He traveled through time three years ago and killed the queen's ex-girlfriend

Chapter 72: Sorry for leaving slowly, on Valentine's Day Eve


Refuse to go out and refuse to visit relatives.

However, although Xiong Ran does not go out, there are always people coming to the Xiong family. In addition to relatives, there are also some parents, friends, colleagues, and even some grandparents who come with their descendants, as well as some other people.

In the past few years, I wasn’t doing well in Chenxing, and there was no one to ask for help. Now I have opened a studio to write songs and books, and the situation has changed accordingly.

Some wanted him to help find a job, some wanted him to work in Xiong Ying, and some even wanted songs.

Yes, it is necessary, it does not require spending money to invite and buy.

"Sorry Uncle Li, I have no inspiration..."

In the living room of the Xiong family, Xiong Ran directly rejected one of his father's leaders and came with his son to ask for a song.

My youngest son is going to apply to an art school next year. If he can create an original song, it will undoubtedly be a great plus point. Damn, are you kidding

Although it doesn't have to be a classic or a masterpiece, just something acceptable will do, but can you please help write it or give it as a gift

In the words, it is an honor for the Xiong family to bring their son home today. In the future, Xiong Jianlin may have more opportunities at work, such as promotion, salary increase, and job evaluation...

Disguised equal exchange is fine, but don't be arrogant and make it seem like alms or that the Xiong family is trying to get something out of you.

"Dad, I'm tired, I'm going back to the house..."

Ignoring the inexplicably quiet atmosphere, Xiong Ran simply stood up and went back to his room. If he had the ability, the art school would certainly select the best candidates for admission. If he also had real talent, the subsequent entertainment agency would also give him priority in recruitment.

Just like the original body, he has a good figure, a handsome face, a good voice, and his father is an associate professor of music. His own musical skills are not weak. Chen Xing has a keen eye for talent and he performed outstandingly in the training camp...

In a word, if you have talent, don’t bury it!

Only those who are incompetent and guilty will try to take shortcuts.

"Director Li, I'm sorry..."

Director Li and his son both looked a little embarrassed. Although Xiong Jianlin was also a little upset, he couldn't force his own son. He was stubborn to begin with, and their relationship had been a little tense in recent years, so he could only apologize.

Moreover, my own son is the kind of person who responds to soft words and not hard ones. He asks for this and that right away. It’s enough that I’ve shown restraint by not kicking him out directly. Why am I still complaining

"Professor Xiong, excuse me..."

Being rejected, why stay? So Director Li took his son and left, and talked about it later. Since you are in the system, you have to understand some rules. You have to have inspiration even if you don’t have it, otherwise, you will bear the consequences.

"Brother, you are too direct..."

In Xiong Ran's bedroom, Xiong Xin looked worried. "After all, he is my father's leader. Even if I refuse, I have to find a suitable reason. If I refuse outright, will it embarrass my father at work in the future? I am a little worried..."

"It's okay, not that serious."

Xiong Ran remained noncommittal. There aren't so many petty-minded people seeking revenge in the world. Aren't you tired? If it is true, there will be ways and channels to deal with it in the future, so there is no need to worry.

He started by pointing out the songs that Jiang Shan wanted, and also demanded this or that, which seemed to be coercion in both overt and covert ways...

This kind of person, even if he really gave a poem to her, would not have any good intentions at all. He would just take it for granted and think that this is something the Xiong family should show filial piety. What nonsense.

So go away, take care, thank you!

"The key is that Arya wants to go to the Magic City to try her luck..."

That day, the aunt and uncle came to the Xiong's house. At the dinner table, the uncle wanted the second girl to go to work for Xiong Ying. This was her mother's younger brother, and Jin Guifen was a little embarrassed.

The Xiong family also asked, but they were all rejected. It would be bad if her Jin family didn't refuse.

Moreover, it is taboo to let relatives participate in starting a business. They will feel bad if the work is not done well, they will feel bad if they are paid too little, and it will be difficult to handle problems at work, etc. These are all problems, so Jin Guifen shook her head and refused without waiting for Xiong Ran to refuse, and just gave up on going to Xiong Ying.

"If you want to go to Shanghai, you can find a suitable job near Xiong Ran. That way, Xiong Ran can help take care of you. Forget about going to Xiong Ying..."

Xiong Ran remained silent. No matter whether it was his father's or his mother's side, he didn't want anyone to get involved in his studio, not even as a handyman.

There are quite a few relatives on both sides, including cousins, brothers and sisters, and cousins.

Once you open the door and agree to one person, you might end up with a second, third, or fourth one. Moreover, when relatives work together, many problems are difficult to deal with.

Not to mention whether you can do the job well, the salary, work mistakes, etc.

In short, from now on, only my elder sister Xiong Xin can be allowed to speak, but no one else except my direct relatives can be allowed to speak.

"Xiao Chen, is this arrangement okay?"

In response to her aunt's question, Jin Xiaochen nodded happily. She wanted to escape from Hangzhou as soon as possible. She was annoyed by the constant urging to get married. It didn't matter whether she went to Xiong Ran's studio or not, as long as she had a proper job in the Magic City.

"Uncle, I suggest Xiaochen continue to study..."

Looking at his happy and excited little cousin, Xiong Ran knew very well what she was thinking. It was obvious that she was tired of being lectured at home in the past six months, so she wanted to escape from Hangzhou.

I graduated from a junior college, but my major is not very good. I couldn't find a good job in Hangzhou, so I quit my job and stayed at home. With this condition, I would be destined to do odd jobs in Shanghai. It is better for me to continue studying, otherwise I won't be able to get good conditions when I get married in the future.

"Find an easy day shift job..."

Xiong Ran analyzed to his uncle, "You don't need to ask a girl how much money she makes, as long as she has enough to spend! If she continues her studies and improves herself while working, she will have a better chance of finding a good job in the future..."

"Otherwise, it would be better to just find a job in Hangzhou, find a date, and get married in the end."

Jin Xiaochen gritted his teeth after hearing this.

If you don't want to be taken care of in Shanghai, just say it directly. As for revealing the truth, you went to Shanghai because you don't want to hang out in Hangzhou, and you want to change a place to continue your life. If she is a good student, is it necessary that she did poorly in the college entrance examination and didn't get into a good university

Why go to Shanghai to work and study at the same time? Come on, what's the point of working so hard

No, I want to have fun outside for a few years first.

"Hehe, you have good relationships with people..."

In the evening, Xiong Ran and Yu Shuying started a video chat and recounted the bad things that happened in the past two days, which made Yu Shuying laugh constantly in the camera, "Like me, I just ignore them! The relatives on my adoptive mother's side are not friendly, and the relatives on my biological parents' side are even more unfriendly. They are very idle..."

"No visiting, no entertaining, no worries!"

Xiong Ran grinned, "Blood ties are bound together, not to mention different circumstances..."

"Yes, your family is big and prosperous..."

In the camera, Yu Shuying was wearing loose pajamas, with her fair shoulders half exposed. "You are still young and don't understand! After another ten or eight years, when you are older, you will understand family affection better. It is a touch of longing and concern, and it is the bond that keeps you from being completely alone and helpless in this world..."

"Before, because of my adoptive father's behavior, I even hated my adoptive mother a little bit and didn't want to take care of her in her old age!"

"But it's different now. The grace of raising me is greater than heaven, so I just need to let go of some unnecessary calculations. I've had a good time with my adoptive mother this year, but..."

At this point, Yu Shuying sighed, "My mother's health is getting worse every year. Although I have an aunt to take care of her, she may not live many years. In the future, I will have no relatives..."

Yu Shuying's adoptive mother first had a brain tumor, which then turned into cancer. Now her legs and feet are not very flexible, and her memory and speech expression are gradually deteriorating.

Yu Shuying is not short of money, and her family has hired an aunt to take care of her. Although she works in Shanghai, she used to often go back to Liangxi when she had work to do. And through video communication over the past two days, she plans to bring her adoptive mother to Shanghai for recuperation in the spring after the New Year so that she can take care of her and serve her filially.

Now, unlike before when she had to go out frequently in Chenxing, Xiong Ying is one of the bosses. She only needs to recruit or train some agents and settle down in Shanghai for a long time. She no longer has to go out frequently and has the conditions to take care of her children personally and accompany them in their final years.

Of course, we will also hire an aunt to take care of you full-time.

Yu Shuying's goal is to be able to keep the old man company and chat at any time so that he can see his adopted daughter often.

Xiong Ran had no objection to this. After all, Yu Shuying was not living with him for a long time. She could spend a few nights with him a few times a month to keep their relationship sublimated...

"By the way, tomorrow is Valentine's Day..."

Suddenly, Yu Shuying smiled brightly in the camera, "Did your family introduce you to a blind date? Which beautiful girl did you spend Valentine's Day with? Tell me the truth..."

"Don't say no, I know everything."