He Woke Up And Became The Actor’s Cat

Chapter 6: Life


Qin Chen posted a Weibo upside-down, and fans in the comment area said they wanted to be his cat and be hugged by him, and some people wanted to perform a show for him.

Qin Chen was looking at the comment area, and Xu Jian, who was forced to squat on his lap, did not avoid following him at all. When he saw someone howling thinking about wearing milk, Xu Jian thought to himself:

Come, you come, you come to be a cat that has been seen naked and photographed in a bath, let me be a human being!

Xu Jian only knew how comfortable being a human being when he was a cat. Although he knew that fans were joking, he still couldn't help but pat Qin Chen's phone screen with his paw—

Human beings are always in the blessing and do not know the blessing.

Xu Jian claws dissatisfied, but Qin Chen will be wrong, chuck off the screen and threw the phone aside.

Qin Chen hugged Xu Jian in front of his eyes with both hands and looked at him directly, and his voice was so soft that Xu Jian, who was once a straight man and now a straight cat, trembled:

"I was just looking at my phone. Milk, are you angry?"

The lights in the living room were spotted in Qin Chen's deep eyes. For a moment, Xu Jian seemed to see stars in the night sky of the city that he hadn't seen for a long time.

Xu Jian looked at Qin Chen and blinked.

Even if he was a straight man, Xu Jian had to admit that Qin Chen's handsome face that made countless spring-loving girls hold her heart and call her husband, coupled with the gentle and watery tone, was indeed a big killer.

Seeing Milky wink the ice-blue cat eyes at himself, Qin Chen couldn't control the fluffy heart in his body, so he leaned in and kissed one of Xu Jian's feet:

"Why are you so cute, can I play with you?"

Xu Jian didn't know that other cats' Jio Min was not sensitive, but when Qin Chen's warm and soft lips pressed his pads, he was agitated from the human soul to the cat's body:

It's a little itchy, but more subtle feelings that can't be described in words.

Xu Jian struggled in Qin Chen's arms like waking up from a dream, without looking at the funny cat stick in his hand, thinking:

You are cute, and your whole family is cute! Who wants to play with you!

It is a shame to think that he was once a great old man, but now he is praised as cute by a man... it is a shame!

Qin Chen, who was forced to let go of Xu Jian, looked at Xu Jian who was meowing at him and was obviously unhappy.

"It seems that milk doesn't like teasing cats."

Xu Jian paused as he walked towards the cat litter, and then turned his head to'meow' at Qin Chen consciously and ferociously.

However, he had just walked into the cat's nest, and before he got down to feel the extremely soft nest, he listened to Qin Chen cheerfully speaking to someone who didn't know:

"I'm telling you that when the milk went to the cat litter to sleep, I even turned my head and made a milky cry. You said he was saying goodnight to me? He liked me too much, too. "

Xu Jian, who heard everything without missing a word: "..."

No, I just screamed at you just now, don't be passionate!

It's all because of the difficulty of cross-species communication!

And this actor, are you too narcissistic? Who likes you!

After getting along for less than a long time, Qin Chen's original set of people in Xu Jian's heart could not collapse anymore.

Qin Chen in Xu Jian's memory:

With a height of 186, the ratio of leg length to height is perfect, and a face is impeccably handsome, but it is a pity that this handsome face is always frosty, which is daunting.

King Qin acted his own way. He heard that because he had a home in the mine, he was able to take over work based on his own preferences. He rejected countless good resources that others could not get if he broke his head in his debut years.

Everyone in the entertainment industry wants to have a good popularity and a good personality, but Qin Chen is different. He does everything he wants, no matter what you think, being happy is the most important thing.

Some people think that he is just a male, living comfortably and unrestrainedly, and some people disagree with his style of behavior, saying that he is defiant and arrogant.

Therefore, although Qin Chen is a double gold actor and his acting appearance is online, he still has countless black fans.

Many opponents who felt that he was blocking his way took this opportunity to buy out the draft and hack him, but the draft that hacked him just appeared, it was strongly purged by the navy behind.

Over time, the fact that there were people behind Qin Chen and the hard backstage became something that everyone in the circle tacitly knew.

There are even internal rumors that several large naval studios have spoken out at the same time, and since then no orders about Qin Chen have been taken.

It's not that I don't want to make money, it's that I'm afraid that I can make money and spend my life.

This rumor may be a bit exaggerated, but it's true that Qin Chen's background is hard to provoke.

Otherwise, looking at the entire entertainment industry, which one is not sleek and sophisticated to talk to people or talk to others

Everyone's flattering words came one after another, and Qin Chen was so arrogant, why didn't he rely on it

And now...

Qin Chen in Xu Jian's heart only has a few key words: handsome, rich, heavily controlled by plush, and deep narcissism.


Lying in the cat litter comfortably, Xu Jian felt that his back was a little cold, so he awkwardly hooked the blanket with his paws and put it on him.

After covering the small blanket, Xu Jian continued to think about why Qin Chen's human set collapsed like this. He stepped on the ground with his feet just now, and he even kissed his mouth.

Thinking of this, Xu Jian ghostly raised his paw and touched his head and other leg.

After stretching out his short legs and hitting himself, Xu Jian came to a conclusion—

This feels average and nothing special. Why does Qin Chen like it so much

In the end, Xu Jian looked down at his pink mat inexplicably, thinking:

Is it because the pads of the cat are too thick, and the touch of the cat is different from the human hand

As a non-plus-controller, Xu Jian really didn't understand Qin Chen's inner thoughts of the plush-control.


Xu Jian pondered in the cat's litter. The tail hanging on the ground swayed unconsciously to act as a broom. On the other hand, Qin Chen was not idle. He was checking online how to match Xu Jian's three meals in a nutritious and healthy manner.

When taking a bath in the pet hospital, the fluffy hair of the milk body was soaked with water and stuck to the body, looking skinny, and that small body looked malnourished.

But Qin Chen was so distressed, he felt that just feeding cat food was not enough, he had to cook the cat food with milk himself.

Then Qin Chen saw someone saying that cats want to drink goat's milk, and cats cannot eat a lot of things that humans eat, and they will eat bad stomachs.

Qin Chen, who had only fed Xu Jian and drank a glass of milk, was startled, and quickly went to see if Xu Jian in the cat litter had any adverse reactions.

Xu Jian, who was drowsy thinking about things, was suddenly pulled by Qin Chen's hand, and raised his eyelids to look at him:


Are you busy

Seeing Xu Jian's listless look, Qin Chen thought he was unwell, so he closed his mouth tightly with his hands and hugged him before going to the hospital.

At the same time, Qin Chen scolded himself for being too careless in his heart, and even fed milk casually.

Xu Jian, who was disturbed by his dreams, didn’t know what Qin Chen wanted to do without saying a word. He slept well and was slapped up again, unhappy. The four short legs struggled wildly, and kept meowing at him. .

Then Qin Chen found that his milk was full of vitality, and there was nothing uncomfortable.

Then he remembered that after drinking the milk, when he went to the hospital for an examination, the doctor said that the milk was healthy except for malnutrition.

Looking at the milk that was still impatient after being put back into the cat's litter, Qin Chen smiled and stroked his head, and said with a smile:

"It seems that our milk is still a different cat."

After drinking milk, there were no adverse reactions such as lactose intolerance.

Xu Jian didn't know Qin Chen's psychological activities, but his pupils shook when he heard that, he looked at him in disbelief, thinking—

Did Qin Chen discover that he is not a simple kitten

When was it discovered? Just now

Just when Xu Jian panicked, and crazily recalled in which detail he showed his feet, but Qin Chen suddenly stuffed a plush doll into his cat litter.

Xu Jian who was stunned by the doll: "???"

Qin Chen smiled and touched his cat's head: "You must be very lonely when a cat sleeps. From now on, let Mr. Dinosaur accompany you to sleep."

Looking at the green dinosaur doll next to him, Xu Jian: "..."

Thank you so much for thinking about me.

Xu Jianmao raised his paw indifferently and pushed Mr. Dinosaur away with a meat pad—

But I don’t need to thank you.

However, Xu Jian was unable to speak directly to express his disapproval. In the end, Mr. Dinosaur stayed in his cat litter.

After Qin Chen left, Xu Jian looked at the doll disgustedly, and couldn't figure out why Qin Chen's cold-looking man was so girly.

Is this the legendary contrast cuteness

If time goes back a week, Xu Jian would never have imagined this situation today.

When he was a human being, the distance between him and the actor Qin Chen seemed to be separated by ten galaxies, but he didn't expect that one day after he became a cat, he would have the opportunity to get along day and night.

He also discovered another side of Qin Chen that was little known in private.

However, Xu Jian changed his mind again. He had a rare opportunity to live with the actor. Isn’t it possible to get the moon first near the water tower and learn to perform secretly with the actor

Although Xu Jian didn’t know if he could become a human being in the future, he didn’t have many chances to watch the Double Gold actor up close. He didn’t have the opportunity to become an adult when he wanted to, and he would regret it at that time. Too late.

And Xu Jian's intuition told him that he would not always be a cat.

Although Xu Jian has terminated his contract with the company, he is somewhat unwilling and obsessed with being an actor.


In the early morning of the second day, Xu Jian woke up when the sky was light. The room light was a little dark, but Xu Jian's excellent night vision ability allowed him to see the bulge on the bed.

Qin Chen hasn't woken up yet.

The cat litter was originally placed in the living room, but before going to bed, he changed his attention. Even the cat litter was carried into the master bedroom where he slept. Before going to bed, he did not forget to kiss Xu Jian’s cat ears and tell him Good night.

Xu Jian was indifferent to Qin Chen, half awake, the only thought in his mind at that time was--

Plush control was out of help.

Because there was only one person and one cat at home, Qin Chen didn't have the habit of locking the door when he was sleeping. This just made it convenient for Xu Jian to slip out of the open door silently.

After leaving the room, Xu Jian looked back at the slap-wide door gap, and thought:

The claim that cats are liquid cannot be unreasonable.

Xu Jian moved to the bathroom briskly. Although Qin Chen prepared a litter box for him yesterday, he still had a mental handicap. He wanted to use the toilet to solve a cat problem while Qin Chen got up.

The bathroom door was closed. Xu Jian lifted his two front legs and slapped on the frosted glass door. With his two hind legs, he used his front paws to reach the door handle with difficulty to open the door.

Almost... and a little...

For the first time, he felt the sorrow of his short legs.

Xu Jian tried his best to reach the doorknob with his paws. When he finally got the handle, his whole cat was also tired. Now his two hind legs were almost hanging in the air.

Half-hung on the doorknob, Xu Jian was so tired that he panted and complained about the height of the doorknob:

The door handle is so high, did the designer think about it for cats and dogs who want to go to the toilet

Isn't this bullying the cat? The user experience is extremely poor!

At first glance, the designer has never been a cat.

After a while, Xu Jian, who had recovered some strength, pulled down the door handle slightly, and with a'click', the glass door opened in response, and at the same time, it opened inward due to Xu Jian's weight.

Xu Jian, who was holding the handle, couldn't react, and the whole cat hung on the door dangling into the bathroom with the door.

Before the door touched the wall, Xu Jian released the door handle and pressed his body against the door so that it didn't make any noise when it touched the wall.

Xu Jian never thought that going to the toilet on his own would be so strenuous one day earlier, just like a thief who was afraid of the host's waking up in the middle of the night.

When he jumped on the toilet, Xu Jian slipped and almost fell into the toilet. He was grateful for a while, standing on the toilet seat in a hurry.

Although Qin Chen's toilet was clean and odorless, Xu Jian might have no appetite to eat today if he really fell in.

After going to the toilet, when he stood up carefully and pressed the flush button above, Xu Jian sighed from the bottom of his heart again—

Being a cat is really hard.

Fortunately, the sound of Qin Shen's toilet flushing was not loud and almost silent, so Xu Jian didn't have to worry about waking him up.

After solving the cat problem, Xu Jian stood on the cold ceramic tile and estimated how far he was from the sink. Then, his four short legs jumped upwards, and this time he stood firmly on the sink.

Xu Jian cautiously and arduously opened the faucet with his claws. After the small water flowed out, he quickly stopped his claws. He was a guilty conscience because he was afraid that the sound of the water would wake up the host in the bedroom.

After receiving the water with a meat pad, he wiped his face indiscriminately. After all the hair on his face was wetted, Xu Jian felt that his face was washed well, and then moved his wet head over and grew his mouth to catch the water and rinse. mouth.

There was no such condition when he was wandering before. Now that he has the condition, Xu Jian will never allow himself to be ashamed.

I just don't know if there are toothbrushes and toothpaste for cats and whether Qin Chen will buy them for him in the future.

After Xu Jian finished all this, the sky was a little brighter than before, and he could clearly see himself in the mirror when he raised his head.

The white long cat, with big blue eyes, the hair on the head and face is so ugly that it sticks together.

After looking at the mirror and resenting himself, Xu Jian looked down at the very conspicuous black cat fur on his left front leg.

He remembered that he had a mole on his left wrist. The mole was almost the same as the black hair now...

What is the connection between this cat's body and him before

There have been too many things in the last few days, Xu Jian thought for a long time and didn't come up with a single reason, so he had to give up in frustration in the end.

Looking at the white cat in the mirror, Xu Jian, on a whim, suddenly started grinning in the mirror and making various expressions, wondering how many expressions the cat could have.

Just when Xu Jian opened his mouth wide with pointed teeth and raised his paw on the cat's face to make an expression that he believed to be extremely vicious, he suddenly clicked and the bathroom light suddenly turned on.

Xu Jian was taken aback, subconsciously raised his eyes, and suddenly met Qin Chen's faint gaze in the mirror.

Xu Jian was startled by Qin Chen, who suddenly appeared next to him, and almost performed a blast for Qin Chen.

With a scream of "Ouu", Xu Jian slid down and slid directly down the smooth sink into the sink.

Xu Jian was frightened and slipped. When the incident happened suddenly, Qin Chen just stretched out his hand and Xu Jian had fallen into the pool.

Seeing the white cat that fell to the sky, Qin Chen was stunned for two seconds, and then couldn't help but laughed out.

Xu Jian, who fell all over his head, was in grief and indignation: "!!!"

dare you laugh!

The author has something to say:

Jianjian: It's too hard for me, really.

Officer Qin Shovel Shit: Milk likes me too much, too!

Jianjian: No thanks [indifferent cat face]