He traveled through time three years ago and killed the queen's ex-girlfriend

Chapter 67: Three-court trial, romantic lavender bottle


February 8, the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, Friday evening.

Xiong Ran was carrying a bag and dragging a suitcase as he walked towards his building in the community. There were many pedestrians on the road. After all, it was the end of the year and it was a busy day for both adults and children because it was a holiday.

I didn't know many people, and I only came back for the Chinese New Year. I walked towards Building 10 alone and silently.

Unit 1, 1501, three-bedroom apartment with north-south ventilation.

"Oh my god, what's going on..."

Click, the door is not locked, push it.

Suddenly, all the men, women, old and young in the room looked towards the living room door. They saw Xiong Ran, who was about to open the door and step forward, stop and look a little confused.

"A three-court trial? There are so many people?"

Xiong Ran was indeed a little confused. His father, mother, sister, grandparents, aunt, uncle, and several close relatives on his paternal side were all present. What were they going to do

"Ahem, you must be tired..."

Xiong Xin, who had her hair tied in a ponytail, stepped forward, blinking one eye at the same time. Xiong Ran understood what she meant, "I came back from a long journey on the bus, I'm a little tired, you guys go take care of it..."

Xiong Ran smiled awkwardly and coughed dryly, and just as he turned to go back to his room, his father Xiong Jianlin gave an order in a deep voice.

"Come here and sit in the middle chair!"

"No, I'm really tired..."

Xiong Ran still wanted to argue, but after seeing his father's eyes and the smiles of his grandparents, he finally went to the middle of the living room, sat on a round stool in front of the coffee table, and faced the three judges' trial.

If I had known this earlier, I wouldn’t have come back. It’s so painful.

From the time when Chenxing terminated the contract till now, my father has not called me, and he usually does not contact me much unless there is nothing to do. However, my mother Jin Guifen and my sister Xiong Xin have been in contact with me, either through WeChat or by phone, chatting about family matters.

Among them, a very important message is that this time when he, the eldest son of the Xiong family, returns home, he must have a set of rules for marriage, whether it is a childhood marriage with Xu Ruoqing, or some other woman he arranges himself or through a blind date, in short, he must shoulder the burden of continuing the family line.

It’s the 26th of the lunar year. People of my age who have children are already old enough to take care of the house. If you don’t push them too much, and they work hard for their careers all year round, they will be able to get married and have children in no time!

Although there are other cousins from the Xiong family in my aunt and uncle's families, the oldest one is in his early 20s.

Similar to Xiong Xin, it’s still too early for him to get married. As the eldest son of the Xiong family, Xiong Ran should set a good example.

It's so painful. It's so tragic to be reborn through time travel.

"Tell me, what do you think about marriage..."

The atmosphere was quiet for a moment, and in front of everyone's gaze, Xiong Jianlin spoke, "If you're with Xu girl, you can get married in the spring of next year! You don't have to worry about the Xu family, we will help you mediate, you just need to get married when the date comes..."

"If you want to date on your own, I'll give you half a year at most. It's not hard to find a girl with your conditions. Half a year is enough time to find a partner and then talk about marriage..."

"26 on the New Year's Day, you are not a kid anymore! Many of your classmates' children can talk and even play soy sauce..."

"We can't put it off any longer! I wanted you to go home three years ago when your career wasn't going well. The entertainment industry is unreliable, it's complicated and confusing, a simple life is the most real!"

"Now that you have terminated your contract and are free, why are you not going home to start a studio? Are you not coming back?"

"Are you used to being wild? Or is it because the magic capital is too expensive..."

Xiong Ran felt a little pained. He looked around and scratched his head before speaking, "Dad, thirty is the right time to stand on your own feet!"

"I don't understand now that a simple life is the real life. I want to try my luck while I'm still young. It won't be too late to get married and have kids when I'm thirty. Why rush?"

"If I were 36, it would be my fault, no need to rush me! But I'm only 26 now, I'm still young..."

"Really, I have no desire to get married at all!"

Xiong Ran frankly said that if he hadn't occupied the original body and hadn't fulfilled his filial piety and responsibilities, he wouldn't want to come back to this family because of all the entanglements and constraints.

How free it is to be alone, without any restrictions or constraints.

"How are you going to explain to the Xu family?"

Xiong Jianlin was neither angry nor annoyed. It was obvious that he had expected Xiong Ran's reply. It was normal for people who work hard outside to have wild ambitions and be unable to settle down.

"When you were little, you kissed Miss Xu in front of half of your classmates, and you even revealed that you were engaged as a child..."

"This relationship has been with you for your entire elementary, middle, and high school years! And now you've run away and denied it? Girl Xu couldn't face her pride and changed her job to go to Kyoto. This is the harm and sin you've caused..."

"Why don't you marry her and save your self-esteem!"

"Why don't you get married earlier, so that little girl Xu will give up completely and get married as soon as possible..."

"Do you think I want to urge you to get married? It's because you've been dragging your feet that this matter has not been resolved and has been delayed..."

"You can wait until you are thirty to get married, can Xu girl? This girl is very stubborn..."

"Our Xiong family can't even face the Xu family now. The relationship between the two generations has been severed by you..."

"Go to the Xu family tomorrow and apologize."

"We'll talk about whether to forgive or not later, at least you have to have an attitude! And you're single now, if things don't work out, try talking to Miss Xu, what if you feel attracted to her..."

"Brother, Sister Ruoqing is actually quite nice..."

In Xiong Ran's bedroom, the three-court trial has ended. The purpose was to persuade him with emotion and reason, and let him go to the Xu family tomorrow to apologize sincerely. After all, from the time he fled to the Magic City until now, neither his original body nor he had apologized.

After distributing the gifts to parents and grandparents, the adults continued to chat in the living room. Xiong Ran and Xiong Xin came to Xiong Ran's bedroom and also chatted.

Xiong Xin, who has a slim figure, good looks and a ponytail, looks youthful and smacked her lips at this moment.

"Sister Ruoqing is beautiful and generous, and she is devoted to you. Where can you find such a good sister-in-law? If you go there tomorrow and behave well, maybe you can get married right away, and then get married, have children, and reach the peak of your life..."

"Shut up, what do you know?"

Xiong Ran interrupted him angrily, saying that Xu Ruoqing was not infatuated with him, she just lost her self-esteem and face. She couldn't accept the sudden loss of what she originally had, and all she had was possessiveness, but no affection or love.

Anyway, the few times I met Xu Ruoqing recently, I didn't feel any affection in her eyes. Instead, she seemed more arrogant and domineering, and was indignant and ashamed that he had a new girlfriend again. Otherwise, if it was true love, even if she wouldn't bless him, at least she wouldn't get angry.

Being liked and loved is nice, but being possessed and owned by others is a bit uncomfortable.

"Hmph, as if you know everything?"

Xiong Xin raised her head slightly, "After all, I have watched many romantic dramas, so I am sure I understand more than you do. You are just relying on the fact that Sister Ruoqing likes you, so you are fearless..."

"Don't deny it! And don't be so arrogant!"

"If Sister Ruoqing suddenly got a boyfriend, or even got married soon, tsk tsk..."

"Brother, will you cry to death?"

"Get out!" Xiong Ran laughed and directly pulled Xiong Xin out, then closed the door.

Romance dramas are so melodramatic, they are all to deceive young girls. Although reality is far more melodramatic than novels, movies and TV shows, people still have normal human judgment and thinking.

It's just, eh...

"What a sin..."

The room was tidy and clean. It was obvious that he was often disturbed, but that was not the main point. The main thing was that looking at a small glass bottle on the bookshelf, Xiong Ran sighed softly.

Lavender Bottle, I forgot whether it was in the fifth or sixth grade of elementary school, but the idol drama "Lavender Bottle" was a hit.

Although the plot is different from the "Lavender" idol drama in Earth's time and space, it is basically the same, both of which are childhood promises and encounters after growing up.

It was after watching this popular idol drama that the original Xiao Xiong Ran bought a pair of lavender bottles...

"Fuck, I've been playing romance since I was a kid..."

Xiong Ran was secretly complaining in his heart. In fact, when he was in high school, he had often done all kinds of idol drama behaviors to Xu Ruoqing. Although it looks a bit immature now, girls really like this. Maybe that's why Xu Ruoqing couldn't let it go.

I am also drunk, this painful baby kiss...