dogs have their rights, too."

Xiong Ran was embarrassed, it was indeed a bit unkind.

But after this experience, I kind of understand why Slippers ran away and met him before. It was probably because the previous owner wanted to kill him, so he ran away. He pretended to be lame and cute after being adopted, and continued to run when things were not right...

Is this still a dog? It must be a dog spirit.

"Okay, stop messing around..."

Yu Shuying stroked the prince's dog's head, raised her eyes and snorted, "Jiang Muchu is not worried, why are you worried? I didn't expect that after not seeing him for a month, I met a beautiful woman while walking the dog, and she even helped me find the dog..."

"Tsk tsk, Master, this is an unusual relationship."

"Unfair, I'm not familiar with you..."

Xiong Ran had to explain, raising his hand and swearing, "We've only met a few times while walking the dog, and we haven't even spoken a few words. Helping me find my slippers was just a courtesy..."

"Okay, explanation is just covering up..."

Yu Shuying interrupted, but for some reason, she always felt that Jiang Muchu's eyes looking at Xiong Ran were a little strange. Never mind, maybe it was because they were all dog friends. After all, he helped find the prince, and he would have to thank him in the future.

Click, the door opens

At night, when Yu Shuying was washing up and taking a bath, Xiong Ran pressed the door handle. It was not locked and could be opened...

What else is there to say? He quickly went into the room and closed the door. They hadn't had passionate sex for a month. Tomorrow is Sunday and Xiong Ying won't open the door. They will have sex until dawn no matter what. Well, they will continue the battle during the day tomorrow!

"Oh~ Sister Ying, I miss you so much..."

"Huh~ Pervert, no restraint at all..."

That night, as time passed, warm flowers bloomed in the small villa from the bathroom to the bedroom. The cold winter could not freeze the fiery passion. That night, desire turned into action, and body and mind merged.

In a blink of an eye, it was Monday, February 4th, and the day was dawning.

Yu Shuying stretched lazily, looking at Xiong Ran who was still sleeping soundly beside her, and felt refreshed both physically and mentally.

On Saturday night, they had a passionate night of debauchery, and yesterday day and night they had endless sex, so they were exhausted both physically and mentally, but also very happy and joyful.

"What a lustful person, he can't get enough of it..."

With a slight smile on her lips, Yu Shuying got up.

Xiong Ran has already written 5 songs for Wang Teng’s second album after the new year. 3 of them are fast-paced and out of tune, and 2 are extremely soothing love songs. They are not bad.

After all, no matter how weird it is, it is nothing compared to the "Nunchucks" that we already have.

Wang Teng's first small album of three songs sold over 300,000 copies in a full month, ranking outside the top 30 in sales. Jin Kai and Qi Nuan's joint album sold over 1 million copies in a full month, but unfortunately did not make it into the top ten, ranking 11th.

In the new year of 2013, there are many companies and singers releasing albums on New Year's Day. It's really a battle of gods!

The first place is a male singer from Kyoto who is both talented and popular, with 3.8 million copies, and the second place is also a female singer from Kyoto, with 3.3 million copies!

No. 3, a male singer from Universal Entertainment Media, the leader of Shanghai’s entertainment industry, with 3 million copies!

The top three monthly sales on New Year's Day all exceeded 3 million copies, with a total of over 10 million copies. As for the 4th to 10th, although their total sales also exceeded 10 million copies, they did not increase much.

After all, the 10th place only sold 1.1 million copies, and the difference between Jin Kai and Qi Nuan's albums is not much, so it can be considered a tie.

It is worth mentioning that in order to stop the White Elephant during the New Year’s Day of Chenxing, a popular singer released an album with good quality, and although it did win, it was not a big win, ranking 9th in the sales ranking with 1.25 million copies!

Although Baixiang’s musical ability is not weak, Chenxing is huge in size and has more talented and popular singers.

So, we have to fight and battle again.

Xiong Ying must grow stronger as quickly as possible and join the war!